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melek 08-21-2009 09:24 AM

High Blood Pressure and TBI
I went to the a new Internal Med doctor yesterday and she confirmed what I have already been told by other doctors (though they didn't offer any advise) that I have very high blood pressure. Before TBI I had average to low side Blood Pressure. My blood pressure at the doctors office yesterday was 180/110... Wow!

She immediately wanted me to go on meds Lisinopril-HCTZ 20-12.5 mg. I looked the meds up and there seems to be a lot of side affects of this med.

Has anyone experienced High Blood pressure AFTER TBI? Does anyone know anything about these meds?

Please let me hear from you if you have any knowledge, advise, insite.



Lucy 08-23-2009 04:44 AM

Hi, I ended up in hospital about 3 years post accident with BP 240/170 - I thought that I was going to die and the pain in my head was indescribable. Described by hospital as hypertensive crisis. I had a scan and they marvelled that I hadn't had a stroke. I couldn't stop vomitting. Was given morphine for the pain. Apparently blood pressure does not just jump up suddenly and it rises over time. I am thinking that maybe it took 3 years to get to that level- when you have headaches so often it is hard to know the cause of them all.

I now take Hazaar- Losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide 50/12.5mg and do not have any problem now. Oooooh there is HCTZ wonder if that is the same as yours? - My doctor said it is not uncommon with head injury patients. I thought that losing weight would help but doesn't seem to make any difference - as when I haven't taken my tablets for a week or so my blood pressure has risen - but nothing like it was previously.

I'm thinking that it is all part and parcel of the lack of sensitivity/regulating thing - like I am not aware of my changes in temperature or tiredness until I am at the extremes.

I am sure that one of the boys will be able to provide a better explanation - but yes - I have the same problem. I thought that it was also part and parcel of the shocking headaches from over exercising too.

If your meds are the same as mine I would take them - you don't want your blood pressure to go on rising - honestly - my doctor panicked when my husband virtually carried me in to the surgery and he took my blood pressure - he told my husband to get me straight to the hospital, no time to wait for an ambulance and he was on the phone telling them to expect me as I was being wheeled out the door. I couldn't walk could hardly talk - do anything the pain was incredible - 100x worse than child birth!!!

Let me know how you get on - have missed hearing from you


melek 08-23-2009 07:36 AM

Hi Lynlee! Thanks for the answer. I'm beginning to think this TBI is never going to end. Something new comes up constantly.

Don't know if you remember or not, but I had been having nose bleeds after the accident and none of my doctors could figure out why....could it have been blood pressure zoming up....I'd guess that would be correct.

I'm still working, or at least attempting to work. I haven't made much if any improvement on that end. My doctors keep telling me I need to stop working and really I'm about ready to throw in the towel, so to speak, and do just that stop working. I believe it is making my condition worse. I've also noted that I am lashing out at people at work, especially my boss. Since the accident he has been so ugly to me and I've kept quiet for some time now, but lately, I talk back to him exactly how he talks to me and then he says why are you talking to me that way....I told him the other day that I talked to him exactly how he talked to me. I'm surprised I didn't get fired at that moment. I can't seem to keep my mouth shut now.

I'm back to being frustrated, angry and just plain tired.

I'm sure part of the blood pressure rising is that I am constantly fighting to stay above the water of life.

Anyway, good hearing from you. I did start the meds yesterday. Hope they can help.

It was good hearing from you to.


Dmom3005 08-24-2009 12:46 AM

Hi I'm Donna,

And I started having high blood pressure out of the blue and started on verapamil ER. The reason my doctor chose this is because it also helps
migraine headaches. And I was out of control with those too at the time.

I know that it helps my migraines to a degree. And it has stabilized my
blood pressure some.


melek 08-24-2009 08:35 AM

Hi Donna,

Thanks for the input. I started the meds Saturday. I've been more dizzy than the normal TBI *smiles* and not really feeling very good. I looked again on web for information, seems this is somewhat normal when first starting them....Hope it gets better.

Did you have any problems starting verapamil ER?

Thanks again.


Dmom3005 08-24-2009 10:31 AM

NOt that I remember. But I started it a few years ago.


Lucy 08-24-2009 08:24 PM

Hi Melek, I have been trying to remember when you had your accident. It was in a super market wasn't it? I stopped working approx 6 years afterwards. I was constantly only just coping, now when I think back I don't know how I lasted so long. Maybe it was just total bloody mindedness. I know that I was only hanging on by the tiniest thread and when I was (well the firm was) fired by what had been my favourite client it was just the last straw for me and that was that - basically had a melt down and went home. - and have been home ever since. I don't think I have totally got over it all yet.

On the plus side my husband and I have a better quality of weekends - we can go places and do things that we couldn't do previously due to my constant overwhelming tiredness. I still can't cope with any kind of pressure and I have a feeling that this will not improve in a rush. I guess when I stopped working I had some kind of break down- I think it may have been a good thing that it happened the way it did as I would never have left willingly - it would have been more like I had a car accident when driving home due to tiredness that would have stopped working for me - if you know what I mean.

The hardest part of stopping work was losing my practicing certificate after a year but I do think I am feeling a lot better without work - it hasn't meant that I am able to do away with my 2 rest times during the day though- but I think that I am a nicer person not working. I too had a trouble with my mouth running away on me - I tended to speak my thoughts with out any control! I am receiving ACC - like your workers compensation I think -but it is a constant battle with them which does not help your brain.

Maybe now you have spoken back to your boss he will have some respect for you - do you have any Human Rights or Discrimination Laws that you could use against him?

I saw my psychiatrist yesterday and asked him about BP and he said that he didn't think it was linked and it was an age thing - I'm 53, you are about the same aren't you - how old are you Donna? I also asked him about the exercise headaches and he said it is the increase in blood circulation in your brain - forgot to ask him why more blood flow in your brain causes such pain though

oh - yes I stepped off a grass verge and forgot that it was 2 feet higher than the road yesterday - I managed to avoid hitting my head by roling onto myside and putting my arm up so am grazed and bit my tongue - hurts to talk at least my head is ok - guess I'll find out in a couple of days - the jarring will have been like whip lash .......der.......................

mrsD 08-25-2009 08:49 AM

I would like to comment on the drug, Lisinopril.

I have very little experience with TBIs myself, but I do know alot about drugs. ;) So when I see a drug question, here, I might show up with some input.

In the past two years new research is coming out on Lisinopril.
This drug's brand names were Zestril and Prinivil. It also comes with a diuretic--HCTZ --Hydrochlorothiazide.

It is not common to find NEW data on drugs that have passed patent times and become generic. So the data on lisinopril is special.

What has been found is that some of the ACE inhibitors (the family that this drug belongs to) cross the blood brain barrier and enter the brain. Lisinopril and Altace are ones that do. Vasotec (enalapril does not).
more here:

There have been studies now on progression of Alzheimer's and now just recently on multiple sclerosis, that ACE inhibitors that enter the brain, reduce inflammation there.

Lisinopril is not metabolized by the liver, and is excreted whole.
It is also not bound to carrier proteins, which means it does not interact much with other drugs.

It does however over time deplete zinc. So it would be a good idea to take a mild zinc supplement.
The addition of the HCTZ increases nutrient depletions, mostly magnesium, potassium and thiamine Vit B1. Because ACE inhibitors increase serum potassium up to 15% above normal, the loss of potassium with the HCTZ portion may balance out. But I have seen some people get low potassium on the mixed 2 drug product. So if you eat poorly and develop leg cramping, report that to the doctor.

The most common side effect --and typically in the high dose range is dizziness. But all in all, lisinopril is easy to tolerate.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me anytime.

Dmom3005 08-25-2009 05:30 PM

Thank you Mrs. D. Good information for us.

To person asking, sorry already forgot who, I'm 51 just turned in April.


melek 08-25-2009 05:58 PM

Well...I must be the oldest *wink* I turned 57 Saturday 8-22-2009. My first day to start BP meds too....

Thanks for the information Mrs.D - and Donna and of course Lynnlee.

I'm feeling a little better today since starting the meds and my blood pressure this evening after working all day and driving home is 120/77 so I guess it's doing it's job.


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