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Jelly Bean 12-27-2011 06:44 PM

Hi Granacki,
I was wondering how you are doing since this posting. Can't tell what date it was. your neuropathy sounds much like mine. I tried many different modums and none were effective. In July my condition had progressed so that I could hardly walk and my balance was really bad. I went on a diet eliminating sugars even tho I am not diabetic, but they were high just the same in the pre-diabetic category. My diet also cut out most if not all processed foods. My sugar dropped drastically in 6 weeks and I continue to have a lab test periodically to keep it down. My balance returned in a couple of months, my walk improved consistently. I followed the book "There is a Cure for Arthritis" a book written back in the 50s. I also implemented a regular exercise program and lots of walking. This all has done me more good than anything. I continue to improve and can see the improvement. I also take the supplements that Mrs. D recommended and have taken them for over a year. I am a firm believer that what we put in our mouth is the first most important treatment we can do. It starts there. Hope to hear you're doing well.


Originally Posted by Granacki (Post 146815)
So glad to hear some anti-MAG responses out there!

Here's what I know so far about anti-MAG. Glentaj is exactly right. It's an elevated IgM protein in the blood that produces anti-bodies that attack the Myelin sheath. I've been told it is mostly sensory, but can develop into a motor-neuropathy. The doctors don't know why a person's blood all of a sudden starts producing too much IgM, or why everyone with the excess protein doesn't get neuropathy. (Rina-- this is a special blood test not in your usual workup). The same elevated protein is also associated with scary cancers like multiple myeloma (bones) and Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (blood cancer) so they do tests for those too. I guess I should consider myself lucky since after months of tests at the University of Chicago all the really hideous things were ruled out and I was left just the way I came in -- with numb, tingling, and burning feet, and no cure or treatment.

For me, it started with numbness on the bottom of my left foot and in my toes, and was exacerbated when I walked a lot. (I like to walk miles along the lakefront). I assumed it was a mechanical issue and I went to orthopedic doctors first, who diagnosed it as metarsalgia (basically inflammation from fallen metarsal arches). I argued with a string of orthotists whose expensive orthotics had no effect. Then, anxious to do something more proactive, I wrongly had surgery for a modified bunionectomy and the insertion of screws in my foot to keep the bones from moving around too much. Of course the incisions killed off even more nerves that never came back. Then I tried a podiatrist who specialized in neuropathy who wanted to do more surgery to release what he said was tarsal tunnel (a nerve compression). All along I kept asking these doctors if I should see a neurologist and they said, no, not necessary. Finally after a chiropractor, acupuncture, and chinese herbs, I found my own neurologist and got my diagnosis. I go back tomorrow for a 6 month visit.

From what I hear from CIDP sufferers, another auto-immune neuropathy, that condition sounds far more debilitating. The only positive about CIDP is that it does seem to respond to some treatments. Steroids have no effect on most anti-MAG, nor do they seem to recommend the IV plasma exchange treatement. The only treatment that shows some benefit is Rituxan but since it's so toxic, they wait until you're in really bad shape before trying it.

What little information I have seen says anti-MAG shows "little progression over long periods." With a heightened awareness of every new twitch and buzz and sting moving slowly up my feet for the past three years, and now above my ankles, I'm trying to grasp what slowly progressive means. I'm also trying to imagine how I can walk if the muscles still work but I can't feel any sensations below my knees. I've always had extremely high energy levels, do lots of different things including run my own business and take care of a family, and am pretty fit and otherwise healthy for being almost 60. This anti-MAG isn't really slowing my hyperactivity down too much but it does make walking uncomfortable. I'm just wondering how much longer do I have before it gets really bad, and how bad will it really get?

Zaphodbeeblebrox 01-10-2012 08:55 AM

sharing notes anti MAG

Originally Posted by michaeljay (Post 150260)
I have the same problem and went thru a simlar long program trying to identify. they start with the worst..

three years now and progressing slowly/ I did the rituxan therapy with little effect. not sure how bad this will get. I spend 1 1/2 days in the gym/ at this point all sensory no motor but I can barely type and balance is bad

be interested to share notes

i have been diagnosed with anti MAG recently after years of trying to figure out what the problem is... they thought i had reynodes syndrome but i suppose that was a mis-diagnosis... now that the anti MAG is confirmed i await some kind of treatment but from what i heard nothing really works all that well. chemo therapy is an option....
Rituxan is not available in Canada ... but maybe someday...
so far i have lost most of the feeling in my feet (apart from some tingling and occasional pain) balance is definitely getting worse... especially in darkness...several times i have fallen down the stairs as i mis-step and lose it ... fortunately only fallen from lower steps ...

Doctors do not know how i acquired this ... it may be because of early radiation many years before ... ??or possible street drug use back in the seventies? possible frost bite back in the seventies?
anyone experience a similar thing?

thanks to all on this site...


Zaphodbeeblebrox 01-11-2012 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by LisaMac (Post 790055)
Hi -
Just another comment... Rituximab does show improvement for PN - I've experienced it, however it's tough to get it funded if not for a cancer treatment (which was my case - in Canada, anyway). I am on a 'maintenance schedule' now, recieving a dose every three months for two years. My neurologist feels I should be 95% recovered by then. Mynumbness is still unchanged but my motor skills and reflexes are much better.
Hope this helps!

Hi LisaMac
i was led to believe Rituximab was not available in Canada.. where (if you don't mind my asking ) in Canada are you...i am in Southern Ontario and see a neurologist at MacMaster University Hospital..i would definitely like to keep in touch with you to follow your treatments.

CarolH 03-18-2012 12:47 PM

Anyone with Anti MAG IgM
Granacki, this post is to you and any others out there with AntiMAG IgM.

In 2007, Granack posted a question seeking out others with AntiMAG neuropathy, but did not mention whether it was IgM, IgG or other related. Now, it is 2012. From you and from any other's with AntiMAG IgM, I am wondering how you are doing, how your symptoms have or have not progressed, and what treatments you have had.

My husband's symptoms began in 2001 at age 68. In 2005 was diagnosed with CIDP variant - AntiMAG IgM polyneuropathy and 2 years later with a benign form of NHL or paraproteinemia / Waldenstrom's (exact diagnosis was never completely clear but bone biopsy allowed him to get Rituxan) He had 2 years of steady IVIG treatment followed by 2 full rounds of single dose (not double) Rituxan. Neither helped much.

His disability remained fairly steady from 2007 to 2011 - difficulty walking, fatigue, numbness (toes to knees & hands), ataxia, no pain, proprioceptor nerve damage, sensory nerve damage, and likely later axional damage. He has required use of a powerchair most of the time but can manage walking short distances with a rollator. Cognitive functions are intact.

Now, however, he seems to be developing neurogenic bladder retention problems. We fear it might be related to his neurological problems. Our University of Washington neurologist predicted possible (in a certain % of patients) problems with the diaphragm but not bladder/bowel issues.

Now soon to be 79, we would like to compile information that has never been available to us about long term impact of AntiMAG IgM. We hope that it will serve as a guide to others with this disease, helping them plan their lives and activities more effectively.

To this end, we appreciate updates here from all AntiMAG IgM people regarding their ages, gender, symptom onset and progression, treatments and contact with other AntiMAG IgM people who might want to add their information here.

As much as we appreciate support and contact from people affected with other forms of CIDP, etc., we would prefer to reserve this post to people specifically diagnosed with, or who wonder about having AntiMAG IgM.

Thanks to you all!

dirotu 03-26-2012 06:40 PM

Hi Lisa -Your story is similar to mine. I was diagnosed in March of 2009 with WM. Had 8 rounds with Rituxan. No help. I am now dealing with severe PN that is moving up my legs into the back of my thighs. My onco/hema says there is no way it is related to my IgM issue as the levels are too low (537 at this time). What I research says differently. I have an appointment with my family doctor in 2 weeks to discuss what step to take next. My Oncologist says I need to go to a university hospital to have this PN looked at to see what is causing it. I too am 48 and a female.
I am thinking a second opinion is needed as far as IgM issue. I may go to the University of Washington in Seattle for a workup. It all gets so confusing when you are outside the box with diseases.
Just wanted to let you know there is someone else in your similar situation. Diane

EDELSTEP 03-31-2012 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by CarolH (Post 861979)
Granacki, this post is to you and any others out there with AntiMAG IgM.

In 2007, Granack posted a question seeking out others with AntiMAG neuropathy, but did not mention whether it was IgM, IgG or other related. Now, it is 2012. From you and from any other's with AntiMAG IgM, I am wondering how you are doing, how your symptoms have or have not progressed, and what treatments you have had.

My husband's symptoms began in 2001 at age 68. In 2005 was diagnosed with CIDP variant - AntiMAG IgM polyneuropathy and 2 years later with a benign form of NHL or paraproteinemia / Waldenstrom's (exact diagnosis was never completely clear but bone biopsy allowed him to get Rituxan) He had 2 years of steady IVIG treatment followed by 2 full rounds of single dose (not double) Rituxan. Neither helped much.

His disability remained fairly steady from 2007 to 2011 - difficulty walking, fatigue, numbness (toes to knees & hands), ataxia, no pain, proprioceptor nerve damage, sensory nerve damage, and likely later axional damage. He has required use of a powerchair most of the time but can manage walking short distances with a rollator. Cognitive functions are intact.

Now, however, he seems to be developing neurogenic bladder retention problems. We fear it might be related to his neurological problems. Our University of Washington neurologist predicted possible (in a certain % of patients) problems with the diaphragm but not bladder/bowel issues.

Now soon to be 79, we would like to compile information that has never been available to us about long term impact of AntiMAG IgM. We hope that it will serve as a guide to others with this disease, helping them plan their lives and activities more effectively.

To this end, we appreciate updates here from all AntiMAG IgM people regarding their ages, gender, symptom onset and progression, treatments and contact with other AntiMAG IgM people who might want to add their information here.

As much as we appreciate support and contact from people affected with other forms of CIDP, etc., we would prefer to reserve this post to people specifically diagnosed with, or who wonder about having AntiMAG IgM.

Thanks to you all!

My Husband was dx with AntiMag IgM at age 64 in 2010. This was 3 years after having a severe case of shingles on his R flank area. His PMD thought his R leg weakness and numbness in his foot was a post herpetic nerve issue. There never was any pain. After 3 years he got up one morning and fell down he had no feeling in R foot and ataxia. We immediately went to a neurologist and after MRI and lots of lab work. The dx was made when everything was negative except Antimag IGM titers. We were referred to Mt Sinai in New York to see Dr Simpson a neurologist specializing in neuropathies. He took one look at my husband reviewed the lab work and electrophysiology tests done on his legs and arms and said your only choice of treatment is Rituxin. In July 2011 he had 4 single weekly doses of Rituxan. We just went for his 8 month visit post therapy for another electrophysio test. There has been no improvement BUT no progression of his symptoms. We are now going to go back to Mt Sinai and review a plan of care based on these facts. I would like to keep you informed on progress. My husband is 66 still drives and works part time 3 days a week. Everyone says the shingles had nothing to do with triggering the autoimmune response in his body but who really knows. We had to pay for the Rituxan ourselves but I work at a hospital and was able to get the medication at their cost STILL very expensive. This was not covered by insurance because the FDA does not approve this drug for this dx. I will keep you informed of our next step. Good luck to your husband also.

emm5505 06-19-2012 10:45 PM

Waiting, waiting
New to this site...I have peripheral neuropathy...almost 2 years...had a brief episode about 2 years before that that neurologist says "that's wierd, very rare..." EMG shows mixed, elevated RF, sed rate, pretty much everything else neg...until neurologist tells me on the next round of bloodwork...go ahead and add whatever you want on I do my homework...deductive reasoning, take a guess and go for anti-mag...comes back positive. Review the medical literature....not a lot out there...the lab test says anything between 1 and 999 is positive. Mine's a 139...but I've read (and seen on here) about numbers in the thousands...does the number really make a difference? Also, where are good places to go for care? I'm in New Mexico, bad for care for this...should I go back to Boston, Johns Hopkins...I don't know what to do...Thanks, peripheral neuropathy is the PITTS!

NancyKay 09-02-2012 12:05 AM

anti-MAG neuropathy

Originally Posted by jrip (Post 628525)
I'm a 75 year old male and have had Anti-MAG demyelinating polyneuropathy for probably eight or nine years. It began with a numbness in my feet. I became aware of it trying to walk on beaches while hunting. My balance was poor. I began losing weight, mainly muscle. It was at this point that I was diagnosed with neuropathy. My neurologist put me on Cytoxin, which seemed to arrest it for awhile. Lately my balance problem returned with a vengeance.
I just returned from a visit to a neurologist at Virginia Mason, who told me after some tests that my neuropathy is quite bad. I walk now with the aid of a cane. He told me of a controlled study for Rituximab that concluded it is an effective treatment in patients with A-MAG-DP and suggested I consider it. Any benefits only last a year and, as one posting mentioned, it is so expensive I'm not sure my insurance will go for it. I'm trying to make up my mind whether to give it a try. Sometimes I have pain but for the most part the neuropathy's effect has been on strength and mobility.

I also have been seeing neurologists at Virginia Mason in Seattle. I've had anti-MAG neuropathy for over 10 years and finished a round of Rituxan back in Dec. 2011. I've not had any benefitso far, so may be one of the "non-responders". I have serious ataxia & hand tremors, so I am limited in what I can do (and have frequent falls). How are you managing?

lmba214 10-22-2012 02:26 PM

anti-MAG and other auto antibodies
Does anyone here have other autoimmune diseases or blood disorders? I've lived with pain and weird neurological symptoms for many years. Was dx'd with Fibromyalgia until almost 2 years ago. I had a super high ANA, and positive SSA.They now think I have Sjogren's and maybe Lupus, but don't seem very anxious to confirm anything. The Neuro that tested for anti-MAG thought I had SFN, but the NVC and skin biopsy were neg.

I already take prednisone and plaquenil, etc., for symptom relief, but all my symptoms keep getting worse anyway. I seem to be getting weaker, especially shoulders and arms, but left leg too. Also think I am having some kind of tremors, and I feel sick all over just about every day.

My Rheumy suspected Hemochromatosis last year and sent me to a hematologist/oncologist. Didn't Dx me with it, but I go for annual labs in a week. I'm getting anxious to go because I keep thinking that to feel this bad I must have cancer.

I just really wish I knew more about what to expect. Seems we all have different histories, symptoms, but maybe we can still help each other.
Has anyone improved? If so, how? Anyone with other auto-antibodies? Anyone get cancer?

Steve1 03-05-2013 06:31 PM

autoimmune, neuropathy, anti-mag
I've been meaning to post something here for some time now, but have been waiting for something positive to share. As of yet, I have nothing productive to report as regards to anti-mag igm neuropathy, which is my present diagnosis. I have a strong medical background as well as integrative knowledge. I've been to a couple of international symposiums on autoimmune diseases and demyelinating neuropathies. My perception and/or experience tells me that IGIV, prednisone, and rituximab have little chance of helping anti-mag patients. On the alternative side of things, the perception that the immune system is based in the gut, would lead one to hope that supplements such as probiotics, glutamine, DGL, aloe, green tea, etc. might help. One might also suppose that avoiding those foods, dyes, herbs, etc. that sensitize your immune system such as gluten, dairy, ... might be advisable. Alcohol is a neurotoxin of sorts- limitation advisable? Alpha-lipoic -neuroprotective. Co-Q-10- potentially neuroregenerative? Fats in diet and omega-3 to provide raw material for myelin? I thought that by now I'd happen upon something helpful- been trying real hard for almost a year. I feel that my progression is fast- seems on a daily basis I lose more feeling and balance in feet and legs. Fingers constantly tingling with handwriting affected. Am presently pursuing mind-body connection - some really interesting books on the subject. Have not seen anyone mention pursuing treatment with a functional medicine physician- looks for a cause and reason for what's happening- not just hanging a label on what you've got and handing you a drug or prescription. Have to have a genetic predisposition for this to have happened- I believe it's the trigger that sets it off that is key to understanding it all. When and if I finally stumble upon that elusive unknown that might help one or more of us, I'll be sure and let you know. My best to all of you- I know EXACTLY what it feels like- both physically and emotionally.

Norb 06-16-2013 11:50 AM

I don't think the gut is a CENTER of the immune system. There are many different components and locations involved. As far as CIDP and antiMAG IgM neuropathy are concerned, B-cells and their antibodies attacking myelin or the MAG component are the critical factors involved. T-cells may or may not play a role here. Both types of immune cells originate in the bone marrow, not in the gut.

MAGLADY 07-04-2013 11:29 AM

You and I share the same diagnosis date 2009.. (took me a long time, go to a Dr.) and the same MAG test results 102,400..REALLY high.. and sounds like same symptoms..wondering what your IGM serum test shows? mine is now 439 I am 65 and DO NOT LIKE EXPERIMENTING WITH treatment..muscles in legs atrophing and lying down is miserable to sit or sleep..walking more than 1-2 mi. leaves me not being able to walk for the next few days..loosing weight..(muscle) mine was never about feet and hands..always arms and legs AND feet and hands..wonder if this is because of the high MAG..

Kitt 07-04-2013 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by MAGLADY (Post 997382)
You and I share the same diagnosis date 2009.. (took me a long time, go to a Dr.) and the same MAG test results 102,400..REALLY high.. and sounds like same symptoms..wondering what your IGM serum test shows? mine is now 439 I am 65 and DO NOT LIKE EXPERIMENTING WITH treatment..muscles in legs atrophing and lying down is miserable to sit or sleep..walking more than 1-2 mi. leaves me not being able to walk for the next few days..loosing weight..(muscle) mine was never about feet and hands..always arms and legs AND feet and hands..wonder if this is because of the high MAG..

What was your diagnosis? Just curious. Thank you.

MAGLADY 07-04-2013 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kitt (Post 997393)
What was your diagnosis? Just curious. Thank you.

Original diagnosis Anti Mag Neuropathy

jsrail 07-06-2013 12:07 AM

Thanks for the info, never heard of Anti-Mag before. I have SFN so I don't have sheathing issues, and thus no motor issues, small fiber nerves have no sheath. Hope it works out the best for you.

NancyKay 08-03-2013 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by dirotu (Post 864205)
Hi Lisa -Your story is similar to mine. I was diagnosed in March of 2009 with WM. Had 8 rounds with Rituxan. No help. I am now dealing with severe PN that is moving up my legs into the back of my thighs. My onco/hema says there is no way it is related to my IgM issue as the levels are too low (537 at this time). What I research says differently. I have an appointment with my family doctor in 2 weeks to discuss what step to take next. My Oncologist says I need to go to a university hospital to have this PN looked at to see what is causing it. I too am 48 and a female.
I am thinking a second opinion is needed as far as IgM issue. I may go to the University of Washington in Seattle for a workup. It all gets so confusing when you are outside the box with diseases.
Just wanted to let you know there is someone else in your similar situation. Diane

Hi Diane,
I was diagnosed with anti-MAG neuropathy when I was around 46 years old (now 58) and have tried IVIG & rituxan without much benefit. I am currently seeing a neurologist at Virginia Mason in Seattle (Dr. Michael Elliott). I have found that with unusual conditions, it is always best to go to a larger university/teaching hospital where physicians have seen the rarer diseases and can diagnose and treat them better. I am currently working as a hospice nurse, but have problems with writing/keyboarding (tremor) and balance, so I do struggle with working. I wish you the best as you seek a suitable neurologist and treatment.

NancyKay 08-03-2013 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by CarolH (Post 861979)
Granacki, this post is to you and any others out there with AntiMAG IgM.

In 2007, Granack posted a question seeking out others with AntiMAG neuropathy, but did not mention whether it was IgM, IgG or other related. Now, it is 2012. From you and from any other's with AntiMAG IgM, I am wondering how you are doing, how your symptoms have or have not progressed, and what treatments you have had.

My husband's symptoms began in 2001 at age 68. In 2005 was diagnosed with CIDP variant - AntiMAG IgM polyneuropathy and 2 years later with a benign form of NHL or paraproteinemia / Waldenstrom's (exact diagnosis was never completely clear but bone biopsy allowed him to get Rituxan) He had 2 years of steady IVIG treatment followed by 2 full rounds of single dose (not double) Rituxan. Neither helped much.

His disability remained fairly steady from 2007 to 2011 - difficulty walking, fatigue, numbness (toes to knees & hands), ataxia, no pain, proprioceptor nerve damage, sensory nerve damage, and likely later axional damage. He has required use of a powerchair most of the time but can manage walking short distances with a rollator. Cognitive functions are intact.

Now, however, he seems to be developing neurogenic bladder retention problems. We fear it might be related to his neurological problems. Our University of Washington neurologist predicted possible (in a certain % of patients) problems with the diaphragm but not bladder/bowel issues.

Now soon to be 79, we would like to compile information that has never been available to us about long term impact of AntiMAG IgM. We hope that it will serve as a guide to others with this disease, helping them plan their lives and activities more effectively.

To this end, we appreciate updates here from all AntiMAG IgM people regarding their ages, gender, symptom onset and progression, treatments and contact with other AntiMAG IgM people who might want to add their information here.

As much as we appreciate support and contact from people affected with other forms of CIDP, etc., we would prefer to reserve this post to people specifically diagnosed with, or who wonder about having AntiMAG IgM.

Thanks to you all!

Hi Carol,
I was diagnosed with anti-MAG IgM peripheral neuropathy in 2001 at the age of 46. My initial symptoms included balance problems (falls) and sensory loss in finger tips and toes. I had several years of IVIg treatments that seemed to benefit me. After about 4 years, I did not find them beneficial, so I did not have any treatment until 2011 when I had a round of weekly Rituxan infusions for a month. I was very hopeful that I would notice improvement, but I did not. Thought about another round of Rituxan, but neurologist did not think it would be helpful. At the age of 58, my current symptoms include: ataxia, tremor in hands (right worse than left), burning sensation in feet after walking for a while, numbness of fingertips, and legs from below the knees to tips of toes. I continue to work, but find that I need to think about my walking (to prevent falls) and my keyboarding is slow. My grandmother and my mother both had different autoimmune diseases. It seems that with each generation, the autoimmune problem comes at a younger age. Hope this helps.

NancyKay 08-03-2013 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by java_joe (Post 785409)
All - here's my case - any thoughts or words of wisdom are greatly appreciated.

I'm 51 years old and expecting a diagnosis of IgM Anti MAG neuropathy from my neurologist at my next appointment 15 days from now. I'm doing as much homework as possible to prep for that appointment.

I have symmetrical sensory loss in my skin, burning feet (everyday but not 24/7) and some very minor less than burning in my arms and hands (off and on) and I have imperceptible motor involvement thus far. The initial symptoms began in early March and have progressed. I have a MAG antibody (IgM) titer of 1:3,200 - the test guideline for interpreting the results were: < 1:1,600 normal, < 1:3,200 moderately elevated and < 1: 6,400 highly elevated. Immunofixation (serum & urine) have a "normal pattern" and no monoclonal proteins detected i.e., not indicative of plasma related cancer. But no bone or nerve biopsy. I am scheduled for an MRI of my lower back next week (not sure what the possibilities are there, no real back pain - any thoughts?).

I've read about a few folks who have had IgM Anti MAG neuropathy for many years and seem to manage the diminished quality of life. The literature seems to indicate slow progression but there is a dearth of information about long term outcomes - 10 or 15 years and beyond.

While my condition is manageable if degeneration continues at the same rate it's hard to image an outcome 10 years from now. I can't find cases of successful treatment for this type of autoimmune disease. Surely someone has experienced remission as a result of treatment. Anyone? Apparently IgM Anti MAG neuropathy is rare enough not to attract much research funding or specialization. Who are the heavy hitter doctors/clinics for this disease?

Rituximab is the drug that's appears to be the "next new thing" for this disease but that was purely serendipitous as it was developed to treat other diseases. And health care insurance companies are apparently not real excited about paying the steep cost for what I believe is still considered an experimental use for IgM Anti MAG neuropathy. But early intervention is almost always better - if I wait for more serious degeneration to set in I'm likely to have fewer viable nerves to heal.

So, as is probably apparent, my homework has been a bit depressing. I continue to scour the Internet looking up medical terms, testing assay methodologies, biological process and how the immune system goes about destroying nerve sheaths but I've learned little that offers promise thus far. Treatment studies (usually very small number of participants) and anecdotal case studies, a few trials but overall the body of literature is comparatively thin.

So that's my story - my journey has just begun

Hi Java Joe,
I have anti-MAG IgM peripheral neuropathy and was very excited when I was approved by my insurance co. to receive the Rituxan treatments in 2011. I had the 4 weekly infusions, and was disappointed that I was one of the unfortunate ones that did not respond to the treatment with any noticeable benefit. It did kill off the B lymphocytes, but did not improve my symptoms at all. Still looking for a good treatment.

RoyC 08-03-2013 06:43 PM

Hi Everyone
I started having symptoms two years ago with the usual pins and needles in my feet. My gp put me on b12 and folic acid but the symptoms gradually worsened. He then sent me for a bone marrow bio and referred me to a neuro in Nanaimo who did some sort of nerve conduction testing which Im sure you all are familiar with. The neuro then had me to one course of ivig (4days) but there was no improvement so he then decided on a spinal tap. It was after this that he dx me with anti-mag. Admittedly not very knowledgeable with this variant he sent to Vancouver to see someone more familiar with it.
After her evaluation she told me what I needed was Rituxamab but unfortunately funding was difficult to get. To shorten the story, six months later after seeing two other hematologist I have been startedand feel very fat on 50mg prednisole plus I'm going for another course of ivig along with starting six months of cyclophosphamide (100 mg) daily.
At the present time the numbness has crept up to just below my knees,
the soles of my feet burn after walking for five minutes, I have lost more than20 lbs of fat and muscle tissue and hands just recently started to tingle.
I can't do more than ten minutes of yard work because of weakness in my lower legs and I feel extremely fatigued.
My gp told me after my dx that the progression would be slow (years) but I feel my progression seems somewhat faster than most. I would appreciated any comment and would be interested in knowing how others are managing.


NancyKay 08-03-2013 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by RoyC (Post 1004604)
Hi Everyone
I started having symptoms two years ago with the usual pins and needles in my feet. My gp put me on b12 and folic acid but the symptoms gradually worsened. He then sent me for a bone marrow bio and referred me to a neuro in Nanaimo who did some sort of nerve conduction testing which Im sure you all are familiar with. The neuro then had me to one course of ivig (4days) but there was no improvement so he then decided on a spinal tap. It was after this that he dx me with anti-mag. Admittedly not very knowledgeable with this variant he sent to Vancouver to see someone more familiar with it.
After her evaluation she told me what I needed was Rituxamab but unfortunately funding was difficult to get. To shorten the story, six months later after seeing two other hematologist I have been startedand feel very fat on 50mg prednisole plus I'm going for another course of ivig along with starting six months of cyclophosphamide (100 mg) daily.
At the present time the numbness has crept up to just below my knees,
the soles of my feet burn after walking for five minutes, I have lost more than20 lbs of fat and muscle tissue and hands just recently started to tingle.
I can't do more than ten minutes of yard work because of weakness in my lower legs and I feel extremely fatigued.
My gp told me after my dx that the progression would be slow (years) but I feel my progression seems somewhat faster than most. I would appreciated any comment and would be interested in knowing how others are managing.


Hi Roy,
Thanks for your post. There are a number of us out here in the Pacific Northwest (USA & CA) with anti-MAG neuropathy. Our experiences of this disease are so similar (burning feet, balance problems, loss of sensation, tremor, weakness, fatigue, leg/foot cramping) and yet how the disease progresses seems to differ in some of us. Sorry to hear that yours is progressing so quickly. I am interested in your treatment with prednisone. I hope the benefit is greater than the side effects for you. Let us know how you are doing.

inspirations 08-08-2013 06:57 AM

I have axonal sensory motor polyneuropathy plus MGUS. Is this the same as anti-MAG? It sounds very similar. I also have the balance issues, heat-related weakness and trembling, plus cramps in my calves at night. I'll be seeing my neurologist tomorrow because the balance issued had worsened (but is better now), plus when walking I have what feels like bruises on the bottom of my heels, and weakness in my ankles (probably since I don't have any reflexes in them). So, is this the same thing or similar? It sure sounds similar.

glenntaj 08-09-2013 06:19 AM

--or what is called "co-morbid"; approximately fifty percent of those with anti-MAG neuropathy also show evidence of monoclonal antibodies of undetermined significance (MGUS). Monoclonals can result in neuropathy all on their own, as well.

RoyC 08-21-2013 03:31 PM

Good day all,
Well I've been on pred for about six weeks now plus on cytoxin for approx. three weeks. Started a course of ivig (4 days) two weeks ago. I really wasn't expecting much but I did notice a slight improvement in my balance and also feel less fatigued. This continues till today. I was actually able to mow the back yard in one shot before resting. At least that's something hoping its just not in my head. I suppose I may be getting an energy boost from the prednisone what do you think? Got some test results back from Athena yesterday after having to call them. Tests sent to my hematologist so I was called by his secretary.

Test results:
Western blot positive

I haven't talked to my hemo yet so I have no idea what this all means. Can anyone shed any light on this?

cheers Roy

RoyC 08-26-2013 05:28 PM

Awful quiet out in here, just going to generate more recruits to this forum. Is there really that few of us around?

lmba214 09-10-2013 09:28 AM

Anti-mag symptoms?

Originally Posted by RoyC (Post 1010332)
Awful quiet out in here, just going to generate more recruits to this forum. Is there really that few of us around?

This is the only place I have found with people with anti-mag, so I'm thankful for it. I hope more people find it and add to it, too!

I posted to this thread over a year ago when I got a 'high titer" anti-mag lab result. Skin biopsy and NCV were normal. Previous ANA was very high, previuos SSA was pos. My Quality of life continues to decline, but mostly due to pain and fatigue. Still walk ok with bouts of dizziness, still trying to work 30 hours weeks but its getting harder. I do have some symptoms listed here, cramping in feet and legs and of course, some kind of neuropathy in feet and legs although it waxes and wanes.

I haven't seen much mention of pain and overwhelming fatigue associated with Anti-MaG neuropathy, CNS or sympathetic nervous symptoms.

Also wonder if any of your symptoms ever improve and then flare up again?

I'm wondering if anyone else also experiences dysautonomia, insomnia with parasomnias, headaches, shooting pains in arms, hands, legs, head? Blood or metabolic probs.?

I have also developed weakness and pain in my hips and this weird thing happens with my hands every so often, not daily. They seems to momentarily kind of just lock up when I'm using them. May be a kind cramping. Hard to describe.

I haven't returned to the neurologist that ordered the mag test partly because the office is horribly mismanaged. Takes 3-4 hours for appts. He said he would refer me to Vanderbilt. Just not sure if i should go to the trouble. Afraid they wont do anything for me anyway since I still pass most of the basic neuro exams. Anyone been there?

I would reAlly appreciate advice. I get anxious about this sometimes but don't know if I should act now and see if i can get treated or wait to see if I get worse. I've seen 2 other neurologists for herniated discs, a hematologist (high iron), my PCP and none even knew what ant-MAG was.

Getting an epidural for pain from spinal arthritis and the discs soon. Maybe after that I'll sacrifice my day off to get another MAG test done :-). Do most get it redone and if so how often?

Thanks!! Hope to hear how others are doing.

Steve1 09-16-2013 08:01 PM

Some similarities shared

Originally Posted by RoyC (Post 1004604)
Hi Everyone
I started having symptoms two years ago with the usual pins and needles in my feet. My gp put me on b12 and folic acid but the symptoms gradually worsened. He then sent me for a bone marrow bio and referred me to a neuro in Nanaimo who did some sort of nerve conduction testing which Im sure you all are familiar with. The neuro then had me to one course of ivig (4days) but there was no improvement so he then decided on a spinal tap. It was after this that he dx me with anti-mag. Admittedly not very knowledgeable with this variant he sent to Vancouver to see someone more familiar with it.
After her evaluation she told me what I needed was Rituxamab but unfortunately funding was difficult to get. To shorten the story, six months later after seeing two other hematologist I have been startedand feel very fat on 50mg prednisole plus I'm going for another course of ivig along with starting six months of cyclophosphamide (100 mg) daily.
At the present time the numbness has crept up to just below my knees,
the soles of my feet burn after walking for five minutes, I have lost more than20 lbs of fat and muscle tissue and hands just recently started to tingle.
I can't do more than ten minutes of yard work because of weakness in my lower legs and I feel extremely fatigued.
My gp told me after my dx that the progression would be slow (years) but I feel my progression seems somewhat faster than most. I would appreciated any comment and would be interested in knowing how others are managing.


I, similar to your situation, lost 20 pounds, then weight stabilized. Fatigue and weakness are now hallmarks of my condition. I absolutely feel that my progression is very fast. I am in the process of selling my business presently because of deteriorating balance issues. Would like to hear from anyone else who's experienced a comparatively rapid decline and their thoughts on that. Still have not met anyone with anti-mag, also leaving me wondering just how few of us there are- never seen a statistic addressing this.

NancyKay 11-05-2013 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by RoyC (Post 1010332)
Awful quiet out in here, just going to generate more recruits to this forum. Is there really that few of us around?

Hi Roy,
There are more of us out there than are responding to our posts. I know that my neurologist at Virginia Mason Med Cntr in Seattle has other patients with anti-MAG. When I lived in Iowa, there were other folks there being seen at U.of Iowa Medical Center in Iowa City. I also believe that there are some who have not been able to get the right diagnosis by their neurologists who are unaware of this autoimmune condition. Hope that more neurologists become aware and more treatments are discovered!

ryanmeeds 11-30-2013 07:16 PM

We are not alone

If it's useful to know what "slowly progressive" means in regard to anti-MAG, maybe I can share with you. I was diagnosed in 2002 as having anti-MAG with all the same symptoms as described by others on this site. So after 12 years....I am walking like a drunken pirate and virtually disabled....very poor balance and considerable pain. My fingers are now becoming numb and my small motor functions causing lots of problems. I have explored all my options with no will just have to slide down the sewer and take the cards that were dealt to me. So far as I'm aware.....there is no fix for this disease. However, misery likes company and it's nice to know that I am not alone.
Ryan of British Columbia, Canada

NancyKay 02-17-2014 09:58 PM

I would encourage you to follow-up with a neurologist at Vanderbilt or another large research hospital as most neurologists have no experience or knowledge about anti-MAG neuropathy. Hope all goes well. You may have something other than anti-Mag neuropathy or a combination of conditions.


Originally Posted by lmba214 (Post 1013592)
This is the only place I have found with people with anti-mag, so I'm thankful for it. I hope more people find it and add to it, too!

I posted to this thread over a year ago when I got a 'high titer" anti-mag lab result. Skin biopsy and NCV were normal. Previous ANA was very high, previuos SSA was pos. My Quality of life continues to decline, but mostly due to pain and fatigue. Still walk ok with bouts of dizziness, still trying to work 30 hours weeks but its getting harder. I do have some symptoms listed here, cramping in feet and legs and of course, some kind of neuropathy in feet and legs although it waxes and wanes.

I haven't seen much mention of pain and overwhelming fatigue associated with Anti-MaG neuropathy, CNS or sympathetic nervous symptoms.

Also wonder if any of your symptoms ever improve and then flare up again?

I'm wondering if anyone else also experiences dysautonomia, insomnia with parasomnias, headaches, shooting pains in arms, hands, legs, head? Blood or metabolic probs.?

I have also developed weakness and pain in my hips and this weird thing happens with my hands every so often, not daily. They seems to momentarily kind of just lock up when I'm using them. May be a kind cramping. Hard to describe.

I haven't returned to the neurologist that ordered the mag test partly because the office is horribly mismanaged. Takes 3-4 hours for appts. He said he would refer me to Vanderbilt. Just not sure if i should go to the trouble. Afraid they wont do anything for me anyway since I still pass most of the basic neuro exams. Anyone been there?

I would reAlly appreciate advice. I get anxious about this sometimes but don't know if I should act now and see if i can get treated or wait to see if I get worse. I've seen 2 other neurologists for herniated discs, a hematologist (high iron), my PCP and none even knew what ant-MAG was.

Getting an epidural for pain from spinal arthritis and the discs soon. Maybe after that I'll sacrifice my day off to get another MAG test done :-). Do most get it redone and if so how often?

Thanks!! Hope to hear how others are doing.

lmba214 02-18-2014 03:58 PM

Vanderbilt Docs Anyone?

Originally Posted by NancyKay (Post 1051719)
I would encourage you to follow-up with a neurologist at Vanderbilt or another large research hospital as most neurologists have no experience or knowledge about anti-MAG neuropathy. Hope all goes well. You may have something other than anti-Mag neuropathy or a combination of conditions.

Thanks Nancy! I do have a combination of autoimmune and musculoskeletal disorders or diseases. Good call! :-) I want to get a fresh look at everything, including the anti-MAG, so I can get the correct treatment. But it's not easy finding the right doctor(s) to do it.

I was a little amazed that you suggested Vanderbilt. My neurologist who found the anti-MAG antibodies referred me to Mayo Rheumatology in Rochester. I expected a referral to neurology, but he knows I need a good Rheumy consult as well. Anyway, it's been a month and I haven't heard anything yet. I'm on medical leave from work and I was actually just searching for a Rheumatologist in Nashville, since it's only 2 hours away.

Please let me know if you have heard of a particular Neurologist or Rheumatologist at Vanderbilt that its good with overlapping conditions like immune deficiencies and/or autoimmune diseases.

Side note: A Rheumatologist in Birmingham said I probably have lupus, one here said Sjogren's but probably not Lupus, and another said I don't have either! Ha! Help.

NancyKay 05-08-2014 08:30 PM

Any news from Mayo?

[QUOTE=lmba214;1013592]This is the only place I have found with people with anti-mag, so I'm thankful for it. I hope more people find it and add to it, too!

I posted to this thread over a year ago when I got a 'high titer" anti-mag lab result. Skin biopsy and NCV were normal. Previous ANA was very high, previuos SSA was pos. My Quality of life continues to decline, but mostly due to pain and fatigue. Still walk ok with bouts of dizziness, still trying to work 30 hours weeks but its getting harder. I do have some symptoms listed here, cramping in feet and legs and of course, some kind of neuropathy in feet and legs although it waxes and wanes.

I haven't seen much mention of pain and overwhelming fatigue associated with Anti-MaG neuropathy, CNS or sympathetic nervous symptoms.

Also wonder if any of your symptoms ever improve and then flare up again?

I'm wondering if anyone else also experiences dysautonomia, insomnia with parasomnias, headaches, shooting pains in arms, hands, legs, head? Blood or metabolic probs.?

I have also developed weakness and pain in my hips and this weird thing happens with my hands every so often, not daily. They seems to momentarily kind of just lock up when I'm using them. May be a kind cramping. Hard to describe.

I haven't returned to the neurologist that ordered the mag test partly because the office is horribly mismanaged. Takes 3-4 hours for appts. He said he would refer me to Vanderbilt. Just not sure if i should go to the trouble. Afraid they wont do anything for me anyway since I still pass most of the basic neuro exams. Anyone been there?

I would reAlly appreciate advice. I get anxious about this sometimes but don't know if I should act now and see if i can get treated or wait to see if I get worse. I've seen 2 other neurologists for herniated discs, a hematologist (high iron), my PCP and none even knew what ant-MAG was.

Getting an epidural for pain from spinal arthritis and the discs soon. Maybe after that I'll sacrifice my day off to get another MAG test done :-). Do most get it redone and if so how often?

Thanks!! Hope to hear how others are doing.[/QUOTE]

NancyKay 05-08-2014 08:51 PM

Did you find a rheumatologist? Any new findings or treatments? I have had to quit work due to balance and hand tremor problems. Fatigue and muscle weakness come and go. May get another round of rituxan and a new chemo (can't remember name) if insurance will alow. Hope you are doing better!

Mamasucci 05-16-2014 04:19 PM

Newly diagnosed!
Hello everyone. I am a 60 year old female. I retired the first week of September, 2013. I then proceeded to get a shingles vaccination. 4 weeks later my feet started tingling and felt weird. My GP said it sounded like sciatic, even though I told him no leg pain. He suggested I see a podiatrist as I was having pain on the top of my right foot. An X-Ray was his contribution and no other suggestions when X-Ray showed no physical problem. I ignored the numbness in my feet over the holidays, etc. Went on vacation in March this year and found it was very painful to swim. I immediately made another appointment with my GP who after exam finally referred me to a neurologist for NCS/EMC, abnormal.
Referred to another neurologist who ordered multiple labs, etc. Also was sent to a hematologist due to high protein. Full skeletal X-ray to rule out multiple myeloma. Then a spinal tap which was supportive of CIDP. Started reading up on that, then my neurologist order another blood test which showed really high MAG igM. Received a call yesterday saying antiMag cause of my PN. Mysymptoms right now are mostly my very tingling, numb, and electric shocking feet. My left hand has numbness starting in the two smaller fingers. As of now no muscle weakness. I am meeting with her Tuesday to discuss treatment. Any opinions as to whether a very high antibody count warrants immediate treatment? I am in the Chicago area and will be getting a second opinion at Rush. Thanks, and it is nice to find this forum.

Kitt 05-16-2014 06:48 PM

Welcome Mamasucci. :Wave-Hello:

Mel2014 06-26-2014 12:05 PM

I've got Anti-MAG PN and want to say Hi
Hi NancyKay and Everyone on this thread,
My names Mel, I am a 54yr British woman living in The Netherlands and I was diagnosed with Anti-MAG in April 2014. I found this thread when I was first told they suspected I had Anti-MAG and I read all the posts. There is so little information and almost no help/support that I am also very happy to have found this thread.

I started getting a vibrating sensation in my left leg nearly two years ago and before that I'd had other symptoms that I had no idea were related, like very bad itchy legs and cramps in my left foot. I went to the doctor who sent me to hospital for nerve and vein tests in January 2013 but they found nothing and sent me away.

In August 2014 I had Bi Lateral Pulmonary Embolisms and was in hospital for a week. When they were looking for a cause they found MGUS IgM in my blood and then later the Anti-MAG. There is very little they can do and the only drugs/treatments are not proven to be very effective and have bad side effects.

My symptoms have become worse and I have vibrating sensations in both legs now and my hands have sensations, tremors and weakness.

I'm very scared although I do my best not to think about it too much and try to stay positive. I'm not working and I spend most of my time teaching myself to paint which was something I was doing before I was diagnosed. I also am trying out techniques to make it easier for me to be able to continue to paint as my condition gets worse.

Anyway, that's me saying hello and filling you in with a simplified version of my story. Anyone else have hobbies? Anyone know of any new studies into Anti-MAG PN?
Cheers Mel

Kitt 06-26-2014 12:23 PM

Welcome Mel2014. :Tip-Hat:

Someone will be along to help.

Mel2014 06-26-2014 01:02 PM

Can't edit my last post

Originally Posted by Mel2014 (Post 1078355)
Hi NancyKay and Everyone on this thread,
My names Mel, I am a 54yr British woman living in The Netherlands and I was diagnosed with Anti-MAG in April 2014. I found this thread when I was first told they suspected I had Anti-MAG and I read all the posts. There is so little information and almost no help/support that I am also very happy to have found this thread.

I started getting a vibrating sensation in my left leg nearly two years ago and before that I'd had other symptoms that I had no idea were related, like very bad itchy legs and cramps in my left foot. I went to the doctor who sent me to hospital for nerve and vein tests in January 2013 but they found nothing and sent me away.

In August 2014 I had Bi Lateral Pulmonary Embolisms and was in hospital for a week. When they were looking for a cause they found MGUS IgM in my blood and then later the Anti-MAG. There is very little they can do and the only drugs/treatments are not proven to be very effective and have bad side effects.

My symptoms have become worse and I have vibrating sensations in both legs now and my hands have sensations, tremors and weakness.

I'm very scared although I do my best not to think about it too much and try to stay positive. I'm not working and I spend most of my time teaching myself to paint which was something I was doing before I was diagnosed. I also am trying out techniques to make it easier for me to be able to continue to paint as my condition gets worse.

Anyway, that's me saying hello and filling you in with a simplified version of my story. Anyone else have hobbies? Anyone know of any new studies into Anti-MAG PN?
Cheers Mel

I can't find an EDIT button so just wanted to correct a mistake.

I had my Pulmonary Embolisms in August 2013 not 2014!! That would have been a great trick as it's still June 2014 :winky:
Cheers Mel

NancyKay 07-02-2014 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mel2014 (Post 1078355)
Hi NancyKay and Everyone on this thread,
My names Mel, I am a 54yr British woman living in The Netherlands and I was diagnosed with Anti-MAG in April 2014. I found this thread when I was first told they suspected I had Anti-MAG and I read all the posts. There is so little information and almost no help/support that I am also very happy to have found this thread.

I started getting a vibrating sensation in my left leg nearly two years ago and before that I'd had other symptoms that I had no idea were related, like very bad itchy legs and cramps in my left foot. I went to the doctor who sent me to hospital for nerve and vein tests in January 2013 but they found nothing and sent me away.

In August 2014 I had Bi Lateral Pulmonary Embolisms and was in hospital for a week. When they were looking for a cause they found MGUS IgM in my blood and then later the Anti-MAG. There is very little they can do and the only drugs/treatments are not proven to be very effective and have bad side effects.

My symptoms have become worse and I have vibrating sensations in both legs now and my hands have sensations, tremors and weakness.

I'm very scared although I do my best not to think about it too much and try to stay positive. I'm not working and I spend most of my time teaching myself to paint which was something I was doing before I was diagnosed. I also am trying out techniques to make it easier for me to be able to continue to paint as my condition gets worse.

Anyway, that's me saying hello and filling you in with a simplified version of my story. Anyone else have hobbies? Anyone know of any new studies into Anti-MAG PN?
Cheers Mel

Hi Mel,
Glad to hear from another young woman with anti-MAG (although I wish you and I didn't have this condition in common!). As you have probably read from my previous entries, I was in my mid 40's when I was diagnosed and am still walking and fairly functional, although I had to quit my nursing job in December due to hand tremor and balance problems (ataxia). Treatments I have tried include IVIg infusions with some benefit and Rituxan without any benefits. I'm currently taking gabapentin at night along with pramepexole for restless legs syndrome (severe), a sleeping pill and valium as I also have insomnia. I've had bilateral carpal tunnel surgery (more common in anti-MAG). Not sure what treatments are available to you in the Netherlands. Plasmapheresis and chemo medications are also sometimes effective but have more potential risks. I hope that you can find a good treatment for you, and we are all praying for more research as there are not any very successful treatments for this problem. Mostly just symptom control. Let us know how you progress.

Mel2014 07-14-2014 04:07 PM

Hi NancyKay,
Thanks for your reply. At the moment I'm not having or taking any treatment for the Anti-MAG PN because the bad side effects far outweight any benefits. I'm feeling very confused right now because the EMG test didn't show any results but my vibrating/tingling sypmtoms are very strong and 24/7. On the one hand I should feel relief but the Specialist told my GP that I have tested positive for MGUS IgM and Anti-MAG antibodies but the cause of my vibrating/tingling symptoms are unclear. This confuses and worries me rather than makes me feel better.

Have you or anyone else had a similar experience with the doctors and test results?
I also read somewhere that EMG test results can be unreliable for PN.
I see my Specialist next week so I will ask him to explain.
Take care

Mel2014 08-31-2014 03:12 PM

Hi NancyKay,
How are you doing? I've agreed to try Lyrica starting Sept. 8th but I'm not really happy about it and to be honest I am quite scared. However I feel I have to try the medication or I'll never know if it will help or not and I might be worrying for no reason.

I asked my doctor again about my diagnosis and what he had said in his letter to the doctor was that the Prognosis of my symptoms is unclear (not the cause of my symptoms). It is easy to make a mistake when reading information in a foreign language however good I am at it.

Anyway I just thought I'd check in,
Take care

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