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Old 03-16-2014, 05:17 PM #1
Bruins88 Bruins88 is offline
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Default new and some pcs question

Hey all, been lurking these forums for a bit now, and finally decided to post. Ill give a quick backstory. Ive had 3 major concussions, and probably two minor ones. Im 27, and my first major concussions came at age 17 and 19. The minor ones were spread out until last may one I had a minor one. Then this January, on the 10th, I fell on ice and landed on the back of my head. I blacked out briefly for a few seconds. Stayed at work, and as the day went on everything got worse and worse. Vomiting dizziness ect. They called an ambulance and they forced me to go because my blood pressure was 183/118. I do have a history of hypertension though, so it wasnt a surprise to me. They did a CT scan and said there was no bleeding, so that was a plus. This was about 8 hours after the fall. They also said I had a strained neck, but that hasnt caused me any problems.

Ive been out of work now for a little over two months and a few days. Im hating it. The first month was misery, I couldnt do anything. Couldnt watch tv couldnt be around people, couldnt stomach food ect. As time keeps going, my headaches are slowly progressing to be better. Before they were like an 8/10 all day long, now they are like a 4/10 all day long.

I still cannot sleep more than two hours at a time though. I wake up with just throbbing headaches (almost like ive been held upside down for too long.) The work dr has me on Fioricet, which seems to help a bit. I do want to apologize if this message is all over the place though, as I still have a hard time focusing/thinking and whats scary is that I have a short term memory loss. I have a hard time remembering stuff I did in the AM or conversations ive held ect.

So I guess ill just list out some stuff im still experiencing before I lose my focus even more haha
-not being able to stay asleep
-never really hungry
-left side of jaw hurts like a sob (although it has improved)
- Occasionally still getting dizzy
-Extremely bright light bothers me, but most moderate lighting does not
-Cannot be around a bunch of people. I had two birthday parties ive been to in the past two weeks, and had to leave a half hour in. Just way to much was going on and it effected my head

I havent tried anything physical since the last snow storm a few weeks ago, where just snowblowing my driveway made me feel like I had just hit my head all over again and put me back at step 1. But, about 3 weeks ago I woke up one night, and a clear kind of fluid was leaking out both ears and my nose, and I didnt have a cold. Ever since then the left side of my jaw has been hard to open. Although it is getting better.

Im just confused as to whats taking so long to recover? My work seems to be getting upset with me that its taking this long so far. Finally they have decided I need to see a neurologist and I go this Friday. What is he going to do? Think ill get lucky and he will clear me to go back to work on Monday (im saying lucky because im miserable not doing anything, as im normally a very active guy, I love my job, and I hate only getting 60% of my pay). Is there anything hes going to do differently than the work dr currently has (which has basically just been giving me scripts?)

Once again I apologize if this is a mumbled mess, just still having a hard time focusing. Im just worried they wont allow me back to work asap. Im also wondering what this neurologist will do, and when the heck Ill start feeling normal!! Thanks
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Old 03-16-2014, 06:02 PM #2
Mark in Idaho Mark in Idaho is offline
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Welcome to NeuroTalk. It sounds like you have suffered quite a concussion. Your concussion history only makes it worse. I would say you are suffering from Multiple Concussion Syndrome where each successive concussion is more severe (for the same level of impact) and slower to recover.

I suggest you get your neck checked out. Very subtle upper neck injuries can cause horrible head ache problems. Gentle therapy and good posture discipline during rest and sleep will be important. Sometimes, the struggle to stay asleep is due to apnea. Do you have stressful dreams that cause you to wake up ? These can be a sign of poor oxygenation from interrupted breathing.

The clear fluid from your ears is a concern. Be sure to tell the doctor.

You don't say what you do for a job. Some jobs can be dangerous if the worker does not have full neurological function. Be glad you are getting 60% pay. Many of us have been denied WC benefits. btw, WC benefits are often tax free so the reduction is not so severe.

A neuro may be helpful or maybe a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation doctor will be better.

When you say your jaw hurts or is stuff, are you talking about your TMJ ? Muscle tension from an injured upper neck can mess up ones temporal mandibular joint. Do you have tenderness at the bony areas behind your ears ?

The Fioricet had acetaminophen. It is best to avoid acetaminophen due to it chemical stress on the brain. Ask the pharmacist if there is a version without acetaminophen. The pharmacist can get a script change from your doctor over the phone. Soma (carisoprodol) may offer the muscle relaxation your doctor is trying to treat with the Fioricet.

Feel free to tell or ask us anything. There are no dumb questions here.

My best to you.
Mark in Idaho

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10
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Old 03-16-2014, 06:59 PM #3
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Hi Mark, thanks for the response, its appreciated!

As far as my line of work im basically an engineer, a highway worker, an athletic field builder, a landscaper, a you name it, my job does it (public works) I take my job very seriously and am very physically engaged.

The whole neck thing is sort of in check. My wife is a physical therapist, so she has been working on it daily for the past month. Really hasn't made any difference.

The jaw thing I can describe as basically where it feels like where the jaw hinges on the left side doesnt want to open, like a deep pressure. No tenderness behind the ear either.

The whole situation is just so weird though. Because some days lately ive been feeling great. Just minor headaches and lack of concentration, and other days its like day 1 all over again. Its got me slightly confused/worried that something major could be wrong. I know there was no bleeding in the one and only CT scan I had at the hospital, so I know thats a good sign. But I just want to know why I cant sleep. To be honest I dont know if im having any dreams. When I wake up in the night, its just basically from a throbbing headache. I find that sitting up or standing makes my head feel better rather than laying down. Laying down for an extended period of time makes it feel like someone is holding me upside down and giving me a blood rush to the head!

Thing is, my work has been understanding these past two months, but lately its more of , why are you still out sort of deal. I mean, they are still playing nice, but it has me a bit concerned. I think this is one of those injuries you dont know what its like until youve been through it.

Ive never been to a neurologist, not really even sure what this guy will do. Will he order another CT scan, an MRI, something? I know im not ready to go back to work yet, and feel as though it could be dangerous. But ive lost 27 lbs in 2 months (mostly because my appetite is just not there anymore), I have my first child coming in a few weeks, and im just straight out bored out of my mind. So im just hoping he will clear me for labor so I can get back to normal work wise before my first child.
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Old 03-16-2014, 07:23 PM #4
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Do you have a recliner chair ? If so, try sleeping in it. Get yourself in a comfortable position where you can just melt into sleep. See of you can sleep longer that way. Early on, I had to change my sleeping position so I did not aggravate my neck and cause inflammation and spasms.

Recovering from a concussion often takes experimentation. Finding your head ache triggers is quite a task but an important one. It may help if your wife is very gentle with your neck. Some gentle traction with gentle mobilization may be better that pushing for range of motion. Stretched and strained ligaments need a gentle approach. C-1 and C-2 strains can be very difficult to heal.

Do you jaw clinch, maybe when you are sleeping ? I did early on. It caused severe TMJ problems. I took gabapentin before sleep and it helped reduce my jaw clinching. Do you sleep with one side of your face on your pillow ? Sleeping position can exacerbate a jaw problem.

Your head pressure is worth investigating. Ask the neuro about it.
Mark in Idaho

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10
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Old 03-16-2014, 07:50 PM #5
Bruins88 Bruins88 is offline
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Yes, ive tried the recliner, no luck sadly. I usually can fall asleep decently, its just staying asleep thats the problem. Its just being woken up like someone is bouncing a basketball off my head. Rather annoying.

Shes been very gentle on the neck, as a lot of patients get sent to her facility for concussion rehab so she understands what she is doing. So thats a big plus knowing shes not furthering injuring me haha.

Not that you mention it, I have been paying attention to my jaw. I am clenching it alot. I think it might be my natural reaction to coping with the headaches.

Also, to go along with the headaches, and I probably should of mentioned it but it slipped my mind (amongst other things im sure) is the pressure in my actual head. Its just a constant feeling of fullness to go along with the headaches. Is that normal for pcs?

At least I am now cleared to drive. They wouldnt let me drive for a little over a month, basically because my dizziness was so bad it felt like I was drunk driving.

Feel horrible about the whole pregnant wife situation too. Shes in the home stretch, and im almost useless to help her. Just cant physically do it.

Mark, once again thank you so much. Ive tried talking it out with a few people in person, and they have no idea because theyve never been KO'd before. They even act like your faking it. Its very frustrating, knowing you can hear what they are saying, but arent able to retaliate verbally fast enough because your brain cant catch up fast enough to respond with a nice witty comment. Oh well. I hope it never happens to them, because this is truly miserable, as you know.
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Old 03-16-2014, 08:56 PM #6
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Point your friends to the YouTube series "You Look Great." Here is the link:

You can also read the Vitamins sticky at the top. Taking strong doses of DHA Omega 3 fish oil helps some. The whole vitamin regimen would be helpful, especially with your concussion history.

Congrats on being a dad. I suggest you get some foam ear plugs to take the edge off of sounds in case the sound level increases in your home. I was a loud infant who cried all night and slept all day.

Do you have a home blood pressure kit ? It would be worth taking your BP when your head aches are worst. If they coincide with elevated BP, a BP med like propanolol may help. Hypertension can be exacerbated by a concussion.

Are you taking any meds at all besides the Fioricet ?
Mark in Idaho

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10
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Old 03-16-2014, 09:09 PM #7
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Default hello and welcome

Hi Kev

So sorry to hear of your struggles. Recoving from PCS just takes time and no one, not even the neurologist can tell you how long it takes. Brain healing takes months and it took me a calendar year to feel really mostly better

I am mostly over my symptoms, but I still get tinnitis (that rining in the ear) and I have it right now which means I am tired.

Anyhow, I hope you bring someone with you to the neuro doc. Write down your questions too so you don't forget them. (I still forget things a lot.) If you feel like this doc doesn't believe you -- fire that doc and find a new one.

Use some sun glasses for the light sensitivity and when people or conversations are overhwhelming you, then your brain is just plain feeling overtaxed and you will need to be apart from it.

People here do understand and there are some forums on Facebook too. Your wife can join that too for some perspective. This condition is hard on the caretakers too.

Check out the vitamins and supplements stickie. It does help but is not a cure all.

Here's wishing you well. Your symptoms are real and we all know that. There is hope in this though. Keep asking your questions and rest on.


[SIZE="1"]What happened. I was in a car accident 2-23-2013, and got a mild concussion from it. I had some time off for brain rest, got somewhat better, but slipped into PCS in March 2013.

Symptoms I had: dizziness, light and sound sensitivity, fatigue, tinitis, occasional headaches and migraines,

Symptoms as of 5--2013: poor sleep, tinitis, some confusion /short term memory blanks, balance. The other symptoms are mostly gone, but flare up if I OVERdo something.

Therapy I had: vestibular

3 months in: I could drive more and for longer distances. I felt like a younger, happier version of myself and I feel so blessed to have this feeling.

9 months in and I am working full time. I do get tired, and some sound and light sensitivity from time to time, but mostly I am over most of my symptoms.
I pray every day and I m praying for your recovery.

Over a year in: I can multi task (limited) and have humor in my life. But when I am tired, I am very tired.
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