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Dmom3005 07-13-2020 09:36 AM

My blood pressure would be going high too if I had everything you had happen.
Now please call the office and let them know that:
1. You are still waiting on your signed lease. And with the problems it really bothers you to wait much longer.

2. You call to have a quote for your rugs to be cleaned. You want to know will they be paying for the cleaning.

Or even email if you can


mymorgy 07-13-2020 09:42 AM

the super is coming up soon. i should get an estimate after 12. both people in management said don't worry about the lease. everything is slowed because of the virus.

bizi 07-13-2020 09:47 AM

bobby, this should provide you some comfort when he said don't worry about it. sorry you are dealing with so many stressors.
have a good day.
love bizi

mymorgy 07-13-2020 02:25 PM

management said they would pay for the cleaning-931 dollars. the other place said 2400 hundred. i am so wiped out. then thought i lost pudge.she is back from her hiding place. might have a little chicken bone stuck in my throat

Waking Light 07-13-2020 07:22 PM

Unbelievable, Bobby! Somebody must have a voodoo doll, probably somebody who's jealous of you. At this point I'd get out the vodka. Just kidding. Sort of. What in the world can we do about this? Maybe ask God to cause all voodoo dolls to mysteriously disappear. Also, maybe get a book that teaches how to reverse voodoo curses. Anyway, I sure hope things get better for you. God love you, & I know he does. I am sending wishes filled with hugs & love! :grouphug: :Heart: :circlelove:

bizi 07-13-2020 09:23 PM

That is crazy high of a cleaning charge.
am sorry that you are having to deal with this now!
hope you got the chicken bone out!
(((((hugs and love ))))))

mymorgy 07-14-2020 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Waking Light (Post 1287587)
Unbelievable, Bobby! Somebody must have a voodoo doll, probably somebody who's jealous of you. At this point I'd get out the vodka. Just kidding. Sort of. What in the world can we do about this? Maybe ask God to cause all voodoo dolls to mysteriously disappear. Also, maybe get a book that teaches how to reverse voodoo curses. Anyway, I sure hope things get better for you. God love you, & I know he does. I am sending wishes filled with hugs & love! :grouphug: :Heart: :circlelove:

that was so adorable. I spoke with a Rabbi yesterday.
she is so nice and will call me next monday. I asked her what God wants of me and am I being punished. She read to me psalm 91 which I will read and said a beautiful prayer for me and mentioned Suri in it. I told her how I got rid of two long term friends because they were toxic and now I hardly have any friends.
I spoke with the volunteer Aaron later. We talked for an hour. It was so wonderful. He said his wife has talk him so much about kindness and before he was focused on school and getting ahead. He feels a lot of pain because his father is a trump supporter. He said this is our last week but he will call Dorot to see if we can continue talking. i was so flattered. i finally told him i was bipolar. he said visionaries are often mentally ill. wow.
love and kisses

mymorgy 07-14-2020 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1287588)
That is crazy high of a cleaning charge.
am sorry that you are having to deal with this now!
hope you got the chicken bone out!
(((((hugs and love ))))))

little chicken bone finally went down. i only called two cleaners and afterwards couldn't fine any references to the one i chose. i would have felt safer if i had paid by credit card..
robert is coming over tonite because i can't make the printer to scan. we both think it is me and not the printer. i need to email the receipt for the cleaning to the management. i wrote that every day now i worry about getting the signed lease but he made no comment.

bizi 07-14-2020 10:19 AM

I am glad that they played together!!!!!!!!
ours are getting used to each other too.

mymorgy 07-14-2020 12:23 PM

that is wonderful. I don't know if mine will do it again.It was the first time in 4 years.

bizi 07-14-2020 12:43 PM

do they hiss at each other after all of these years!

mymorgy 07-14-2020 01:36 PM

hardly. pudge is so laid back.

Dmom3005 07-14-2020 04:36 PM


I'm glad your getting to talk to the callers and rabbi. I hope he can continue talking to you.


mymorgy 07-14-2020 06:29 PM

me too. just emailed the receipt for 932 to management. got a super fast response that i should receive the reimbursement in about ten days. robert came over and set up my printer so that it will be easy to scan. he is a genius.
i hope i can continue talking to aaron.. he is so nice. aleya calls me every friday night. she is so special.

bizi 07-15-2020 09:04 AM

hope you can get your carpets cleaned on Your schedule!
have a good day!
love bizi

mymorgy 07-15-2020 10:46 AM

he was vague but said around two weeks.

Waking Light 07-15-2020 08:07 PM

Hi Bobby & Bizi & Donna! :) Interesting & enjoyable conversation. Love hearing about the cats. I'm glad some things are getting fixed & people are being nice to you Bobby. God bless you! :circlelove: :boy(music):

bizi 07-15-2020 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Waking Light (Post 1287616)
Hi Bobby & Bizi & Donna! :) Interesting & enjoyable conversation. Love hearing about the cats. I'm glad some things are getting fixed & people are being nice to you Bobby. God bless you! :circlelove: :boy(music):

Hi waking light.

How are you doing?

If you have introduced your self before forgive my questions.
just bizi

mymorgy 07-15-2020 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Waking Light (Post 1287616)
Hi Bobby & Bizi & Donna! :) Interesting & enjoyable conversation. Love hearing about the cats. I'm glad some things are getting fixed & people are being nice to you Bobby. God bless you! :circlelove: :boy(music):

thank you so much. hopefully things will quiet down now. i love hearing about kitty cat too. i forgot if i asked you if have any?
love and kisses

Waking Light 07-16-2020 05:24 AM

Hi, everybody, I am doing fine. I am presently without a cat. When this pandemic is behind us, I think I may have a kitty of my own. I hope you all have a good day today! And hi to your wonderful kitties. :grouphug: :hug: :Heart: :) Hugs & love to you all!

mymorgy 07-16-2020 05:54 AM

that would be so great! Have you ever had one before or a dog? I thank God a few times a day for my kitty cats. They give me so much comfort!
love and kisses

Waking Light 07-16-2020 08:19 AM

Hi, Bobby, yes, I've had both cats & dogs. I'm more of a cat person though. They fit better with my personality & they seem easier to cuddle, being so soft, & the purring, & their cute little paws. Love, WL

mymorgy 07-16-2020 08:41 AM

how very nice. kitty cats are magical can't wait til you get another.I have also had dogs and have loved them as much!
love and kisses,

mymorgy 07-17-2020 06:28 AM

I have been praying to God every morning. I wake up early every morning with a stomach ache and a lot of fears. My bipolar is getting worse and my spelling is getting worse. I am worried about my ac bill. I am worried about my lease. I worry about what I can eat since my stomach seems to be upset so much. I just ordered a new tea that might help.i am going to try to eat a lot of zucchini. i belong to an ibs forum. so many people have it much worse than i do i worry about the virus and trump getting reelected.i a not watching much tv. Tonite may be the last call from my volunteer aaron. I don't know if Dorot will allow him to keep on calling. he wants to.
i wake up every morning depressed with bad thoughts but then the aplenzin kicks in. i think it is still too soon for the buspar to work.
i am reading another delightful book that i might have read before. i just ordered a joseph campbell book.

A growing number of studies have demonstrated an age-related decline in the ability to spell words correctly.

— A stroke happens in an instant. And many who survive one report that their brain never works like it once did. But new research shows that these problems with memory and thinking ability keep getting worse for years afterward – and happen faster than normal brain aging.Jul 7, 2015

bizi 07-17-2020 10:35 AM

My 92 year old client is taking it, it is for memory issues. She had forgotten how to sign her name. the supplement is called prevogen.

since taking this supplement she has regained the ability to sign her name again.I took it and did not see a difference, nor did my mother thou she is on a budget and it is expensive$60 for a months supply. that is the middle priced one, there is a professional strength one that has 3 times the dose age as the lowest price difference. but it cost $90. the first one costs $30 dollars.
This is working for many people, I would try anything on the market to help improve my memories.
love to you today.

mymorgy 07-17-2020 11:05 AM

thanks. i am on a budget too. my memory is usually okay, especially my long term memory. my stroke caused brain damage. i will read up on it to see if it helps brain damage. i think anxiety also gets in the way of short term memory.

Prevagen For Mental Clarity? | Office for Science and Society - McGill University

it sounds like it can be dangerous

mymorgy 07-17-2020 01:27 PM

i just received the check for 932 for cleaning the rugs. i was shocked at how fast the management acted. i wonder when i will get the signed lease. they said not to worry.

Dmom3005 07-17-2020 05:30 PM


Then I'd not worry, because they tell you this I believe every year.

And if I remember it might have come in August last year

mymorgy 07-18-2020 05:39 AM

thank you so much Donna. I think you are right.
I had a really painful realization this morning. My IBS is going to be with me all the time til I die. I am always going to have stomach aches. there is no cure.
I felt so mentally ill this morning. I dreamt about my family. They are all dead and in the dream I was realizing it. I was cast off anyways. I have to turn to God more.
I lost the most precious thing in my life Suri and she really brought me closer to God.
last night my two volunteers called. aaron lectured to me on kant. aaron is so brilliant and kind. it was like having your own professor lecturing to you. afterwards i bought some books. i hope they are not hard reading. i asked him who his favorite person was in history. he still hasn't heard from dorot whether he can keep on calling me. then aleya called. she is so socially concerned and so nice and bright. she sent me an article how trauma may be passed on in the genes. she talked about if true how it would affect the blacks if they already have not gone through enought.
Can We Really Inherit Trauma? - The New York Times
Can We Really Inherit Trauma? - The New York Times
i might call my friend joyce today. she is such a positive and no nonsense person. she told to call her when i felt badly. i usually just call her when the kitties have done something either unusual or funny or if i am worried about their health. she is a cat guru and has helped me so much and gotten most of my kitties from her over the years. i think she likes kitties and doggies much more than people. she was very happily married and her beloved husband died this year.
pudge and abby are such comforts.

bizi 07-18-2020 11:40 AM

Ii am glad that you had your phone calls. And your friend Joyce, yes you could call her, I think that is a good idea.
love bizi

Dmom3005 07-18-2020 12:48 PM


I think calling her would be great. Maybe you could give her some happiness calling too.

I've been staying in pretty much to hot outside for me.

I just do.what I need pretty much

mymorgy 07-18-2020 01:33 PM

what are some of the things you do? right now I am a bit too sad to call Joyce unless I tell her about the volunteers.

mymorgy 07-19-2020 10:13 AM

I sent Joyce a few quotes by Kant on animals and humans. I called her to tell her I sent them but I got her voicemail so I told her I sent her some quotes. she wrote back and said they were wonderful. I knew she would really like them.
I tried to read some of kant and found it difficult. I don't have a background so there are concepts I know nothing about and how to put him in perspective with the preceding philosophers but i haven't given up.
i have no more books to read by my favorite author elizabeth mansfield. i finished the last one yesterday.
as usual had trouble sleeping and got a stomach ache. finally took my antidepressant and the depression left. i played with my precious kitty cats.
started a new book which i might like.

bizi 07-19-2020 10:35 AM

Glad that you have joyce in your life!
so glad that your anti depressant works so well.

mymorgy 07-19-2020 10:49 AM

i so agree! I don't think anything can rattle Joyce. She took her husband's death so well.she said they used to eat out every night.she said once that Howard said to her he didn't want her to get any more kitty cats. she just lost one so now she has nine and a 1 1/2 year old gorgeous wire hair terrier whom she calls the beast because she keeps on chewing on her wooden furniture.
I pray that the aplenzin still keeps on working. It is a God send.
bought more books by and about kant. i hope i follow through

mymorgy 07-20-2020 07:24 AM

i am trying baking soda and lemon juice now. i have to go to the bank today and it is going to be so hot.
i am still so anxious. the buspar still hasn't kicked in. rats. the anxiety is so bad for my stomach.
i am on a spending spree

bizi 07-20-2020 08:58 PM

Hi bobby,
when did you get the rx for buspar?
I am too lazy to look back.
Some say it takes up to 3 weeks for a new med to work. I hope yours work as soon as possible.
love bizi

mymorgy 07-21-2020 04:41 AM

I have been on it for about two weeks. the lemon and baking soda worked yesterday but now I am beginning to get a stomach ache again. I will try it again as soon as I finish posting. I want to look it up on the internet again to see what it was supposed to do. I think it really helped with the gas. yesterday i was finally comfortable. I was scared to go to the bank because of it being 93.. Marcia told me to hold her hand and that helped big time..what a relief to get that over with.
I am also going to look up how much buspar one can take. I haven't taken my antidepressant yet so I am depressed. I guess I should take that before I do anything else..

Baking soda is one of the best-proven home remedies for constipation. It re-alkalizes the stomach, neutralizes the acids and gives relief from stomach ache. Drink the mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and quarter cup of lukewarm water to get instant relief.

Lemon juice with warm water helps with digestion and hence, helps regulate natural bowel movement.

buspar-The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 60 mg per day.
i am on 20 a day

mymorgy 07-21-2020 07:40 AM

just got an email from my doctor. he said to increase buspar from 2 pills a day to three pills. my stomach is fine now. my spending is out of hand. going to ask marci if she will start buying watercress for is so good for you. i started eating a lot of zucchini.

Waking Light 07-21-2020 11:41 AM

Hi, Bobby! :) First of all, I love zucchini. I guess I like all the squashes. I hope you are feeling much better now. You do a lot of research. I'm glad you were able to get that email from your doctor. I have been trying to tend to lots of little things that have been on the back burner, so to speak. I have fulfilled a number of small goals, & that has been encouraging to me. Please give your wonderful kitties a hug for me. I hope all goes well & this is an enjoyable day for you. :hug: :circlelove: Hugs & love to you!!

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