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eva5667faliure 11-06-2016 07:30 AM

No luck

Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1227903)
Sending you warmth, love and virtual hugs my friend. Is it possible to ask your last doctor to refer you to another?

doctors are leaving there practice
Since losing my private insurance from a job i could not return to and becoming a SSDI recipient has been a enormous challenge
I have tried and tried and tried and tried till there wasn't anything
The inept education on the other end of the phone who cannot answer any of my questions
This is year two having to apply for food stamps submitting all necessary documents and questions answered but year two again THEY royally screwed up once again
One letter comes in saying we are approved
And another that followed by one day as per post mark claim THEY DID NOT RECEIVE the recertification application I returned the requested documentation made sure i dotted my I's and crossed my T's then i immediately made a copy of the application with the date sentence sent it out quickly yet the response I get is if I do not fill out said application it will be terminated
Just like that
Will be calling agency tomorrow
And pray this will be rectified in a speedy manner

What the **** is going o
I have zero
Nothing to take care of my child my grandchild
It is scary
My previous place of employment refusing to give me what is rightfully mine
And here I am
Trying to keep it ALL TOGETHER
There is nobody on a professional as far as mental health i will not put myself in a system that doesn't know if they are coming or going
A system so broken
I fear the future
How my place of employment is refusing me a "early retirement pension" BASED ON TERMINOLOGY
I am scared
Very scared
I cannot find a doctor for myself
The system S.U.C.K.S.
Many things are falling apart
What to do

eva5667faliure 11-15-2016 01:24 PM

Putting one foot in front of the other
Having so much to deal with
Is more than I ever imagined in my life
All a new again
May our health insurance look better sooner than later
Optimistic I am
Empowered I am
In Christ Jesus who wraps his arms around me
when at my lowest
Pulled out of the abyss over and over and over again
A family I am responsible for
A family who needs me now more than ever
My relationship with my eldest on a higher plane
I am in love with my babies
Babies no more
But will always be my babies
Together we will be soon again
Our dogs ashes were taken care of and will be near
Oh how I miss him
It gets harder and harder as time goes on
But find it in me to still put one foot in front of the other
Home bound
As this body has a mind of its own
Painful it is to the point of getting sick
Hard to keep food down
Swallowing a issue
Blood pressure still not under control
Prays meditation breathing and stretch as best I can
No life outside from home
Phone is my contact in the world
No I don't want to feel anymore
For it is not a way I would entertain relief
That is not an option
So one day at a time
And calling upon my protector
I will survive
Till my last breath

Skeezyks 11-15-2016 08:22 PM

:Heart: :hug::hug::hug: :Heart:

eva5667faliure 11-16-2016 08:49 AM

Awakened at 4:40 in the morning
I have never had problems with anyone in the building I love in
I live with a very disturbed person above me
It is five years I am in this building
Police have been called out all hours of the morning
She is not well and I have educated myself about the rules of the building
I have evidence recordings and the awaited reports from the police station to submit to management and enforce them to do their job
I have contacted the the proper authorities and building management and Office of Fair Housing Equal Opportunity
A few days ago receiving a call from them and will help me in the situation
I am tired of holding those who are responsible to take action
I came from a building that was in the end taken away from the owner to be
It took ten years of my life
I have made a difference in this world
Only I am sick now
I need my rest
At 4:40 this morning awakened called the authorities
When they came as they have come in the past were gracious
Listened to the audio of the noise disturbance that showed date and time
There are several recordings of her irrational behavior
Have found her at my door on two occasions
All the above in the hands of management
This is how my morning started
And will do all I can to make her stop
It is out of control
I do not trust management for personal reasons
Upon moving I was approached by several people who live in my building and the questions that were asked of me by the tenants
"How much money did you pay to get in this building"
The other question is
"How did you get into a two bedroom apartment"
My car has been vandalized upon asking for a handicap spot
Submitted all required documentations with my plaque
Camara that would show who keyed my car was not available according to management
This told me enough to keep an eye on them closely
Just another thing on my plate
My Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father the Holy Spirit
keep me strong while taking on possible changes
May this be the task at hand for many who live here in fear
One day at a time
Body broken and tired
My mind constantly working
Awaiting reports form all the times I had to call the police to ask her to knock it off
We had two meetings with management
After the second meeting that night I had to call the police again
Only now incriminating herself by leaving a note at my door
"I apologize and don't blame you for call the police"
Enough already
Limited sleep I do not have to express how important it is for a sick body
Not to mention my mind
Never ending
May I be used to make a difference
Don't want to feel anymore

eva5667faliure 11-17-2016 06:49 AM

Having the courage
Stripped of a way of life I still hold on to apparently
Having to clean up the mess tiny metal flecks having to saw through a metal entrance door
Two large gashes in my floor I had put down when moving in
Just cried the entire time
My OCD kicked in big time
And they aren't done yet
Awakened again at three with a thump that seemed to be like a bowling ball
Letter to be sent to the above tenant
As I was assured by management
Allowing me to see it
I hope this will put an end to her
Lets call it a tick
As she apparently isn't well
It is so out of control
My blood pressure 169/100
And am on BP meds
My mind
My mind
To calm my mind
So want to shut it down
So don't want to feel anymore
So badly don't want to feel anymore
Yet I have a reason for existing
I will never kill myself as I still wonder
What was he feeling when he took his life at 47
I can't imagine to pain sorrow sadness whatever
I will never know
But this I know for sure
If I can put one foot in front of the other
And make it through the day
I pray my children will too
I have a broken body
That reminds me every moment of my day
It shouldn't be like this
But it is
So with a prayer and hope
I manage to make it to put my head on my pillow to sleep
And then only to be awakened in a very bad way
May Jesus Christ wrap his arms around me
and fill my Spirit with calm
Heavenly Father the Holy Spirit
Come into my being
In Jesus name

eva5667faliure 11-20-2016 08:13 AM

It's so deep and real
My depression
A factor of many reasons
Given up anymore trials to the antidepressants
As none took care of the problem
But actually made the matter worse
And then the withdrawals
No more
So this morning I was hit with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude
A love for an animal who is in doggy heaven
Awaiting my Spirit to join him
By for now
The joy that my family wants to be in my presence is a big deal
My children my sister
My daughter who left rehab again
My youngest learning some life lessons that do not change even with social media
Relationship is based on honesty
Now she suffers the consequence
The one thing that means more than anything
Is being honest
She came clean
And is hurting
But understands the lesson
Proud I am of her
To think of my childhood at the holiday times
My father having card games that started on a Friday night into to wee hours of into early Monday morning to go to work
The baking
The sled rides in the chapel yard next to our home that had an awesome hill
The decorations
On the Christmas tree
The Hungarian traditions would put holiday candy on the tree
My baby sister was my responsibility
My crazy wacky loving middle sister taught me how to smoke
Got so sick
Oh how grateful my family wants to be together to WANT to BE TOGETHER
My baby sister
My eldest daughter and husband her high school sweetheart making the dinner
Their significant love ones with them
Corissa with her older siblings
My granddaughter who is just precious
Will have mommy there who left the program
But now can spend and do the holiday homework
Very simple for my granddaughter
Her first kindergarten report card show how very advanced she is
and it turns out her favorite subject is science
Just so happens to be mine
I have this feeling of warmth my lineage after me are coming together
A surprised due me from my boy as I'm told
My eldest who has been calling once a day just to see how thing are
And she misses talking to her mommy
This will be branded into Eva's memory
She is at an age that is so very important for happy good memories
How they form us
I began to speak with Heavenly Father
Not understanding why I must go through the diversities throughout my life time
And can see now it made me who I am today
And trust in the purpose it will all make sense in the end
In all my adversities I get it
And the tears I shed are happy ones
Overwhelmed of the idea my babies adults now will surround me and gift me with their presence feels so wonderful
So very sad my daughter could not follow through
Until the next try
With a prayer and hope she keeps trying
To call upon the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ Heavenly Father
and the angels to protect this family and to please protect them as they go through their journey in life and look to YOU FOR THE ANSWERS
I give thanks to our loving father
And wait let him take over
I'm never alone
Thank you Jesus
Grateful I am

eva5667faliure 11-30-2016 08:12 AM

So much pain
Just got off the phone with my baby sister
My mother has been put on Paxil in the last four days
And it wasn't the Xanax withdrawal
She was taken off Paxil this drug took four days from her
She could have done so much damage to herself and others
She has no memory of the past four days
The er doctor released her with .25 mg Xanax
My sister took off work for the rest of the week
Stayed in bed with her
At some point my sister administered her meds with the Xanax and she slept through the night
Awoke to no memory er doctor said she was having a reaction to the Paxil
I'm f'in had it with the doctors
She cannot take antidepressants
You go into the er and tell them about the mutation
As my er experience
I was educating him
Since finding the mutation a year now
I only came across ONE doctor ONE it was my daughters
and more than 50% of the population suffers from the depletion of folate their entire life
My jaw just hanging
Sure why don't you just kill her
I'm sick of it all
May health and good change be in our future
So many addicted
again personal experiences not just once twice more than two dozen just in my case since becoming ill at 49 years old
And old this body feels
And I stay sober
It would only take three drinks
And ALL the pain GONE
but I would lose all I worked for
A better life on life terms
I don't understand
But I carry my cross
Let me carry it without whining
When the weather is as it has been rainy
I'm good for nothing
But I WILL put one foot in front of the other
And just do
Hoping with a prayer You are holding me tight
And never let me go

Skeezyks 12-01-2016 03:29 PM

May all sentient beings be well... :grouphug:

eva5667faliure 12-21-2016 09:44 AM

Not surprised in the least
As well wishes go out
Dispite differences
Honoring a request
Not recognized is more
then whatever it may be
I have no desire to know
And have a kind heart to offer
It's similar to how my mother has been
married for three years and is now living with her third husband she divorced
Having to understand when one needs another and not understand there just might be a problem
As for my ill father and a mother who looked the other way
for her fear of losing her man
When one hasn't a clue
How so very hard it is was in my addict times
Many years put behind me
And that was the easy part
The hard part was tending to our character defects
This is always in the works
Brutally honest
Is who I am
Careful not to be hurtful
So with hope and a prayer
I accept your decline and will never
contact again
To those who get me
It's on
Peace and Love to the

eva5667faliure 12-21-2016 12:30 PM

Eighty four
He was young
Can't help but wonder
How badly was he feeling
To just do it
I tell my kids
If I have to fight this as they know me completely
No secrets
And have come together
How do I help my babies
Keep it real
No lies
Won't ever give up
I pray the pain disappear
Today my doctor will give me a injection in the back of my neck
It's been years
It was tempory relief
He tells me my nerve is being impinged and very angry and inflamed
Looking for some relief
Especially when at my daughter and hubby
The entire family together
Yeah hoping for relief
His birthday
Do many years ago

OhKay 12-23-2016 08:39 AM

I don't know who you are talking about… it sounds like you are talking about someone committing s/s. I know your father did, was he 47 when he did?

Today is the anniversary of my s/s attempt. I was off my meds, manic, psychotic, and my life was in disarray, but I was also desperately hopeless. Why people try to commit suicide is often very complicated, and their loved ones are left in pain wondering why. I'm glad that I'm here today, and I'm so sorry that you were left behind with questions, Eva :hug::hug::hug:

I'm sorry about your neck. I had surgery at C5-6 in 2008 and it was a Godsend. I have problems above and below the fusion, but they're fairly mild. I hope your find some relief from the injection :hug:

I hope that you can enjoy having your family together :hug::hug::hug:

eva5667faliure 12-28-2016 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1231929)
I don't know who you are talking about… it sounds like you are talking about someone committing s/s. I know your father did, was he 47 when he did?

Today is the anniversary of my s/s attempt. I was off my meds, manic, psychotic, and my life was in disarray, but I was also desperately hopeless. Why people try to commit suicide is often very complicated, and their loved ones are left in pain wondering why. I'm glad that I'm here today, and I'm so sorry that you were left behind with questions, Eva :hug::hug::hug:

I'm sorry about your neck. I had surgery at C5-6 in 2008 and it was a Godsend. I have problems above and below the fusion, but they're fairly mild. I hope your find some relief from the injection :hug:

I hope that you can enjoy having your family together :hug::hug::hug:

yes he was forty seven
i have so many times asked myself
if the stressors are as loud as mine are
and i manage to still hang on is the baffling thing
a note was left
it is the load i think about
i carry my cross
and want to be around and fight the fight
i'm just hoping i can be that example to my family
it will take my family
my village of people to help me when i can't do fo myself anymore
i wake up and say this is not a way to live
and push through it
his birthday this month
he has been gone since 4/8/80
may he be resting
thanks for the well wishes
be well love me

RSD ME 12-28-2016 09:52 PM

I hope you are doing well Eva. I've been struggling with my health and my brother's addiction still. Not getting any better. Been so very depressed. Even though I'm not always here on NT, I still always remember who my true friends are and will always care for all of you here at NT. You are part of my family. Hope you and all here at NT have a very happy and healthy 2017!

eva5667faliure 12-29-2016 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by RSD ME (Post 1232331)
I hope you are doing well Eva. I've been struggling with my health and my brother's addiction still. Not getting any better. Been so very depressed. Even though I'm not always here on NT, I still always remember who my true friends are and will always care for all of you here at NT. You are part of my family. Hope you and all here at NT have a very happy and healthy 2017!

i understand
prayers there be a miracle a magic something
that gives us back a little of what it was like before
its a tough thing having to accept the horrible that is out of our control
i understand

OhKay 12-31-2016 09:01 AM

I'm sorry that you deal with so much :hug::hug::hug:

Thank you for the well wishes... I hope that you can have a good New Year's and a better 2017 is in the cards for you :hug::hug::hug:

RSD ME 01-04-2017 12:20 PM

Hi Eva. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and hoping that you are feeling better today. Sending virtual hugs to you.

eva5667faliure 01-05-2017 10:45 AM

needed that
in return

RSD ME 01-08-2017 11:55 AM

Hugs to you my dear friend Eva. Hope you are having a better day today.

eva5667faliure 01-16-2017 07:29 AM

the hardest thing i ever had to do
it was something i would dream about when i was a little girl
a family of my own
never to live like my mother and father were to us
but how i would be the best mom i could ever be
taking them to their first day of school
to graduation
well not so fast
i have live in generations with those before me
and those after me
having watched the keys be handed over enough time from Watergate to date
i having lived what i am about to write
a long time democrat now
having failed my children
as i raised them alone for reasons no child should have suffered at the hands of a very sick man who was my father
this is not someone on the pity pot
but fact
sad to find out i couldn't save my sisters from it
a mother who watched and turned her head
i voted for our now president elect
i someone who took on the car company my ex-husband worked for General Motors
and the child support department
my case set persistence in the state of New Jersey
failed systems that affected me and my children on a very difficult financial road
no only an absent parent loosing sight fighting with me threatened my life if he could not have me
stalked me at my job for years
oh the police
domestic violence not taken very seriously in the early 80's

going to hit the submit so my writing does not disappear

lost all of my work
so much i wanted to share
i took too long
and nobody ever took the ti me out to teach me
maybe it wasn't meant to be
being a parent is the hardest job i ever had
no guarantees in the end
help me understand the difference

RSD ME 01-17-2017 10:57 AM

hi Eva. it sounds to me like you've been a great parent. the fact that you still worry and care about your children shows how much you love them and how awesome a mother you are. your love is unconditional and even if they don't say it, i am sure that realize how lucky they are to have a mother like you. that is what you taught them and that is what they will always remember. You are an amazing mother and friend. Love and Hugs to you.

eva5667faliure 01-19-2017 09:41 AM

for the second time
its tough enough having to type
this is the second time in two days my writing is lost
i follow the instructions
to back and reload
doing that wiped it away
precious time of work gone
sick of it

PamelaJune 01-19-2017 06:54 PM

Eva I had that issue for a while on my iPad, it's something to do with the amount of time you have been on the NT site & it registers you as being inactive so when you go to post it says you have to reload. To get round it, before I posted anything I pressed the key to select all, then copy and voila, in the event the page came up with reload I was able to log back in and just paste and then post. So once in the habit of copying what I intend to post just before posting I rarely have to go back and retype - I hope this little tip helps, I know just how darn frustrating it is to lose all the thought and effort you have previous put in :hug:


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1234080)
its tough enough having to type
this is the second time in two days my writing is lost
i follow the instructions
to back and reload
doing that wiped it away
precious time of work gone
sick of it

eva5667faliure 01-20-2017 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1234116)
Eva I had that issue for a while on my iPad, it's something to do with the amount of time you have been on the NT site & it registers you as being inactive so when you go to post it says you have to reload. To get round it, before I posted anything I pressed the key to select all, then copy and voila, in the event the page came up with reload I was able to log back in and just paste and then post. So once in the habit of copying what I intend to post just before posting I rarely have to go back and retype - I hope this little tip helps, I know just how darn frustrating it is to lose all the thought and effort you have previous put in :hug:


eva5667faliure 01-31-2017 08:53 AM

our rights
an immigrant myself
parents in refugee camp in south Africa
and in the end final destination USA
have been here since the age of five
to protest in a orderly manner in this melting pot
is gone
many loosing sight in the process i my sister
my parents had to wait in line until we were sworn in
and have my certificate of citizenship
naturalized through my parents
i wanted my certificate
and then to find the corruption in New Jersey
vital statistics handing out bogus birth certificates
had me on a roll
and the entitlement of many who live in my neck of the woods
is so
then to have the problems including understanding most of the workers who have difficulties with the English language and to find out here in my neck of the woods licences A VERY IMPORTANT DOCUMENTATION THAT HELP THE POLICE WHEN RUNNING A PLATE given OUT to the persons in exchange for money
and for these illegal activities i along with the rest of the population are subjected to even more chaos

embarrassed at the women march and the behavior so confused
to hear the responses
many had no clue how to answer some question asked of them
will not quote
i'm sure many watched what i did
i see that what i was taught when going to kindergarten taught how to sing after the salute to the flag and that song was
"God Bless America' my home sweet home
standing firm in this country
and having walked in many shoes
i am qualified
I am doing what i can do for my country first
in God i Believe
in Jesus name

eva5667faliure 02-01-2017 12:06 PM

its our lives
the politicians are messing with
while we wait fora mess of them on the pity pot
and i have to teach my grandchild that grown ups can behave like babies taking a tantrum
so many lairs
so many who steal from this country
this is not hear say
this i have witnessed time and time again
how refreshing
to have someone who isn't afraid to clean out the HOUSE
i speak read and write in my language
i was five when i came into this country
it was also the first wave of Cubans that entered in the 70's
and when i started kindergarten i did not have the luxury as the Cuban students had
a teacher for an entire class of children who only spoke Spanish
and my grandchild is being held back as i know personally three generations in the USA and still do not speak the English language
my sweet grandchild has been innocent to come home and ask me the following
and i ask where are the educators
mimma "some boy in my class told me the middle finger means a bad word"
mimma "what does sex mean"
apologies in advance
mimma "what does nigger mean"
and i can go on
on top of all this
it was explained to me by the principal that this all takes place during lunch
i had to correct her
it happened in class during relax time
what really angered me was the next thing she explained
as i asked where are the lunch monitors where are the adults when this is going on
"i am sorry, but they are hired and do not speak English"
you read right
i was just beside myself
i hear the security guards hired by the city
what i want to know how can a person learn a language if it isn't being practiced and used on school grounds
the bus drivers the same problem
why am i asked "why don't i learn how to speak Spanish"
and when asked this question i respond in my language
and tell them in my language
"why don't you learn how to speak Hungarian?"
in this all
i am now dealing with learned behavior
and who is going to fix this problem
and how dare i be told to learn the language
by the way
i have picked up the language
as the majority came first
i was left behind not only taught myself the English language
while in kindergarten it was my Cuban friend Elizabeth who taught me what i know and picked up the rest as time went on
so my question is why is there three generations living in the USA and NOT WANT TO LEARN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE
this i was told by them
my children could not get a job in our home town because they needed to be bilingual
i am spoken to not in English when entering a store or at a doctors office better yet over the phone
and call me raciest
my fourth child is part Hispanic
my grandchild is being held back as the teacher has to help those who do not understand
in this all
my message is
am i not in a country that speaks the English language in school and if "I" want to learn a different language there are elective classes i could take
but to force me

eva5667faliure 02-03-2017 08:32 AM

so as i go through my new scare
and a birthday gift to myself
happy birthday to me
five years almost to the month
as January 9, 2012 i had my double mastectomy
my mother nowhere to be found
what a terrible thing for that little girl inside
that's always wondering
what did i do
the woman who brings me to the world
and to recently tell my baby sister
she wasn't wanted by her
she was to be aborted
until my father intercepted the call from the hospital for the procedure
i am 9 years at this point
i already knew much
don't expect to hear from her
we three girls at one point in our life asked
what was it like the day you went into labor with me
she can't remember so she says
not much
leaving it at that
a father who checked out 47
leaving blame
is it me
i don't think so
at the top of my lungs
this morning i sang a Doris Day song
"Que Sera Sera"
and the Frankie baby
"i did it my way"
and it felt awesome
just awesome
i am only given what i can handle
parable or not
i have to believe in goodness
to get on the elevator
and a timid fragile woman in every way
taken aback when i said
good morning
having the courage to change the things i can
when she looked into my eyes i could see the smile in them
before she got off i said
one moment at a time
she said thanks
got off on the 7th floor
chances i will never see her again
where is the honor for truth
why are people afraid of the truth
or being caught doing something they are not allowed to do
yet knowingly ignore the rules
and try and hide it
not own up to it
suffer the consequences that come with knowing
YOU ARE BREAKING THE RULES, THE LAW, and you will be caught
and then lie through their teeth
swear up and down
they didn't do that
there was a time one said in video
that isn't me
my thought process believe it or not
of my granddaughter
the learned behavior i am dealing with
i am a sinner
we all are
but as i got older
this is what my assessment is
in my own experience
i am today trying to be the best i could be
it was a tough day yesterday
today is different
i wake and wonder
what is it going to be in the end
and that be the will of Heavenly Father
so i turn another year older
a little girl that still lives
is a bit wiser
and blessed by Heavenly Father
in Jesus Christ

eva5667faliure 02-05-2017 08:03 AM

Having to mend this body
My OBGYN looking into doctors he knows
Having the insurance I now have
DOSENT get me far
But I fight all the way through
And hold them accountable
I'm sure it has been figured out
I have no problem when I have personally gone through something will not hold this tongue
Doctors who stood before me and dropped their heads in shame
To have been lied to buy the reconstructive doctor
What my OBGYN isn't hearing
If he finds me a really good doctor
I will have them taken out
And I want to have a symmetrical look
A flat chest
Only with a clean look
Does this make sense
Waiting for a happy feeling moment with this very broken body
L4L5 hurt so badly
Won't even even talk about my neck and shoulders
The muscles in my body gone
This beautiful body lost all its muscle
Because I have been walking with a cane for the past five years
the muscle in on calf is thinner than the other
My head still keeping it afloat
Having so many situations going on at once
Am I coming or going
I am so tired of the doctors
My lungs hurt
I woke up sometime last week
And my tongue hurt
You read right
I'm like
What the ****
my tongue
It lasted for two days
I brutal on my mouth
Having all my teeth
And one cavity in my lifetime
I brush at my tongue
Sometimes a bit to hard
Maybe it be the cause
What a weird feeling
Amazed at what the body can produce
Just like that
Taking all one moment at a time
Hoping to feel mentally better now
we shall see
We shall see

OhKay 02-06-2017 09:49 AM

Happy Birthday, Eva.

I know you've had a difficult life and that lots of things can trigger bad memories for you...

I'm sorry it was such a tough day :hug::hug::hug:


eva5667faliure 03-05-2017 08:03 AM

Finding my own happiness
I need to let go
I need to say STOP
I need God to push me around a bit
I can't do it all
And I get no help
And this woman has been the rock for this family as far back as I can remember
It is time for me to laugh smile be happy
Not to worry worry and tell my children to stop
A time has come when enough is enough
Being pull in all directions go others and loosing myself
is not what I want to allow anymore
I need to not pick up the phone
I need not to help them figure things out for them
They all have their own journey so let them be Eva
Let them not dump on me when crap hits the fan
This is my life
The one life on this earth
As my body rots I must feed my spirit and continue to take care of me and MIT let others hurt or take my happiness from me
I need to make me first after praising my Heavenly Father
I need to laugh I miss laughing
I need positive energy in my life
With Jesus Christ my constant everything
I have no true support I know I need
And it hurts my feelings I can be forgotten that quickly
My baby sister who has become my rock
We both call upon Jesus Christ and accept what is put before us an leave the rest behind
Happiness is my goal to laugh
A huge belly laugh
That would last and last can be a good thing
Laughing my medicine
I am responsible in what I let in my life
No more depression
I will take what Heavenly Father has in store for me
I will try and do things with laughter
I miss laughing
Where did it go
Where is that hard core belly laugh
I have to capture it back
I will let the doctors do their crane I will try and bring laughter back into my life
One way or another
The spring weather is here
It feel awesome to watch the world tilt and watch the sun get closer and closer
To all who know me
I wish you all a belly laugh in your day
I will get what I need when I let go of the garbage
Not only mine but my families garbage
Enough already
No more dumping your problems on my lap and think its
"My job"
Done with this strategy that does not work
Because they still want to do things their own way
Until they throw in the towel and understand they cannot get sober alone
I have to step back and not get tangled in their chaos
And not take on any help until they work on themselves
It is so painful to watch
So I have decided to not be involved physically either
Out if sight out of mind to a point
But I must for me
And my own happiness
Happiness laughter love and be loved in return
Accept I must take this road alone
I will
I will push myself into a new way to start my very painful mornings
I cannot count on them
I must let this set in
I have me my Heavenly Father
The man we know as Jesus Christ sent in his image for our sins and debt in full
As this body get older may my spirit increase in strength to get younger in spirit is to get closer I get to be with Heavenly Father
This is for sure the way I want to live my life as it comes closer to and closer to a youthful spirit be what I achieve
I am going to work on my happiness and to put that smile on my face
No more sadness
No more bad news
No more sitting on the potty
May depression be trumped by happiness and laughter
For us all
Blessings to us all

eva5667faliure 03-06-2017 09:41 AM

It is felt
Not ready to talk to him
My son asks
Or senses I'm distant
I told him he was right
And that I needed to get my thoughts together
before we talk
It's felt

eva5667faliure 03-12-2017 12:36 PM

Heart ache
It really can feel all the emotions we go through
When sadness is around as much as it is around here
It's tough keeping a chin up
Constant sadness takes on a toll physically I fight it everyday with the help of Heavenly Father
So much sadness
Must find things to do for me
Much love and happiness pours out of my grandchild
Will attempt a project
She is joy in everyday
And the best time is when she comes in my room every night to say our prayers
The Lord's Prayer and then the Hail Mary in the order she wants
We hold each others hand and close our eyes
To find my happiness
My worries with my grown onesie hard
All I can do is pray they too find Jesus Christ

RSD ME 03-21-2017 01:32 AM

Hi Eva. Hope you're doing better today. I haven't been on the forum too much lately because of my poor health. But I'm feeling a little better an wanted to let you know that I"ve missed all of you so much and hope you're doing well. Hugs from your forever friend.

eva5667faliure 03-21-2017 01:35 PM

Warm soft hugs
Back to you
Thanks for reaching out
It is so good to hear from you
Loving empowering hugs in return

RSD ME 03-28-2017 11:38 PM

Hi Eva. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and hope you are feeling better. Hugs to you my friend.

eva5667faliure 04-26-2017 11:24 AM

Don't know where to take all I have
Won't get much out
As I am leaning on Heavenly Father
I am all over the place with this tiny family you would think not much would be going on
So far from that idea
It is not that I don't put one foot in front of the other and just do someone has to
Everyone else has a life that they have to figure out
The problem beings with calling me and letting me in their world
And yes I listen and listen until I have a chance to speak on a matter I have experience with or on
And if one isn't reseptive to anything I have to suggest and just wants to hear what they want
Well to that I say contact me when you are really ready to be honest and truthful
Until then I have my own path I have to walk
My life has changed
It changed me forevermore and I am a better person because of all that has happened it is not easy
And to put my Spirit first and follow all else follows exactly how it is suppose to be
I miss the routine coming here and trying to follow and start to write only to loose it
And have had help explaining how to hold on to it
I just fail when it comes to technology
My body slowly breaking down as time goes by
Doctors still cannot figure out why my body veins in my hands and feet
Will return to finish
Baby sister stopped by


It a hard thing to have to turn my back on my family
I no longer am a punching bag
No longer their cheerleader no longer will I pick up the phone when I have walked the walk into 25 years of soberiety and for my son to think he can do it on his terms he will need to step out of my life as I will not entertain his desire to pick a fight with me as does things HIS WAY
All I can do is pray but I must cut my ties with two of my children it is because I love them I step back and not be the reason in anyway
They must do what they must without me

My health is priority
And I'm going through it by myself and Heavenly Father
I pray all will pass without incident

PamelaJune 04-26-2017 06:00 PM

Oh Eva, you must look after yourself, you know this as equally as you know they must follow their own path and come to the realisation sobriety is just that; it's not moderation, it's not controlled using, it's 100% without substance clear head. I join you in prayer this will come without incident. My prayers too are for you, sending you virtual hugs :hug::hug:


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1241532)
All I can do is pray but I must cut my ties with two of my children it is because I love them I step back and not be the reason in anyway They must do what they must without me. My health is priority
And I'm going through it by myself and Heavenly Father I pray all will pass without incident Me

eva5667faliure 04-27-2017 05:41 AM

Some good news
After five years with my granddaughter
She has been recommended to attend the school for the gifted and talented
Not only did my for children attend the same school
Now Eva will be attending
She loves to read loves it
So thrilled for her
Hoping mom will find her way
As smart as they are it too comes with many adversities
They are not babies anymore
And addiction is prevelant in this tiny family
Something they do not seem to remember how mommy has her soberiety to handle first
One day at a time
It if it be the only thing I do in my day and not pick up
I have yet another day sober
It matters
It matters more than anything to me
It made me who I am today
And I like me
To my dear friends who support me through my trouble and I thank you
Thank you

eva5667faliure 05-03-2017 08:03 AM

My Heavenly Father prepared me and I'm...
So tired
So tired of bad people
I will be in court only to have that time come
Not well is she
I can walk into court confidently with all to show
And understanding I cannot be the one to take matters into my own hand
So the managers were to have been handling this
I never had any intention to file a police report
Not something I should be doing even though it is me and my family subjected to her abnormal psysocotic addict behavior
So having an understanding of this
I hold those who are responsible to handle it
The management office
As I collect all evedince of said complaints
A very important document that was delivered by me as my eighteen year old as witness
And as it was opened
Requested it go in file
In it it asks the three top persons in the chain of command and as instructed by them to call the NBPD
and to go place a complaint on her
This is where I remind them what the lease says
And it clearly explains the management and maneger are suppose to take action on this letter submitted
I have my own copy
What are the chances my suspicions come to light
In it I say me and my family are subjected to irrational behavior roaming the halls inebriated knocking on doors for drugs
And disturpts my sleep as our apartments are identical and her bedroom is above mine I have caught by recording her when this awakening behavior is at all hours of the morning
And much more
I have continued to call "only when she is OOC"
Now it is where it is
I told Roslyn the director who I do not trust for other reasons that I personally encountered by other tenants
One of the questions I have been asked for example is
"How much did you pay to come into this building"
Approached at the town pool while I'm in the water with a friend and interrupted by a woman who since passed
Peggy was her name
Was the first one to ask me
And other things began to happen and thought then
Oh my goodness
What am I going to have to deal with in this building
And because I had 10 years experience in my previous building
I will have pictures to submit what me and my children along with all the other tenants the true meaning of a slumloard
It was a brand new building
The third and fourth floors weren't done yet
10 years fighting the system
And in the end me and another tenant were the ones who made a difference
We fought to the very end
So when I had a chance to come into this swelling I was thrilled
I was at that point on leave with no pay
And let me say something
It is if not worse here then what I went through in my previous dwelling in my home town for 46 years
To here hoping for peace a way to start over with a forever changed life
I have always been a smart cookie
I had some court experience
Represented myself and made a difference
In set precedence in New Jersey back in 1988
The case was talked about for years
His name was judge Shaffer
Had everyone stand up and told them
"You can all thank mrs. ...... for the hard work she did"
And what that means is
I did their jobs
Depressed sure I am
I am tired
And she has much to do with the lack of sleep
I need my rest
It is very important
And to know having to deal with corrupt people really really upsets me
And if by chance the proof I have is not enough just the first top three piceces of evedience wouldn't be enough to show the truth I then will be very disappointed
There isn't anything this woman has as I do not do anything
We are quiet
Even my granddaughter understand no running or jumping
So my arms must be wide open and say yo myself
God you have me go through this for a reason
Only you know what that reason may be
I have my own ideas Heavenly Father is using me
It is over a three hundred unit building
The management likes to strong arm the helpless
Those who have no idea they too have rights
I will try not to be upset as I get all ready fir the courts
And have my Savior in my being
I'm so tired
So tired
Depressed of how many bad people in the world

RSD ME 05-04-2017 07:53 PM

Praying for you Eva. I have seen alot of bad people in this world too, but have also seen some good ones as well. You are one of them! Hold onto Faith and Hope one day at at time and know that you matter and have made a difference in this world. You helped me cope with my (recovering) brother. He is still not talking to me but I hear from his friend he is doing okay. I couldn't have gotten through that pain without your help. Hugs to you.

eva5667faliure 05-11-2017 08:33 AM

I must focus on me
After my prayers
And meditate
I begin my day
So difficult as the pain level is way up there
In addition to the harassing behavior of the above tenant with whom I will be going to court with
As SHE put out a harassment charge
In all and short
I was prepared from the building I come from
I never wanted it to get this out of hand and as I had personal reservations how the management office operates
The director who I deal with always has been caught in a few lies
This will be interesting
As the charge is not light
And because I have an assigned worker in the case from my phone call to Housing Mortage Finance Agency who in turn directed me to the appropriate department are the only one who will direct me
I have taken all the proper steps
I did my part
Found my suspicions were on the money
I will be picking up a written explination where and how my
documents went MIA
The director is throwing the lettter to be written into the hands of the new additional manger to help the helplessly lying one
May my Heavenly Father so who calls the shots
All I ever wanted was for the vicious racket stop
But we are talking about many corrupt cans that may open up
The fellow assigned to my case is my saving grace
Hopefully this will all be behind us and she will stop
I have so much proof to show it is a false report
At the hours of her racket I have nobody else but the police to call
I retire to bed by 11:00 in the evening
It usually begins at 1:00a.m. In the morning and like every hour on the hour
Burned out my little iPod recording her noises that wake me

Why I say do I have to go through this
And at this level
So much embarrassing truth is coming out
I would be ashamed if I did what the director thinks she is allied to do
Terrible things when money is at the core of it all

My body hurts so badly
It is the one thing that really brings me down
Especially when it is heightened like it has this month
My torodol shot two weeks ago helped for about the two weeks
Because it's back
This rubber band like snap starting at my left neck shoulder then an electrical snap to the top of my head it's the second time it's happened in this month
Trying to explain is a different issue
However when I began to explain to my pain specialist he finished my sentence when he said it shot up into my brain
And after it happens I feel as if I'm bruised internally
Should this make any sense to anybody
Pushing through
The truth is pain is awful
Just awful
Scary when something new starts
Now what I tell myself
I pray on it
But inside know my body like only Heavenly Father does
So depressing thoughts begin and I have to counter it
With my mind and doctors
My hands and feet
The doctors cannot figure out what is going on
Hard to deal with that
Today is a tough day
My neck is hurting so
I found myself on my back
A big no no
My body is propped so I cannot turn from my side to my back for the obvious reasons
Hoping to get out of this funk soon

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