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Alffe 04-17-2008 07:11 AM

A Thousand Whys
I look into the Father's eyes
And wrestle with a thousand whys
Why this? Why now? Why him, not I?

The hurt, the rage, unbridled pain
Erupting from my soul again.
If that's the way it's going to be
Then build Your Kingdom without me.

But then, again, where could I go
To hear a word of hope, and know
The promise that beyond the pain
The ballad has a glad refrain?
But what for now? And how can one
Still vocalize "Thy will be done"?

And soon I hear a song begin,
Celestrial, but from deep within,
A new yet ancient melody
Of joy and pain, disharmony.
Or do the strains combine somehow,
A lovely paradox of sound?


by David B. Biebel If God is so Good, Why do I hurt so bad?

Alffe 04-17-2008 06:47 PM

Alffe 04-26-2008 03:39 PM


BJ 05-05-2008 05:57 PM

I'll Leave it Inside of Me
I look in the mirror
This is what I see
A reflection
A reflection of me

I see not only me
But the little girl
Who lives inside of me

She's not very old
Her heart is made of glass
Her eyes are red
Because there are tears

Her heart is breaking
She's not sure what to do
She wants to tell
But she knows no one will understand

Her parents
Well, they used to care
But they are no longer here
They cannot therefore see
What is happening to this little girl

When people do show
That they honestly care
She does not accept it
For fear of being hurt

The little girl
Who lives inside of me
Is no longer seen
There is only the adult me

The adult me
Is torn between
What she wants to do
And what she knows she has to do

Conflict, chaos
Wells up inside
The past is a heavy load to carry
Just want it to go away

Feeling of shame and guilt
Blaming self for events
For situations I put myself in
And situations that just happened

I don't know
If what I have written
Makes sense to anyone but me

There's another part
Of this poem, you see
It's a part that cannot be written
For now, I'll leave it inside of me.

Alffe 05-12-2008 01:40 PM


Abbie 05-12-2008 11:04 PM

Just words... I know they don't make sense.
I'm tired of you pain
please just go away

you are making my life miserable
each and every day

I tried to make you my friend
to see if you would ease

but you make my life such he11
it's time for you to leave

you started out as physical
my body you set aflame

Now it's so much more
and I know you are to blame.

My mind's messed up,
my heart it aches.

please just go, just disappear
before you find more of me to break.


Burntmarshmallow 05-15-2008 09:16 AM

Why do you always grow so big and mean?
When the weather changes to a winter scene
And when the rain comes dripping down
You multiply and without a sound.
The breezes and wind must feed you well
In them your dancing wildly feels like hell.
So now you got me in your grip
With electrical claws you tear and rip
And fill my face with fire waves.
How do you decide who becomes your slaves?
My jaw it dances pogo to painful beat
And my normal-ness sits back seat.
And all the while no one can see
The T.N. monster torturing me.
You’ve taken half my smile away
A half a smile is how ill stay
Funny all this and you still
Have not over taken my will
One time soon you shall see
Ill force you to leave me be.
Then ill pass the answers along
Ways to keep you where you belong.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == =
That nerve is severed for good,
like a twig breaking meekly underfoot.
Pain the wave tearing rips,
Electrical lightening whips.
All day that blanket snapped and swelled.
You had to speak as if your lips
would do anything to leave your face.
If speaking was at all possible…
Your lips would beg just that!
Instead nerves sparked and twitched
in a Static wave of crossed signals
That turned viciously ferocious
By the simplest things many
Hold for granted!
All day that blanket snapped and swelled,
You had to speak as if your lips
would do anything to leave your face.

Waiting in trepidation
which docs will I see?
Four are waiting,
but just two for me.
Will they be noble and kind?
Will they have compassion and smarts?
Be well trained, patient and gentle?
Will they put me back on heavy meds?
Or Rx. Me something new
Will they take away the only
Relief I ever knew?
Will they get a hold of me
poke my at face, tweak with my mouth
put me back in a cage that I have to get out?
Will they help my tremoring jaw?
Gosh I can’t wait just hem and haw!
I hope they power up a battery,
And set me off sweet and free!
I really do not want to go
I hope they …I hope they know

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -

Powerful, profound
Hidden from view
Anesthesia dolorosa
Neuro stimulator
Trigeminal neuralgia, to cope, accept, deal
Out of options for now
My face, mouth, my teeth, my lip

Present always, part of me
A horrible monster to tame
Inside, in charge, IS REAL
Not understood, nerve snapped, not giving in.


Pain is hard to express,
When invisible to all the rest.
Looking “normal” in every regard,
though my lip feels burnt and charred!
Biting breeze, a clawed up mess,
Wonder if there’s hanging flesh?
I touch my face even though
Electric jolts will shoot I know.
Still I poke, test this pain.
Searching for limits again and again,
Twitching jaw I can’t stand.
I hold it still with my hand,
Praying the leads won’t further move…
When my nerve is in a groove.
Been on all the medication,
Thank my guide for meditation
Doctors are at wits end
Thank my God for my friend’s
The world doesn’t understand this much
Thank ALMIGHTY for healing touch.
I don’t think there IS a cure.
I believe but I’m not sure,
The answer is inside of me.
To accept myself what must be,
Learn to cope and how to react.
When the monster begins to attack,
And pass along, yes need to share.
To hear that another dose care…
To say you’re not alone,
Living in the face pain zone.
Invisible to most but not to “us”
We have been thought some incredible stuff
All of the above poems are posted on the T.N.A. site for patients support in the art section :)

And last is One of my Tag poems I play tag poetry :Heart::heartthrob: in the creative forum we have here.:heartthrob::circlelove:Love that forum:cool:

Hi ho hi ho
To the doctors I go
Pamalor, Depakote, Baclofen
Tegregtol, Xanax, Doxepin
Zanaflex,, Diazepam, Neurotin
Methadon, Morphine,Pregabalin
Morphin drip this time
Meth. patch help? No sign!
Cannot forget the one not prescribed.
Few of the street drug tried ,
Some of the Cocaine,
Yes and Mary Jane.
Booze and caffeine,
Cigarettes filling up with nicotine.
A mask for the pain, to stop a fall,
All the drugs that built a wall.
When your body turns its back on you,
At some point your mind dose too.
I have a Neuro stimulator now,
Mixes the signals somehow.
Better then any drug or med I must say
Med and drug free, I’ve gotten away,
Five years now and still am today well cept :rolleyes: for cigs :(

Alffe 05-17-2008 09:53 AM


Nik-key 05-24-2008 07:35 PM

Very nice Tina....thanks for sharing:)

lou_lou 05-26-2008 03:07 AM

my reality ~ life goes on...

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying

Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

Alffe 05-30-2008 05:09 AM

The Swing
The Swing
by Timothy Steele

She shrieks as she sweeps past the earth
And, rising, pumps for all she's worth;
The chains she grips almost go slack;
Then, seated skyward, she drops back.

When swept high to the rear, she sees
Below the park the harbor's quays,
Cranes, rail tracks, transit sheds, and ranks
Of broad, round, silver storage tanks.

Her father lacks such speed and sight,
Though, with a push, he launched her flight.
Now, hands in pockets, he stands by
And, for her safety, casts his eye

Over the ground, examining
The hollow underneath the swing
Where, done with aerial assault,
She'll scuff, in passing, to a halt.

"The Swing" by Timothy Steele from Toward the Winter Solstice. © Swallow Press/Ohio

Burntmarshmallow 05-30-2008 06:59 AM

remembering Dad
A couple poems I have written to/for my Dad ...ones kinda old from when I was a teen :rolleyes:. my Dad died from masive heart attack at home :( everyone called him chief cus he had 6 of us kids and he was half American Indian...
anyways Dad I miss you even thought I know your right next to me and inside me...I MISS YOU EVERYDAY! :hug: :hug:

Whatever you have seen along the way ,
Did you see it all again that day?
Were you bound to the bed against your desire?
Did GOD come to you and call you a liar?
Were there any lights that were calm and cool?
Did you reach the end and feel like a fool?
Was there any chance of “ waking up “ again?
Did you break from the heat unable to defend?
Was it like you have been there before?
Recognition so strong you couldn’t ignore?
Did you go out on a granted wish?
Or did you go out on a swinging fist?
I watched you helplessly slip and slid
Nothing but gaze as you went to another side
If your pained now or not I cannot tell
I just know it was some kind of hell!
When I saw you so dark purple and blue,
I knew I was to far late, nothing I could do.
I stayed with you till the very suffocating end.
I gave my tears ; but the rule would not bend.

Chiefs alter (for Dad a.k.a. “chief”)
My chronicle returns to chiefs alter,
That is bolted to cement-covered starting line of foreshore.
Rambling and saunter the stretches of beach between spaced accesses,
Emerging onto the jetting bouldered destination,
A small tribe gathers to mug up noshing the stash.
Retracing as cool smooth sticky sand cradles my feet.
Climbing back threw warm white powder, that squeals beneath me.
The pack assembles to drench crystal ocean dust away.
Now ashes have been mixed in this dirt and sand.
Here songs are many, waves of far off times splash into my ears.
Bringing you granddaughters you’ve yearned to know.
The ocean churns up sparkled seashells at their feet,
Breezes whisper soothing dreams into their souls
A large tribe gathers to mug up.
Along pointy rocks that poke the oceans side.

KathyM 06-02-2008 12:21 PM

"Superstar" - Luther Vandross :)

My ex-husband came into town when my son was on leave recently. They spent a day together at my mother-in-law's house with the entire family.

My son was playing around with his young nephew on the piano, so everyone gathered around. A few of them are extremely talented and accomplished musicians/singers, so my son was always too embarrassed to sing and play in front of them when he was growing up. :rolleyes:

My ex-brother-in-law asked him to play a ballad. I attended a concert my ex-BIL gave last year - a tribute to Luther Vandross. He has an amazing voice. My son started to play this song on the piano, and the two of them stole the show.

I spoke with my MIL (she's not an ex to me), and she said they had a wonderful time together. They were amazed at my son's talent - he's never had lessons. Naturally, they all claimed he got it from them. She said my ex-husband was strutting around like a proud peacock all day. :p

KathyM 06-08-2008 07:16 AM

Tom Clay - "What the World Needs Now"

lou_lou 06-08-2008 11:37 PM

consider the lilies of the field - poem

by: Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)

FLOWERS preach to us if we will hear:--
The rose saith in the dewy morn:
I am most fair;
Yet all my loveliness is born
Upon a thorn.
The poppy saith amid the corn:
Let but my scarlet head appear
And I am held in scorn;
Yet juice of subtle virtue lies
Within my cup of curious dyes.
The lilies say: Behold how we
Preach without words of purity.
The violets whisper from the shade
Which their own leaves have made:
Men scent our fragrance on the air,
Yet take no heed
Of humble lessons we would read.
But not alone the fairest flowers:
The merest grass
Along the roadside where we pass,
Lichen and moss and sturdy weed,
Tell of His love who sends the dew,
The rain and sunshine too,
To nourish one small seed.

Burntmarshmallow 06-10-2008 09:08 PM

Her hair was up in a pony tail,
her favorite dress tied with a bow.
Today was Daddy's Day at school,
and she couldn't wait to go.

But her mommy tried to tell her,
that she probably should stay home
Why the kids might not understand,
if she went to school alone.

But she was not afraid;
she knew just what to say.
What to tell her classmates
of why he wasn't there today.

But still her mother worried,
for her to face this day alone.
And that was why once again,
she tried to keep her daughter home..

But the little girl went to school
eager to tell them all.
About a dad she never sees
a dad who never calls.

There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet.
Children squirming impatiently,
anxious in their seats

One by one the teacher called
a student from the class.
To introd uce their daddy,
as seconds slowly passed.

At last the teacher called her name,
every child turned to stare.
Each of them was searching,
a man who wasn't there.

'Where's her daddy at?'
She heard a boy call out.
'She probably doesn't have one,'
another student dared to shout.

And from somewhere near the back,
she heard a daddy say,
'Looks like another deadbeat dad,
too busy to waste his day.'

The words did not offend her,
as she smiled up at her Mom.
And looked back at her teacher, who told her to go on.
And with hands behind her back,
slowly she began to speak.
And out from the mouth of a child,
came words incredibly unique.

'My Daddy couldn't be here,
because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could be,
since this is such a special day.

And thoug h you cannot meet him,
I wanted you to know.
All abou t my daddy,
and how much he loves me so.

He loved to tell me stories
he taught me to ride my bike.
He surprised me with pink roses,
and taught me to fly a kite.

We used to share fudge sundaes,
and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him.
I'm not standing here alone.

'Cause my daddy's always with me,
even though we are apart
I know because he told me,
he'll forever be in my heart'
With that, her little hand reached up,
and lay across her chest.
Feeling her own heartbeat,
beneath her favorite dress.

And from somewhere there in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears.
Proudly watching her daughter,
who was wise beyond her years.

For she stood up for the love
of a man not in her life.
Doing what was best for her,
doing what was right.

And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd.
She finished with a voice so soft,
but its message clear and loud.

'I love my daddy very much,
he's my shining star.
And if he could, he'd be here,
but heaven's just too far.

You see he is a Marine
and died just this past year
When a roadside bomb hit his convoy
and taught Americans to fear.
But sometimes when I close my eyes,
it's like he never went away.'
And then she closed her eyes,
and saw him there that day.

And to her mother's amazement,
she witnessed with surprise.
A room full of daddies and children,
all starting to close their eyes.

Who knows what they saw before them,
who knows what they felt inside.
Perhaps for merely a second,
they saw him at her side.

'I know you're with me Daddy,'
to the silence she called out.
And what happened next made believers,
of those once filled with doubt.

Not one in th at room could explain it,
for each of their eyes had been closed.
But there on the desk beside her,
was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.

And a child was blessed, if only for a moment, by the love of her shining
And given the gift of believing,
that heaven is never too far.

lou_lou 06-24-2008 11:51 PM

for us lovely older ladies
Women sit, or move to and fro--some old, some young;
The young are beautiful--but the old are more beautiful than the

Walt Whitman

I'm staring in the mirror,
Bemused at what I see;
An older, calmer, woman
Is looking back at me.

She isn't wearing makeup;
Her hair is turning grey;
But how on earth this happened
I really couldn't say.

I used to be a seeker
With sunshine in my hair;
I'd dash along the corridors
With little time to spare.

Now, life is moving faster:
As others pass me by,
intent on being first in line,
I sit and watch the sky.

author unknown

KathyM 07-02-2008 10:52 AM

The story of my life. :rolleyes:

"Alone Again (Naturally)" - Gilbert O'Sullivan

In a little while from now,
If I'm not feeling any less sour
I promised myself to treat myself
And visit a nearby tower,
And climbing to the top,
Will throw myself off
In an effort to make it clear to who
Ever what it's like when your shattered
Left standing in the lurch, at a church
Where people 're saying,
"My God that's tough, she stood him up!
No point in us remaining.
May as well go home."
As I did on my own,
Alone again, naturally

To think that only yesterday,
I was cheerful, bright and gay,
Looking forward to, but who wouldn't do,
The role I was about to play
But as if to knock me down,
Reality came around
And without so much as a mere touch,
Cut me into little pieces
Leaving me to doubt,
All about God and His mercy
For if He really does exist
Why did He desert me
In my hour of need?
I truly am indeed,
Alone again, naturally

It seems to me that
There are more hearts
Broken in the world
That can't be mended
Left unattended
What do we do? What do we do?

Now looking back over the years,
And what ever else that appears
I remember I cried when my father died
Never wishing to have cried the tears
And at sixty-five years old,
My mother, God rest her soul,
Couldn't understand, why the only man
She had ever loved had been taken
Leaving her to start with a heart
So badly broken
Despite encouragement from me
No words were ever spoken
And when she passed away
I cried and cried all day
Alone again, naturally

Alffe 07-03-2008 08:28 AM

For KathyM

Alffe 07-03-2008 08:39 AM

The Rider

Naomi Shihab Nye

A boy told me
if he roller-skated fast enough
his loneliness couldn’t catch up to him,
the best reason I ever heard
for trying to be a champion.
What I wonder tonight
pedaling hard down King William Street
is if it translates to bicycles.
A victory! To leave your loneliness
panting behind you on some street corner
while you float free into a cloud of sudden azaleas,
pink petals that have never felt loneliness,
no matter how slowly they fell.

KathyM 07-03-2008 12:03 PM

I have a friend in Finland who sent this to me. I tease her to watch out for my relatives - she'll be safe as long as she doesn't mention she knows me. I was a bit of a brat when I visited her country as a young teenager. I resented my mother trying to force her culture down my throat while we were there, as if she cared. :rolleyes: (LMAO - she did care!) :D

Anyway, I was arrogant in my taste in music and I preferred music with passion and soul - all the old Motown stuff, along with James Brown, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin. This made it even worse when my family tried to entertain me with their music. :eek: Oh well, I appreciate it now - looks like fun. :)

It's a traditional Finnish folk dance called "Ellinoorat, Luokittelu." See if you can guess why an arrogant teenager from the U.S. would thumb her nose when this was called "soulful dancing." Ack, even now I can't resist the urge to say...."Got Milk?" (somebody smack me). :p

Alffe 07-03-2008 04:14 PM

SMACK!! :D I kept looking for Julie Andrews to appear! LOL..wrong country!

da duck 07-05-2008 12:03 AM

glimmering, shimmering
handfuls of light
greening, careening
through the dark night
smiling child faces
where wonder is framed
colors and noises
that never were named
how to explain that
shade of deep blue
honors lost patriots
in old fights and new
that the red that's
the reddest that they've ever seen
is the color of faithfulness,
love and esteem
white is the bravery,
acts large and small
the debt of rememberance
we owe to them all
our mothers and brothers
and all those who fell
I honor your sacrifice.
I remember it well.

It's for my greats. And for every man and woman who served, waited, worried. And for my mom. who did all three...over and over again.
( and I know it isn't great, but hey, it's late here. LOL)

KathyM 07-05-2008 09:09 AM

"Born in the USA"

When my son was still learning to walk and talk, I was at home with him cleaning up my home. This song came on the radio. My son picked up the nozzle of my vacuum cleaner and started jamming to this song - belting out "BORN INA OOOOOOOSA!" :D

Years later when he was 16, I told a friend of mine at the roller rink about it. Our kids also skated there, so the next week he brought it in and had the DJ play the song. It took everyone by surprise because they usually only played R&B and hip-hop music. :eek:

My son heard the song and immediately started hot-dogging on his skates. The rest of the crowd joined in and had a blast jamming to this song on roller skates. :D

KathyM 07-05-2008 02:34 PM

My ex-husband has three sisters. His middle sister tested me when she first met me. At my first get-together and meal with his family, she asked if I preferred dark meat over white. She had a wonderful sarcastic sense of humor. :p

His baby sister was my girl though - a few years younger than me and had the voice of an angel. Jennifer Hudson (Dreamgirls) reminds me of her. :hug:

When I was planning my wedding, my husband said I was nuts for wanting to hold it in a church and public place - considering both sides of the family and the attitudes of some of our friends. We decided to hold the ceremony and party at our house instead and invited only those who knew how to get along. :rolleyes:

I asked my little sister to sing for us - whatever she wanted to sing was fine with me. After the ceremony, I walked up to my sarcastic sister and whispered "You put her up to this didn't you?" :p

This is what my little sister sang for us. :D

Alffe 07-08-2008 07:00 AM

lou_lou 07-16-2008 01:37 AM

Love's Old Sweet Song" -'
by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Here are the lyrics to the song...

Once in the dear, dead days beyond recall,
When on the world the mists began to fall
Out of the dreams that rose in happy throng,
Low to our hearts love sang an old sweet song,
And in the dusk where fell the firelight gleam,
Softly it wove itself into our dream...

Just a song at twilight,
When the lights are low;
And the flick'ring shadows,
Softly come and go,
Tho' the heart be weary,
Sad the day and long,
Still to us at twilight,
Comes love's old song, Comes love's old sweet song.

Even today we hear love's song of yore,
Deep in our hearts it dwells for-ever-more,
Footsteps may falter, weary grow the way,
Still we can hear it at the close of day.
So 'til the end when life's dim shadows fall,
Love wil be found the sweetest song of all...

Wren 07-17-2008 09:30 PM

Thank you Very much :) I have lots of poetry ... from e.e. cummings to Emily Dickinson but I have every word (I hope) Edna St. Vincent Millay every wrote and her life story. I love her work so much I carry some of it on tiny bits of paper folded in my wallet.

da duck 07-18-2008 01:23 PM

My favorite poems of all no order.
First Fig
My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends---
It gives a lovely light!

SAFE upon the solid rock the ugly houses stand:
Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand!

Edna St Vincent Millay

Abbie 07-18-2008 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Wren (Post 325771)
Thank you Very much :) I have lots of poetry ... from e.e. cummings to Emily Dickinson but I have every word (I hope) Edna St. Vincent Millay every wrote and her life story. I love her work so much I carry some of it on tiny bits of paper folded in my wallet.

Thank you for introducing me to Edna St. Vincent Millay. I had never heard of her before. I have been doing a little research and I love what I have read so far.


Alffe 07-21-2008 08:50 AM

The Layers

by Stanley Kunitz

I have walked through many lives,
some of them my own,
and I am not who I was,
though some principle of being
abides, from which I struggle
not to stray.
When I look behind,
as I am compelled to look
before I can gather strength
to proceed on my journey,
I see the milestones dwindling
toward the horizon
and the slow fires trailing
from the abandoned camp-sites,
over which scavenger angels
wheel on heavy wings.
Oh, I have made myself a tribe
out of my true affections,
and my tribe is scattered!
How shall the heart be reconciled
to its feast of losses?
In a rising wind
the manic dust of my friends,
those who fell along the way,
bitterly stings my face.
Yet I turn, I turn,
exulting somewhat,
with my will intact to go
wherever I need to go,
and every stone on the road
precious to me.
In my darkest night,
when the moon was covered
and I roamed through wreckage,
a nimbus-clouded voice
directed me:
"Live in the layers,
not on the litter."
Though I lack the art
to decipher it,
no doubt the next chapter
in my book of transformations
is already written.
I am not done with my changes.

Alffe 07-24-2008 07:34 AM

Borrowed from DM....*grin

Spanish Moss 07-25-2008 04:58 AM


Remnants of you I find everywhere
When I least expect to find them…they’re there.
A whistle, a song, a picture I see…
A smell…can bring back such strong memories.

Remnants of you come sneaking through
Unsuspected…the times and places we knew.
An integral part of my life you have been,
And I find you continue to creep back in.

Though the end was not what I wished it would be,
There have been such sweet times I can look back and see.
Those remnants of you, like a patch work quilt
Keep piecing together the life we had built.

Now I have had to say goodbye…
But forever, no matter how hard I try,
The remnants of you will always appear…
The bad I’ll let go…the sweet, I’ll hold dear.

To Tim....

lou_lou 07-27-2008 06:54 AM

who am I? lyrical poetry
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright & Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I´m
But because of what You have done
Not because of what I have done
But because of who You´re

I´m a flower quickly fading
Here today & gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I am calling
Lord, You catch me when I am falling
And You have told me who I´m
I´m Yours, I´m Yours

Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love & watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me

Not because of who I´m
But because of what You have done
Not because of what I have done
But because of who You´re

I´m a flower quickly fading
Here today & gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I am calling
Lord, You catch me when I am falling
And You have told me who I´m
I´m Yours

I´m Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
´Cause I´m Yours
I´m Yours

Casting Crowns

if you would like to hear this it is sung beautifully and is in my signature...

Spanish Moss 07-28-2008 05:00 PM

Today is the anniversary of...

The last time I heard your voice

The last time I looked into your eyes

The last time I said "I love you"

The last time I felt your arms around me

The last time I saw you smile

The last time I saw you cry

The last time we had a chance to make it better

The last time you could have asked for help

Tomorrow is the anniversary of....

Your last and forever choice

lou_lou 07-28-2008 11:16 PM

the inner soul
The Inner soul ~
copyrighted by tena

the man of flesh to some perceive

is all that we are or will ever be

to see the soul you must remove

the fraudulent veil of servitude

for within the human heart there beats

the sound for all in voice decree

where do I belong where is my place

for which I was born to openly embrace

lost am I in a forest of questions

wandering am I lost -for where do I feel belonging

where is happiness to feel secure

where was the love when I a boy was growing up

I never felt bereft of

yet now I shout in angry tone, why am left alone

A boy when young a man doth stand cut to core

a young man - cries dear God take control

disheartened and whispering of hope for inner soul

Alffe 07-29-2008 06:44 AM

Thanks megveg.....*grin

Alffe 07-29-2008 06:38 PM

thanks Nikki!!

lou_lou 08-07-2008 10:16 PM

hope -emily dickinson
"Hope" is the thing with feathers


"Hope" is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tune without the words—
And never stops—at all—

And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard—
And sore must be the storm—
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm—

I've heard it in the chillest land—
And on the strangest Sea—
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb—of Me.

Emily Dickinson

Alffe 08-21-2008 08:48 AM

What We Might Be, What We Are

by X. J. Kennedy

If you were a scoop of vanilla
And I were the cone where you sat,
If you were a slowly pitched baseball
And I were the swing of a bat,

If you were a shiny new fishhook
And I were a bucket of worms,
If we were a pin and a pincushion,
We might be on intimate terms.

If you were a plate of spaghetti
And I were your piping-hot sauce,
We'd not even need to write letters
To put our affection across,

But you're just a piece of red ribbon
In the beard of a Balinese goat
And I'm a New Jersey mosquito.
I guess we'll stay slightly remote.

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