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bizi 05-31-2019 08:40 PM

I am sorry you are so anxious.
have the tea that you like.
hoping you can sleep tonight.

mymorgy 06-01-2019 05:28 AM

my blood pressure this morning was in the 200's again. I am very worried and can't wait for my doctor's appointment next friday. my blood pressure went down into the 140's. I took apple cider vinegar. I was thinking of going into a walk in clinic. I see my pdoc in the following week and talk about my high anxiety. I I don't like what she prescribes I decided to go back to my oldd psychiatrist. I can't take the stress. I am eating a lot which is bad for blood pressure.
There are times when high blood pressure is considered an emergency and requires urgent medical attention. ... Seek emergency care if your blood pressure reading is 180/110 or higher and you have any of the following symptoms, which may be signs of organ damage: Chest pain. Shortness of breath
I don't have chest pain or shortness of breath

mymorgy 06-01-2019 09:38 AM

i just took it again and it was 101.

bizi 06-01-2019 11:40 AM

What are the bottom numbers?
sorry you are going thru this.

mymorgy 06-01-2019 12:13 PM

they vary. I just pay attention to the top number

bizi 06-01-2019 12:48 PM

would you mind posting both numbers. As a nurse this gives a better understanding of what your blood pressure is doing.

OhKay 06-01-2019 01:00 PM

Bizi is correct... the bottom number (diastolic BP) is very important, and much less likely to be effected by anxiety. Your top number (systolic BP) can easily be effected by anxiety or pain, and that is why it has been so high. By paying attention to both numbers, you get a better understanding of whether or not your blood pressure issues need to be addressed immediately or not. In your case, I would not consider a top number of 180 to be a medical emergency because of your anxiety, but I would be very concerned if the bottom number was approaching 100 or greater.

You really need to see a pdoc to get some control over your anxiety, and NOT wait a couple of weeks to do it. It is just as important as seeing your GP for your blood pressure. He also needs to know that your BP has been high, at least in part, because of anxiety in order to treat you properly.

I'm sorry that you are so anxious right now, and you don't feel like your depression isn't under control (((HUGS)))
Maybe going back to your old pdoc isn't such a bad idea... do what you think is best for you... do you feel like you were getting better care from him?

mymorgy 06-01-2019 01:57 PM

i just took it. it is 138 98 73. I took some chamomile tea. I am going to give the psychiatrist one more try. My old psychiatrist would charge me 50 dollars a month to fill a prescription and 175 every three months for a visit. I worry about money. I want to see what my gp says about the blood pressure and I will tell him that my new psychiatrist cut my anxiety med to less than half the dosage and put me on depakote which I took myself off of because I was always tired, made me gain weight fast and gave me stomach pains. As I said I see the gp on friday.

bizi 06-01-2019 02:53 PM

I don't think that your blood pressure cuff is right. if your bp reading was 138/98 the bottom reading is high but the top reading is too low for the bottom number to be that high. If 73 is your heart rate that is good. Your heart rate goes up with your anxiety. my heart rate is 100 and I am just sitting on the computer, but I just got done eating. And I need to drink more water because I am dehydrated today.

mymorgy 06-01-2019 03:07 PM

my friend alice used to take her husband's blood and said it would bounce around and be unreliable

mymorgy 06-01-2019 03:14 PM

now it is 123 70 76 I feel very jumpy. I won't listen to the psychiatrist now. I still have a lot of klonopin and will take 2 mg now

bizi 06-01-2019 03:44 PM

those numbers are perfect.
Are you still taking the bp medication?

mymorgy 06-01-2019 03:47 PM

i am taking ramipril once a day

mymorgy 06-02-2019 04:43 AM

now it is 197 121 97 i took it again and it said error. i took it again and had 184 108 95 . then i worry a lot about colon cancer because I suffer from constipation. I have little activity and am overweight and I take a lot of meds whose side effects are constipation. I told my current doctor that I use Phillips around four times a week. He said that was okay. I am terrified of a colonoscopy and I think the stress of it could give me a heart attack or stroke.
I am making peppermint tea now

mymorgy 06-02-2019 09:50 AM

i just took it and it was 109 66 102

bizi 06-02-2019 10:37 AM

Glad that you last reading is normal. heart rate is up a bit but could be from anxiety.
or just normal for you.
I told you that often my heart rate is 100 just sitting at the computer.
love to you today bobby.

mymorgy 06-02-2019 11:00 AM

I just bought some olive leaf extract which is supposedly good for the heart and blood pressure

OhKay 06-02-2019 12:34 PM

You had a blood pressure reading of 197/121?! That is WAY too high!!!
I would not be concerned about a pulse of 102 if you are anxious. My pulse has been way over that due to pain, anxiety, and/or dehydration.

Your readings are all over the place. Are you using a wrist cuff? They are not reliable/accurate.

I'm glad that you are going to see your PCP on Friday, and I like your plans for what to say :)

Maybe you could give this pdoc another shot, given you have physiological evidence of your out of control anxiety now?
Or make a list of pros and cons for going to each pdoc?

mymorgy 06-02-2019 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1275998)
You had a blood pressure reading of 197/121?! That is WAY too high!!!
I would not be concerned about a pulse of 102 if you are anxious. My pulse has been way over that due to pain, anxiety, and/or dehydration.

Your readings are all over the place. Are you using a wrist cuff? They are not reliable/accurate.

I'm glad that you are going to see your PCP on Friday, and I like your plans for what to say :)

Maybe you could give this pdoc another shot, given you have physiological evidence of your out of control anxiety now?
Or make a list of pros and cons for going to each pdoc?

It is a wrist cuff

bizi 06-02-2019 02:31 PM

as kay said...they are not as reliable as an arm cuff.

mymorgy 06-02-2019 04:35 PM

I took citrate magnesium liquid and it hardly worked for the first time. I have been thinking of a colonoscopy all afternoon. I think I am going to ask my doctor to recommend a place because I am driving myself nuts . also I will ask him for a prescription laxative. I have been thinking a lot about death.
My youngest nephew called me and again wished me a happy birthday and asked about meeting him in midtown. I said I really couldn't. He said his youngest son is going to some Patriots thingie and is going to meet Brady.

Seventy-five percent of the population tends toward constipation, and if you’re in that class

bizi 06-02-2019 08:34 PM

did you take half bottle or a full bottle?
just curious....
sorry you struggle with this..I can relate

mymorgy 06-03-2019 07:20 AM

I took a full bottle. last night I tool six magnesium caplets and they worked. That is how many I always take. that aleve pm really helps me sleep. I am not sure if it is helping my lower back.

mymorgy 06-03-2019 07:56 AM

I tried it will a cuff and it is still very high

mymorgy 06-03-2019 08:28 AM

I think i am going to go to a walk in clinic

bizi 06-03-2019 08:41 AM

I think that is a good idea to be seen, but I would try to get into your regular doctor first.

mymorgy 06-03-2019 09:43 AM

I don't see my regular doctor til Friday. I went to the clinic. He said no salt and no more coffee today. My blood pressure was still high. He took a few times and it got lower. I asked why it jumped around so much. He said it was all the conditions I had. He gave me a list of psychiatrists but he didn't know them.

Dmom3005 06-03-2019 09:45 AM

Call your regular doctor please tell them your blood pressure is
high right now. And see if they will get you in earlier.

They know your situation.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 06-03-2019 09:54 AM

I tried but that was the earliest I could get. I told them I was worried about my blood pressure

bizi 06-03-2019 12:49 PM

Thanks for the report.

mymorgy 06-04-2019 03:43 AM

I feel lousy and tired. I just took my blood pressure with the cuff and it was high.
I just started taking olive leaf extract. My old friend Flora called yesterday and said she was a grandmother and her daughter was in labor for 36 hours. the doctor had to use some sort of head cap to suction him night I dreamt I needed an antidepressant. I am very scared of a heart attack or stroke or death.
it just went down a lot lower

mymorgy 06-04-2019 08:15 AM

i just called the doctor to see if he had a cancellation for an earlier appt and they said no. I have been off depakote for a few weeks but one of the side effects is high blood pressure.

Dmom3005 06-04-2019 10:00 AM


I don't think the depakote would still be effecting blood pressure.
Especially if it didn't while you were on it.

I think I'd stop taking it more than once a day. Maybe take it
after being up for a few hours, after drinking some of the teas
that are supposed to help it. Also it could be the cuff or the
device you have.
Also if at all possible take your device with you on Friday and
have them check it to see if its working correctly.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 06-04-2019 10:53 AM

when i had it taken at the walk in clinic one of the readings was the same.

OhKay 06-04-2019 11:00 AM

Thank you for going to the walk-in clinic, Bobby. You did the right thing. I'm glad that you are okay :hug::hug::hug:
I'm happy that the doctor took the time to give you a list of new pdocs. Maybe you can look them up when you have time, and see if any of them looks promising?

Donna is right, I'm positive your current BP problems are not due to the Depakote since you've been off of it for so long.
I would take your BP once in the morning as she recommended.
But I would take it once more in the evening just because it's been so high.

My grandmother had the same issues you are having with her blood pressure- anxiety included. I got her PCP to prescribe her a low dose of Klonopin. She would take her BP too often, many times after she was worked up, or had been active. And we had a fierce battle over the wrist cuff monitor, which I won with the help of her doctor. Boy, was she stubborn, but fortunately, I have her blood running through my veins, so I'm stubborn, too :D

I can't remember if you measured your arm before you purchased the arm cuff? I know that I need a small adult/child's cuff for an accurate reading right now because I lost so much weight (my arms are skinny as hell). Some people need bigger cuffs to get an accurate reading.
If you do need a different cuff, you can just order one that's compatible with your machine rather than buying the whole thing again.

I'm sorry that you are feeling so tired and shitty. You haven't been feeling well for a while now. I hope that you will talk to your PCP about your stomach pain and fatigue at your appointment.

I can't believe that you didn't go to the BR after drinking a whole bottle of mag. citrate. But that stuff just sits there if you don't go, so it probably helped the Philips caps work. Having a colonoscopy is a good idea. I have had 2, and they aren't bad. There is no pain, and you don't remember anything. The prep can be tough, but the gastro will usually do what they can to make it as easy on you as possible. They can order it in more than one way :hug::hug::hug:

I think you will be okay until Friday, but if you start getting crazy high readings again, please go back to the walk-in. If you start having chest pain or shortness of breath, call 911 or get to the ER ASAP (((HUGS)))

mymorgy 06-04-2019 12:27 PM

I have been off the depakote for a month. It made me feel so lousy and tired and gave me stomach troubles. then I didn't take my bp. the cuff fits. I can't deal right now with finding a new psychiatrist. I still think I will spend the money and go back to my old one. I still have a lot of klonopin but I haven't yet taken it at night

mymorgy 06-04-2019 05:45 PM

it was better this tme185 89 86

Dmom3005 06-04-2019 06:22 PM

Yes Kay

I really meant to take it once in the morning or day and then
if really wanting once at night.

If its going to stay high if it was me I'd be at the doctor's before
taking it again during the day, only in my case because I have
such a hard time getting it to take correctly.

Sometimes they even have to take it three times to get a reading
in a doctor's office. Not that they do or you do Bobby, that is
just me. And one of my problems.

And now that I can only take it in one arm. I can't take it till
my arm is better.

donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 06-04-2019 08:05 PM

Are you keeping a chart/journal to document your bp's readings?
I would try to just take the 2 readings am and pm and make 2 columns.
sorry you are having so much problems with your b/p.

mymorgy 06-05-2019 04:59 AM

I am not. I am hoping the doctor will add to my blood pressure medicine and help solve the problem. I am extremely depressed and it has become hard for me to leave my bed. I can't wait to fall asleep. I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I had to go back to work and I didn't know how to find a job.then I dreamed about my dead uncle and hugged him. I also dreamed of a cousin who I only saw once when we were young/./*-*it is 168 100 80. I am only having one cup of coffee. I drink a lot of seltzer. I just read that it causes gas and I keep on having a lot of gas. The doctor said to drink a lot of water. So I just ordered bottles of spring water. I miss the coffee. I just started taking 2mg of klonopin at night. i take 2m now in the morning. I am not going back to that psychiatrist.
151 88 75. Finally my stomach isn't bothering me. 146 83 75. I wonder if her lowering my klonopin so increaed my blood pressure. these numbers are much better.

When the clonazepam effect has stopped, the brain will experience a resurgence of symptoms the drug is designed to mitigate. The user may experience severe anxiety and insomnia, as well as the possibility of seizures, high blood pressure and rapid heart rate.Oct 27, 2016

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