Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Thoracic Outlet Syndrome/Brachial Plexopathy. In Memory Of DeAnne Marie.

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Old 08-30-2007, 01:41 PM #1
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Lightbulb Creative Ideas WANTED


I hear the stories and feel the pain of family and friends not understanding our needs and frustrations.
Not to mention the legal system and medical professionals.
What can "we" do as a group, who can we turn to, in times of need when there is no professional and family understanding?
Yes, ALL these peeps here r now r understanding family.
Constantly learning from each other.

Give me some ideas to make us laugh and feel comfort
Give me insight what makes YOU laugh and who u turn to in time of need and understanding instead of cry which brings more pain?
Do you reach for drugs?
Do you crave meditation, hypnotherapy, guided imagery?
Do u watch a funny move?
Do you read?
Do you hit a pillow or your family member...LOL
Clean the house like WE shouldn't be doing?

What calms YOU, What makes YOU feel better?

I just wanna get a perspective and somehow pay it forward just like the cancer society's do with a "help needed" sign, by means of a group, one on one, phone trail, TOS on wheels...etc.


Last edited by olecyn; 08-30-2007 at 04:05 PM. Reason: additions
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Old 08-30-2007, 04:24 PM #2
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wanna know what makes me feel better?

1. PT
2. Being around my grandkids
3. Hypnotherapy/guided imagery
4. Helping someone else
5. Creating something new out of something hubby? haha
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Old 08-30-2007, 04:27 PM #3
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i talk to my friends from this board- having an understanding group of friends to come to is KEY

i also turn on my tens, get a massage, hug my kids, think about many things in my life that could be worse...


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Old 08-30-2007, 06:48 PM #4
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Default lots but what really works??

Hi great post!

I am not really sure I should post any of these things as I am not sure they really work.....

1. My cat is my best friend even when I can't talk to my DH...who really doesn't get it

2. Pain pills and heat as needed

3. My "peeps" here and Thank God for ya'll

4. clean for sure (did it yesterday but I am paying today)

5. scream at DH

6. hypnosis cd's and guided imagery

7. Hot bath with Epsom salts

8. playing boggle!!! unless my head hurts then nothing works!!

thanks guys!!
love and hugs,

How poor are they who have not patience!
What wound did ever heal but by degrees.


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Old 08-31-2007, 01:13 AM #5
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Default tos humor

TOS Humor

Things you'll never hear a TOSer say!

...Oh, I just love my stick shift truck.
...Honey, I'd love to play catch with you.
...Doctor, I know you don't approve of surgery, I'll just live with it, no big deal.
...Excuse me, I can get my own door!
...No, this bag isn't too heavy.
...I only need one pillow to sleep on.
...Stop massaging me, please.
...I type 80 WPM
...Pain meds are for addicts!
...What do I need a maid for?
...Let's ride the roller coaster again!!!
...Christmas dinner for 10? No problem!
...No, I'd rather hand-wash the car, but thanks!
...Go ahead and relax, I'll shovel the driveway.
...I hate zippers!
...For fun, I play hockey.
...No, it doesn't hurt at all!
...Gloves? Who needs 'em!
...Headset? Why not just cradle it on your shoulder?
...Let ME put the groceries away.
...Why get a dishwasher when you can do it by hand?
...I need to find a purse big enough to hold all my stuff!
...Window washing is my favorite job!
...No, I'll type that!
...I want to be a hairdresser.
...Let's try rock climbing next weekend!
...Here, let ME carry that for you.
...Please, let me drive.
...I'm making a new exercise video for Tae Bo (Kick-Box Aerobics).
...I just won the "Housekeeper of the Month Award" for the third time!
...Horseback riding? I'd love to!
...Here, let me help you move that piano.
...I'm going kayaking this weekend.
...Wanna arm wrestle?
...No, I can take my own groceries out to the car, thanks!
...Tennis, anyone?
...It's on the top shelf? No problem, I'll get it!
...Let me fold that laundry for you.
...I just won the 100-meter freestyle!
...You look fine, just tough it out!
...What was the phone number for the doctor again?
...I'm on the next "Survivor" episode!!!
...Wow! That Tylenol works wonders!
...I'm learning sign language.
...Here sweetie, let me put your hair up in a ponytail for you.
...C'mon son, let's go shoot some hoops!
...Let's just get right down on the floor and work on these poster boards for your school project.
...Help you learn the new cheers for the school team? No problem, here's how you hold your arms up and out!
...Let's go to Price Club so I can buy super-size everything.and I wanna push the cart.
...But is my favorite color!!
...Hi, I'm calling about the job for disarming bombs for the police squad. Oh no..that job's taken? How about the one for police sharp shooter?
...My doctors never have trouble drawing blood! I have great veins!
...Medical TOS person to a patient."Sorry, but my hands are going to be a bit warm."
...I'm going to wallpaper my house today!
...I'm so happy the Worker's Comp. people got my benefits approved right away! Boy, they know more about TOS and understand my pain more than my doctor does! My caseworker is so compassionate too; that woman is so understanding! What would I ever do without them?!!
...Sorry, but there's no other way to clean the floors but to get down on my hands and knees and scrub them by hand. Don't worry, I'll have them clean just in time to cook dinner for the folks!
...I'm such a lucky person! As soon as my family found out about my TOS, they all decided to take turns flying over here to stay with me and help with everything around the house! They are so aware of what I'm going through!
...Guess what? I've only been doing weight lifting for a week, and the pain is all gone!
...I'm so glad I never need to scratch my back.
...Depression caused by pain? Isn't that another excuse to be lazy?
...Now.If I work 10 hours more of overtime, in another month I'll be able to buy the surfing gear and we'll get to Hawaii!
...Hey guys! I just got my SSD money and got me that Harley I always wanted.
...No doctor, I really don't mind filling out that 50-page questionnaire. I should be able to have it done in 5 minutes!
...Yes Mr. IME Doctor, I'm sure you are right. I DO have Fibromyalgia. The other 5 doctors must have been wrong. Keyboarding for 30 years could not possibly have anything to do with this.
...No, it certainly won't bother me if you put my mouse on top of the monitor for me to use. I adapt rather well to problem solving.
...I understand you're busy Mr. Feed Store Manager. That 50lb. bag of horse feed should be no problem for me to carry out to my car.
...I'm sure my injury was not work related. I never worked more that 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. And yes, I did get my 15-minute lunch break! Thanks for making sure I followed the rules.
...I really don't need that speakerphone or headset. I'm sure I'm capable of holding this receiver for 2 hours.
...Let me help you put those 200 computer books on the top shelf, I wouldn't want you to get hurt.
...Life has gotten so much easier since I've had TOS. How can I ever thank you for not listening to the Ergonomic Specialist? I don't need any special equipment or frequent breaks. What ever was he thinking?
...It's ok honey, I know you're running late..I'll take out the garbage!
...The riding lawn mower is broken? I LOVE to push mow 3 acres!
...No, no Dr. IME, I was BORN with blue hands and a droopy shoulder.
...It's ok kids; I'll pick up your room.
...Like my dress? I sewed it myself!
...I spent an hour on my hair!
...Oh, this old brace? I just wear it when I don't care how I look!
...Let's drive to San Francisco for the weekend.
...Honey, can you get me a beer to wash down this Neurontin?
...Involuntary muscle spasms are a sign that I'm getting a free and good workout!
...I still love to use chopsticks when I cook and eat!
...Can I help you open those cans? I prefer doing it by hand because we have to save on the electricity or suffer rolling blackouts!
...Who needs ergonomics? It's for wimps anyway!
...Can I carry little Johnny for you? I think you need a break!
...I'm just a klutz by nature. I'm sure I'll grow out of it!
...Okay, I admit it! I filed a workers comp. claim because I hate my boss and wanted to pick on him-great idea, right???
...Elavil makes me feel so alert and pain free; I recommend it to all of my friends!
...Yes, yes let me have that cortisone shot in my shoulder and elbow doc!
...I love this biofeedback for my pain-it makes it all go away! I guess it is stress related after all!
...Okay, let's do these assisted pull-ups, military press and bench press Miss PT lady. I'm sure the ice will make the other numbness go away and the stretching will help ease those spasms that I'm so prone to getting after our wonderful sessions!
...Doc, tell me again why my dominant hand is weaker now and isn't getting stronger. Oh, tendonitis and carpal tunnel! Okay, I will go to Occupational therapy for 6 months 3 times a week and it should make it better!
...No pain, no gain-so let's just work through it!
...My doctor says I'm way too skinny and need to put on 20 pounds immediately.
...I finally made it to 50 push-ups a day!
...Hire someone to paint the ceiling? I'll do it myself!
...I think I'll re-arrange furniture this weekend.
...Oh no Mr. PT, I don't think not being able to get out of bed today has anything to do with what we did in therapy yesterday.sure, I'll try the weight machines again tomorrow!
...Hey honey, can we trade in the Maxima and get a 4WD truck?
...Hey doc, aren't there any painful tests we can do? Can't we repeat some of the tests we've already done? Pretty please??? Wanna see me hold my arms up at shoulder height again and wiggle my fingers so you can time me AGAIN???
...Sure, I'll be right over to help you pack and move --- 3 flights of stairs? No problem!
...Prom dress shopping - Oh boy!! I can't wait to spend hours lifting all those long gowns off the overhead racks, put them over your head, help you pull them off again.I'll just be laying outside your dressing room on the floor, don't mind me!
...Sure, I'd LOVE another glass of Champaign. It mixes so well with all the medications!
...Who does my make-up? Oh, I let my 4-year-old practice on me!
...This is the way I always thought the floor was washed.don't you drag a wet cloth with your foot too?
...My whole arm is killing me from peeling 6 potatoes 2 days ago.just kidding!!! Ha ha ha!
...I think I'll re-pot all my hanging plants today.
...I can't wait to have another E.M.G. done!
...Let's have the bowling league meet 3 times a week.
...Doctor? What doctor? I don't know any doctors!
...SSDI should really cut back on what they pay those pitiful free loading disabled people. I mean, isn't $15.00/day a bit much?
...My health insurance has just lowered my premiums!
...What's that? The doctor can see me tomorrow?
...Friends and family just love to flock around and listen to my medical stories!
...Bartender.make that a double.
...Forget the carpet-cleaning guys, I can do it myself!
...What in the world am I going to do with all this money in my savings account?
...I thrive off isolation.
...You really think I hurt more than what shows, Doc?
...I just finished washing both cars and I'm getting ready to wax them.
...You do the walls and I'll paint the ceiling.
...Nah, I won't use that electric sander. It comes out better when it's done by hand.
...Here, I'll unscrew that tight one.
...Get me the hand mixer honey, I'll beat the egg whites by hand for the lemon meringue pie.
...Water-skiing anyone??? Better yet - how 'bout taking a spin on the tube?
...I just won a weight lifting contest, yah right!

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Old 08-31-2007, 01:19 AM #6
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Default tos humor helps

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TOS Humor

You might be a TOSer if...

...You have the pain capacity of 5 people.
...if you pull your bra off in public and dare anyone to question this behavior.
...You look in shock at the doctor when they say "Hey, how are you, you look great"
...You forget what day of the week it is.
...You believe that "Ask the Doctor" is an evil plot.
...You believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if the phrase "wow, I don't feel too bad today" is uttered.
...You mutter, "please don't shake hands" when being introduced to a stranger.
...You believe painkillers are a food group.
...Your favorite sedative is exhaustion.
...You think that caffeine should be available in IV form.
...Your most common assessment question is, "What changed today to make it so painful?"
...You have been exposed to so many X-rays that you consider radiation a form of birth control.
...You have ever had a lawyer look you straight in the eye and say, " you look normal to me".
...You are the only one at the dinner table NOT allowed to talk about your day.
...You believe that rain can ruin a perfectly good day.
...Any time you see a skeleton you look at the 1st rib.
...When in a bookstore, you see if anyone wrote a book on this, yet.
...You tense up just before driving over railroad tracks.
...You write down when you take meds because you can't remember when you took them last.
...A "pat on the back" takes on a whole new meaning.
...Your list of doctors looks like a "Who's Who In The Medical Field."
...You could be licensed as a pharmacist by default.
...Pain "management" becomes your specialty.
...It's no longer necessary to carry a wallet when you go out.
...You know what it's like to be chauffeured everywhere.
...You still have a sense of humor when most people would have been committed.
...People around you start calling you "One tough cookie".
...You used to like eating spare ribs.
...You are considering changing your name to Eileen (I lean).
...You know how rich people feel when they have someone else put up and take down their decorations, and all you have to do is watch.
...You can go back to being a child, and have someone else cut your meat.
...You start buying groceries based on the package sizing and weight. (i.e. no more gallon milk jugs!)
...Sexy is wearing your heating pad to bed.
...There's no more hot water for anyone else.
...You can't wait to get a phone call from anyone…even a bill collector.
...Your next to best friend is on the forum.
...Your husband takes more vacation days off taking you to the Dr. than going fishing!
...If only you could sell some of your pain meds out on the streets (sure would pay more than workers comp pays!).
...You use your body to push open the door at a restaurant and wait for someone to pull it open.
...the wind blows your long hair all over your face and you act like it doesn't bother you.
...Nobody asks how you're doing for fear you might answer.
...You only have plastic cups in the cupboards.
...You idolize the dishwasher.
...Surfing the net for new jokes at 3am is not unusual.
...The mention of worker's comp makes you run for Tums.
...In the absence of children, you fantasize about training your pets on housekeeping.
...The pizza delivery boy/girl knows your first name and doesn't need directions to your house.
...You've been banned from the Outback because you threw a knife in the air.
...You now eat with your knife tucked in your braces.
...You can't tell if the water is cold or hot by feeling it.
...If you got stabbed you probably wouldn't notice.
...You can't type anymore.
...You know who your real friends are.
...Your Dr. smiles at you as he walks in the room to see you and you see a Lincoln Town Car catalog sticking out of your chart.
...You have your own changing room at the MRI place.
...You can fall asleep during an EMG.
...You have to search for a parking place away from cars so you can pull straight through to avoid backing up when you leave.
...Everyone asks why you're getting "dressed up" when you ask for someone to help you brush your hair.
...Your family doesn't recognize you with new, short hair.
...You can do the entire TOS physical by memory, and tell the Dr. if he's doing something incorrectly.
...When you go shopping, you focus in on the self-propelled vacuum cleaners.
...You would love to move the laundry room right off of the bedroom so you didn't have to carry laundry up the stairs.
...At age 25 you've seriously considered purchasing the easy lift chair they sell on HSN.
...You consider pharmacology a hobby.
...You have personally funded the new hallmark division of your pharmacy.
...You move and your old pharmacy has to lay off 2 people.
...Your family greets you each morning with "the usual" which translates into the TOS cocktail: 2 parts Tylenol with Codeine, 1 part Flexeril, 1 part Naprosyn, topped off with a garnish of Prozac for a splash of color.
...Sleeping in is getting up at 6:30 am.
...You have been described as having glowing personality mainly due to possible radiation poisoning.
...You go to the pharmacy and they know you by your first name.
...You look up and get dizzy.
...You go Christmas shopping and you buy gift certificates so you don't have to carry heavy packages.
...You can't tell good days from bad days anymore.
...When you have a good day it takes you four or five days to recoup.
...Your pharmacy lets you buy in bulk.
...You hold a yearly black market yard sale on un-used meds - and buy stocks with the profits.
...The cops have told you the town drug dealer moved because he was "embarrassed of his light-weight assortment."
...You play eenie - meenie - miney - moe what's the drug of the day with your meds.
...You are able to recite and sing every info-commercial that comes on TV and they are your favorite 3AM shows.
...You can't remember the last time you were able to put your arms over your head for a "good" good morning stretch.
...When you threaten to beat the kids, they roll their eyes, laugh, and say - "Not in your Lifetime."
...Your pajamas are now your everyday clothes.
...You are trying to find someone to go in on financing and patenting plans for a riding vacuum cleaner.
...People come to you for medical advise instead of their family doctor.
...People come to you for legal advise instead of their lawyer. …Your good china is the heavy paper plates with flowers.
...Instant potatoes have become an exotic delicacy.
...The cats can make the bed better than you do.
...You have more ideas of what to do with empty medicine bottles than Martha Stewart - and the word on the street is she "Has people looking for you".
...The easiest way to open the jar of pickles is to throw them on the floor.
...You are best friends with the neighbors Pit-Bull - you let him in to eat off your kitchen floor so you don't have to sweep it anymore.
...The drug store calls you when they run out of something.
...You only shop in stores with automatic or revolving doors.
...Your friend that also has TOS tells you the best way to dust is to spray the cats down with Pledge and toss them across the furniture.
...Then to clean the cats, put soap in the toilet, throw them in, and flush a couple of times - cleans the toilet too.
...The last time you filled your car with gas it was 87 cents a gallon.
...The senior citizens in the retirement complex across the street from you see more action than you do and they can actually enjoy it.
...You no longer fear going to Hell, because you already are living it, and Hell can't be worse than this.
...You don't have to worry about writers cramp anymore, because you use voice activated commands for your computer.
...You ask the hospital if they have something like a frequent flyer bonus program for all the money you have spent so generously.
...The new multi-million dollar addition at the hospital is being dedicated and named after you for all of your hard work and dedication and willingness to be the local experiment in new innovative TOS treatments.
...They ask you "To cut the Ribbon" at the opening ceremonies and you have to decline - the hospital administrator was not told that a TOS Winner can't manipulate scissors.
...You are in the bank during a hostile take-over, and the robbers tell everyone, "stick em up" - You say, "um, excuse me, is this going to take very long? I have medical documentation that says I can't do that."
...You ask your pharmacy if they have a drug of the month club.
...A "fanny pack" is now your good purse.
...You're looking forward to the big crash on Jan.1 to wipe out the computers - you can have good credit again.
...The "perfect gift" is a microwave-able heating pad, it's portable and there are no wires or little heating elements in those to jab you.
...The next specialist you will need to see is a foot doctor to un-web your toes because you spend so much time in the bathtub soaking.
...The makers of Deep Heat send you their fiscal reports, and thank you for your continued support.
...In your continued search on information about TOS, you come across a new article, and the visual aid is a picture of you.
...Your doctor has adopted you for medical tax write offs, and lovingly refers to you as "the jackpot problem child".
...If your pharmacy sends you a Christmas card!
...If your kids yell "no more hot dogs for supper!"
...If your yard sale contains 8 used heating pads and 6 used hot packs!
...If you are known to supply your primary care physician with medical journal articles about TOS!
...You can clap your hands an never make a noise, (only works in a crowd).
...You're the world's worst hitchhiker.
...You can't stand those pain reliever commercials on TV.
...You know your medical insurance ID# by heart!
...You know your insurance companies phone # by heart!
...You've had to stop walking the dog cause he pulls too hard, and he's only a Chihuahua.
...You choose your clothes based not on whether they're flattering, but on how many pockets they have and how strategically they're placed.
...You find the TV show "Cops" much too scary to watch, cause you break into a cold sweat when you watch anyone have handcuffs put on them.
...Your 8-yr. old folds the clothes better than you do.
...You can type 35wpm with one hand.
...When the wave goes around a stadium it stops with you.
...It hurts to watch a golf match.
...You're glad you're going bald.
...You carry four cans of fix a flat in your car.
...You never wear a seat belt because of the pain of the shoulder strap, you can't put it under your arm and what's the difference anyway.
...When getting a chest x-ray they say, "take a deep breath and hold it", you fake it.
...Your shoe's are all slip-on's.
...The cat loves you because you make such a good spot for naps.
...You see a "bad teen" on TV who got thrown out of school for selling prescription pain meds and wish you had a kid in the same class.
...When the local paper has smiling pictures of certain medical people, you make sure they're facing up in the bottom of the birdcage.
...You try to get your toddler interested in a career in neurology, vascular surgery or pain management.
...You feel like a perfectly normal person until you try to do anything that perfectly normal people can do.
...Your typing looks like thissssssss.
...Your nurse tells you that they are naming an examining room after you
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Old 08-31-2007, 09:29 AM #7
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Question ideas

I'd like to see a new sub-forum for our creative endeavours: poetry, art, photos, crafts, etc. I know there is a forum already for this, but us TOSsers come from a very complex situation. Much of what we do is born of our pain, frustration, emotional let-downs... that can be 'lost' over in the other forum. Maybe? Maybe not.

another idea might be a 'Post Card' service? Like if someone's having a particularly hard time or going in for surgery, there might be a selection of photos that can be attached to a post or PM (like the emoticons)... I'll bet we could come up with some unique motivational cards!

another idea might be a 'Yard Sale' sub-forum. Stuff (clothes, music, videos) we could share with others for free (or nearly free), costing only postage.

"It is what it is."
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Old 08-31-2007, 10:37 AM #8
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I can relate, as I'm sure all of you can to the TOS humor (Thanks for this!!). I love taking pictures. I have been taking pictures of my 4 year old at ballet and she smiles from ear to ear the whole time. I've gotten great pictures of my sons football games. I have been able to print 8x10's on my printer which come out great. My problem is Once I download them I am having a hard time moving them to a different spot. I guess it would help to read the manual! I've been trying to e-mail to family and don't have the patience. My old program worked better but this camera is much better. I'll keep trying!

It would be nice, to have a place to post, even if it is a separate thread like the Today I... thread.

Thanks, Linda
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Old 08-31-2007, 12:18 PM #9
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I could make us a sticky for those kind of things and if it gets lots of action we can ask for a sub forum later - what do you think?

we would have to think of good title for it.

"Arts, Crafts, Photos & our share or trade "

something like that??
Search NT -
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Old 08-31-2007, 01:34 PM #10
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Any humor would be good too! To me, a laugh is the best thing for me.

Unfortunately, when I am stressed or in alot of pain I

1. Yell at hubby or kids/ mostly both.

2. Reach for pain meds or wine or/ both.

3. I love going in the hot tub. We have a really big one that has seating for 8 and a lounge, built in stero and I could sit there for hours. My little one loves to swim in it while I relax.

4. Also, there is nothing like icy hot or ben gay. I think I'll buy stock! I feel so much better after this. Also, hubby is great about giving massages. I always feel guilty, like he's been doing it for too long, but, he doesn't mind. I have to get over that.

5. Also, I love, in the evening getting pj's on and getting in bed with a book or good tv. That helps stress and pain.

Stress is my main problem. Business, taxes, kids going back to school, sports, doctors for me and hubby (who doesn't make his own appointments). It gives me a headache.

Sorry for ranting. As I know others have said, we all go through the same things and it's hard to vent to everyone around us all the time when they don't understand. I know if I do it here, most of you are nodding your head like you know what I'm going through. Thanks, Linda
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Pain med ideas I compiled - any ideas? Sydney Chronic Pain 1 02-24-2007 01:54 PM
Creative writing may make doctors better buriedinbooks Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 4 10-23-2006 01:03 PM
Creative cooks...I'm in a rut! mistofviolets Gluten Sensitivity / Celiac Disease 10 09-20-2006 05:58 AM

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