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Old 12-03-2008, 12:43 PM #21
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Originally Posted by izzy View Post
I also experience breast pain.Mainly tenderness.
It used to only happen a week before my period.Then it became constant.
I did have a rash under my right breast on and off.The family dr said it was a yeast infection.
A pain specialist Dr I see thought it was shingles.There were no blisters.
My breasts are still very sensitive...I can't tolerate to wear a bra.Only soft clothing that is loose.
I have had a mamogram which was normal.The past few yrs I also have had pain,tenderness under my right breast and ribcage.A tightness that is sharp at times when I bend.I was told this was costochondritis.Yet it never has gone away. izzy
I give all of you credit that you can still go and have a mammogram (with the breast pain that you are enduring). I go for them, but I hate them. When they squish my breasts I want to kill them. I once went to a technician who used a foot pedal and when he brought those two glass things together (with my poor breast inside), I started hollering.

The next time I went to a differet person who used this wheel thing that she kept turning and she said "tell me when you can't stand it anymore'. Since THAT WAY, gave me control, I was able to stand it.

I now go (once a year), to the mammagramobile bus (that's what I call it), run by the Woman's Outreach program. Once a year, they go and park (this huge bus) on the corner. I just show up, and the inside is separated into compartments and there's a nurse who does a physical exam as well. They show you models of the breast and what the various lumps feel like and what they are. Very interesting.

They also treat women like women (maybe because it's all women in this Outreach Prgram). I like this way much better.

And they are very gentle




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Old 12-03-2008, 01:32 PM #22
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Default Breast pain, sensitive

Do you think it can be hormones problem, such prolactine estrogene or other? did you check this?
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Old 12-04-2008, 07:29 PM #23
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Originally Posted by beth View Post
There are nerves throughout your body, and the upper chest is where many, many are concentrated. They lead every which way, to the arms, the ribs, the shoulder blades and to the breasts. Anywhere you have a nerve it is possible to have neuropathy, a disease of the nerve, or neuritis, an inflammation of the nerve.

I have permanent damage to the brachial cutaneous nerve, which branches off of the brachial plexus, below the collarbone near the armpit. This nerve then splits again. One branch runs under the armpit, to the back of the elbow (I believe it joins up again with the ulnar nerve - not positive). Another branch runs along the side of the rib cage, and between the first and second rib. And the third branching leads directly into the middle of the breast. If these are tender you can trace them with your fingers

Insult or injury to this nerve can cause burning pain at the elbow (like you just hit your funny bone HARD), pain and tenderness at the underarm and down the side of the ribcage, sharp pain between the first and second rib(costochondritis) and painful, sensitive breasts. If I wear a bra, it irritates this nerve, and after a couple of hours, maybe less, it has caused attacks of faux angina, with sharp chest pains, breathlessness, cold sweats, nausea and light-headedness.

My heart has been checked out thoroughly on several occasions over the last 3 years, so I don't worry about that, but these attacks are not pleasant. I've given up bras completely except for "absolutely must" events. If I'm stressed, the nerve gets so flared that just the pressure of my arm at my side can trigger an attack, and I've had some when I've been trying to sleep. It's scary to go from relaxed to fighting to breathe so suddenly. I also have many clothes I can't stand to wear, my arms are very sensitive as well due to the RSD.

There are lots of other nerves in the breast as it is one of our most sensitive body parts. It does sound similar to RSD but I sincerely hope it isn't, and like you say, there has been no trauma.

I hope you find your answer soon. If it doesn't go away, Lyrica is a med that does work well for these types of pain, and you might ask about a compounded cream or ointment with Lidocaine and/or Ketamine . These actually work much better than oral meds as they are absorbed directly into the skin where the pain is located.

As for the Dr who said "Learn to live with it", he should lose his license to practice medicine or be struck with an equally painful condition! Wish they would bring back the stocks - a sentence of at least 3 days for saying stupid, insensitive things to patients sounds right, and would let us all vent our disgust- I'll supply the rotten tomatoes

beth, i have similar, but less severe issues....extending into the wrist....what was the mechanism of injury for your problem? and what testing did you need to determine the nerve involved? and was any treatment offered/suggested?
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Old 05-10-2009, 01:37 PM #24
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Question Breast Discomfort

I know that I am responding to quite an old thread but I hope that someone reads and responds.
I am experiencing many of the sypmtoms described by Little Mischief (with the possible exception of sensitivity to fabric.)
I have had a mammogram and seen a breast cancer surgeon twice in the last month who has said he can't detect signs of inflammatory breast cancer. He can't give an explanation for the tingling, prickly, sharp pains, dull ache, feeling of fullness etc in my right breast which I have been experiencing for quite a while now and just says that breast pains are a funny thing and come and go with no noticeable triggers. The discomfort (it's not really pain - just a really uncomfortable feeling) seems to move around the breast as well - one minute its at the top then the bottom, then about 2 inches above the breast!!!!!! (I am now starting to experience similar feelings in the left breast it's probably sympathy twinges!)
Whilst I am still concerned about the IBC thing I was wondering if anyone else on this forum had any definitive answers regarding possible breast shingles or some sort of neuropathy?
I am currently undergoing an intensive course of physiotherapy because the right side of my neck has been really painful and I have experienced pins and needles down the ourside of my right arm into the "pinky" finger. I am also expereincning a lot of discomfort in my right shoulder blade towards the bottom and across to my side.
I am extremely stressed due to work and financial commitments and the physio thinks that this could be playing a role in the problems I am experiencing.
I wonder if it's possible for pain from the neck region to be "referred" to the breast as well?
I trust someone will pick up this thread and answer.
P.S. I live in South Africa!
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Old 05-11-2009, 07:45 PM #25
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Default Breast pain in male, possible shingles, neuropathy without any injury or cancer?

I know these are old posts, but there is one from May 10, so thought I would give this a shot. I am having pain in my right breast -- as a male -- so what can it be? X-ray showed nothing, ultra sound showed nothing, but it hurts and is getting more painful. My lowest rib, same side, is also very painful. Some thought given to the possibility of shingles w/o any breaking out, so apparently it is possible. To be on the safe side, since there is some swelling, doing a biopsy on 5/15/09. This is a miserable condition, and I do suffer from RSD (for nearly 4 years) on my left jaw/chin resulting from injury to the inferior alveolar nerve after removal of a molar with a cyst, but I think this is worse. Cannot imagine having a bra on top of it!!!!

If anyone else has any new ideas, would be pleased to hear them. All of it is very stressful and disconcerting.

Thanks much.

I'm wondering if I could have shingles?

Or is it possible to have neuropathy of the breast? One breast?

My issue is: right breast, 1.5-2 months, burning, tingling, extreme sensitivity to fabric (clothing, bed sheets), and occasional sharp shooting pains. A sense of swelling or perhaps inflammation? There is no blistering or other mark. No discharge.

On Sat night the pain was intolerable, I took 3 Advil, two Darvocet (4 hours apart) and applied a Lidoderm patch directly to my breast (I googled to determine if the Lidoderm was a bad idea, but got no hits so just ... went with it). About 3 AM, exhausted, I finally fell asleep.

I googled and found that it is possible to have shingles without blistering and to have blistering without shingles pain.

Without the fluid from the blisters, I don't know how such a dx can be made?

Is it possible to have neuropathy in the breast? Has anyone ever heard of this or experienced it?

I was told simply that: breast pain is very common, follow-up with your GYN.

Any thoughts or comments appreciated, including if you need to laugh at me for even thinking either of these 2 diagnoses are possible, I can take it.

But ... I'm on my own here with a clear sonogram and a "you'll just have to learn to live with it" comment.

Best, Dottye[/QUOTE]
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:42 AM #26
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Originally Posted by Lulubelle View Post
I know that I am responding to quite an old thread but I hope that someone reads and responds.
I am experiencing many of the sypmtoms described by Little Mischief (with the possible exception of sensitivity to fabric.)
I have had a mammogram and seen a breast cancer surgeon twice in the last month who has said he can't detect signs of inflammatory breast cancer. He can't give an explanation for the tingling, prickly, sharp pains, dull ache, feeling of fullness etc in my right breast which I have been experiencing for quite a while now and just says that breast pains are a funny thing and come and go with no noticeable triggers. The discomfort (it's not really pain - just a really uncomfortable feeling) seems to move around the breast as well - one minute its at the top then the bottom, then about 2 inches above the breast!!!!!! (I am now starting to experience similar feelings in the left breast it's probably sympathy twinges!)
Whilst I am still concerned about the IBC thing I was wondering if anyone else on this forum had any definitive answers regarding possible breast shingles or some sort of neuropathy?
I am currently undergoing an intensive course of physiotherapy because the right side of my neck has been really painful and I have experienced pins and needles down the ourside of my right arm into the "pinky" finger. I am also expereincning a lot of discomfort in my right shoulder blade towards the bottom and across to my side.
I am extremely stressed due to work and financial commitments and the physio thinks that this could be playing a role in the problems I am experiencing.
I wonder if it's possible for pain from the neck region to be "referred" to the breast as well?
I trust someone will pick up this thread and answer.
P.S. I live in South Africa!
this isnt the best dermatome i have seen, but it is the best i can find at the will see that the area in question is supplied by the upper thoracic nerves....see if your physio can check that out for you, i would also think about trigger points....and stress, of course can play a, pilates, at what ever level you can do may prove helpful as well.
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Old 08-29-2009, 11:51 PM #27
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Default Definitely sounds like Brachial Neuritis

I unknowingly had 5 or so outbreaks on the same little USA nickle-sized spot on my upper inner right arm. Now I have Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN), which is pain from nerves damaged by the Shingles virus, even when the outbreak is healed. The T1, C5-C8 nerves are inflamed as a result. That means my upper arm area (especially bicep), under arm, shoulder, and right Brachial Plexus (includes area above/on top of breast) can be very painful.

This unfortunately means the top part of my right breast also hurts!

The damaged nerves extend to my right hand, so using my right hand can trigger the pain and of course, I am right-handed!

I tried gabapentin/Neurontin, Lyrica, and Flexeril for pain but had too many side effects. These drugs do work for many. When my arm really hurts I apply a Lidoderm patch or use an electrical pulse TENs unit to relieve the pain.

For the shoulder, Brachial Plexus, under arm area, I have used ice packs and warm baths. I have also used opioids and am going to try Tramadol, but basically there is no Western Medicine "cure." Nerve pain caused by Shingles can last for years or even for the rest of your life.

On the advice of my neurologist, I have just started Acupuncture. How often does a Western Medicine specialist tell you to try Eastern medicine??? I'm keeping my fingers crossed. ;-)

The biggest concern I have now, besides having pain that is not necessarily "curable" is how am I going to stand having a mammogram? I have been trying to find out alternatives with no response yet from the medical community. I have a high risk condition, so I guess I may just need really drug up and have a friend take me to mammogram torture chamber ;-)
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Old 08-30-2009, 02:45 PM #28
neil sjoberg neil sjoberg is offline
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Default Advice re Brachial Neuritis

Originally Posted by amygdala View Post
I unknowingly had 5 or so outbreaks on the same little USA nickle-sized spot on my upper inner right arm. Now I have Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN), which is pain from nerves damaged by the Shingles virus, even when the outbreak is healed. The T1, C5-C8 nerves are inflamed as a result. That means my upper arm area (especially bicep), under arm, shoulder, and right Brachial Plexus (includes area above/on top of breast) can be very painful.

This unfortunately means the top part of my right breast also hurts!

The damaged nerves extend to my right hand, so using my right hand can trigger the pain and of course, I am right-handed!

I tried gabapentin/Neurontin, Lyrica, and Flexeril for pain but had too many side effects. These drugs do work for many. When my arm really hurts I apply a Lidoderm patch or use an electrical pulse TENs unit to relieve the pain.

For the shoulder, Brachial Plexus, under arm area, I have used ice packs and warm baths. I have also used opioids and am going to try Tramadol, but basically there is no Western Medicine "cure." Nerve pain caused by Shingles can last for years or even for the rest of your life.

On the advice of my neurologist, I have just started Acupuncture. How often does a Western Medicine specialist tell you to try Eastern medicine??? I'm keeping my fingers crossed. ;-)

The biggest concern I have now, besides having pain that is not necessarily "curable" is how am I going to stand having a mammogram? I have been trying to find out alternatives with no response yet from the medical community. I have a high risk condition, so I guess I may just need really drug up and have a friend take me to mammogram torture chamber ;-)
I have suffered from this condition twice. Both times it lasted several months. Ibrufen gave some relief. Warmth and rest (Sunshione?) gave the most relief. Sadly I have to work so complete rest was not possible. Some muscle wastage occured which has recovered but final relief came from one single Lyrica tablet -[ maybe I was lucky but relief came and I slept for 10 hours (first time in months) and awoke to be mcuh better-pain subsidied over the next week and hasnt returned. Brachail Neuritits is without doubt the mosty thing I have experienced and many consultants wrongly diagnosed for conditions that required exercise or manipulation-both of which making it much worse. Sleeprest and warmth with large doses ibruprofen the only things that worked Neil Sjoberg Essex UK
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Old 12-02-2013, 09:48 AM #29
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Default Thanks to this thread, I've been able to understand my problem

I wanted to add my 2013 experience to this thread in case others come here looking for help or have advice to give.

I'm in my 60s and got shingles in early September 2013 in my upper back, underarm and left breast. I had already gotten the vaccine and was put on an antiviral meds immediately. I had a rash but it never blistered at all. (I wonder whether this was because of those antivirals.)

Still, I had a very uncomfortable several months. I needed to apply creams and ice packs front and back to sleep at all--there was burning, stinging everywhere, and an itching on my back that drove me nuts. Still, I never had the excruciating pain I've seen others describe. Because of the breast discomfort, I wore loose tops and no bra.

After about two months the rash gradually disappeared and the discomfort lessened enough so that I felt almost normal. And the itching in my back finally stopped after my dermatologist gave me a prescription steroid that could be used only on my back.

However my breast discomfort has never disappeared. If anything it is MORE sensitive to fabric now in December than it was during earlier phases, so I assume that I have post herpatic neuralgia. I'm hoping it will disappear soon.

The information on this thread has been helpful to me. What I do now is to wear a silicone nipple cover constantly (Joanne's Fabric carries them) which makes a huge difference in terms of nipple sensitivity. And after reading this thread I've started tying a very soft, silklike scarf around my chest in such a way that it's slightly tight above my left breast and then loosely covers the whole thing. That seems to reduce the pain signals, and I can wear a bra over it.

I think that I wouldn't mind this discomfort half as much if it were, say, on my calf-- it's just so close to my head that I always notice it. I've found that the best thing to do is to be active; as long as I'm very busy I don't notice it as much.

I'd appreciate any other advice folks have for waiting this out!

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Old 08-31-2014, 12:57 PM #30
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Default Where is the space for a reply?

Originally Posted by LittleMischief View Post
Okay, my breast sonogram was moved up to today (somebody cancelled?) so I did some shifting in my testing schedules and went for it.

Of course, it was negative.

I'm wondering if I could have shingles?

Or is it possible to have neuropathy of the breast? One breast?

My issue is: right breast, 1.5-2 months, burning, tingling, extreme sensitivity to fabric (clothing, bed sheets), and occasional sharp shooting pains. A sense of swelling or perhaps inflammation? There is no blistering or other mark. No discharge.

On Sat night the pain was intolerable, I took 3 Advil, two Darvocet (4 hours apart) and applied a Lidoderm patch directly to my breast (I googled to determine if the Lidoderm was a bad idea, but got no hits so just ... went with it). About 3 AM, exhausted, I finally fell asleep.

I googled and found that it is possible to have shingles without blistering and to have blistering without shingles pain.

Without the fluid from the blisters, I don't know how such a dx can be made?

Is it possible to have neuropathy in the breast? Has anyone ever heard of this or experienced it?

I was told simply that: breast pain is very common, follow-up with your GYN.

Any thoughts or comments appreciated, including if you need to laugh at me for even thinking either of these 2 diagnoses are possible, I can take it.

But ... I'm on my own here with a clear sonogram and a "you'll just have to learn to live with it" comment.

Best, Dottye
Dottye, we have pretty much the same symptoms. My neuropathy comes from having the shingles decades ago. When I have flareups, and the present one seems to be permanent, I have very sensitive skin in my back, and if I make a wrong move, excruciating pain that seems to be getting worse. It starts on the left side of my back and shoots around to my left breast like a bad jolt of electricity. It even hurts if my husband breathes on my back while putting pain patches on it. For several years, I would have a flare up that might last 3 or 4 months. This time, it doesn't look like it is ever going to go away. I would like to talk to you about this, but I rarely ever use the use the computer. I would like to talk directly to you. I guess that is what "chat" is for, but as I said, typing is a chore for me. *admin edit/ use PM for contact info please* I live in NC so I hope you aren't a long long distance away. Diann S

Last edited by Chemar; 08-31-2014 at 02:29 PM. Reason: phone info removed for privacy as forum is Google indexed
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