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Dejibo 02-08-2011 08:22 AM

Ever feel like people are picking on you? or being hypercritical?
Lately I have felt easily on edge, hypervigilant. I feel like folks are being hypercritical. I went to my MS MD recently and he said that is a common emotion during a flare, big or small. He tried to comfort me that its just part of having MS.

Anyone else ever feel that way during a flare? I feel like comments made by others hurt more quickly and I am quick to defend myself in situations that dont really require a defense.

The whole world is picking on me! :( Am I alone when this happens?

legzzalot 02-08-2011 08:26 AM

Well that depends. you have any crabby old ladies picking on you at the store? If so, punch em for me. Yes, i feel that way. But a lot of mine is bc I try to hide symptoms from my family and when they point them out it makes me angry.

kicker 02-08-2011 09:02 AM

MS does effect affect (emotions). I know I cry easier, laugh easier (a little inappropriately sometimes). MS can increase suicidal thoughts, paranoia. Things that go bump in the night can be taken too seriously. Having somewhat of an awareness and understanding helps. Legz, you know hitting little old ladies is frowned on in our society so you practice restraint and don't. She's a good role model.

DH (who I feel is hypercritical sometimes) thinks I've gotten crankier (stupid |%@|#$%&*)

ginnie 02-08-2011 11:22 AM

Hi dejibo and leggs
I do not think the feeling of being picked on is just with MS. I think there are days for all of us with dissability who at times are picked on. No question about it. This happens and it makes you feel worse. I have a house mate I just think is great, but sometimes, I get picked on just from frustration. It isn't easy to live with someone who is dissabed. I am not easy to live with and I know it. My family has picked on me. It stinks. When this happens, I try to come back here for awhile, and put myself in with those people who have trouble too. Gosh this helps. I hope all will be Ok for you, and that there will be a few good souls around to lift your spirits. I have talked to leggs before and try to listen a good deal to what people are saying. People are spirits not just the body. We all need help at times. take care and have a better day, I will be thinking of you, you are not alone. ginnie

Erin524 02-08-2011 12:25 PM

yes, but I always feel picked on. Probably because when I started school and all the way till I graduated, I was that kid that was the school victim. They tortured me for a long time. I know that's effected how I deal with stuff now, and I get really sensitive to things that remind me of how I was picked on. (kids made fun of my name. I really hate it when people screw up my name. Mispronouncing it in what seems to be on purpose)

I also get really really ticked off when I'm talking and someone (my mom!) interrupts me. Especially since after I got the MS, it seems like thoughts dont stick around in my head for very long. Interrupt me and I'll probably lose my concentration and whatever I was saying will be gone.

ginnie 02-08-2011 12:35 PM

names, I understand
I was the 8th grader wall flower at the parties. Virginia is my real name and they chanted "virginia is your name but you won't be vergin long." I didn't know what that meant. I was thrown into the pool, I didn't want to go swimming. It was my time of front of my whole class. This picked on stuff happens to alot of people. I am sorry so many have made you hurt. My solution as an adult is I became an artist. I had long hours in the studio, happy just with my shows and my life. It can turn out Ok, even if parts of your life are filled with those picking on you. I won't, and there are others on this site who will support your feelings too. I believe people are spirits, not just the body. I hope this day, you give some small pleasure to yourself, a nice piece of dark chocolate? ginnie

Blessings2You 02-08-2011 06:31 PM

Sure, I have that feeling every now and then. Sometimes it's part of a panic attack or anxiety; sometimes it's hormonal (or the moon?); sometimes I truly believe it's part of MS, perhaps a pseudo-flare. In other words, all other potential reasons ruled out. Sorta.

It's frustrating when I KNOW I'm over-reacting, that people that I care about and know care about me aren't REALLY thinking whatever it is I imagine they're thinking...but I can't stop myself. I just have to get away from people, because they're all looking at me funny.

Erin524 02-08-2011 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by ginnie (Post 742546)
I was the 8th grader wall flower at the parties. Virginia is my real name and they chanted "virginia is your name but you won't be vergin long." I didn't know what that meant. I was thrown into the pool, I didn't want to go swimming. It was my time of front of my whole class. This picked on stuff happens to alot of people. I am sorry so many have made you hurt. My solution as an adult is I became an artist. I had long hours in the studio, happy just with my shows and my life. It can turn out Ok, even if parts of your life are filled with those picking on you. I won't, and there are others on this site who will support your feelings too. I believe people are spirits, not just the body. I hope this day, you give some small pleasure to yourself, a nice piece of dark chocolate? ginnie

The name thing really irritated me in school. Reason I got picked on my VERY first day of school was because of my sister. On her first day of school two years before I started school, she was asked a question, and her answer to the question was what caused those kids to saddle her with a really horrible nickname. (she'd misunderstood the question apparently)

So, two years later when I got on the bus the first day, those kids realized that my sister had a sibling and so I was called "bad name II". The kids in my class heard their older siblings calling me and my sister that name, so the older kids passed down the tradition of that stupid nickname.

My sister has 2 autistic kids, who when I look at them, they remind me a lot of how my sister was when we were children. (she missed a lot of social cues, got frustrated did I) We were probably easily picked on, because we didnt quite realize what was happening until the harassment got really bad.

As I got older, I got other stupid and insulting nicknames from the kids. One day a substitute called me by part of one of those nicknames (it was a two-word name, and the first word could actually be a real name...just when you combine it with the second word...argh!) That substitute didnt understand why I yelled at her that it wasnt my name and then left the room. I think that incident is why I get really really annoyed when my own mother cant remember my name. (I get called by my sister's name or by my mom's sister's name a lot. But then my sister gets called by my aunt's name, and my aunt gets called by my sister's name)

I've gotten mailings from my various schools for reunions. I pretty much refuse to go to the reunions because of how all those sadistic people treated me. I dont want to go to the reunions and see people that I hated then, and that feeling hasnt gone away.

viseeu 02-08-2011 07:20 PM

Awwwww Dejibo boo :( I'm sorry you feeling picked on and hyper vigilant. i was hyper vigilant for 9 months before my first flare.

you know I love you, you're my bestest friend, and I want you to feel gooder than this!
someone (you know who) is chirping... "baby"
She really can be annoying :D

Dejibo 02-08-2011 08:18 PM

I think I am overly stressed about Jack the cat. He has not breezed thru the post surgical phase like we expected. The Vet has informed us that he is in that 25% of cats that will probably be a life long sufferer of Interstitial Cystitis. :( He has been cycling in and out of episodes of very painful flares. I have been injecting him with morphine style pain meds, and searching answers and consults from other vets. All say the same thing.

I am also mid flare, with a pocket full of badly behaved relatives. I am stuck in snow country and isolated in the backwoods. We dont even have a decent grocery store out here, let alone a place to go buy panties if I want them. The DH has retired and is constantly under foot, and needs to get a hobby besides me.

So...I have alot crashing in and around me, and I am quick to feel like others are harsh. Oh baby in high school I was really made fun of. I was the Native girl surrounded by the wonder bread blonde haired cuties. I had chores, they got an allowance. I smelled like horses and hay, they smelled like Jean Nate' So, I do know what its like to be truly picked on, and I know that I have a good life, and ways around this, but with my head so far up my backside I cant see the light of day, its hard to gain perspective.

Thanks for letting me vent. :o

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