Originally Posted by carolinarose79
So after getting my diagnosis everyone in my inner circle says "yay, you have an answer now get off your butt and do something about it " ugh. On top of that I was told that due to being notified of where the boundaries will be when the state decides to widen the highway all of the work on my house has been canceled. So in other words I lost my house. It is gutted and the highway as far as I know is not slated to begin until 2029. But hey the joys of working with family. And no it isn't in my name "yet". Not till my mom passes away. The house and land is left to me in the will. Anyway major flar day and major depression day so please say a prayer that we can find a rental very very soon. Thanks.
I am so sorry Carolina Rose! That sounds awful! I'm definitely sending good thought and prayers your way! As far as people being on your case, what I have found to be helpful is to tell them about your pain in a way that they would understand more. For example, I've told people before that on bad flares my arm feels like the worst sunburn you've ever had that is on fire and every time something touches it it is like rug burn on top of that, or something along those lines. If they still are giving you a hard time, ask them to read up on it a little bit, even show them the pain scale thing ( anyone remember the name of it?) That shows that rsd\ crps is the highest pain on the scale, above cancer pain, and childbirth. Also, you could discribe it as being similar to fibromyalgia but worse, because people know a little bit more about that kind of pain. But overall, it can be very hard for people to understand your pain, try to be patient on that, but also tell people that sometimes you just can't do certain things.
I'm so sorry today is hard for you with everything going on. Maybe a nap might help with some pain relief for a bit? And remember, its okay to not always be okay.
Sending love and understanding