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doydie 02-28-2012 01:57 PM

My husband just found out he has shingles on his scalp. I had never heard of it on the scalp. All the articles I read tell me about who it can be spread to but they don't say whether it is air borne or just from touch. Any help would be appreciated

Kitt 02-28-2012 02:15 PM

Shingles can be anywhere as of course nerves are everywhere. If caught within 24 hours there is medicine to take which is in the article.

I had shingles in the head which did not come out. My cousin had shingles on her face caught that in time and took the medicine and it really did its job. That's what she would do again if she ever had shingles again. I would too if I would have been smart at the time and found out what was causing such agony. Another cousin had them and they went into her eye and did some damage. Then there are those who have them like around the rib cage (maybe more common there). That's where I thought you always got them but not true.

SallyC 02-28-2012 02:28 PM

Yep, whereever you have a line of nerves, the shingles will follow. Valtrex is the med of choice, I think?

Debbie D 02-28-2012 04:20 PM

My DH got it above one the worst headache of his life the day it showed up. I took him to the ER. They of course thought it was a stroke, so did a CT scan of his head. Never even mentioned shingles.
The next day I went to work & told coworkers about the mark & headache. They told me get him to the pcp asap, that it was probably shingles.
He got there right away, and yep. Took the med & he had no problems.

But tell me-why didn't the ER doc even consider shingles???

doydie 02-28-2012 04:23 PM

thanks guys. He has had this for about a week. It isn't uinusal for him to get a pimple and he really pickes at it and it ends up getting quite red and swollen so neither one of us thought anything of this last week when it first started. Then he told me he was leaving it alone but his hands were always on them. Then over the weekend he got several more areas and that's when we knew that something else was going on. At first they looked like bad hives but they hurt, he felt like bugs crawling on his face.

ginnie 02-28-2012 05:58 PM

Re: emergency rooms
I didn't have a good experience in the emergency room either. They missed my diagnosis all together as well. Told me it was in my head. NOT...a year later after multipal complaints I got the proper tests. It was not in my head at all. Moral of story, I don't think emergency rooms can detect everything. I think they rule out the most serioius of conditions, and send you off. They ruled out stroke, which I suppose was the worry they had. I am sorry your husband got the painful shingles. I got my shot this year in hopes that I won't get it. I wish you all the best. ginnie

Dejibo 02-29-2012 07:54 AM

As long as the blisters are wet, he is contagious. When they dry, he is fine. Anyone who has not had chicken pox should stay away. You would not catch shingles from him, but chicken pox. The pox virus stays dormant for years and then some insult ticks it off and RAWR!

It is rumored that those who had an easy case of chicken pox or those who got it much later on tend to get shingles more quickly than the rest of us.

my DD has had it 5 times now. She had it as a teen and it was quite mild. DH had it as an adult and was quite mild. He has had it twice. I had a bad case as a young child and have never had shingles. (crossing fingers, and praying to the pox god that I didnt just jinx myself)

Debbie D 02-29-2012 12:19 PM

Yeah, Dej, you don't need that as well...

I had a horrible case of chicken pox when I was far no shingles. DH was thought to have a single pox on him as a newborn after coming home from the hospital to his siblings' having chicken pox. he got shingles. Maybe that theory is valid...

Is anyone getting the shingles vaccine?

Kitt 02-29-2012 02:17 PM

Nope not getting the shingles vaccine. If you have a compromised immune system you should not get the vaccine.

If I get shingles again and catch it in time there is a good medication to take and it works. My cousin as I posted before swears by it. Just me.

ginnie 02-29-2012 02:25 PM

Hi debbie
Hi debbie, I had chicken pox, about 11 years old quite badly. However, at 60 years old andam terrified, as my immune system stinks. I went ahead and got the vaccine about two months ago. At least I am trying to do what I can not to get the shingles. It only works about 50% of the time, and costs $175.
I did it anyway, as it at least reduces my chances. I have enough wrong with me that I didn't want to add to my misery.
Also it is true, that once your have chicken pox it lays dormant, until some insult, and then you get that flair. I would recommend the shot, at least it is something. I do wish you all the best. ginnie

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