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AynaDee 08-15-2013 04:52 PM

I don't want to deal with doctors anymore..
Hello everyone..

I finally found a neurologist.. I wish so much I had the one I saw back in May.. but since he left the country I was stuck with the neuro at the health clinic.. yeah the clinic that I always have issues with..

This neuro is a retired neurologist that is still working. He's prolly 70-80 years old. I was optimistic about the appt. but that quickly changed when I met him.

I told him that I was there to discuss the results of my MRI and EEG that were performed in June..

He wasn't interested in that, but more interested in "I really want you to take a few different drugs to help your brain chemical balance" and also to lower my "adrenaline levels".

I stopped him and said that was not a concern at this time and also no part of the reason for the visit.
I knew with him saying that within the first 90 seconds that this appt was going to go a different route than I had planned.

I didn't even get to discuss my symptoms. I pulled out my symptom log and he told me that that shouldnt be necessary.

He told me it was impossible to have my right leg feel heavy and numb.

He said all the things I am experiencing are in my head.
None of the things I say are happening are really happening.
That I am immature and need to act like an adult as "you are 25". :confused:

It seemed to me that he was very upset that I have educated myself on this disease and on things that could be making my quality of life better and easier.

I explained how the electrical vibrating shock that I have had for quite some time, is still happening, but now its like someones taking a torch to the entire right side of my body.

He also said that was impossible and made up.

He forced drug therapy on me for over an hour so i finally said fine Ill take Copaxone.

I am not okay with that.
I am not okay with how I was treated.

Oh yeah.. my primary care physician (at the same clinic) bailed on me supposedly he was not with the clinic anymore.

awkward moment.. while i was in the room with the new quack doc looking at my mri images.. primary care physician walks in and sees me and about crapped his pants.. he just turned and left abruptly.

I dont understand how nor why i was treated the way i was yesterday. I am not okay with it.

I am considering sending a letter but feel that will only be worse.

I totally should have brought my boyfriend with me. Or even his mom who has witnessed me struggle everyday.

I am scared.. Genuinely scared for my health and future.

This man says cluster lesions aren't a real thing (although I have been told by two different neuros that I had cluster lesions on the left side which was impairing my ability to walk) and that I just read problems with ms online and just say I am experiencing them.

It was like a horrible dream I couldn't wake up from I felt cornered. and like everyone there was against me.

I don't even know what to do. I don't ever EVER wanna go back :(

chaos 08-15-2013 05:27 PM

Ugh! What a ****. These are the same kind of docs who start treating you like you're crazy if you show the least bit of emotion that you don't like what they're saying. I fired my last doc who told me my thyroid symptoms are in my head, to go see a shrink. Went immediately to an endo who actually helped.

I'm still upset about yesterday's visit for me, but gosh, yours was bad.

Any luck finding a different one? I know, another months long wait. When I was looking for a new one, age mattered. So many of them are older. My last was at retirement age, which I didn't know when booking, and he did retire less then a year later. All that guy wanted to do was dx me with diabetes (which I don't have, not even close). They just say "here is some meds, now go away".

If it was the same clinic as your prior PCP, do you think he looked at that past info, looked at some wacky notes that guy made, and just decided it's in your head based on that?

AynaDee 08-15-2013 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by chaos (Post 1007481)
Ugh! What a ****. These are the same kind of docs who start treating you like you're crazy if you show the least bit of emotion that you don't like what they're saying. I fired my last doc who told me my thyroid symptoms are in my head, to go see a shrink. Went immediately to an endo who actually helped.

I'm still upset about yesterday's visit for me, but gosh, yours was bad.

Any luck finding a different one? I know, another months long wait. When I was looking for a new one, age mattered. So many of them are older. My last was at retirement age, which I didn't know when booking, and he did retire less then a year later. All that guy wanted to do was dx me with diabetes (which I don't have, not even close). They just say "here is some meds, now go away".

If it was the same clinic as your prior PCP, do you think he looked at that past info, looked at some wacky notes that guy made, and just decided it's in your head based on that?

Im sorry to hear of your crappy situation as well! Why must the docs treat us like this? I know what im feeling. I just dont see how you can meet me, know nothing about me, and say what I am experiencing isn't happening. Its so stupid. Ms is alot to deal with by itself.
last night I was in rough shape due to him getting me so upset. I cried multiple times. That really upset my body. Muscle spasms, spasticity, and jerking kicked in high gear for the rest of the night. Awful.horrible experience.

KittyLady 08-15-2013 06:20 PM

OMG!! Ive been thru the exact same thing! Many times before I got my dx. Don't walk, RUN to another neuro!! This crap about all being in your head, I would get up and leave. Don't do copax if you don't want it. Don't let anyone force you into doing something you don't want to do! Im sorry, Im ****** for you right now! Them old timer docs really need to call it quits already. My first neuro said it was all in my head and I needed a heavy anti depressant. I could barely walk, lift my head, hands, etc. Ya, in my head all right. UGH!
(I apologize ahead of time to moderators if I used any language I am not suppose to)

AynaDee 08-15-2013 08:08 PM

I'm sorry that you've experienced this as well Kittylady. It gives you the most horrid feeling of loneliness. And nothing against the older doctors.. But if you're going to stay in the game you must keep up with things. Keep researching, studying, teaching yourself all the new studies and evidence.

I do as a patient, so why not you Mr. doctor man?

I don't ever want to encounter him or that clinic or any similar situation ever again in life. I don't bring people with me to my appointments because I feel that as an adult I can handle my own. But apparently I need to have someone with me every appointment.

My boyfriend's mom wants me calling 2 different cities near me where there are well known neuros and seeing if I can schedule an appointment with one of them.. I don't think without a referral from the new guy that I can do that. And I'm scared. I am not quite sure what the proper move in this situation is..

Plus I have no insurance at all..

I talked to some guy the other day at social security, trying to let him know that I was seeing new doctors and he said he didn't and couldn't update because they have already made a decision and it was sent for review and that I would probably be getting notified within a week or two.

I'm really, really not sure about starting Copaxone either. :confused:

SallyC 08-15-2013 08:50 PM

This just stinks, Ayna and I'm so sorry about this stuff, to which
you have been subjected.:( Just unacceptable.:mad:

I will pray that, soon, you acquire a good Neuro and PCP, who
know what they are talking about, to validate your illness and
treat you with the respect you deserve :hug:

Erika 08-15-2013 09:07 PM

I'd get the MRI disc and a copy of all of your records from that clinic. It is your right to have a copy of them.

Have a look at what the doctors have been exchanging about their assessments at the time of your visits and of your test results in their written notes. I think that you may find an answer as to why they are treating you the way that they are. Whether correctly or incorrectly noted, it does sound like somewhere along the line one of them may have made a comment about their opinion of your mental health and from there it has grown legs.
If you do make that finding, you really need to get out of that clinic all together and go elsewhere to start afresh; as you will probably only get more of the same from there.

Sometimes people get lost along the way and doctors are no diffferent. Just because someone has MD behind their name doesn't necessarily mean that you should do business with them...and yes, it is a business for them. Shop around. That too is your right. Explain your financial situation to them when you find a prospective neuro and you might find that they have some ways of accommodating that.

In my thoughts with well wishes that you find a caring and professional neuro to help you.

With love, Erika

Mariel 08-15-2013 09:53 PM

I don't go to neuros any more. Part of this is because I have another disease, Polycythemia Vera, which requires monitoring often by a hematologist, and several blood tests a month. My neuro symptoms I take care of as well as I can with supplements, diet, stretching. My pcp prescribes any neuro drugs I need such as Klonopin. I never tried the MS drugs because I could see from what's written on the box that these would not be likely to go well with me.
I hope you can find some ways to deal with the disease without the strong MS drugs, but if not you will need another neuro. so get cracking. And may you be blessed with a great neuro. I had a really good one many years ago at Scripps, but he must be retired or gone to Greener Pastures by now.

Hopeless 08-15-2013 10:08 PM

No one should be subjected to being treated as you have been under any circumstances. I say "ditto" to all the prior responses you have received.
Find someone else for sure.

About the age of docs......... some of the "old" ones turn out to be the BEST ones but that certainly was not the case for you. Try checking out the age of the doc before you go in Vitals or Healthgrades or something like that online. You can also check out the "patient satisfaction" reviews by patients that have seen the doctor.

The youngest doc I had ever seen turned out to be the one I had the most contention with after a few years. He finally got smart with me when I disagreed with him and he very sarcastically asked me "How many years had I spent in medical school?" My response was "As many years as you have lived in my body." And that I knew my body at lot better than he did. That was my LAST visit with him.

Find a doctor that will listen.

I give docs a bit of slack as they do see a lot of people that are not what they portray for various reasons, and they carry that with him and tend to have that color their opinions to other patients. Make it clear that you need to be HEARD.

When I was younger, I would have never stood up to a doctor. Now that I have aged considerably, (smile)........ I DO stand up to them and say, WAIT, just one minute, did you HEAR what I said? Do not just move on, walk off, throw pills at me, etc. We are a TEAM and if you are not willing to be my team member, and help me, then I will find another team member. I put my life, health, and well-being in the hands of my doctors and I have come to believe that I DESERVE respect, and help and will not tolerate less.

Wow, that made me sound brave........ no, some times I too get the rush treatment and no answers and all the stuff we have all encountered. Even by some docs that I dearly love and respect. They are usually just having a bad day or very back-logged and I let it go for THAT visit but if it continues, I speak up.

I wish you luck with finding someone and soon. I am so sorry you are suffering.

No matter what YOUR age or the age of the DOC,...... you DESERVE to be treated with respect.

I am so so sorry you were subjected to such treatment by a physician. Yes, get your records. I was amazed at how much erroneous info gets written in a medical record.

AynaDee 08-15-2013 10:11 PM

Thank you so much Sally! :hug: I've been praying as well, so hopefully double strength will give it that boost ;)

Erika- I totally feel as if that's the problem. I didn't know I could ask for a copy of them. Can they change stuff before it is sent to me? I truly feel that is the problem.. I know they talk about me because I hear them when I am waiting in the room.. and yesterday when at the appt desk to schedule follow up for the Copaxone, I realized I had left my MRI and EEG readings in the room so the receptionist buzzed me back in where all of them were standing and instantly all stopped talking with the flushed deer in headlights look, so I am assuming they were talking about me then as well.

Also, do I have to have a referral to see a different doctor?

Mariel- in 2011 I stopped seeing my neuro, quit taking Rebif after two years, cut out red meat from my diet and added vitamins along with flaxseed oil, fish oil, and grape seed extract. They really help, but it seems since December they aren't doing the trick. I really need to cut out yeast, dairy,and eggs as well.. see if that maybe helps.

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