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fanfaire 11-29-2007 01:45 AM

Wish me luck at Mayo!
Just killing some time while I scan various pertinent lab reports. I don't actually leave until Sunday, but I've got a ton of last minute things to do Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and I might not get a chance to start a post before then. Getting ready to go someplace is just about as exhausting as actually going there.

My appointment is 6:45am on Monday, which is actually pretty amusing because I'm rarely coherent enough to form a sentence before 10am. :D I've been told it's not worthwhile to try and park near the hospital, so we're going to use the free shuttle provided by the hotel we're staying at. There's not enough room in our small car for suitcases, food AND my wheelchair, so I'll just use one of the wheelchairs at the hospital (I can get around ok without one for short distances).

I've got my version of LizaJane's charts done (modified a bit because I've had lots of rheumatological tests and very few neurological). I've got a two page bio because no matter how much I condense it, I'm still complicated, and the stuff they're gonna wanna know just isn't gonna fit on one page. :rolleyes: And I recycled an old training notebook from my last job to store this stuff plus the most recent medical records so I can bring it with me Monday morning.

I got a no-frills hotel room with a kitchenette because it's easier to accommodate my various dietary restrictions that way. I'm bringing all the food from home except for stuff we have to buy at the grocery like eggs and milk. I've Map-Quested the hotel and the nearest grocery to it so we won't get lost (I'm an excellent navigator if I have a map in my hand):o

I'm only bringing four days' worth of clothing because there will be a washer and dryer at the hotel. All the same, I was shocked to find out how much room winter clothing takes up in a suitcase! I haven't traveled during the month of December since I was in college.

The forecast for Rochester is only about 10 degrees colder than Sioux Falls, but the wind chill is gonna be rotten, as in minus 30 degrees. Not exactly the greatest news for someone with Raynaud's. But no snow forecast, which is awesome for the four hour drive out there.

We're going to try to get there Sunday afternoon because I have to fast that night and need to eat my supper prior to 7pm, and it can't have any fat in it, so I'd better make it myself (the usual eggs and cream of rice). I am supposed to bring all my meds and supplements in their original containers with me to the appointment, not an easy feat because I can barely fit them into two gallon-sized and one quart-sized bags. :rolleyes: Between all the pills, the paperwork and a snack for when I'm done fasting (can't wait around too long for food when you're diabetic), I'm gonna look like I'm moving in! :wink:

As for entertainment, I really feel sorry for my husband because he doesn't like to read books and we don't have a portable computer or music player. I at least will have stuff to read, and I'm bringing a handheld Yahtzee game for both of us. :D For the car trip, I'm bringing a selection of '80's, '90's, present day and Christmas music.

One thing that has me stressed out is that my health insurance has not yet responded to my appeal for their denial of coverage for this visit. I sent my appeal on November 7th. I guess I'll call them tomorrow and see if I can get an answer out of someone because I really want this resolved before I leave.

Despite all my preparation, I am still scared to death of going to another new doctor, especially when the outcome of this appointment could affect the entire course of my medical and financial future. I've been seriously traumatized over the past decade with all the insurance denials and dismissive medical professionals. I went to three rheumatologists this year alone who wouldn't deal with me because I was on disability; how in the world can I have an open mind after that? :eek:

I think the LTD company that denied me has successfully brainwashed me. I keep thinking that Mayo is going to tell me that all my previous doctors were wrong and that there's not anything much going on with my health, as silly as that sounds. It has happened to me so many times in the past that I can't seem to banish it from my head.

Ah, late night ramblings! :rolleyes: Sorry about the vent. But I bet I'm not the only one who thinks this sort of thing, particularly when plagued with things that are so doggone difficult to diagnose.

But I suppose even answers I don't like are better than no answer at all, right? And at least I'm getting my foot in the door in Rochester.

All the same, I'll be mighty glad when it's over with.


dlshaffer 11-29-2007 05:34 AM

Best of luck to you. Have a safe journey and I hope you find all the answers you are going there for. :hug:

glenntaj 11-29-2007 07:17 AM

Same here.
I'm hoping that the medical staff there at Mayo, even with all your records and past tests, will take a look at your situation with a fresh eye (obviously, they'll be doing lots of tests of their own).

And though I know it can be hard when one is in pain, try to "present" with as much "doctorese" as you can. One of the benefits of these boards is that one picks up a lot of that lingo.

Keep us up to date as well as you can.

mrsD 11-29-2007 08:13 AM

good luck...
What a stressful thing...trying to get help. Good help!

Silverlady 11-29-2007 12:09 PM

you know I was in the very same shoes last Dec. I hope I have sent you enough info and answered enough questions to be of some little help for you. One thing I didn't mention. Each of the waiting room areas at Mayo have computers in them for patient and their family use. They have books, puzzles and magazines. Nice restrooms that are kept clean. Be sure to wash your hands often there. So many sick people and your immune system is problematic.

I can't tell you how much I wish you some resolution to this problem.
And some help....:hug:

HeyJoe 11-29-2007 12:57 PM

Good luck Fanfaire. I hope that you get the answers that you need. Try to stay as calm as possible, look the doctors in the eye when you talk to them and use the terms that we have learned here when you need to.

shiney sue 11-29-2007 01:19 PM

Been there had all the same feelings but they really help,if you
must yell help,well no don't do that,kind of like 911 heh. If your
husband is a people watcher he be looking,or if he likes sports
there;s other's there wanting to talk about that. Your going to
be tired at night honest..

Now my son said they decorate, makes people feel bettter,so if you have
time before going home take some pictures,and I don't have to tell
to layer your cloths,you do that at home..Do wash you hands a lot,carry paper towels to go in and out the bathroom door. You can always
put them in a zip lock bag if it's to hard to throw away. I'm sorry
about the insurance,please call...Good luck,and if you see some one
with a computer,smile then look sad ,maybe you could shot us a message.
Take notes if you have some time... Many Blessings to you and you hubby.
and i'm home,Bob is in his bedroom sleeping...

daniella 11-29-2007 06:01 PM

Hi. Many good wishes and thoughts your way. I know when I was going to Cleveland it was so draining to get ready and so much anxiety came of course with it. Try though very hard to stay in the moment. Focus on what you have to do today to get through and try to remain positive. Regardless you can't give up hope. I know at cc the shuttle service was very good and actually much better then when I drove to the hospital now that was stressful. Make sure to ask for any help you need cause sometimes people forget or don't offer. Its nice your husband is coming. Maybe there will be some good movies on cable. Don't forget comfy clothes. This may sound stupid or babyish but when I go to the hospital even if I stay at a hotel if its more then a day or two I bring my comforter and pillow. My mom said were throwing it away my comforter though if I get well she said when I get better. Its bad luck but it brings me comfort when I'm in a place like the hospital or similar. Ok many hugs

Megan 11-29-2007 06:24 PM

You certainly sound very well prepared for all contingencies Fanfaire.

Just wondering! I don't know that you mentioned whether you will be actually taking all your medications in the days leading up to Mayo or what advice you have been given about that! I know with my 'other' condition that if one takes their meds in the morning before testing then that will affect results of tests. Also for diagnostic purposes any specific meds for several days or even weeks before can mask the true results (that's in my other condition).

I have NO clue in your case or indeed what meds you are on. Hopefully someone else here will be much more informed than me as to your specific medications and how they affect subsequent testing. Just something to consider!

I hope all goes very well for you! :)

LizaJane 11-29-2007 08:03 PM

Good Luck Fanfaire---I'm glad you've done such good work preparing; you're as well prepared as one could be.

Megan, I don't know what you mean by your "other" condition. If this is general knowledge, then please share it again; if it is not general knowledge, I think it's rude to post this way.

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