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daniella 02-25-2008 12:00 PM

I know you said you don't know much about Kaprex but you did say it is similar to the fish oil in the effect. So I was wondering does Kaprex take awhile to work like months or should I see benefits more like a tylenol. You take Kaprex 2 times a day.

Jasminky 02-26-2008 11:27 PM

Calling Mrsd.....
I would like to start my daughter on a magnesium supplement. She is 5 years old and 40 pounds. From what I understand it should be given with a calcium supplement as well?
Can you reccommend something for us? Thank You so much in advance. My daughter is not diagnosed at this time but is and has been experiencing tics/hyperactivity and some OCD as well.
Trying Bontechs supplements now but there are just too many for her to take, she can not swallow opills and the taste is just so hard to disguise. Not sure we will get far with these....thought with just starting the mag and cal would be a little slower and better for her.

bruegger84 02-27-2008 01:41 AM

im not sure what MrsD would say about how much for children. in terms of magnesium. I mean I take ionic fizz 2 capfuls a day with warm water. so maybe a half capful of that stuff. im not sure how many mg that would be, or don't give her supplements and just go with the edamame peas, or go back and look at foods that would be helpful for her, maybe give her some nuts or something.

Oh and about glucosamine. I'm glad someone said something about that not being helpful, I was actually gonna get the creme, but decided against it. I remember visiting a site that recommended sulphur as an herbal supplement for me, based on symptoms etc. I looked it up and people take it as MSM-or there are creams with MSM in it. I'm sure it won't hurt to take a few MSM.

Chemar 02-27-2008 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jasminky (Post 225186)
I would like to start my daughter on a magnesium supplement. She is 5 years old and 40 pounds. From what I understand it should be given with a calcium supplement as well?
Can you reccommend something for us? Thank You so much in advance. My daughter is not diagnosed at this time but is and has been experiencing tics/hyperactivity and some OCD as well.
Trying Bontechs supplements now but there are just too many for her to take, she can not swallow opills and the taste is just so hard to disguise. Not sure we will get far with these....thought with just starting the mag and cal would be a little slower and better for her.

Hi Jasminsky :)

glad to see you made your way over here


mrsD 02-27-2008 08:56 AM

5 yr old?
Welcome to our board. For really small children, I think food sources for magnesium is the best way to go.

The statistics for accidental poisoning with magnesium are highest for small children and the elderly. As it is only about 20/yr, and mostly from misuse of Fleets enemas, but still in a small child one has to be very careful.

this link gives food values...but be careful and watch the quantity/volume stated...:

The RDA for your child is suggested at 130mg/day.

I think almonds are the easiest to do and are very high. For a small child you can grind them up and sprinkle on cereal or mix into oatmeal.

Edamame beans are very tasty and kids may enjoy taking them apart to eat...sort of a fun finger food. They are buttery and creamy and not beany.
Many kids will eat navy beans and chili..
This food list is good too:

You can switch lettuce in sandwiches with swiss goes in and is easy to eat this way. My husband doesn't even notice! LOL

Taking supplements of magnesium can loosen stools in some people. In a five year old, you really DON'T want that, so that is another reason food sources are better.:o

There is a cream for topical use:
And you can add some epsom salts into the bath water to be calming that way.
This is a very quick way to calm muscle tension/hyperactivity.

Chemar 02-27-2008 09:09 AM

Hi mrsD

just piping in here as I pointed Jasminsky here from another forum....

as it appears that kids with tics need extra magnesium, the main issue many parents face is
a.which is the best form of magnesium to supplement with
b. should it be given with calcium

because taurine has also been found to help with tics, many successfuly use magnesium taurate, but that isnt always readily found, and some prefer to give the magnesium and taurine separately, but often come up against the decision again on which form of magnesium, as most supplemental forms seem to be mag oxide, which i understand is poorly absorbed

the adding of calcium is another grey area for many of us

BonnieG once posted on BT that it should always be cal:mag in 2:1 ratio

but some literature suggests calcium actually interferes with magnesium absorption :confused:

can you shed any light on this for us pleez :)

mrsD 02-27-2008 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Chemar (Post 225478)
Hi mrsD

just piping in here as I pointed Jasminsky here from another forum....

as it appears that kids with tics need extra magnesium, the main issue many parents face is
a.which is the best form of magnesium to supplement with
b. should it be given with calcium

because taurine has also been found to help with tics, many successfuly use magnesium taurate, but that isnt always readily found, and some prefer to give the magnesium and taurine separately, but often come up against the decision again on which form of magnesium, as most supplemental forms seem to be mag oxide, which i understand is poorly absorbed

the adding of calcium is another grey area for many of us

BonnieG once posted on BT that it should always be cal:mag in 2:1 ratio

but some literature suggests calcium actually interferes with magnesium absorption :confused:

can you shed any light on this for us pleez :)

One can always give taurine separately...
It is confusing and hard to get the supplement makers to put on their labels what the elemental mineral content really is. That Cardiovascular Product is small..and says 125mg... and I suspect it is only about 15% mag. for example.
Most chelates with magnesium are HUGE pills... so since we cannot see what people choose, I tend to be very conservative when small children are concerned.

I've read this claim about absorption. Both calcium and magnesium in foods require acidic environment for absorption. But in supplement form, many of the types are when supplements are given time of administration is suggested between meals. (I personally don't understand this).
This comment seems to me to be the most understandable:

Magnesium competes with calcium for binding to the troponin molecule found at regular intervals along actin filaments. Troponin undergoes a conformation change and a shift in position upon calcium binding, and hence allows the binding of actin and myosin filaments that occurs prior to muscle contraction. Because magnesium can compete with calcium for troponin binding, it can inhibit this contraction mechanism. A supplement with calcium and magnesium together is not a problem for magnesium absorption if both minerals are chelated and in a plant-base concentrate. Tests have indicated that this type of formula does not inhibit magnesium absorption.

You see when we eat food... that is when absorption is naturally designed to work. Supplements are artificial, and as such, are more confusing.
Here is a study showing that long term use of PPI's like Prilosec and Nexium (and other similar ones) leads to hypomagnesia...
Low acid prevents normal absorption from food.
Here is a very complex explanation of intestinal absorption of magnesium:

This is the PDF that shows the graphs more clearly.

This article shows that increased magnesium (supplement) had no effect on calcium absorption.

You can look at many sites, and get confusing answers. I tend to think calcium and magnesium do not affect each other under most circumstances.

This site is confusing:
I never really understand this think it sounds good, BUT....????

razzle51 02-27-2008 02:16 PM

good info thanks . I sent you a private mesage .

bruegger84 02-27-2008 06:37 PM

taurine/ nexium-brick defecation???
I really think taurine is just about as useful for tics or muscle contractions as glucosamine is for bones/joints. cause it is definitely about as unproven as much things. I mean they throw them in energy drinks- maybe leading people to think they help with the caffeine twitches.

I take nexium(oopps) but hopefully it doesn't mess too much with my magnesium absorption. I mean I do actually need it, because everytime I have sugar heartburn kicks in. I mean why do they sell these things? I always thought you need acid to digest food. wouldn't it just turn your food into bricks and get you constipated and start crapping out bricks(pardon my french.)

Chemar 02-27-2008 10:46 PM

taurine happens to be VERY helpful to people who have tourette syndrome and and has helped my son with some pretty severe tic waxing times

when he stops taking it, his tics increase so I feel confident in saying *it works!*

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