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PamelaJune 05-11-2017 03:54 PM

Sending you virtual hugs Eva, no one should have to endure what you are going through. I pray those caught out in their lies are moved on swiftly & you can get the time back to focus on much needed rest & sleep. How sad you must feel. I'm so sorry you have had to go through this. :hug:
Ps thank you for your note, I will take heed. :hug:

eva5667faliure 05-12-2017 05:28 AM

I am not surprised
Having a problem getting a decent night of sleep
Management call close to the end of the day
No written explanation what happened to my file
And thank goodness I always had a person witness to what happened all the times I had to go downstairs
All of a sudden
The the other acting young manager to her Roslyn
Hold on to your socks
I reminded her I was promised a letter by Thursday afternoon explaining all that happened
She said the young lady won't be in until Monday
She misteriously did not work yesterday or today
I asked her to put it in writing
She says
I don't know how to type
"I don't know how to type"
Do this smell like poo or what
"I don't know how to type"
I called the assigned fella working on this all
Then she says after I told her
"I will have to call HMFA and tell him what you are telling me"
Then I get
"MAYBE she will be in Friday"
I will go down and see for myself
I want to see her for myself
This is s joke to these people
It hurts to take the elevator
What kind of people get off doing things like this
Why would they play serious games like this
Is this what Heavenly Father have me do so maybe her devious ways will change
I am well prepared
We shall see

eva5667faliure 05-13-2017 06:14 AM

She was there
A cheezy letter if you ask me
Luckily I have enough to show
who is harassed
I'm sick of it
Just sick of it

eva5667faliure 05-19-2017 05:39 PM

Yet no changes
Just waiting
Stepping back from it all
And it's worse then ever
Holding office accountable
The weekend here
She just won't quit

eva5667faliure 05-20-2017 09:43 AM

Will it be in my lifetime
As they continue to reach out when they need me
And then it soon goes sour
Nobody is listening
I speak from experience
I couldn't do it alone or my way for that matter
And until this is understood
I have no control in any of it
Does that mean if I express to them I cannot continue or conversation on a subject I have experience in and work it
is where I have to step back and away
And it hurts each and every time
Will it ever happen in my time to see my family not be so angry at God and to take responsibility of their own behavior
To do something about
It is free
No necessary to share
Recommended to just listen
Just listen to the persons who are exactly where they are in their own lives
My nineteen year old is crushing me and a vicious cycle has begun
As the extreme attitude that emeniates form her
When just asking her to make her bed
And ignore me
Roll her eyes
I feel so used
Having to carry her as she still hasn't begun school like she says she wants to
Or get a job
Yup no work for two years
As her father gives her money for fun times
But she won't put any money on the laundry card
Or laundry detergent and softener
She likes that soft feel I provided
So used I am
I give gave till there isn't anymore to give
I do not have the capabilities to work anymore
She knows this and sees what's happening
Crushed I am
I have but my own capabilities
I got sick
And had no control over that
My hands and feet hurt so badly
They have a heartbeat of pain
I cannot make it stop
And this she cannot see
But I feel
And still am forced to do the dishes
I cry as only Heavenly Father knows
And I put my body into his hands
My mind heart and soul
And to take my last breath without resolve
Would be so sad
Hoping for a happy summer
We are members of the twin pool
Put into Heavenly Fathers hand and the office for the threat and disruption stop with the above tenant
Holding my breath
I am still needed

RSD ME 05-20-2017 09:44 AM

Hi Eva. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and sending heartfelt hugs your way.

eva5667faliure 05-20-2017 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by RSD ME (Post 1243293)
Hi Eva. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and sending heartfelt hugs your way.

Feeling it
When I need it the most
Blessed am I with wonderful
Lovely people here
Warm ones

eva5667faliure 05-21-2017 04:53 PM

And now a tattoo
Two days MIA
I'm on my way home
Walk on say do you want to see my tattoo
I said

ger715 05-22-2017 08:53 PM

Please let Corissa know I think of her often. She is so much more than she gives herself credit for. To settle for not taking advantage of school or even working or helping out is not who she really is.

I have said it in the past and Corissa knows I feel we are connected. I hope and pray she will take advantage of these years to form the person who will rise to knowing she did all she could; whether in business or whatever career she is willing to put the effort to do what is necessary. I believe in her.


eva5667faliure 05-22-2017 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1243412)
Please let Corissa know I think of her often. She is so much more than she gives herself credit for. To settle for not taking advantage of school or even working or helping out is not who she really is.

I have said it in the past and Corissa knows I feel we are connected. I hope and pray she will take advantage of these years to form the person who will rise to knowing she did all she could; whether in business or whatever career she is willing to put the effort to do what is necessary. I believe in her.


Forever and always
Anxiously waiting on the sidelines
It is a difficult road in a difficult culture of kids
So difficult to find their way
Always in prayer
Absolutely done

OhKay 05-23-2017 06:36 AM

It is so hard to just listen and not give advice when you love someone and have their best interests at heart, especially if you have walked the path they are on :hug::hug::hug:

You have a right to resent your daughter's behavior :hug:
Unfortunately, it seems like it is going to take her extra time to develop into an adult. I'm sure it's hard not to enable her behavior without causing a rift :hug::hug::hug:

eva5667faliure 05-24-2017 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1243427)
It is so hard to just listen and not give advice when you love someone and have their best interests at heart, especially if you have walked the path they are on :hug::hug::hug:

You have a right to resent your daughter's behavior :hug:
Unfortunately, it seems like it is going to take her extra time to develop into an adult. I'm sure it's hard not to enable her behavior without causing a rift :hug::hug::hug:

Hugs and well wishes in return
It is just like you said
So difficult to step back
My older children rather than help guide her are not being responsible and they too do not get it
One cannot stay sober on their own
My son dabbling with death and adds alcohol as a replacement because he says he can control himself
My eldest a taste for alcohol
The mother of my grandchild
The only one who's been bitten by he rooms
Still not in a good way
And then we have my youngest
A road she doesn't have to travel
She lives with me and my grandchild
Trying to get help is never going to work if she has no desire to get help
Invincible she thinks she is
I kills to watch
Very carefully I deal with her
Very gently
And then there are times I just want to shake her
She knows what she is doing
This is the part that hurts
She knows
Will alway be their cheerleader
When will she start to fight back
All I can do is pray
Pray to Heavenly Father that they will find their way sooner than later
And to see I'm on their side and understand
Thanks for the support
Holding in
As I hold on to her and try not letting her fall into the abyss
Much love with warm hugs

eva5667faliure 05-24-2017 07:55 AM

Open and honest to them I always am
Never sugar coating it
Seeing for themselves true to the way things really were
They say all the time
I didn't know we were poor mom
I did my job
After divorce
Back to work
Nights to the very end of my working career
Never sitting on my buttocks
Always on the move
Excercising back to school trying to go into the medical field
How far from that was I
Vowing never to work in city hall
And where did I put 12 1/2 year and it mean nothing
Like that over night
When I turned forty
My eyes first thing that changed on the downhill slide
Between Corissa and her kidney troubles
And OMG the hospital stays and doctors
For three years of her life to have that wonder will she make it
She was 3 1/2 months old
And when she took off for a few days coming home with i he only kidney infection
Never even thought yo take her temp
That I expected
A thermometer so important in my lifetime
Not to be taken lightly

Going off topic
I just learned
The above tenant did what I said I would never do and that was take her to court as I had management handle it
And the charge even though dropped needs to be expunged
I am mortified
Just beside myself

So with my body that I have no control over as it is breaking down as it is
And doctors have no clue what's going on with veins in my hands or feet and why they are behaving the way they are
I was taken off tamoxifen after 5 years
The veins don't swell as often and no bruises so there may be a connection to the happenings of my feet and hands in connection with the cancer medicine
I see my oncologist next week
So looking forward to seeing the pain specialist for a torodol shot
It lasts me about two weeks
Anything to relieve the constant pain

Do I go into depression mode
Do I wonder if something changed with me
Most certainly
Do I have to put up with the I know better attitude
And them not to even try a be receptive to what I have to offer
A hard thing to step back from
I will not let my children hurt me anymore
Because the separations alone is tough enough
I wish them happiness in whatever they do
For them to love what they do
To love who they are
To know they matter
My walls are up again
My father really did a number on me
Taught me how to build them up quickly
And just as I'm almost done
I remember by doing so
I shut out Jesus Christ
My constant
My everything
Heavenly Fatherto hold me up as I remember who is in charge of it all
To not want to feel is my life and because I have to be vigilant and not let myself be victimized or let it consume me I must do
Now to do homework on how to handle this

ger715 05-24-2017 10:30 AM

A few years ago, when Corissa first spoke with me over the phone; the first thing she said was "thank you for being friends with my mother". Her love for you stood out.

It's still there; just pray she can move away from the "fog" that is hindering her view on all that she is and could be.


eva5667faliure 05-24-2017 01:49 PM

Dear Gerry
Corissa has all the space she could ever ask of me
And I am always ready for her when she falls
My angel has a path of her own she needs to find
What hurts me mostly
Is watching them step away from faith all will be awesome when embracing God Jesus the angels the universe the sun
But believe in yourself I tell them
They all are wrapped up in this way of the world
Not the good stuff
How they turned away so quickly
Blows me away
I have guided my children and the can take care of themselves
Such as cooking taking case of bills financial responsibility
And such
But the deeper side of them have changed closer to Corissas generation
The core of Corissa all good
She says she would like to be a counseling as your daughter is doing
Something she has knowledge in and has a desire to return back to school
She gets sidetracked easily
And many take advantage of her
I never came between her relationship with her father
Someone that I knew was not healthy
And I was not going to be the reason they would have like to gave tried didn't happen
I feel secretly badly for her and her sister Christine
Her dad forgot he even had her
They both have real dad issues and I don't like any of the things he says says to Corissa gave her a body image complex
She's always fighting over food
He terrible
Just terrible
I don't like it
I can't do anything about him
But just be available for her
The phone is in a dangerous condition and he will not get it fixed it is cracked oozing with all that dangerous stuff
She sleeps with it
Puts it in her bra
In her kidney area
It is so dangerous
This is just one example
And pray that one day she will submit to Heavenly Father
Pray she will return to therapy
They are waiting for her
And I will continue to pray
And try to have as much fun with them as possible
They are inseparable
You are heard
You are heard dear friend
Warm hugs

OhKay 05-25-2017 07:02 AM

It's so common at 19 for kids to feel invincible. For some reason, 19 isn't as old as it used to be now, and that may be a little part of it. Keep loving her, and hopefully, she will start loving herself enough to find herself soon :hug:

I feel badly that the girls have not had enough of their father. It must be very difficult for them :hug:

eva5667faliure 05-25-2017 08:11 AM

You are so on the money
To not have a father in their lives in a positive way
To have not focused on them and not me
Sad but true
The one who seen it clearly
Is my youngest
Never coming between them
She know where my heart lays away
And am always to be found when they need me
I support them trying to find the answers they look for
I have a son who has been surrounded by women
His three sisters
Me my two sisters
My mother
It must have been difficult
A mother no matter how much she tries to help fill it by taking them to all sports available
It turned out to be softball
But even then he was treated differently by the adults
My boy is 6'8" tall
He was always two heads taller
And lanky
Oh how they wanted him for basketball
He wasn't interested
Eventually left softball as they expected so much more because of his height
But I tried
And he knew that
And as time went by
And they got older and technology was first introduced when they were in high school
Everything changed
And I guess I didn't change quick enough or not change at all
I do not like it when I have company and the phone is out in front of them or in their hands
But you have a very valid important assement
As I had a father around

But did so much harm

And having divorced so young
I trusted nobody with my children
It was a choice not to be involved in their lives
It hurt when he applied for emancipation from them

Yes I sacrificed much for them
They owe me nothing
I expect nothing
I chose to not ever be involved with anybody

And it was one less fear I did not have to worry about
If my father was capable of doing what he did to me and my sister and a mother who knew and turned her head when crap was happening
I don't know
What would you do
That's what I did

They grew up without a dad
As a dad should be in his son and daughters life

Conscious of this did the best I could
That's that

Standing on the sideline
The love never stops
The dreams to come true
Lots of love

ger715 05-28-2017 10:38 PM

Was that your ex-husband, the father of your first three children, that filed for emancipation from them? I had not heard that term before. Did that mean he didn't pay any support for them?

My dad left when I was almost 11; my brother is 3 years older than me. My father did keep in touch with me tho. Thankfully, the school was less than a block away as well as the Church. Since my mother often worked nights, I spent many evenings just sitting in Church. Faith was very important then as well as now.

It is good your children are aware of your faith. Hopefully this will one day make a difference to them and eventually seek God's help in prayer.


eva5667faliure 05-29-2017 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1243732)
Was that your ex-husband, the father of your first three children, that filed for emancipation from them? I had not heard that term before. Did that mean he didn't pay any support for them?

My dad left when I was almost 11; my brother is 3 years older than me. My father did keep in touch with me tho. Thankfully, the school was less than a block away as well as the Church. Since my mother often worked nights, I spent many evenings just sitting in Church. Faith was very important then as well as now.

It is good your children are aware of your faith. Hopefully this will one day make a difference to them and eventually seek God's help in prayer.


Dear Gerry
Hoping this message finds you and your family well
Emancipation has all but the same to be relieved of any responsibility to or for them
To take care of themselves
He never believed his eldest is an epelitic and has had all the surgeries or that she is blind in her right eye
Yes Gerry
As if he never fathered them
And of the three
Christine was 3/12 months
Sara close to 4
Michael close to 2
He divorced them also
Never held him from not have contact
The grandparents on that side divorced them as well
After a good number of years
My ex sister in law a mother of two past and left two girls behind
Wrote me
Asking for forgiveness not being in their life
As she said she understood what I was going through
Sadly we never had a chance to be a family
He wanted nothing to do with them
In his words
If I can't have you
They are yours
My case set presetance in the state of NJ
And transferred to the Tarrytown plant in our back yard in a different state New York
It was and is what it is
He has had contact from them
He has no interest
Be well
Doing all that is expected of me
And will never abandon them

eva5667faliure 06-07-2017 08:49 AM

Staying in the moment
I don't want to feel anything
Let me turn it over
Trying to erase what was said this morning
Letting it go
Not to feel their shortcomings
I have myself to take care of
I have to take care of myself
I am good for nothing if I don't let it go
It cuts me up
And I don't deserve the way my children manipulate me
Shame on me
I must stop and start my day over again for the third time
After hearing from my middle sister
Someone who calls when she is overwhelmed and needs reasoning she turns to me

And I say to myself again
Eva let it go
Letting it go
We shall see
We shall see
How this works for today
I will be selfish and take care of this person
Turn to Heavenly Father and just do
One step at a time

PamelaJune 06-07-2017 04:32 PM

Dear Eva, you are such a strong woman, despite our infirmities we, you and me, just crack on. There is a reason others turn to us in their time of need, and those that expect us to continue to be "just us"! We feel this feeling inside and it builds as those around us blithely carry on in life treating us we once were. The difference we are noticing is not their behaviour, it is ours. They have not changed their ways, they have always been selfish & manipulative but we were so busy being consumed with getting on with life we didn't take time out of our day to let them know their behaviour is unacceptable. So here we are, now in our prime, and we've been dealt a cruddy hand. Our bodies are failing, our minds are not. Now we see with open eyes and hear loud and clear the shortcomings we (in love) kindly overlooked.

It will not, and is not selfish to look after yourself first. Think of it as a kindness, better they learn now to look after themselves and each other while we are still around to give them kind yet firm guidance. Yes, you may have said hurtful words, but they are just words, not swords, it seems those around us have very thick skins, I doubt our words pierce them, it is only us who suffer with guilt after, they have already moved on.

I'm trying a new tack. For everything anyone does for me, I use simple words.
Thank you for your kindness. How thoughtful of you. I've stopped doing the small things which assembled building blocks & stairways to anger in my mind. I don't get up at 4 and feed the dogs, the alarm goes off and I hit snooze, twice sometimes three. I haven't fed the dogs for a week. But they are being fed, to begin with there was a duplicate snooze button going off. Now it's just my own. That warm body lying beside me is up and out of the bed as soon as the alarm goes off. Needs must - my needs!!

So dear Eva, be selfish and know it's not selfishness but a kindness after all. The old saying you have to be cruel to be kind, comes to mind. Only we are not cruel, just selfless. :hug::hug:

eva5667faliure 06-07-2017 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1244407)
Dear Eva, you are such a strong woman, despite our infirmities we, you and me, just crack on. There is a reason others turn to us in their time of need, and those that expect us to continue to be "just us"! We feel this feeling inside and it builds as those around us blithely carry on in life treating us we once were. The difference we are noticing is not their behaviour, it is ours. They have not changed their ways, they have always been selfish & manipulative but we were so busy being consumed with getting on with life we didn't take time out of our day to let them know their behaviour is unacceptable. So here we are, now in our prime, and we've been dealt a cruddy hand. Our bodies are failing, our minds are not. Now we see with open eyes and hear loud and clear the shortcomings we (in love) kindly overlooked.

It will not, and is not selfish to look after yourself first. Think of it as a kindness, better they learn now to look after themselves and each other while we are still around to give them kind yet firm guidance. Yes, you may have said hurtful words, but they are just words, not swords, it seems those around us have very thick skins, I doubt our words pierce them, it is only us who suffer with guilt after, they have already moved on.

I'm trying a new tack. For everything anyone does for me, I use simple words.
Thank you for your kindness. How thoughtful of you. I've stopped doing the small things which assembled building blocks & stairways to anger in my mind. I don't get up at 4 and feed the dogs, the alarm goes off and I hit snooze, twice sometimes three. I haven't fed the dogs for a week. But they are being fed, to begin with their was a duplicate snooze button going off. Now it's just my own. That warm body lying beside me is up and out of the bed as soon as the alarm goes off. Needs must - my needs!!

So dear Eva, be selfish and know it's not selfishness but a kindness after all. The old saying you have to be cruel to be kind, comes to mind. Only we are not cruel, just selfless. :hug::hug:

You beautiful warms soul
I need you to know
I have taught myself
Not to respond especially with any horrible words
In return
They cannot say o went there
I do however say things and do not follow through
Giving once again the benifit to a possible change
And I then tell them I need you to remove yourself from my life right now
I am being pulled down with the negativeness that lingers on for way to long
What I have done was block them
Not allowing them to her me or my grandchild to hurt
I will share with you
My granddaughter returned home Saturday after the father said horrible things to her
Crying at my door before running into my arms
She blurts out
Daddy said I'm the most boring child on the whole wide world
I was crushed
Brought me back to when o was a little girl and what my father and mother would say
And I'll leave it at that
I SO WILL take care of me and protect Eva
You are so on the money when you say
It is exactly how you said it
It is how I react
So on point
Thanks for reminding me

PamelaJune 06-08-2017 01:16 AM

I'm so sad in today's day and age with all we know of children self harm an adult could stoop to such selfishness and say such a thing to such a young child. That memory will remain a fixed memory for her but with your love and support you can change the dialogue going on in her mind. Sounds to me daddy is the boring one who can't entertain himself let alone his own child. I'm so sorry it brings back those horrid childhood moments for you. They hurt I know. You are such a strong advocate for your grandchild and you are doing right by her - and you. :hug:

eva5667faliure 06-08-2017 07:53 AM

Wanting my last breath
My yesterday is today just so much worse
4days and something went aray just like that
Yesterday is here again and I don't want to be in it
My two youngest children together for the past few days
They are not children
And their bull crap isn't anything I want to deal with
I am so done and now what
Wait for another repeat of such a horrible horrible day and I am so so so sorry
But it is not ok
Babies mother in the hospital so high on PCP
and then my youngest hung with her until mommy stormed out of the meeting
My youngest doing her thing with a jerk who is trying to 13 step my child and doesn't even know it
And has push me out of her way
Put her hands on me
A child I never hit or abused
And I don't know why but she is not the daughter I once had and knew
Her traumatic as she watched her sister high and it comes back to me when she came home at a late time
To awake me to that crap
And then I just caved
Caved where my brain cannot handle the pain and overload
I am not alive anymore
The life is sucked out of me and no body sees it at all
The veins in my hands hurt so badly
My feet hurt when I stand
Just burn me
Just burn me
How does one keep a happy face on like she sees me try
And why does she have to ask are they happ sad pain or happy tears
And I don't want to feel see cry anymore because I have nobody else to talk to about this all
I am the only person who is trying to keep my granddaughter in a happy place
I can't today
A son who is kicking dope
My eldest who I hear has a unhealthy taste for alcohol addiction addiction addiction is killing them and me
Because I have lived longer
And my child tells me how traumatized she is seeing her sister in that state and just keeps dumping more and mor and mor and more I just want it to all end
I can't do anything about it
There isn't anything I can do
I don't want to hear any of it anymore
Who is listing to me
Who is helping me
What have I got to keep my granddaughter happy while the rest of them are killing themselves I all I can do is watch
I don't want to see hear feel know any of it
Why do I do this to myself
I have no body helping or looking out for me
But have to trust this is what Heavenly Father has in store for us
I don't have the nerve
I can't do it
To just slip away slowly pain free of it all
To not ****ing cry anymore
It does nothing it doesn't feel good afterwards
And I don't know when the next problem will arise
trauma she says
I am sure
All I have to say about that
I relate
As I have 56 years of it and it doesn't seem to be getting better
What else must I have to understand my purpose is and for what
Who cares anyway I have to let go of this
Nobody sees or hears
So what else is left to do
Watch my granddaughter life be destroyed
Why can't I have the means to just get away
Just run away
Why am I here
Why do I have to stay in this tornado that has become a monster
I come to you dear Father
Please please release my heat that hurt so much
My brain can't think anymore
Today I am good go nobody including myself
I have a hole where my heart used to be
I feel so sad no words to explain
Where do I go
What do I do
How do I move ahead when I have all this crap to deal with
I don't want to anymore
And then there is Eva
Tainted by so much ugliness
How do I protect us
No family
No mother to turn to
As she never wanted us
None of my children doing well enough to help
As they need it desperately
And I have been there so many times
Just want to throw the towel in
Pray pray pray pray pray I do not for me
It hurts so badly
My child able to push me
Why not kill me
There is so much hurt so much hurting all hurting
And I can't keep it together anymore
I just want to throw in the towel

ger715 06-08-2017 10:43 AM

Sad... It appears they feel your place has a swinging door and are taking advantage of it. It's difficult to place rules like "open door" will not remain open under these conditions. Seeing this daily is just too painful in addition to all your physical pain.

So sorry you are having to deal with this kind of behavior.


eva5667faliure 06-09-2017 10:09 AM

Nothing changed
For the better
My yesterday is today
Even harder
Granddaughter tells me this morning
She was told to lie to me
What do I do
Hold on to me tight
Just for today

eva5667faliure 06-09-2017 06:07 PM

If I had the nerve I would do it

eva5667faliure 06-09-2017 08:27 PM

Mother calls from hospital
Eva begins balling I don't want
To leave here mimma
Father not any better
Comes to drop off some of Eva's stuff
Screaming in the halls after getting off phone with mother
After Corissa tells him what she said to Eva
A cluster everything as me and Eva are locked in my room
And under the covers reading her bible
Yes Eva has a bible
Read till she fell asleep
I am going crazy
And can't
Had to take BP meds my pressure out of control
I don't know how much more I can go
This is all so wrong

PamelaJune 06-09-2017 08:33 PM

Eva I can't recall if you were awarded primary carer rights for your granddaughter and her parents visitation? If you are the primary carer you can go back to the courts and request supervised visits and regular drug testing. If instead your granddaughter has just been dumped on you because the parents aren't that bothered with her, then is it possible you reintroduce limited visits and rather than continue to strive on a family centred approach for her which I understand why, you reverse that approach slowly & quietly without responding & carry on as if nothing has changed. Remember you are her number one person. Immature & sad adults do tell children not to tell grandma, they say things like "what happens here stays here, or it's a secret don't tell". Whatever happens with you down the track, it's the time she is having now with you she will always remember & treasure. This time with her parents won't be recalled as good times, you can't change that, but you can limit the damage they do because she lives with you. Not them. I wish things were easier for you :hug:


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1244510)
For the better
My yesterday is today
Even harder
Granddaughter tells me this morning
She was told to lie to me
What do I do
Hold on to me tight
Just for today

eva5667faliure 06-10-2017 05:22 AM

I have custody
And the case has been closed for about two years now
I will fight to the death
As it is killing me
Thanks PamelaJune
Thatks so much
Love me

PamelaJune 06-10-2017 08:43 AM

Well you have custody for a good reason, sounds like it's time to really limit visitations and then only under supervision with a qualified counsellor and subject to drug & alcohol testing before they see her. If unclean, then no visit. You do right by her Eva, this we know. Sending you positive thoughts and virtual hugs :hug::hug:


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1244555)
I have custody
And the case has been closed for about two years now
I will fight to the death
As it is killing me
Thanks PamelaJune
Thatks so much
Love me

eva5667faliure 06-10-2017 08:57 AM

With my entire being
As much as this pain is affecting me
To the point when you truly just want to end it
I can't
My life is not in my own hands
But Heavenly Father
I just have to keep reminding myself
With the support of persons like yourself and many others
Never ever did I think the latter part of this ones life has changed so drastically
I truly am alone having to do things
My youngest has changed not for the better
But much like the mother of Eva
Pushing me around
How am I suppose to take something that is not in my control
There is this last little one I need to keep my head together
Nobody in my immidate family as they are not interested with the need for just a little help
Just a little help
Nowhere to be found
What hurts is I want to cave
And I can't
I carried my last child to date
And all that happens is I want
I want I want
And I won't give anything anymore
Let her understand all the little things I do
And she is so mean to me right now and I have to hold on
Hold on oh so tight

eva5667faliure 06-10-2017 03:17 PM

Giving her a good day
It was is still a painful feeling I'm going through
Naught Corissa a pool membership for our pool we go to
for her birthday
We got up
After the laundry was washed but not dried
SO promised Eva we would go to the pool
Couldn't do anything about drying cloths
Card broken
It's the weekend
My last for or five days or who really knows
Corissa opted out
And oh God
When she said to me you can handle it
I shut down
Won't be seeing her tonight I'm sure
Her keys here
She got up and took a shower
Cause I told her I don't trust her
And ask why she did not want to come I promised
And I need to get the things I can't do alone
And she took a shower walked out without saying goodbye
I put towels in the bag
Brought a Barbie threat can go in the water
It was the only thing I could carry
Have no small cart
And was in so much pain the entire
My chair was home
Had to sit on a metal bench
Or sat at the side of the pool
And I just cried so hard inside

Have you ever done that
Every muscle in you body including my eyeballs hurt
With pain and utter sorrow
We left after 2 1/2 hrs

I cried felt things I hated to have to feel and go through
It ducks big time

Took her to drive through Wendy
For her FF

PamelaJune 06-10-2017 07:13 PM

I have no words of comfort Eva, only solidarity. I cry inside every day, I push my body beyond its limits. I said yesterday I could die and no one would know. No one comes to check on me. I fall over and lay there until I can get up, no one responds to my cries for help. We've been dealt a crappy hand we have, we share our lives with narcissistic or centred people. In their minds we are here to serve. My entire family, I'm the afterthought if thought of at all. My husband, only focussed on his journey.
Friday I see a man in the park across the road behaving strangely, laying flat on the ground seeming to have his head tilted towards the play equipment where 7 or more of our young neighbourhood children are playing. I've never seen this man. I ask DB to come look, he does begrudgingly, says it's a man lying in the park nothing wrong with that & walks away. Uhm - it's not, it's winter, there is no sun, it's 5pm, the grass will be wet. I see the mans hand move, I know what he's doing. I grab one of the dogs and march to the park, I'm in pain but I go to the children, ask if ok, they say he's been lying there watching them for a long time, just lying flat on his back. As I approach his legs & hips moving, he hasn't seen me coming. Suddenly a loud bang of a neighbour door sounds out, his attention bought back to surroundings, sees me heading for him with dog and up n runs away. I go back to children whose mother has arrived, she thanks me profusely. We've never had stranger danger in our park but it seems to have arrived as she tells me he's been seen a few times lately. We report it to police. I'm outside for a very long time, go back in. DB not even noticed I've gone. I say nothing. Saturday he's arguing with me, I've groaned once to often as I stand from sitting. Says I'm being melodramatic, like yesterday the man in the park doing nothing. I laugh, show him the police report with the neighbouring witnesses. Tell him to take his head out of his backside and smell the roses as he's talking shite & walked away. DB was contrite for rest of yesterday evening.


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1244585)
It was is still a painful feeling I'm going through
Naught Corissa a pool membership for our pool we go to
for her birthday
We got up
After the laundry was washed but not dried
SO promised Eva we would go to the pool
Couldn't do anything about drying cloths
Card broken
It's the weekend
My last for or five days or who really knows
Corissa opted out
And oh God
When she said to me you can handle it
I shut down
Won't be seeing her tonight I'm sure
Her keys here
She got up and took a shower
Cause I told her I don't trust her
And ask why she did not want to come I promised
And I need to get the things I can't do alone
And she took a shower walked out without saying goodbye
I put towels in the bag
Brought a Barbie threat can go in the water
It was the only thing I could carry
Have no small cart
And was in so much pain the entire
My chair was home
Had to sit on a metal bench
Or sat at the side of the pool
And I just cried so hard inside

Have you ever done that
Every muscle in you body including my eyeballs hurt
With pain and utter sorrow
We left after 2 1/2 hrs

I cried felt things I hated to have to feel and go through
It ducks big time

Took her to drive through Wendy
For her FF

eva5667faliure 06-10-2017 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1244587)
I have no words of comfort Eva, only solidarity. I cry inside every day, I push my body beyond its limits. I said yesterday I could die and no one would know. No one comes to check on me. I fall over and lay there until I can get up, no one responds to my cries for help. We've been dealt a crappy hand we have, we share our lives with narcissistic or centred people. In their minds we are here to serve. My entire family, I'm the afterthought if thought of at all. My husband, only focussed on his journey.
Friday I see a man in the park across the road behaving strangely, laying flat on the ground seeming to have his head tilted towards the play equipment where 7 or more of our young neighbourhood children are playing. I've never seen this man. I ask DB to come look, he does begrudgingly, says it's a man lying in the park nothing wrong with that & walks away. Uhm - it's not, it's winter, there is no sun, it's 5pm, the grass will be wet. I see the mans hand move, I know what he's doing. I grab one of the dogs and march to the park, I'm in pain but I go to the children, ask if ok, they say he's been lying there watching them for a long time, just lying flat on his back. As I approach his legs & hips moving, he hasn't seen me coming. Suddenly a loud bang of a neighbour door sounds out, his attention bought back to surroundings, sees me heading for him with dog and up n runs away. I go back to children whose mother has arrived, she thanks me profusely. We've never had stranger danger in our park but it seems to have arrived as she tells me he's been seen a few times lately. We report it to police. I'm outside for a very long time, go back in. DB not even noticed I've gone. I say nothing. Saturday he's arguing with me, I've groaned once to often as I stand from sitting. Says I'm being melodramatic, like yesterday the man in the park doing nothing. I laugh, show him the police report with the neighbouring witnesses. Tell him to take his head out of his backside and smell the roses as he's talking shite & walked away. DB was contrite for rest of yesterday evening.

One word PamelaJune
Parallel in many ways
And I know it's me who needs to work even harder and I don't know what to do with this utter horrible hurt
But hold on
I hear you and concur
In everyway
And we are who we are
Good kind ready to help if asked
A shoulder to lean on my trust my dedication
And I must remind myself
May this be my last chance with Eva happy that she is so loving smart companionate I wish we could get a tiny dog
She would benefit and get the unconditional love and physical comfort of an animal who's heart pitter patter when it sees her
But I cannot afford or take on the responsibilities that come with bringing in a family member like such
I asked the doctor to write up a note
It would allowed for depression and such
But he was looking out for my physical well being as it is work
Our last family member was trained by me to go in a piddle box
Like a cat
But it is much work on top of taking care of this precious child
She had such a good time
I make a promise and try never to break them
Not that i play a dollar for a lottery ticket
all I would want is to have a full body massage in the morning and again before bed
Just the thought of that
I hope kindness comes your way as you too are dealing with the same
Hugs for you
And hugs for me
You wonderful lady
Thank you for the wise words
It means much at this this time

PamelaJune 06-10-2017 10:25 PM

Ah and that's why we don't. Both our lives been touched by it, yours your father, mine my fiancé. We are stoic dear Eva. Hang on, gods plan is in place he knows what we do and why we do. It's why we endure.


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1244539)
If I had the nerve I would do it

PamelaJune 06-11-2017 07:55 AM

Eva, In today's paper where I live, you are not alone, I wonder if you can access some help like these women seem to have been able to do?

Perth grandparents looking after grandchildren from drug-addicted or mentally ill parents | Perth Now

eva5667faliure 06-11-2017 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1244605)
Eva, In today's paper where I live, you are not alone, I wonder if you can access some help like these women seem to have been able to do?

Perth grandparents looking after grandchildren from drug-addicted or mentally ill parents | Perth Now

thank you
So many of us I had no clue it is this wide spread
What's happening to this world
Again on such a difficult
And as reluctant I am to share I must
I must have the support in any way I can get it
This article as hard it was to read
It was a relief in a good way
You gave me that today
Something I believe is coming form an even higher place through you
May your heart feel joy
Knowing you make a difference
Calm assured you are special
From a friend to another

eva5667faliure 06-12-2017 09:10 AM

My youngest never came home
I suspected she wasn't going to come home
Having a week from hell
Trying to integrate some family
Mother her in the beginning
Going to meetings
Rather hanging on Corissa
Not that she couldn't use one herself
Went nuts on Wednesday
Then my youngest comes home saying she was traumatized
Sorry if I wasn't in the comforting mood
As I am tired of them crapping on me
Again faith is what I'm hanging on here
Really now
How many times have you seen her in that state
I barked back
And what am I suppose to do about it anyhow
A revolving door I cannot have in the delicate situation that is at my doorstep
A mother who truly is nuts
And I mean that literally
It's one thing to have the genetic problems
And fries her brain with that stuff

Now here is the worse of all
Saturday morning a day I hoped we a family Eva only knows
And now on a rocky point because of her
Rather take responsibility of her life
Return back to school and finish
Something she said she was ready to do
Using all hurtful lies of excuses
About not going to work
Even part time
And what infuriates me
It is so little I ask
So little
That she cannot say it be the reason she doesn't have a life
She hasn't done her laundry in about a month
I will leave it at that
But when she takes Eva to school
She wakes with the phone in her hand
Dosnt like making her lunch
And have learned twice recently she went to school without lunch
Corissa was catered to like a princess
Cheese omelette with bacon toast
her favorite apple peeled sliced thin(Granny Smith) orange juice
Not to mention the lunches I sent her off with
An extra one as they would eat her lunch
I tell her how can you forget
I cannot understand what is so hard in the things like taking her to school with an Uber
How much easier can that be
It's become the waking up going on phone
Sit down while I get Eva dressed do her hair
What it takes to send her off looking prepared for the day

Never came home
I had to drive her to school
Not an easy thing with all the bump humps on the road to keep one from speeding
So difficult on my body
I take my meds between 6:30 and 7:00 in the morning
Just cannot get over all of this
Having to now drive her to school
Oh because I don't bleed
This i get
I have my cross to carry
Not complain about it
I just hurts so badly on every conceivable level
And am numb
Took off
Where is she
Is she alive

eva5667faliure 06-13-2017 08:55 AM

I wrote her this morning
Trying very hard not to use the word YOU
does anybody understand this
Can anybody understand this
As my cross is heavier
It is mine
To not beg is not my pride
As I would hope when someone asks me and I tell them they hear me
No I'm not okay
Something is going on with my body doctors are perplexed at what happens to my hands and feet
Black and blue
I had to do so much with the wet white loaf
I needed to get a new card from office
After bring her home bathing her down to freshen her up
Then to do that wet load
To come up make pasta for her
Fold the laundry
Get things ready for the morning
Just brutal
AND SHE Will remember
I was never not here for her
Never for a moment have I not been able to see
I am constant in her life

Writing to Corissa and reminding her that this is not how a grown up behaves
And that I will not beg for something that is obvious if one hears and see
I can't do the things my body does
I will carry my Cross

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