Difficult to Describe...
When I first wake up, in the morning, I have a feeling of dread accompanied with physical symptoms. These symptoms vary but are equally disturbing. Sometimes it's pressure inside of me, also hard to describe, that prevents me from going back to sleep. Consequently I get up and do something. Sometimes it goes away sometimes it doesn't.
Right now I am struggling just to sit here and having some tea trying to shake this. I don't know what this is. I feel like I'm going to die. Maybe I should talk to someone, I rarely do, there is no one. :( I am very isolated. What IS this?? :confused: |
It's been about an hour and I think it's starting to go away. :o
I'm sorry Wiix :hug:
My first thought was anxiety, other than that I don't know. |
Thanks Snoopy. At least someone heard me. I'm better today. Don't know what that was but it was strange and scary. It happens every once in a while and I hate it. Maybe it's a body chemistry thing from the day before.
Funny thing is who can I ask?? I sound nuts. :( |
I Wiix,
How are you doing? You could start with your Primary Care Physician or whatever Dr. you feel the most comfortable with. |
Low blood pressure?
Low blood sugar? Have you started new medication? I hope that it resolves itself. M:) |
I have noticed something. It's cyclical.
I know sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night gasping for breath and I have pain in my upper back but I know that it's not any type of typical back pain. I'm real familiar with back pain. What's weird is that I'll be having some weird dream and that's when I wake up. Also sometimes (a lot of times) I'll have a dream where I'll need to yell at someone to alert them to some type of danger.....but nothing comes out no matter how hard I try. I'm mean it's really weird. I'm thinking I need to be checked for Sleep apnea. I dunno.... |
Boy, we really have some problems. :eek:
I still get that strange feeling. Now, it's added a new one. My eye acts funny when I'm on the computer too long. My right eye goes all strange on me and I have to lay down and sleep a little. :confused: |
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