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Old 11-17-2014, 05:49 PM #1
mrbreezeet1 mrbreezeet1 is offline
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Default Review comming up

I was told when I 1st got my SSDI that I would have a review in December 2014.
I have read the PDF,
(Would not let me post the link the one that says, Mapping Your Path to Work Answers To Your Work Questions From New York Makes Work Pay Edwin J. Lopez-Soto Thomas)

It says New York, but I would think it's all about the same, as SS is Federal.
When I 1st got sick, and was in the hospital, I was all "Gun-Ho" to go back to work, and "this is only temporary" and this and that.
I had colon cancer, and 3 operations, last one being a reversal from an ileostomy, to "hook me back up".
Starting in December of 2013, I did 6 months of Chemotherapy, every other week. As a result of the Chemo, I now have Peripheral neuropathy in my feet, and as a result of the last reversal surgery, have numbness in my right arm.
So I have decided it would be in my best interest to stay on disability.
I hate to say it, but the medicaid insurance I have now, is better (for me at least) than the insurance I had through work. It's a shame to say, and the reality of it is true, that you are better off on state assistance sometimes.
My PCP clinic ordered a EMG of both legs and the right arm, but they have not gotten the results back yet. I told the PCP , well they are PA's really, that now I wanted to stay on SSDI, and what ever she could do to help, I would appreciate it.
She basically tells me that all SS does is request the records from her, and all my other doctors, and they (SS) make there own decision.
I thought the doctors could influence the decision of social security.
But maybe what she is telling me is true.
I have a visit with the doctor that first helped me with the paperwork when I first applied in July of 2013, coming up this Wednesday,November 19th.
I wanted to see what he has to say about it.
He has me on 30mg/day of cymbalta for the Peripheral neuropathy, but it is not really helping.
(I have been getting SSDI about 1 year now)
I also had a doctors appointment with the doctor that did the first operation,
(removing the colon tumor) last week, so that I could have him on record as well.
He seemed to agree that I should stay on disability also.
I have a follow up appointment with the oncologist the 24th of this month, they usually take blood, and do a CEA test, that checks for cancer.
I also have a follow up with the Doctor that did the reversal operation, and am set to have a CT scan that came day, this is on December 8th.

With the onset of the cold weather, my Peripheral neuropathy has gotten much worse,
I also told all my doctors I have trouble walking or standing for very long.
And at my job, we work outside winter and summer.

Let me say that I am 59 years old also, and I really don't make that much more a month working, than I do on Disability.
Well about $400.00 maybe, but not really enough of a difference to matter that much,
and like I said, the Insurance I have now is better than what I had through work.

So I guess my question is, considering we work outside, do you think they will allow me to stay on disability,
and is it true, that the doctors don't have much of a say so in the decision, and that SS just gets the records
and they(SS) make the decision?
Has anyone here gotten disability due to Peripheral neuropathy?

Oh, also,I get my checks around the 3rd Wednesday of the month, does that have anything to do with when my review papers will come?
They just send me papers right; they don't call me in? ( I will probably get the long form)
On the form, do I say I am requesting to stay on disability?
Also, do you know about how long it usually takes after I send in my paperwork, because my workplace is going to want an answer soon.
How does this sound, I was going to try to have one of the doctors write something like this.
Pending a social security review in December, contingent upon the length of the review, Anthony may return to work in
early February, Or if awarded permanent disability, may not be returning to work.

because I think the doctor told them around November of this Year, I might be back to work, and they are going to be pestering me soon.
Needless to say, I wish this review would come and go soon, so I know what I am doing.
I am a nervous wreck.
Thank You,
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Old 11-17-2014, 07:07 PM #2
LIT LOVE LIT LOVE is offline
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SSDI in never "permanent". SS determines the likelihood of a person's condition improving and then send either a short or long form Continuing Disability Review. Usually they just send the short form. If the answers meet their satisfaction, then benefits continue and your doctors are never contacted.

If you are required to go through the long form CDR, it seems reasonable that complications from your original disease have made it difficult for you to consider returning to work--that's not uncommon.

I'm not sure if you've read this guide:
but the advice does apply nationally. Read it carefully and ask any questions if you don't understand.

If there is a CHANCE you might be able to return to work, you can do so and still collect benefits during a Trial Work Period (which is 9 months) and if you're unable to manage, you still will collect SSDI. You MUST notify SS if you work any hours. You can work pt and make up to the SGA level which is $1070 per month for 2014, while still collecting SSDI. If you make near the max, expect that they will do a very thorough review to determine if you can make more than the SGA (Significant Gainful Activity) level and if so, they'll terminate your benefits.
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Old 11-17-2014, 07:39 PM #3
mrbreezeet1 mrbreezeet1 is offline
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Yeah, that was the guide I tried to link to.
I understand during the trial 9 months, from the way I read it, you can collect ALL of you disability, and still earn what ever you make at your job.
The thing is too though, I don't know how long they are required to keep my job open for me.
It is the WV highway division.
OK, I can change the wording of the suggestion to the doctor to
Pending a social security review in December, contingent upon the length of the review, Anthony may return to work sometime in
, Or if awarded continuing disability, may not be returning to work at this time.

So you think there is a good chance they would let me stay on?
Anyone know how long after you send in your paperwork does the decision take?
And is it true it's not really up to the doctors, but more up to social security?

Originally Posted by LIT LOVE View Post
SSDI in never "permanent". SS determines the likelihood of a person's condition improving and then send either a short or long form Continuing Disability Review. Usually they just send the short form. If the answers meet their satisfaction, then benefits continue and your doctors are never contacted.

If you are required to go through the long form CDR, it seems reasonable that complications from your original disease have made it difficult for you to consider returning to work--that's not uncommon.

I'm not sure if you've read this guide:
but the advice does apply nationally. Read it carefully and ask any questions if you don't understand.

If there is a CHANCE you might be able to return to work, you can do so and still collect benefits during a Trial Work Period (which is 9 months) and if you're unable to manage, you still will collect SSDI. You MUST notify SS if you work any hours. You can work pt and make up to the SGA level which is $1070 per month for 2014, while still collecting SSDI. If you make near the max, expect that they will do a very thorough review to determine if you can make more than the SGA (Significant Gainful Activity) level and if so, they'll terminate your benefits.
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Old 11-17-2014, 09:26 PM #4
LIT LOVE LIT LOVE is offline
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Your doctors might never be asked any questions by SS. If you have them state that you'll return to work if your SSDI benefits are terminated, that means you have the physical ability to return to work and should. (Asking your doc to put that in writing is a BAD idea IMO. )

It doesn't matter if you have a job or not, it's the ability to work that matters. SS makes that decision, not your doctor because it is a complex medical/legal determination. --If your doc is not supportive and SS questions them, you'll likely be terminated.

Frankly, at your age, it would be surprising to be terminated, but it does happen.

While the rules do allow you to collect the 9 months pay and SSDI, returning to work will often trigger a long form CDR. If they determine your condition has improved, they'll terminate your benefits--which gives you 3 months more before you're cut off.

You might want to take a look at the Ticket to Work Program as well. It gives you additional protections such as being exempt from a medical CDR. While your job was physically demanding, they might be able to help you find something with fewer physical demands or even have you answer calls from home.
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Old 11-17-2014, 10:56 PM #5
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OK, No, I won't have them state that. Oh, you mean if I have the doctor write the statement to my work?

I have to have "something" for work before too long.
I don't want to loose this job if I am not granted continuing disability.
I would like to give myself at least a few more months off to try and get feeling better,before I decide how I feel, and if I feel like I can return to work.
I most definitely do not feel I am able to work right now!
And like I said, I am going to need something for work.
I know they are going to be pestering me soon, and like I said, I don't want to loose this job, as it is not a bad job.
Well, I don't know what to do now.
Have you had a lot of experience with social security?
I was wondering, cause it seems a lot of people ask you for advise.
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Old 11-17-2014, 11:26 PM #6
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Oh, and don't I have to answer on the form, if my condition has improved?
Well, it had, as far as at this point, I am cancer free, but they still have to keep a eye on me.
But, now things have changed because of the Peripheral Neuropathy.
So do I have to sort of write an essay, on the form, stating that on one hand I have improved, but on the other hand, now I have new problems?
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Old 11-18-2014, 01:45 AM #7
LIT LOVE LIT LOVE is offline
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Whether or not your condition has improved is a decision for your doc/s.

If your PN is as disabling as the cancer was, I would think it reasonable to say that your condition has not improved. Are your Activities of Daily living effected by your PN?

Your CDR might arrive on schedule or it might be delayed. It seems like they are better about getting them out on time the past several years, but it's never a sure thing. How long does it take to find out about if benefits will continue? Maybe 30-60 days, maybe 4-6 months for the short form. If they then send you the long form, and potentially to a Medical Examiner.... It could be a year.

Yes, I was talking about the letter to your employer from your doctor. SS could very likely see that at some point since it would be in your medical record--or someone from your employer could alert SS, it's happened to others.

"Pending a social security review in December, contingent upon the length of the review, Anthony may return to work in early February, Or if awarded permanent disability, may not be returning to work." You are not supposed to be able to work, and here you're telling your employer that you will return if your benefits are terminated.

You might realistically not be able to hang on to your job without attempting to return to work within your employers timeframe. Having an unsuccessful work attempt will not cause you to lose your SSDI benefits. If you think new medications or new treatment might allow your condition to improve, but your doctor needs more time to find out what type of improvement you'll experience, than that might be reasonable.

The odds of a 59 year old losing SSDI benefits with a serious medical condition is low. You can explore the statistics here: and they have a forum just about CDRs.

How serious is your PN? There are people that have PN and receive SSDI, but there are many factors that go into a disability decision, so take that with a grain of salt.

Could your employer accommodate you with a job inside an office? (You would likely have priority if you're qualified due to disability policies of many government jobs.)

Read the link about CDRs CLOSELY. If you put improved than you will in all likelihood receive the long form--it is often compared to going through the original application process. If your cancer was a listed impairment, that might not have been too difficult. Qualifying with PN will a more complicated process. If you can truthfully answer that your condition has not improved, than do not write in any extra comments. (It discusses this in the link about CDRs.) You want the computer to verify you still qualify without it being kicked out for a human to look at.

There are others that post that are as knowledgeable as I am, and a few that are more so. I had a long battle and a complicated road to SSDI approval, so I picked some things up along the way, and try to help out when I'm able.
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