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AfterMyNap 01-23-2008 01:56 PM

Joyce, Doydie, Sal, Chris, Erin, Geri and all!
Are you all okay? How are your little bodies treating you? My MS buds, I'm worried about you!:grouphug:

...and Beth... and... well, just everybody from our oldbies here!

SallyC 01-23-2008 02:01 PM

Well, since I changed my avatar to the little jumping maniac, I'm tired..I sure wish DM would come and claim it...ROFL..:rolleyes:

Seriously, though, I'm OK, my DF and thank you for asking....smooooooooooches.:p

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-23-2008 02:03 PM

Thanks AMN! Good idea!

How is everyone?

Checking on you! ;)

Chris 01-23-2008 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 193986)
Are you all okay? How are your little bodies treating you? My MS buds, I'm worried about you!:grouphug:

...and Beth... and... well, just everybody from our oldbies here!

Hello Cindy,
I'm here. Today is my day off, so I've been doing a lot of sleeping. It seems as though I can never catch up.:o I'm a tad overwhelmed with all the new people to be honest. I've never been on a forum this large before, but I'm sure I will adjust. :) It's nice meeting new people. I haven't seen a posting from Doydie for quite a while. I hope she is well.

Thank you for your concern, Cindy. You're a real love!:hug:

By the way....I'm getting SO confused with everyone having the same avatar. It's driving me MAD!! But, that is nothing new, is it?

AfterMyNap 01-23-2008 02:20 PM

I hear you, Chris, there are days when I wonder if I'll ever get vertical again. MS stinks.

What avatar?:rolleyes:

Can't beat 'em, join 'em!

LOL, this is dm's fault, sweetie, take it up with her!

DM 01-23-2008 02:21 PM

Would you like to ask about ME????

How rude!

I'm telling AGAIN!!

And, give me back my Avatar.

*heading over to MY avatar thread.

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-23-2008 02:21 PM

You should change your avatar too, Chris! It's the DM fan club!

LOL! Maybe that way she will GET The Sally said...she needs to claim it!

Enjoy your day off! Any more snow in your plans?


Chris 01-23-2008 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 194028)
Enjoy your day off! Any more snow in your plans?


No more SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sun is shining, and I was thinking of taking a walk later. Care to join me? :D

How's that snow doing? Is it cold enough for you?:p

Chris 01-23-2008 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 194028)
You should change your avatar too, Chris! It's the DM fan club!

DONE!! Do we have a secret handshake?:D

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-23-2008 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 194035)
DONE!! Do we have a secret handshake?:D

yes we do!!! woo hoo chris!!!

AfterMyNap 01-23-2008 02:49 PM

We shake our booties! LMAO!!!!!!!

Chris 01-23-2008 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 194070)
yes we do!!! woo hoo chris!!!

Are you going to show it to me, or must I come out to Idaho to learn it?;) (I've never been to that part of the country, I've just eaten the spuds from there).

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-23-2008 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 194097)
Are you going to show it to me, or must I come out to Idaho to learn it?;) (I've never been to that part of the country, I've just eaten the spuds from there).

Now I know how to get your butt out here!!!


Jappy 01-23-2008 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 193986)
Are you all okay? How are your little bodies treating you? My MS buds, I'm worried about you!:grouphug:

...and Beth... and... well, just everybody from our oldbies here!

Hi Cindy thanks for your checking. I am lost with this site now. I don't remember which post I wrote into to say that I miss our small cyper family. This is to big for me to read everything and keep up with you guys. :hug:

I guess in time it will work out. But with the problems with my eyes I can't read so much all the time and then loose all of you.

I was having problems past few days with pain. Thankfully today I feel
better. Tomorrow I take my darling Sage to get fixed. That has me a little
nervous. Mother feelings.

Take care.

Joyce :hug:

sassy 01-23-2008 07:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Which handshake are you using??

MSacorn 01-23-2008 07:58 PM

I'm over here (waving arms ... oops sorry didn't mean to hit anyone with the flailing arms). Arms down.

I'm here, been real busy since Dad came home after his hip replacement. I feel like Cinderella, cooking and cleaning and repeating twice daily. PT and OT were both here today. The cable box went out, had to get a new one and hook it up, snow shoveling, you get the idea. Plus checking on the pups next door. Traipsing through the cold and snow. Calgon, take me away!

I've run myself ragged. I've noticed a bit of a flare and am trying to rest when he does. It's been one week. And I'm dog tired already. Dad's happy and healing so I'm glad about that.

I'm trying to keep up, with ALL our new friends, I'm afraid I'll never catch up. Thanks for thinking about me, sweetie. Hope you're doing better and I'll be keeping an eye on you too.


AfterMyNap 01-23-2008 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Joyce (Post 194659)
Hi Cindy thanks for your checking. I am lost with this site now. I don't remember which post I wrote into to say that I miss our small cyper family. This is to big for me to read everything and keep up with you guys. :hug:

I guess in time it will work out. But with the problems with my eyes I can't read so much all the time and then loose all of you.

I was having problems past few days with pain. Thankfully today I feel
better. Tomorrow I take my darling Sage to get fixed. That has me a little
nervous. Mother feelings.

Take care.

Joyce :hug:

Nappy says take care of Jappy! I know what you mean, a bunch of newbies and all at once. Don't feel bad, Joyce, things will settle down and we'll get back to our old ways.

The newbies are a great bunch, really, and they'll adopt us all, don't you worry.

Sage will be okay, keep the faith, my friend.:hug:

BETH!!! I SEE YOU!!!!!! Let's run into the reflecting pond like Forrest and Jennie so we can find each other!!!

I so know what you're going through with your dad. I did it 7 years ago and it really is a ton of work. I made stilts for furniture, fake floors for rolling chairs, customized everything. My brothers moved furniture and his computer... plus cooking and putting on those gawd-awful, evil stockings! I don't know how nurses do it, I'd go postal! He's 85 now and thinks he's 12. One more reason to hate that new hip!!!!!! ;)

Try to rest, my dear, running yourself down too far won't help anyone! We sure do have a lot of new friends here. You'll like 'em just fine, they're a wiggly bunch. :)

DM 01-23-2008 09:04 PM

I miss you guys too! Glad to see you've popped in. It's a little crazy around here, huh???

take care everyone and hopefully the dust will settle soon; our adm and mods are really working at keeping everyone rounded up.

Bless them...

SallyC 01-23-2008 09:25 PM

((((((((((((((Joyce)))))))))))))))))) ((((((((((((((Chris)))))))))))))))) I'm right behind you guys. We may never catch up, but we are among friends. There are no clicks here.....we are one loving family.:grouphug:

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-23-2008 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Joyce (Post 194659)
Hi Cindy thanks for your checking. I am lost with this site now. I don't remember which post I wrote into to say that I miss our small cyper family. This is to big for me to read everything and keep up with you guys. :hug:

I guess in time it will work out. But with the problems with my eyes I can't read so much all the time and then loose all of you.

I was having problems past few days with pain. Thankfully today I feel
better. Tomorrow I take my darling Sage to get fixed. That has me a little
nervous. Mother feelings.

Take care.

Joyce :hug:

Thinking about you Jappy and Sage too. Let us know how things go tomorrow. :hug:

Taffy 01-23-2008 10:50 PM

Thanks for asking Nappy! (It dawns on Taffy...:Hum: Nappy didn't ask! :Bawling:)

doydie 01-24-2008 12:08 AM

I'm ok. Notice that that was lower case ok. The weather is bumming me out. I haven't been sleeping well. Since I don't really have anything to do, I sleep in. My bodies clock doesn't put me to bed until around 1 AM so I sleep until about 11 AM. So yesterday I set my alarm for 8:30 to make myself get up and do something. I didn't get to sleep until after 4 so I turned my alarm off. Woke up at usual time and forced myself to not take a nap. Other than not sleeping and my psoriasis driving me crazy, I'm ok.

I really miss my grandkids. I know it was just December 31st that I last saw them but I miss them. The baby is walking and doing more of her own version of talking and I want to be part of that. So we're going down Super Bowl weekend.

All MS sx stable.

I was very much a people person when I was an RN and have changed a lot since I stopped working. I was used to this crazy group of people here. And then we had that huge influx of new members who all knew each other and a lot of the people already here and I guess I got lost and was quiet for awhile.

jprinz99 01-24-2008 12:09 AM

Dear NT "oldbies",

I do not speak for all the new MSW exodus group, just little old me. I can only imagine how hard it is to have your peaceful world shaken up and tossed around. I hope you know that we were a bunch of lost souls looking for a safe place to land. I think back to when I first met my husband's family. I came from a very small family and was thrust into a large and extendedCatholic family (he himselfis the youngest of 6 kids). Needless to say I was overwhelmed.

We MSW transfers traditionally take in new folks with a great big huge hug and lots of tender loving care. We are just so overjoyed to have found each other that I am afraid we forget others were here at NT before us.

Please know how much all of your community here at NT have made a difference to so many of us "newbies". We were cut off from one another rather abruptly. In many cases folks had only their family of cyber buddies to rely upon.

I assure you we will calm down in a while. We will all get to know each other and soon enough a stranger will never be able to tell the difference from an oldbie and a newbie - we will all just become one big happy family.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

thecatsmeow 01-24-2008 12:18 AM

Hi Cindy. I am a diffrent Joyce but I am gonna reply anyway. This year has really started bad but finally I think the old body is getting rested and brain is behaving. MSW will be my secondary home now that I have found all of you. Great group of people on here also. :D

AfterMyNap 01-24-2008 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by doydie (Post 195022)
I'm ok. Notice that that was lower case ok. The weather is bumming me out. I haven't been sleeping well. Since I don't really have anything to do, I sleep in. My bodies clock doesn't put me to bed until around 1 AM so I sleep until about 11 AM. So yesterday I set my alarm for 8:30 to make myself get up and do something. I didn't get to sleep until after 4 so I turned my alarm off. Woke up at usual time and forced myself to not take a nap. Other than not sleeping and my psoriasis driving me crazy, I'm ok.

I really miss my grandkids. I know it was just December 31st that I last saw them but I miss them. The baby is walking and doing more of her own version of talking and I want to be part of that. So we're going down Super Bowl weekend.

All MS sx stable.

I was very much a people person when I was an RN and have changed a lot since I stopped working. I was used to this crazy group of people here. And then we had that huge influx of new members who all knew each other and a lot of the people already here and I guess I got lost and was quiet for awhile.

Oh, Doyd, I totally understand what you're going through. This time of year can be so hard, I find myself forgetting why the caged bird sings.

This life does try to isolate us, doesn't it? Isn't it hard to believe that our old, actives selves have come to this? We've had about a foot of snow in the last day, and now the sun is shining full and it takes me right back to a time when on a day like this, my colleagues and I competed to call in sick first so we could play hooky and go skiing. Sometimes, it seems like it was someone else!

Hold on, Doyd, a new day is here and each one brings us closer to spring!:hug:

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-24-2008 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Taffy (Post 194972)
Thanks for asking Nappy! (It dawns on Taffy...:Hum: Nappy didn't ask! :Bawling:)

But subconsciously she was thinking about you and so am I....

How are you it cold over there? It's 4 degrees here this morning...brrrrrr!

barb02 01-24-2008 11:18 AM

I also want to add my thanks for letting us drop in like we have. Hope we can all get to know each other. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-24-2008 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by doydie (Post 195022)
I'm ok. Notice that that was lower case ok. The weather is bumming me out. I haven't been sleeping well. Since I don't really have anything to do, I sleep in. My bodies clock doesn't put me to bed until around 1 AM so I sleep until about 11 AM. So yesterday I set my alarm for 8:30 to make myself get up and do something. I didn't get to sleep until after 4 so I turned my alarm off. Woke up at usual time and forced myself to not take a nap. Other than not sleeping and my psoriasis driving me crazy, I'm ok.

I really miss my grandkids. I know it was just December 31st that I last saw them but I miss them. The baby is walking and doing more of her own version of talking and I want to be part of that. So we're going down Super Bowl weekend.

All MS sx stable.

I was very much a people person when I was an RN and have changed a lot since I stopped working. I was used to this crazy group of people here. And then we had that huge influx of new members who all knew each other and a lot of the people already here and I guess I got lost and was quiet for awhile.


I do understand your feelings of isolation and lack of motivation. I get that way this time of year and especially right now being so sick.

I try to keep a routine as well, but some days just want to stay in bed. I too am a late night person and try to force myself to go to bed earlier than midnight! It's clock won't do it without a little assistance.

During the landscape season, it's a little easier b/c that 5 am alarm is a lot closer to my 1 am bedtime than it is now!

Hang in there Doydie, you've got us to keep you going and hopefully you'll get to see those grandkids soon!

As for the psoriasis...what are you doing for that, besides itching it??!!! :rolleyes:

SallyC 01-24-2008 12:46 PM

(((((((((((Doydie))))))))))) ((((((((((((Beth)))))))))))) My dear friends....Hang in there, things will slow down. I have to admit, though, all these new members are fun!!:D

Jappy 01-24-2008 04:01 PM

Hi everyone :Wave-Hello: Just got home from the Vets. Sage came through the surgery OK. It's all over. I was a nervous wreck. All I could think about that I can't loose someone else that I love. :hug:

I am sure that everyone that has a dog, cat, etc. loves them as part of the family. As you know I only have had her for 4 months but It seems like a life time.
The ms today is better. With the support of my cyper family that has helped also. THANKS

DOYDIE--I understand how you feel. I am going through similiar problems and feelings as you are. We have to hang in there. It seems this time of the year even if you don't have a health problem the cold and getting dark early, not much sun it can take you down.
With our health problems it just makes things worse. Chin up we all will make it with each others support. :)

Hugs to everyone Joyce (jappy ) :grouphug: :grouphug:

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-24-2008 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Joyce (Post 195725)
Hi everyone :Wave-Hello: Just got home from the Vets. Sage came through the surgery OK. It's all over. I was a nervous wreck. All I could think about that I can't loose someone else that I love. :hug:

I am sure that everyone that has a dog, cat, etc. loves them as part of the family. As you know I only have had her for 4 months but It seems like a life time.
The ms today is better. With the support of my cyper family that has helped also. THANKS

DOYDIE--I understand how you feel. I am going through similiar problems and feelings as you are. We have to hang in there. It seems this time of the year even if you don't have a health problem the cold and getting dark early, not much sun it can take you down.
With our health problems it just makes things worse. Chin up we all will make it with each others support. :)

Hugs to everyone Joyce (jappy ) :grouphug: :grouphug:

Jappy!!! I am so glad that Sage is doing well!!! And I am glad you are doing better!!! Give Sage an extra treat for me when she is feeling better. :grouphug:

Holly goes in today to get all her staples out...I think she has about 30!!!

Jappy 01-24-2008 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 195729)
Jappy!!! I am so glad that Sage is doing well!!! And I am glad you are doing better!!! Give Sage an extra treat for me when she is feeling better. :grouphug:

Holly goes in today to get all her staples out...I think she has about 30!!!

Cheryl glad to hear Holly is doing good. How did you make out with her with the licking of the stitches. Sage is coming home tomorrow. They told me to watch her licking of the stitches. If she does it excessively she would need to wear a cone around her neck.

I know that would drive her crazy. I know Holly had a more servere operation and it is wonderful to hear how well she has done. :):)

Give her an extra treat from me and Sage, and I will give Sage the extra treat from you and Holly.

Joyce :hug:

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-24-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Joyce (Post 195754)
Cheryl glad to hear Holly is doing good. How did you make out with her with the licking of the stitches. Sage is coming home tomorrow. They told me to watch her licking of the stitches. If she does it excessively she would need to wear a cone around her neck.

I know that would drive her crazy. I know Holly had a more servere operation and it is wonderful to hear how well she has done. :):)

Give her an extra treat from me and Sage, and I will give Sage the extra treat from you and Holly.

Joyce :hug:

She did fine... she didn't lick them at all! She's pretty good about that. The only problem we had with her was jumping over the fence!! We thought maybe she would have to wear a cone, but she did fine!

I hope Sage does well, dogs with those cones are pretty funny to watch!!! ;)

Erin524 01-24-2008 04:36 PM

Argh. I'm starting to hate my crochet forum.
I moderate a crochet forum, and am starting to not want to do it any more because everytime I try to tell someone to not post a copyrighted pattern, I get kvetched at.

I just got an email from someone I emailed earlier today, all ticked off at me because I told her not not announce that she's emailing a pattern to someone in the forum.

In forums that participate in copyright violations, one of the big indications that they've sent a copyrighted pattern is to tell the person they're emailing to watch their email. A pattern is coming their way.

This girl emailed me back, all ticked off. Apparently she has a computer program that she uses to write her own patterns (not a copyright violation unless she's using trademarked or otherwise copyrighted images) She expected me to remember that she has this program. (ummm...out of 1000 forum

So, now she's all mad at me, and I'm still not used to ticking people off doing the moderator stuff. ARgh!

I guess I'll stay here in the MS forums that I lurk in for the rest of the day. Safer over here. No angry crocheters here trying to stab me with their crochet hooks and the odd knitting needles.

Jappy 01-24-2008 05:06 PM

What ever happened to our Reality Show Thread? I don't know if it is just me but I can't find it. :confused::confused:

Was it taken off? That would be terrible. It was fun and good all of us giving our interpitations of the shows. It also can give you different views of how life is different for others.

Gave us a chance to talk about and laugh about something else then our health problems. Which that is good theraphy also.

Joyce (Jappy) :winky:

AfterMyNap 01-24-2008 05:09 PM

Hang on, Jappy, I'll go look for it, just a sec now...

Erin524 01-24-2008 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Joyce (Post 195819)
What ever happened to our Reality Show Thread? I don't know if it is just me but I can't find it. :confused::confused:

Was it taken off? That would be terrible. It was fun and good all of us giving our interpitations of the shows. It also can give you different views of how life is different for others.

Gave us a chance to talk about and laugh about something else then our health problems. Which that is good theraphy also.

Joyce (Jappy) :winky:

Reality show thread?

I actually cant wait for that type of show to run it's course and disappear so that we can get back to one hour dramas....especially crime dramas. Those are my favorite kinds of shows. Cant wait for the writers strike to be over, so I can get back to my favorite tv shows (the CSI's, NCIS, Without A Trace...)

AfterMyNap 01-24-2008 05:13 PM

Found it! It was upstairs, on the second floor, in the new MS Social Chat forum where fun & foolin' go on all day every day. Joyce, you can talk about everything but MS in there! I'd bet no one would care you talked about MS, but who wants to do that all the time? Isn't a lifetime enough?

Chris 01-24-2008 05:15 PM

What wonderful news, Joyce! I hope sage continues to her recovery as it is going now. You're a good Mum, and we've missed you!

Jappy 01-24-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 195833)
Found it! It was upstairs, on the second floor, in the new MS Social Chat forum where fun & foolin' go on all day every day. Joyce, you can talk about everything but MS in there! I'd bet no one would care you talked about MS, but who wants to do that all the time? Isn't a lifetime enough?

Ok Cin what is going on? I hit the thread you had posted and all I got was a blank area except with you saying here it is. Does that mean it is gone. :confused:

Jappy :confused:

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