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MelodyL 04-08-2008 08:36 PM

I Just Had A Muscle Spasm
I was lying on the couch watching Hells Kitchen. (This has never happened before in my entire life).

I had friends come today from New Jersey. I hadn't had company in some time, I was very nervous. But all went well and we had a great time.

So now I'm lying on the couch and my feet are burning (and so is Alan's feet too), the weather just went nuts. I said 'are your feet burning, and he goes: "oh yeah!!

So I feel my toe starting to spasm. I haven't had this in a long time.

Well, I feel something shoot up to the top of my thigh. I have never had this before. Never!!!!

I stand up and yell "oh my god, I'm spasming," I think I scared Alan

Since I had no idea what to do I just said 'go and get me an alprazolam" and he did. I just took it.

I'm now sitting at the computer wondering "what the heck happened?"

My body is responding to SOMETHING!!! only I have no idea what it is.

Pretty Scary.

Going to look up Spasms and what one should.

I ran out of magnesium awhile ago.

You better believe i'm getting some tomorrow.

shiney sue 04-08-2008 09:44 PM

Do you are Alen take Lasix forgot to take Potassium from pillform or a
orange or banana? I'm really glad you had a nice time. Now I get
spams from the nueuropathy's...All over it really hurts.:( Hugs Sue

MelodyL 04-08-2008 10:07 PM

CORNELL told me to STOP the potassium (I did last week), because I am on an ace inhibitor (40 of the zestril).

I put some hot compresses on my legs. I'm okay now.

This has actually never happened to me, but I was really nervous before everybody came over. I cleaned the walls, the WHOLE house. They haven't been to my home in over a year and I'm so OCD over cleanliness, so I really did my thing.

Could nerves and stress cause one to have muscle spasms that shoot from the toe to the thigh.

I really don't know how one measure where it starts. In this case, it started with the toes of my left foot and I could feel it moving up to my thigh. Everything got tight. That's when I stood up and started to massage my leg.

The alprazolam relaxed me to a point where I am sitting on the computer watching old Johnny Carson Videos and laughing.

Laughing always relaxes me.

darlindeb25 04-09-2008 06:39 AM

I don't have an answer for you, just a big ole :hug:. I know how you feel. I get spasms too and little electric shocks, especially in my left leg. Spasms, I try to walk off, the little electric shocks, sometimes those are so strong, I can hardly move. They can sometimes be so intense. I guess just another neuropathy gift huh? I may check into potassium. I can't eat bananas, they send my tummy into fits. With my celiac disease and all my intolerance's now, I know I do not get enough vitamins and minerals with my food. I just checked my daily vitamin, it doesn't even list potassium.

What were you taking and how much is a good amount?

mrsD 04-09-2008 07:14 AM

Magnesium....magnesiummagnesiumMel, let me remind you....diabetics lose magnesium daily ...other people do not unless they take medications to cause it.


Nutr Clin Pract. 2008 Apr;23(2):142-51.
Magnesium in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and other conditions: a review.
Champagne CM.

Address correspondence to: Catherine M. Champagne, LDN, FADA, Nutritional Epidemiology, Dietary Assessment and Counseling, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 6400 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70808; e-mail:

Magnesium plays a role in a number of chronic, disease-related conditions. This article reviews current pertinent literature on magnesium, focusing on hypertension and cardiovascular diseases and implications for relationships with diabetes and metabolic syndrome. A major role for magnesium is in the regulation of blood pressure. While data are not entirely consistent, it does appear that an inverse relationship between magnesium intake and blood pressure is strongest for magnesium obtained from food rather than that obtained via supplements. Hypertension associated with preeclampsia appears to be alleviated when magnesium is administered; in addition, women with adequate intakes of magnesium are less likely to be affected by preeclampsia than those with an inadequate intake. A role for magnesium in other cardiovascular diseases has been noted in that increased magnesium intake may improve serum lipid profiles. Dietary magnesium is also recommended to aid in the prevention of stroke and is important for skeletal growth and development. Magnesium may also play a role in the development of diabetes mellitus, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. There are data from some studies, such as the DASH and PREMIER studies, that suggest that lifestyle changes (including adequate magnesium intake) can benefit blood pressure control, promote weight loss, and improve chronic disease risk.

PMID: 18390781 [PubMed - in process]

MelodyL 04-09-2008 07:42 AM


Alan and I just woke up. I had a very good night's sleep. (thank god).

I told Alan that Mrs. D. is going to reply and go MAGNESIUM MAGNESIUM MAGNESIUM.

What did I find when I came on the computer this morning??


I read what you wrote and I clicked on the link, Then I googled Magnesium and muscle spasms.


It said in the article that Magnesium Gluconate is good.

I have read in these boards that some people take Cal-Mag.

I'm going to do a search on these forums to see what you all take.

We're going to Dunkin.

If I don't get a cup of coffee into my body, I'll go nuts.

I'll be honest, that spasm last night scared the heck out of me and I don't want to say heck I want to say the other word.

Now here's another question from me.


I used the Shark Steam Mop (that is some workout, believe me). I used it on my living room walls also. I actually lifted that thing and did my walls.

So I'm thinking. I exercised the heck out of my body (but not aerobically), just really using every muscle in my body.

Could that, combined with my not taking magnesium, combined with me be a neurotic kook, well could that have contributed to the thing starting in my left toes and BAM, (it's like I knew that something was happening).

I said "oh my god, something is going to happen" and it shot up my leg but it was so fast, I can't tell you.

The first thing I said to myself after it was over was :"People with distonia live like this 24 hours a day?" I said 'not possible".

Then there on the computer, was a picture of a woman with distonia. Her body was arched up and every thing about her was one big spasm.

I said OH MY GOD.

How the heck can a person live with muscle spasms that contort the body.

Do they get muscle relaxers?

I'm just happy that I had alprazolam in the house. Relaxed my whole body.

I never take it except when I go to sleep. And this was right in the middle of Hell's Kitchen and it was 10:20 p.m.

So all I can say is thank god for Alprazolam and thank god for Magnesium.

Oh, I'm getting a copy of my blood results today.

Do you think I should ask for a presciption for a muscle relaxer?

I am completely clueless here.

Thanks very much.

mrsD 04-09-2008 09:23 AM

This is what I think, and you're not going to like it....

When you use Xanax every day, like you do, Mel, your body becomes
habituated to it... used to it.

At 10:30 you were probably starting a mini-withdrawal, your body ready for its dose. Given that you used more muscle power than usual, your level of magnesium was lower too. Those two situations combined to give you a cramp.

Now remember...don't buy the oxide form of magnesium.
Gluconate is ok, citrate ok, ...(I'd avoid aspartate type).

And since you are now on higher lisinopril... you have to watch zinc MORE.
ACE inhibitors deplete zinc and your new dose is high in that regard.
I assume you take a multivit of some kind with zinc in it?

MelodyL 04-09-2008 11:33 AM

Wow, I never thought of my body going through withdrawal for Alprazolam.

I have never had this kind of muscle spasm in my toe or leg for about a year now. Back then, I posted here, you mentioned magnesium, I bought the magnesium, used it, NEVER HAD ANOTHER SPASM. and completely forgot about it.

So I ran out of the magnesium.

I knew as of last night I had to go and buy the magnesium.

This morning, went to the store and bought CAL/MAG CITRATE.

It was all they had and it cost $5.99 for 100 pills.

It's by Natures Bounty and the Magnesium part of it says:

Magnesium 500 mg
as Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Citrate.

(The one I used previously was Magnesium Oxide - 250) and yeah I now know it was the wrong kind of Magnesium, but I haven't had a spasm in a year while taking that.

I (and I don't even believe I'm saying this), I don't take a multi-vitamin).

Just started today. Alan has this big bottle of multi-vitamins for seniors.

I took one last night. Because it had magnesium in it.

So what do I do about the alprazolam thing? I don't sleep. Never did. When I take the alprazolam at about 11 p.m. in about 20 minutes my whole body relaxes and I drift off to sleep.

I know I can't go off this cold turkey, but if I ultimately go off of this, I won't get any sleep and that's no good either.

Is the Alprazolam BAD for me?? (Alan takes it ever night for his neuropathy and it's the only thing that LET'S HIM SLEEP). It relaxes every nerve in his body.

I'm terribly confused here.

I don't want to be a pill popper, but I do want to get to sleep and sleep for 8 hours. Believe me, when you have never been a sleeper (from birth), and you then know what 8 hours of sleep is, well you really don't want to give it up.

I just want to put my head down at night and go to sleep.

If Alan didn't have neuropathy, he could put his head on a pillow at any time of the day, announce, "I'm going to take a nap" and he's out like a light.


I don't use anything with caffeine except for my morning coffee at 9 a.m. Only water or de-caf coffee (not all the time, even).

I have a hyped up nervous system, I believe, and with the (my son thing), and Alan' operation), and we have no family to speak of, well, my system reacts, my mind thinks, and I could never get to sleep.

I used to have nights (when I was younger) and had to get up for work, well, if I slept 3 hours, I was lucky. But I always went to work, and fell asleep on the bus coming home from work. I used to say "that was the best nap I had".

I now know that this is NOT normal. That people have a circadian rhythm and all that.

I simply do not know the best course of action so my mind can get some peace and quiet and I can get to sleep without the aid of ANYTHING!!!

Is there hope for me?


Kathi49 04-09-2008 11:44 AM


It sounds to me like you just overdid everything. :eek:

And you didn't say how much Xanax you take a day so I am going to assume it is once a day at night. Just a matter of a couple of hours difference isn't going to cause a spasm like that. You have to go without Xanax for more than a day...more like two unless you are taking something like 3 a day. Then I would believe it was your body telling you you need more. But since you said you take it at night...nah, a coule of hours off isn't going to do that.

It is your call as to whether you want a prescription muscle relaxer and of course there are all kinds. But my spasm med of choice is Valium. And I don't see the ER docs giving me Flexeril or anything like that when it comes to the horrific is ALWAYS Valium. And I hoard mine for the worst of moments. It is the only muscle relaxer that will work and work fast. Works great for pelvic floor dysfunction too and most Urogyns will prescribe Valium for that. That and IC.

I know how bad this can get when they come on suddenly. My PM and I have had several discussions about it. He said he never realized how bad they could really get until it happened to him. Now, for every day use I might taking something different. But usually, since I take Klonopin, the spasms don't hit near as much as they used to. I do have some Zanaflex too but I stopped taking it due to the heartburn it caused.

So, again, I don't think it was the Xanax you were lacking. I think it was just a matter of overdoing it.

mrsD 04-09-2008 01:13 PM

When the labels say mixture Mag Oxide and Mag Citrate they typically are mostly Oxide. (it is cheap, that is why).

Is there a 1-800 number on the label? You can call them up and ask them the ratio. Here it is:
I looked it up on their site and it does not give the ratio of each
So you will need to know what you are taking, to know whether you can expect good results.

And I don't agree with Kathi.... I definitely think your daily use of a benzo, has you primed for reactive cramps, when the situation is "right". So your over use, may also combine with dehydration, or any other stressor on the muscles.
Even B6 deficiency will do it, since pyridoxal is involved with muscle functions.

You can look up the signs of benzo withdrawal, and cramping is one sign.
Your body gets used to things a certain way...and reacts accordingly. Benzos are eliminated more slowly in the elderly...remember when I explained the Dalmane issue for Alan in the past? That is why you changed the RX then.

You've had spasms/cramps for a long time. And you have posted many times that you cannot sleep. Both are signs of low magnesium.

And please don't take more than recommended. Stay within normal RDA amounts.

HeyJoe 04-09-2008 03:41 PM

Deb tomato paste, tomato puree,fresh tomatoes.potatoes, spinach are all good sources of potassium. So take a ride out to the north fork, enjoy the day and buy a large basket of tomatoes for ten dollars.

MelodyL 04-09-2008 03:48 PM

So how do I wean myself off of Xanax.

I usually take 1 and a half mgs a night. Alan takes the same amount.

We just relax and go to sleep.

But I'll be honest. I don't ever want to have another spasm. I know I'm not being realistic but it really scared the heck out of me.

And how do you know where the spasm originates from?

Mine started with my toe curling up, then it went to my calf, then up my thigh and I almost dropped dead from the pain.

Today, I was able to go out and make a wash.

But right now I'm sitting with a hot pack under my calf muscle. I heard that you keep muscles warm. Kind of like when ballet dancers wear those calf warmers. To keep the muscles warm right?

So is using hot packs under my calf, well is that a good method to warm up the muscles.

I'll call up the company and ask the ratio.

Be back later.


HeyJoe 04-09-2008 03:54 PM

Melody besides the excellant advise you got above, make sure you are drinking plenty of water to help avoid muscle spasms and cramps...not too much though, everything in moderation

a few people i know have that sound machine, with river sounds, ocean sounds etc. and say that it helps them get to sleep

MelodyL 04-09-2008 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by HeyJoe (Post 255091)
Melody besides the excellant advise you got above, make sure you are drinking plenty of water to help avoid muscle spasms and cramps...not too much though, everything in moderation

a few people i know have that sound machine, with river sounds, ocean sounds etc. and say that it helps them get to sleep


Okay, I just called Nature's Bounty. I explained what it said on the bottle. Her response:

"There is no way to know what the ratio is". I asked if there was anyone else who knew and she put me on with a supervisor who said the following:

"By law, the manufacturer of this product does not have to give the ratio, so I'm sorry, I don't know BUT BECAUSE THE WORD OXIDE IS BEFORE THE WORD CITRATE, THERE IS MORE OXIDE THAN CITRATE."

So (and this gets even better). I just looked at the dosage and it's 4 tablets.

Never knew that, I took one tablet this morning. I just took the other 3.

So tomorrow I'll take the correct dosage.

I also am drinking water (that's been a problem with me, when I go out or go shopping, I never remember to drink water). and in the past (with blood tests), they always told me "you are probably dehydrated". (Now I have no idea if that was in the Potassium level), but usually in the past, whenever I took a blood test, they always told me I might be dehydrated.

But the other day I got my potassium level and it was 3.9.
I gather this means I'm not dehydrated?????

So, until I find the exact perfect kind of magnesium I am supposed to take, well, I'll just take what I just bought, drink my water, and keep my calf muscles warm.

Sound like a plan???

And I really want to go off the alprazolam. I'll find other ways to get to sleep. I don't want any problems because I'm on a benzo. Alan has no choice, this I know. But do. So can I wean myself off?

Maybe, for example, tonight I take 1 mg, instead of 1 and a half. I have done this. There are some nights I only take 1 mg.

So if tonight I take the 1 mg, and tomorrow ....well, how exactly does one wean themselves off of a benzo and not get any cramps or spasms???


Kathi49 04-09-2008 04:16 PM


Before you even start to consider weaning off of Xanax, PLEASE talk to the doc that prescribed it. Everyone is different. But the norm is usually to cut the benzo's by quarters. And to go SLOW!!! Now, my mom had no problem coming off of Lorazepam but she did it without even really trying. I don't think she took that much to begin with but over a period of time she just kept taking it down by quarters and then was completely off. I, on the other hand, had a horrible situation tapering off of Klonopin and I was following my Neurologist's schedule to the letter...that's why I am still on it besides the fact that it works for me. I just thought at the time that I was tolerant of it and I wasn't. Anyway, benzos aren't something you want to taper down off of by yourself without the direction of your doctor. So, let the doc advise you as to how to go about it. He or she should be able to provide you with a PROPER tapering schedule. :)

mrsD 04-09-2008 04:29 PM

I think...
It is 4 tablets, because the calcium is large, and typically the pills are 4 tablets makes sense.

Don't try to change your Xanax for now. 1.5mg is a lot for someone who is
not using it for psychiatric purposes.

It takes sometimes MONTHS to get off benzos... so don't try this yourself, without supervision.

This is an example:
120 caps = 60 days supply for 7.12

Do the magnesium first, correctly. You can decide about the Xanax later.

MelodyL 04-09-2008 05:35 PM

okay, no changing of xanax for now. (But honestly, there are some nights that I only need the 1 mg, and I slept like a baby).

But I won't go down to a half or anything like that. I don't want my body to start spasming.

I've been doing the warm compresses on the back of my calf.

And I'm now going to click on the link you gave me.

Thanks much Mrs. D and all who responded.

I really don't know what I would do without all of you.

Bye for now.


darlindeb25 04-10-2008 06:33 AM

Thanks Joe, but I can't do tomatoes or spinach. Tomatoes especially! They are a nightshade and I am intolerant of those, especially tomatoes. I love them, but they hate me!:( I even love spinach, but I can't have it either. I am very limited with foods, my diet would make most of you cry! That's why I have to go the vitamin and mineral route. Then I have to watch them very carefully too!

I never, ever used Xanax to sleep, I never even knew it was for helping a person sleep, not until recently. I always used it for panic attacks and I only take it occasionally, whenever I panic, and only if I can't stop the panic myself. I knew that one of the side effects are "may cause drowiness", but have only used it to calm myself. At one time, a doctor prescribed it to me, 4 times a day, I could not walk around the house. That's when they told me to take it as needed--that was over 20 yrs ago. Pfizer has always told us it was gluten free, and now denies it ever was, so I had to search and search to find a generic that was, just so I had one for my panic attacks. I keep it on hand, as a crutch, I know I shouldn't, but I have too. When I get glutened now, it's usually a neurological reaction, and I need the Xanax for the reaction.

They are correct Mel, you need to slowly wean off of anything like Xanax. Even though a doctor will tell you they are non addictive, they are wrong, you get addicted to them. You have to have it. I was on Paxil for a very long time. I weaned myself from it, and it was months and months before I stopped wanting it, there were times that I wanted that crutch back. So, if you decide to stop taking it, go very slowly.

MelodyL 04-10-2008 08:44 AM

Don't worry Deb, I'm not stopping it. Last night I was dog tired, so I just took the 1 mg. I went to bed like a baby. I'll continue this until I'm sure I'm not getting any more spasms. Then I'll slowly go to 3/4s of a pill and then slowly after that. Maybe there's hope for me to get sleep the natural way.

Hey, you never know.

But I once read that older people need less sleep (and sleep less), than younger people.

So now that I'm 60, does this mean I don't need the same amount of sleep?

Oh well, you can't have everything in this world.

Oh, years ago, when my son was doing his bizarre behavior thing after he moved out, I thought I would lose my mind, I was crying in the doctor's office. And forget about getting any sleep.

The doctor gave me zoloft.

I had never taken anything like that before. He gave me the starter pack and before you knew it I was at 100 a day.

I also gained weight. But, I felt great. I'll never forget walking around smiling at everybody and if someone told me a sad story, I would respond with "oh, really??? why, how sad". But I never FELT anything. The zoloft allowed me to conquer anything that gave me stress.

But when I saw that I put on 20 lbs, well, in MY case, that's a no no.

So I slowly weaned myself off of it and learned other coping mechanisms. Like going to nutritionists, starting my own asperger forums, helping other parents of compulsive gamblers, sharing our stories. That how I coped with what I was going through.

Alan, on the other hand, well he takes his zoloft every day. He had a much harder time coping with our son's behavior, and for him, I truly believe the Zoloft saved his sanity. And it didn't impact his weight one iota. Maybe it's a male thing vs a female thing? Maybe the females gain weight on zoloft but the males don't???

I have no idea.

So I cope each day as best I can.

Isn't that really all we can do???

Take care,


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