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mrsD 02-20-2008 03:59 PM

how large are the tablets?
Humongous? or average?

Can you post the maker here so I can look it up?

A humongous size tablet of magnesium could have up to 100mg of elemental in it.
Here is an example:
The glycinate tablet here is clearly marked...elemental, and I expect it to be very large--almost an inch long (like the magnesium malate I used to use).

Magnesium Glycinate
Size Price
Each Tablet Contains: 120 $18.00

Magnesium Glycinate 1,000 mg. 240 $34.00

(providing 100 mg. of elemental Magnesium, U.S. Patent #4,599,152)
Suggested Usage:
Adults take 1 to 2 tablets daily or as directed by physician.
Here is a powder you can buy... which gives the ratio.. 20% elemental

This one gives elemental too:

I cannot answer your question if I can't see the product or label.

daniella 02-20-2008 05:32 PM

Thanks Mrs D. It is by Metagenics and is the regular called Mag Glycinate. They are pretty big pill and says 2 pill have 200mg of magnesium bis-glycinate. Thanks again.

KarenMarie 02-20-2008 05:43 PM

Having been taking 500 mg daily for about 25 years - helps with the muscle spasms and cramps - more then Baclofen (sp)

DM 02-21-2008 09:30 AM

WHEW! I have just read this entire thread and I want to say a humongous THANK YOU to everyone who posted here. I checked many of the websites given and am very glad I did. I had just bought 2 lg grapefruit and was about to eat one while reading this thread. I clicked on a drug interaction website given here and lo and behold...

One of the meds I take has a potentially harmful reaction when ingesting grapefruit juice. Also, I had recently jumped on the magnesium supplement bandwagon and had purchased a bottle of it, so read the back label and it contained Mag Oxide.

I am very appreciative of all the work and effort you all put into this thread to inform members like me.

Thanks again. Your research helped this member alot. The info was priceless.. :grouphug:

*Just one more reason NT is so amazing*

mrsD 02-21-2008 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by daniella (Post 219943)
Thanks Mrs D. It is by Metagenics and is the regular called Mag Glycinate. They are pretty big pill and says 2 pill have 200mg of magnesium bis-glycinate. Thanks again.

Okay, that means if there is 100mg of elemental mag in each tablet, you are
getting 1/2 the RDA by taking two a day. Not all is absorbed, but most will be.

daniella 02-21-2008 11:34 AM

Thanks but I am taking 4 is that ok and good? Also I am sorry to beat a dead horse but I am having a hard time with my pain issue and I was wondering if you could look over my list of daily supp and tell me what I should add or take away. Thanks a million.
womens multi
calcium 600 with vitamin d -2 a day
mag glycinate 400mg but split in 2 doses
glucosamine msn 2 a day
vitamin c 500mg
kaprex 2 a day split doses
fish oil 2 a day 1200mg

I was going to add b complex in but I thought it used to contribute to my dizzy feeling but that could be wrong and my b12 level is 1500 to 2000 depending.The kaprex I know there is little data but could this in any way be harmful if taking 2 daily for ever. Is epa dha 6:1 better then the reg fish oil. The fish oil I take is by nature made but the epa:dha is by metagenics and says it is a minor pain support Thanks so much.

watsonsh 02-21-2008 05:53 PM

I've read the entire mag file. So is Mag glycinate the best since its the most absorable?

I looked for mag taurate in the store and could not find it.

mrsD 02-22-2008 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by daniella (Post 220436)
Thanks but I am taking 4 is that ok and good? Also I am sorry to beat a dead horse but I am having a hard time with my pain issue and I was wondering if you could look over my list of daily supp and tell me what I should add or take away. Thanks a million.
womens multi
calcium 600 with vitamin d -2 a day
mag glycinate 400mg but split in 2 doses
glucosamine msn 2 a day
vitamin c 500mg
kaprex 2 a day split doses
fish oil 2 a day 1200mg

I was going to add b complex in but I thought it used to contribute to my dizzy feeling but that could be wrong and my b12 level is 1500 to 2000 depending.The kaprex I know there is little data but could this in any way be harmful if taking 2 daily for ever. Is epa dha 6:1 better then the reg fish oil. The fish oil I take is by nature made but the epa:dha is by metagenics and says it is a minor pain support Thanks so much.

Sorry, don't have experience with Kaprex...but it strikes me as similar to Limbrel (on RX). How it works is by improving inflammation, which is what the fish oil also does. There are studies coming out now that glucosamine does not work wonders (if at all).

However, I know people who swear by it. It didn't do much for me.
If you make your own chicken soup --with chicken complete with bones, and simmer out all the connective tissue parts, you get far more than a glucosamine pill has. And you get dinner with it!

If you D is low --how much D are you taking in that cal/D tablet? You will far more D than is typically in mixtures like that.

mrsD 02-22-2008 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by shelley (Post 220747)
I've read the entire mag file. So is Mag glycinate the best since its the most absorable?

I looked for mag taurate in the store and could not find it.

Most of the chelates work fine. None are 100% absorbed. The mag taurate is not high in mag... it is a small capsule.
This one appears to have more magnesium in it...
read the customer review... another misadventure with labeling...

This one reads better:
4 tablets contain 400mg magnesium.

Just pick one chelate and take it. Avoid oxide form, and target 1/2 of the RDA unless you have a doctor's supervision for higher doses.
People who are sensitive to looseness like me are the ones who have to pick and choose. Also it is important to understand that if one chooses a poor brand/type, taking it will give no results. Assuming then that magnesium does not work...would then be a false assumption. This is the most common error in using magnesium supplements. And remember, you can get it from foods. (which is what I try to do)

daniella 02-22-2008 11:17 AM

My d levels are good but I have osteoprosis. The endo told me to take 2 calcium with d. The calcium amount is 600mg and the d is 400iu.
I am so lost Mrs D so I thought the gylcinate was very well absorbed and what docs use. Is 400mg good or no the 200mg because it is 1/2 the rda amount? This doc wanted me to work up to 10 but I don't feel comfortable. I have bowels of steel and the amount to give me loose bowels would be unreal. Thanks about the Kaprex. There seems to be little data. I guess Shelly and I are the test bunnies and right now for me no help. Not cheap stuff either. I feel some of the supps are just giving me expensive urine.Thanks always

watsonsh 02-22-2008 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by daniella (Post 221498)
Not cheap stuff either. I feel some of the supps are just giving me expensive urine.

You made me laugh with this statement. So true! :D

watsonsh 02-22-2008 12:07 PM

Thanks Mrs D. You are a wealth of information!!!!

I am intrigued by the Limbrel and gonna do a little googling. :D

mrsD 02-22-2008 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by daniella (Post 221498)
My d levels are good but I have osteoprosis. The endo told me to take 2 calcium with d. The calcium amount is 600mg and the d is 400iu.
I am so lost Mrs D so I thought the gylcinate was very well absorbed and what docs use. Is 400mg good or no the 200mg because it is 1/2 the rda amount? This doc wanted me to work up to 10 but I don't feel comfortable. I have bowels of steel and the amount to give me loose bowels would be unreal. Thanks about the Kaprex. There seems to be little data. I guess Shelly and I are the test bunnies and right now for me no help. Not cheap stuff either. I feel some of the supps are just giving me expensive urine.Thanks always

Let's back up a bit...

Daniella, nothing you take by mouth is 100% absorbed. That calcium you use is only about 20-24% absorbed.
When I give suggestions on the net, I have to be careful because I don't know your kidney function or anything else about you. So basically for a target for someone NOT SEEING a doctor 1/2 of the RDA for magnesium is a fair goal.
Statistics have shown that to be a safe, useful target. For some drastic people who are very depleted that may be too low a target.
If you follow your doctor's advice and take 10 tablets of your product that would be 1000mg of elemental mag or 2.5 times higher than the RDA which is between 350 and 400mg/aday. Your doctor is responsible for that recommendation. If you took 4 tablets a day, you would be at the RDA, assuming that all is absorbed, which it is not. That would vary from person to person depending on transit time and activity of the bowel.

Curious 02-22-2008 02:35 PM

Foods High in Magnesium Serving SizeMagnesium (mg)
Beans, black 1 cup 120
Broccoli, raw 1 cup 22
Halibut 1/2 fillet 170
Nuts, peanuts 1 oz 64
Okra,frozen 1 cup 94
Oysters 3 oz 49
Plantain, raw 1 medium 66
Rockfish 1 fillet 51
Scallop 6 large 55
Seeds, pumpkin and squash1 oz (142 seeds)151
Soy milk 1 cup 47
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 157
Tofu 1/4 block 37
Whole grain cereal, ready-to-eat3/4 cup 24
Whole grain cereal, cooked1 cup 56
Whole wheat bread 1 slice 24

watsonsh 02-22-2008 03:02 PM

You are missing choccy and candy from that list right :wink: It is a food group!

glenntaj 02-22-2008 03:58 PM

I do take a magnesium citrate supplement--
--that is 400mg, but I know that all of that is not elemental, and that I only absorb a fraction of that. Nevertheless, it does seem to make a difference as to how often and severely I cramp (which I still tend to do during certain types of isometric stretches recommended for my hip and spine).

I also notice that if I go heavy on the beans (I love black, pinto, white, navy) this is improved as well (although there are the usual, musical side effects). :D

mrsD 02-22-2008 05:18 PM

I do almonds. 3 oz of almonds have 270 mg of Magnesium.

Also black beans when I make chili. (1/2 black 1/2 chili type)

If you take Beano... the tooting is less.:p or nonexistant.

Edit to add.... It just slipped my mind:
Edamame beans are very good sources of magnesium AND potassium
They have protein also. They are easy to fix (come cooked/frozen) and
taste good. And NOT expensive.

daniella 02-23-2008 02:10 PM

Thanks Mrs D. You are always so helpfu. I am not going to take 10 but I guess will try the 4 since the bottle says take 2 two times a day so that seems safe.The docs never take responsibilty for mistakes to me anyway. I have never had edamame. Sounds interesting and I am going to try.
Shelly glad I made you laugh. That is the best medicine.

Curious 02-23-2008 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by mrsd (Post 221819)
I do almonds. 3 oz of almonds have 270 mg of Magnesium.

Also black beans when I make chili. (1/2 black 1/2 chili type)

If you take Beano... the tooting is less.:p or nonexistant.

Edit to add.... It just slipped my mind:
Edamame beans are very good sources of magnesium AND potassium
They have protein also. They are easy to fix (come cooked/frozen) and
taste good. And NOT expensive.

we love edamame's. the kids have fun opening the pods and eating them. most of the packages say to toss with salt. i never have. i don't think they need anything. great tv watching snack. :wink:

mrsD 02-23-2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 222378)
we love edamame's. the kids have fun opening the pods and eating them. most of the packages say to toss with salt. i never have. i don't think they need anything. great tv watching snack. :wink:

Oh, I never add salt to anything. The packages I get (they are huge) from Costco for about 4-5 dollars, say precooked in salty water--but they don't taste salty to me.

Sometimes I just have a small serving of chicken, and those for dinner. Don't need anything else! They are very very nutritionally dense and satisfying..and provide alot of nutrients we don't get elsewhere. I put out the empty husks and the bunnies come and eat left overs! (we have alot of wild life, opossums, bunnies, squirrels, raccoons, even deer sometimes, and groundhogs.) Keeps them off my plants too.

I can't say enough about Edamame beans. They taste like butter, and have no beany or veggie consequences!

daniella 02-25-2008 12:00 PM

I know you said you don't know much about Kaprex but you did say it is similar to the fish oil in the effect. So I was wondering does Kaprex take awhile to work like months or should I see benefits more like a tylenol. You take Kaprex 2 times a day.

Jasminky 02-26-2008 11:27 PM

Calling Mrsd.....
I would like to start my daughter on a magnesium supplement. She is 5 years old and 40 pounds. From what I understand it should be given with a calcium supplement as well?
Can you reccommend something for us? Thank You so much in advance. My daughter is not diagnosed at this time but is and has been experiencing tics/hyperactivity and some OCD as well.
Trying Bontechs supplements now but there are just too many for her to take, she can not swallow opills and the taste is just so hard to disguise. Not sure we will get far with these....thought with just starting the mag and cal would be a little slower and better for her.

bruegger84 02-27-2008 01:41 AM

im not sure what MrsD would say about how much for children. in terms of magnesium. I mean I take ionic fizz 2 capfuls a day with warm water. so maybe a half capful of that stuff. im not sure how many mg that would be, or don't give her supplements and just go with the edamame peas, or go back and look at foods that would be helpful for her, maybe give her some nuts or something.

Oh and about glucosamine. I'm glad someone said something about that not being helpful, I was actually gonna get the creme, but decided against it. I remember visiting a site that recommended sulphur as an herbal supplement for me, based on symptoms etc. I looked it up and people take it as MSM-or there are creams with MSM in it. I'm sure it won't hurt to take a few MSM.

Chemar 02-27-2008 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jasminky (Post 225186)
I would like to start my daughter on a magnesium supplement. She is 5 years old and 40 pounds. From what I understand it should be given with a calcium supplement as well?
Can you reccommend something for us? Thank You so much in advance. My daughter is not diagnosed at this time but is and has been experiencing tics/hyperactivity and some OCD as well.
Trying Bontechs supplements now but there are just too many for her to take, she can not swallow opills and the taste is just so hard to disguise. Not sure we will get far with these....thought with just starting the mag and cal would be a little slower and better for her.

Hi Jasminsky :)

glad to see you made your way over here


mrsD 02-27-2008 08:56 AM

5 yr old?
Welcome to our board. For really small children, I think food sources for magnesium is the best way to go.

The statistics for accidental poisoning with magnesium are highest for small children and the elderly. As it is only about 20/yr, and mostly from misuse of Fleets enemas, but still in a small child one has to be very careful.

this link gives food values...but be careful and watch the quantity/volume stated...:

The RDA for your child is suggested at 130mg/day.

I think almonds are the easiest to do and are very high. For a small child you can grind them up and sprinkle on cereal or mix into oatmeal.

Edamame beans are very tasty and kids may enjoy taking them apart to eat...sort of a fun finger food. They are buttery and creamy and not beany.
Many kids will eat navy beans and chili..
This food list is good too:

You can switch lettuce in sandwiches with swiss goes in and is easy to eat this way. My husband doesn't even notice! LOL

Taking supplements of magnesium can loosen stools in some people. In a five year old, you really DON'T want that, so that is another reason food sources are better.:o

There is a cream for topical use:
And you can add some epsom salts into the bath water to be calming that way.
This is a very quick way to calm muscle tension/hyperactivity.

Chemar 02-27-2008 09:09 AM

Hi mrsD

just piping in here as I pointed Jasminsky here from another forum....

as it appears that kids with tics need extra magnesium, the main issue many parents face is
a.which is the best form of magnesium to supplement with
b. should it be given with calcium

because taurine has also been found to help with tics, many successfuly use magnesium taurate, but that isnt always readily found, and some prefer to give the magnesium and taurine separately, but often come up against the decision again on which form of magnesium, as most supplemental forms seem to be mag oxide, which i understand is poorly absorbed

the adding of calcium is another grey area for many of us

BonnieG once posted on BT that it should always be cal:mag in 2:1 ratio

but some literature suggests calcium actually interferes with magnesium absorption :confused:

can you shed any light on this for us pleez :)

mrsD 02-27-2008 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Chemar (Post 225478)
Hi mrsD

just piping in here as I pointed Jasminsky here from another forum....

as it appears that kids with tics need extra magnesium, the main issue many parents face is
a.which is the best form of magnesium to supplement with
b. should it be given with calcium

because taurine has also been found to help with tics, many successfuly use magnesium taurate, but that isnt always readily found, and some prefer to give the magnesium and taurine separately, but often come up against the decision again on which form of magnesium, as most supplemental forms seem to be mag oxide, which i understand is poorly absorbed

the adding of calcium is another grey area for many of us

BonnieG once posted on BT that it should always be cal:mag in 2:1 ratio

but some literature suggests calcium actually interferes with magnesium absorption :confused:

can you shed any light on this for us pleez :)

One can always give taurine separately...
It is confusing and hard to get the supplement makers to put on their labels what the elemental mineral content really is. That Cardiovascular Product is small..and says 125mg... and I suspect it is only about 15% mag. for example.
Most chelates with magnesium are HUGE pills... so since we cannot see what people choose, I tend to be very conservative when small children are concerned.

I've read this claim about absorption. Both calcium and magnesium in foods require acidic environment for absorption. But in supplement form, many of the types are when supplements are given time of administration is suggested between meals. (I personally don't understand this).
This comment seems to me to be the most understandable:

Magnesium competes with calcium for binding to the troponin molecule found at regular intervals along actin filaments. Troponin undergoes a conformation change and a shift in position upon calcium binding, and hence allows the binding of actin and myosin filaments that occurs prior to muscle contraction. Because magnesium can compete with calcium for troponin binding, it can inhibit this contraction mechanism. A supplement with calcium and magnesium together is not a problem for magnesium absorption if both minerals are chelated and in a plant-base concentrate. Tests have indicated that this type of formula does not inhibit magnesium absorption.

You see when we eat food... that is when absorption is naturally designed to work. Supplements are artificial, and as such, are more confusing.
Here is a study showing that long term use of PPI's like Prilosec and Nexium (and other similar ones) leads to hypomagnesia...
Low acid prevents normal absorption from food.
Here is a very complex explanation of intestinal absorption of magnesium:

This is the PDF that shows the graphs more clearly.

This article shows that increased magnesium (supplement) had no effect on calcium absorption.

You can look at many sites, and get confusing answers. I tend to think calcium and magnesium do not affect each other under most circumstances.

This site is confusing:
I never really understand this think it sounds good, BUT....????

razzle51 02-27-2008 02:16 PM

good info thanks . I sent you a private mesage .

bruegger84 02-27-2008 06:37 PM

taurine/ nexium-brick defecation???
I really think taurine is just about as useful for tics or muscle contractions as glucosamine is for bones/joints. cause it is definitely about as unproven as much things. I mean they throw them in energy drinks- maybe leading people to think they help with the caffeine twitches.

I take nexium(oopps) but hopefully it doesn't mess too much with my magnesium absorption. I mean I do actually need it, because everytime I have sugar heartburn kicks in. I mean why do they sell these things? I always thought you need acid to digest food. wouldn't it just turn your food into bricks and get you constipated and start crapping out bricks(pardon my french.)

Chemar 02-27-2008 10:46 PM

taurine happens to be VERY helpful to people who have tourette syndrome and and has helped my son with some pretty severe tic waxing times

when he stops taking it, his tics increase so I feel confident in saying *it works!*

bruegger84 02-28-2008 12:33 AM

yahh, I'll take your word for it, but if it worked for everyone, then it would probably be added as a treatment option, just like doctors regularly prescribe vitamin D and calcium for bones- when there is proof that calcium only helps a tiny bit with bones. there's certain herbal or dietary moves that can knock down cholesterol like a few points such as fiber, but does that really make that much a difference.

Chemar 02-28-2008 07:53 AM

hi Bruegger

I guess the proof is in the pudding;)

but to each his own............

LOL full of cliches today arent I........:D

but seriously, if we hadnt implemented my son's supplemental treatments, of which magnesium is core, he would likely still have the very severe TS tics he used to suffer from

IMHO these "studies" leave much to be desired and only tell part of the story. I used to work in medical research and so I know how "scientific studies" are conducted:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
plus, many of the studies on supplements are conducted by or in some way connected to the big pharma companies who have a vested interest in having their products shine brighter than a simple otc supplement............
also, some supplements that the medical community have scorned as being of little benefit in the past, are being increasingly recommended by them. I personally think a lot more time should be spent at medical school educating them on nutritional health.

both my husband and I also use various supplements (including glucosamine) and also clearly know the difference when we stop taking them

are they a cure all....of course not.
But do I feel they betcha.

let's return this thread to what it is supposed to be about.....magnesium information

all the best

mrsD 02-28-2008 07:58 AM

Is recommended for aging people who may have insulin resistance.
The suggestion to use it with inositol is important too. Inositol supplementation reduces taurine in the body for some reason.

Also taurine shows effect on improving bile flow.
Here is an interesting article:

PubMed has over 300+ pages on Taurine now. Here is a very new article:
Thought provoking!

Schizophr Res. 2008 Feb;99(1-3):56-70. Epub 2008 Jan 9.Click here to read Links
Maternal infection leads to abnormal gene regulation and brain atrophy in mouse offspring: Implications for genesis of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Fatemi SH, Reutiman TJ, Folsom TD, Huang H, Oishi K, Mori S, Smee DF, Pearce DA, Winter C, Sohr R, Juckel G.

Department of Psychiatry, Division of Neuroscience Research, University of Minnesota Medical School, 420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 392, Minneapolis, MN 55455, United States; Department of Pharmacology, University of Minnesota Medical School, 310 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, United States; Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota Medical School, 310 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, United States.

Prenatal viral infection has been associated with development of schizophrenia and autism. Our laboratory has previously shown that viral infection causes deleterious effects on brain structure and function in mouse offspring following late first trimester (E9) administration of influenza virus. We hypothesized that late second trimester infection (E18) in mice may lead to a different pattern of brain gene expression and structural defects in the developing offspring. C57BL6J mice were infected on E18 with a sublethal dose of human influenza virus or sham-infected using vehicle solution. Male offsping of the infected mice were collected at P0, P14, P35 and P56, their brains removed and prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum dissected and flash frozen. Microarray, qRT-PCR, DTI and MRI scanning, western blotting and neurochemical analysis were performed to detect differences in gene expression and brain atrophy. Expression of several genes associated with schizophrenia or autism including Sema3a, Trfr2 and Vldlr were found to be altered as were protein levels of Foxp2. E18 infection of C57BL6J mice with a sublethal dose of human influenza virus led to significant gene alterations in frontal, hippocampal and cerebellar cortices of developing mouse progeny. Brain imaging revealed significant atrophy in several brain areas and white matter thinning in corpus callosum. Finally, neurochemical analysis revealed significantly altered levels of serotonin (P14, P35), 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (P14) and taurine (P35). We propose that maternal infection in mouse provides an heuristic animal model for studying the environmental contributions to genesis of schizophrenia and autism, two important examples of neurodevelopmental disorders.

PMID: 18248790 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
The first article I put up here suggests long term high dosing of taurine leads to a shut down of internal regulatory systems the body has for it.
So I would pay attention to that. Doses typically used by NON-body building fanatics or energy drink fanatics typically do not approach 3 grams a day.

daniella 02-28-2008 03:28 PM

Chemar the magnesium your son takes what form is it or is magnesium taurine it?Sorry somewhat lost always. I think people have mixed results with glucosamine. My mom takes it and really finds it helpful. I take it and don't see any benefit. So if you have no stomach issues with magnesium what is the best kind? On the net they said any that end in the ate. I feel so cramped and tight muscles and probably a fluke but this has been since I switched to magnesium glycinate which I read is hughly absorbable. What does the bis mean before the glycinate. It says bis-glycinate.
Jasminky I used to have very bad ocd in my late teens Anyhow I just wanted to say that I know how hard for your family and child it is but don't give up hope that it can get way better. Mine lasted for years but now I can say it is really not part of my issue anymore. For a long time my hands blead for ex from the washing. I really feel a lot is a brain chemistry too that needs to be balanced. Sorry if off subject a little.

Jasminky 02-28-2008 04:09 PM

I replied to your post mrsd but now I can not find it? I think I did something wrong??

Curious 02-28-2008 04:19 PM

jasminky, scroll up to post #102...that is your post. :hug:

mrsD 02-28-2008 04:27 PM

Bis means two...
That means there are two glycines to one magnesium ion.

mrsD 02-28-2008 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Jasminky (Post 226510)
I replied to your post mrsd but now I can not find it? I think I did something wrong??

My reply to you about your child appears right after post 102.

Greyhound 05-12-2008 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by mrsd (Post 8811)
People who become depleted of magnesium may succumb to a cardiac event called prolonged Q-T. This is where the heart rhythm becomes stalled,
and the heart stops beating.

I thought I was imagining my heart skipping beats O_o

Or could it be due to damage from my chest tics? :-S

By the way, approximately how long should it take for magnesium citrate to start taking effect on tics (if the tics are due to a deficiency)?

mrsD 05-12-2008 01:05 PM

magnesium usually shows improvements in a few days.
If you are REALLY low, you will see results quickly. But borderline people
show improvements more slowly.

IV administration is used in hospitals for hypertension in pregnancy (eclampsia) and for heart issues. It is VERY fast acting then.

My husband feels his muscles improve the next day. And I can have leg
cramping go away in one day too.

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