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AfterMyNap 06-30-2007 11:30 AM

How are you today?
Hey everyone, let's just have a thread to check on each other, eh? I wonder about so many of you every day, so how about we just check in on how we're doing in general, right here?

I'm pretty okay today, ideal weather and taking it easy. I'm struggling with some plans right now and part of my decisions depend on other people, so I'm kind of hanging in limbo and trying to conserve my eyedropper's worth of energy.:Sigh:

How's it by you??

SallyC 06-30-2007 11:47 AM

Well, Cindy, other than wanting to set aside a large bottle of heavy sedatives to take, I'm fine.:D :D :D

I am so so bored with my life right now. I hate getting up in the morning. There is nothing to look forward to, anymore. I'm not depressed, just not happy, and I have always been a happy go lucky person.:rolleyes:

I know exactly how you feel about not wanting to give up your trips or driving, in general. I did not renew my DL in January of 2006 and haven't driven since. It is so hard not to just get in my mini van and go.

Physically I am okie dokie but mentally, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. MS has ruined my life.

Aren't you glad you asked?.....NOT!:p

Chris 06-30-2007 11:47 AM

Hello Cindy,
We just returned from the home we are building and found a mess of things over there. Wrong tiles placed in the wrong restroom, cabinets placed incorrectly; just a bloody mess!:(

It's hotter than hades here, and we're just sitting down to a lovely lunch only to watch the awful news across the pond where most of my family resides. I've spoken to them all, and all are safe, but this is just terrifying.

Anyway, I hope that whatever you decide to do this weekend, you have fun whilst doing it!

Here's the latest article on what is happening over in the UK.

All my best to everyone this holiday weekend,

Chris 06-30-2007 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 118796)
Well, Cindy, other than wanting to set aside a large bottle of heavy sedatives to take, I'm fine.:D :D :D

I am so so bored with my life right now. I hate getting up in the morning. There is nothing to look forward to, anymore. I'm not depressed, just not happy, and I have always been a happy go lucky person.:rolleyes:

I know exactly how you feel about not wanting to give up your trips or driving, in general. I did not renew my DL in January of 2006 and haven't driven since. It is so hard not to just get in my mini van and go.

Physically I am okie dokie but mentally, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. MS has ruined my life.

Aren't you glad you asked?.....NOT!:p

Hello Sally,
A great big HUG just for you!:hug: I wish we could come pick you up for a week or so, and have you be our guest. We'd have a ball together. There's always complete chaos in our lives. You'll be begging to go home to your quiet life in no time.;)

Chin up,

SallyC 06-30-2007 12:01 PM

Wow, Chris, that is just horrible. I am so sorry that you have to worry about your loved ones, in this way. I pray this will stop and there will be no further attacks.

I wonder what may be in store for the USA during the 4th celebration? A perfect time for Terrorists to do their dirty work.:eek: The Prez doesn't seem to be worried, which, knowing his track record, scares me even more.:eek:

I hope all have a safe 4th...stay home!!!

AfterMyNap 06-30-2007 12:09 PM

Wow, Chris, I've been watching that nightmare on the news. It's so hard to comprehend how anyone can arrive at a decision to do something like that. Really, what exactly does it accomplish for them? Idiots.

Bummer about the house situation, so many people go through this, don't you wonder if it would make more sense to write a seperate contract for each job with a caveat for witheld payment on do-overs?:rolleyes: I've often wondered why those contracts don't come with fines for botched work. Say, you bill at $250 per hour, so you fine them for your lost time and effort at righting their wrongs. You could get your house for half price at this rate.

Sal, I understand completely the sense of lost purpose. I go through huge phases when I can't even justify remaining alive. It's not depression, it's just a sense of vast nothingness. Bleah. Hopefully, things will look up for you soon, if I knew how to make it go away, I'd do it for you!

Pegshere 06-30-2007 12:30 PM

wow Chris,, hang in there,,

Sally, I grieved my loss, and figure things could be worse, me a phys ed teacher and aroebics instructor,, it hurt,, but life goes on,, I still excercise, but pace it,,

Cindy, haven't met you. so howdy,, plans,, they can be adjusted, they always see to find a way to either screw up, and work out,, well least ways for me they do,,,

today we have a road partay,, I live on a dead end country road,, so all the neighbors. are getting together, to drink/eat and be merry,,hey I don't want to be merry,, maybe a Wilma,,:rolleyes:

health.. I feel I need Tysabri,, been falling down way to much today.. the 9th, I go get infused...:Sigh


AfterMyNap 06-30-2007 12:36 PM

Yeah, Peg, howdy! I am about the most spontaneous person on the planet, but I cringe at the thought of letting others down. It's hard to make plans that may/may not hinge on several other factors. When it's just me, I don't sweat it, but when disappointing several others comes into play, I just don't have the heart.

Sounds like my kind of party! Wish I could swing by! Around here, we're partial to fun with blenders. Spontaneous gatherings of women who need a break from reality.;)

Snoopy 06-30-2007 02:12 PM

:hug: Chris,

I have been watching as things unfold in the UK. I can't imagine having family there to worry about.

As for myself ~ I have just decided this disease sucks....yeah, I know, I'm a slow learner:p.

I was doing fine until a few days ago when I started getting dizzy. I'm just plain ****** off right now:mad: I have never had this symptom before and I gotta say.....I don't like it:rolleyes:

azoyizes 06-30-2007 05:12 PM

Chris, I hope your family continues to be okay. That is truly terrifying.

I've been feeling useless lately. My husband painted the room I use as an office today. I do things like lay down the canvas tarps, and go fetch things he needs. Other than that, I sit and watch him paint. When we move furniture, my end goes about an inch and his goes about a foot! Gawd, I want to help but find it almost impossible.

On a brighter side, our son gets in to Boston tonight from Kenya. He teaches every summer at a school near Boston, so we will be driving up to see him. Haven't seen him since last summer right before he, my daughter-in-law, and two grandsons moved to Kenya. It's so hard being so far away from them, but I could see their point in moving. Her family lives in Kenya, and she wanted to be near them for at least a few years. We miss all of them, but especially our grandsons (ages 4 and 8). Hopefully, all four of them will be able to fly to the US next summer.

:grouphug: Group hug with all of you sweet, dear people.

AfterMyNap 06-30-2007 06:07 PM

Kenya! Wow! Are they bringing souvenirs?? I want a kalimba! Cool. That has to be one heck of a commute, AZ, any chance you could go over to visit some time? Amazing, what a diverse world we share. Dude, you totally need those super slippery furniture skates. They work miracles! Heck, sometimes I move the refrigerator just for kicks.

LeeAnn, are we talking vertigo or basic light-headedness? Both are a drag but vertigo is a bloody nightmare. Man, I hope this passes soon.

SallyC 06-30-2007 07:25 PM

So sorry AZ. I know the feeling....sheesh. Hugs for you..:hug:

Snoopy, I only had Vertigo once, a few years ago, but It was just awful. It lasted about a week and then went away. I couldn't move without vomiting.:eek:

I have had small bouts of dizzyness, usually from a new med. Paxil made me dizzy for awhile. My new glasses made me dizzy until I got used to them.

I hope this passes fast, Snoopy.:hug:

Snoopy 06-30-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 118905)
LeeAnn, are we talking vertigo or basic light-headedness? Both are a drag but vertigo is a bloody nightmare. Man, I hope this passes soon.

Cindy, I don't think it's vertigo. I'm just dizzy....It doesn't make me feel sick just off balance, you know, walking like I'm drunk and bumping into things. I even wonder if it's MS related. I'm okay when I sitting down it's just an issue when I walk:eek: :p

Thoughts about possible reasons other than MS......stopped Cymbalta cold scolding, I'm famous for doing stupid things like that with ADs. An inner ear issue but I have no idea if I have an inner ear issue:p and finally symptoms get worse for me as I get close to that certain time of the month and it's coming up....yipee:rolleyes:

Thanks Sally, I also hope it goes away fast:)

DMACK 06-30-2007 09:42 PM

Sally C

If you do nothing else tomorrow other than think your life is worth living.
do this............ take time to concentrate on you.......pamper yourself, take longer to bathe, dress, and,............take time to choose the clothes you wear.. put on your make-up, do your hair......... the more time you focus on you......... the more you will want to carry on.

GOD bless.

doydie 06-30-2007 11:06 PM

Sally, I'm so sorry you feel down right now. I know when I had my first real bad excacerbation that took me off work, I gave away all my cross stitch supplies, even down to the last needle. I didn't have a single hoop or book left. About a year after my Solu Medrol, a dear friend I met on the internet encouraged me to try it again. I went to Walmart and got an all inclusive kit. It was a little rough at first but wonderful when I finished it. I sent that picture to her and have done many since then. Unfortunately I had to buy all new supplies again though! I hope you get back on your feet again!

I'm having trouble with my sleep patterns. I am waking up at 7 AM when I ususally sleep till about 10. I know, that's kind of late for some of you. But it really makes me tired all day and then I have my usual huge burst of energy about 8 PM.

My daughter and son in law are redoing my tiny pantry for me. Today he sanded it all down, primed and painted it. Tomorrow they will put the shelves back up and in a new configuration. And hopefully soon they will paint my kitchen. All they ask of me is to buy them supper. So my kitchen is in a total state of disrepair right now. All the pantry items are sitting on any counter available. My avacado green stove is drywall dust white. I still have drywall dust in my hair and nose hairs and I can still taste it. But it will look nice. It has been the new house cream for 27 years now.

I'm still kicking!

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-01-2007 12:17 PM

How am I today? I think it's official - exacerbation. I don't think I can ignore this any longer. I see the study doc on Tuesday and let's see what his assessment is. I don't think he's going to be very happy, I know I am not. :(

My feet and legs hurt so bad that I can hardly walk and vicodin is just taking the edge off enough so I can at last get some sleep. I don't think I've been this bad in a very long time. It hurts to walk. This is new. Not something I have experienced before and I don't know how to handle it.

This is burning pain, not the tinglies and prickles that I have had before. Last night laying in bed, my feet were also buzzing so bad I kept looking at them wondering what was going on (like I was going to see something :eek: )

It's not that I over did on my trip, it's been coming on for about 2-3 weeks. I am sure that the travelling didn't help along with trying to get a lot of stuff done before I left.

Riverwild 07-01-2007 01:56 PM

Geez, I almost hate to post on this thread in case I mess up my karma or something!!

I am sitting in my "mother-in law's" back yard basking in the sun and checking in on everyone. We are in Ilion, NY for our last scheduled wedding/shower/graduation (since May 1st!!). My sister in law married a bluegrass musician/pilot. ( or is it a pilot/bluegrass musician? both jobs are equally hard in my book!)

The wedding was yesterday. Everything was beautiful. It was here in the yard, with flowers everywhere, loads of Italian food ( these people are IRISH!!) a bluegrass band for the reception and all of my fiance's brothers and sisters here but one ( that would be 10 out of 11) along with respective spouses and children.

We camped out under the tent and just cleared our stuff away for the day. Everyone thinks we are nuts, especially with two kids with us! I swear it was about 55 degrees at night, with air mattresses and sleeping bags it was nice and cool, but they are all acting like it's polar weather and throwing blankets at us!!!

We went up to a lovely gorge and swam today, the water WAS freezing! We are off to a barbeque in an hour or so at one of the sibling's homes.

I actually feel GREAT. I helped strike huge tents and clean up all the wedding garbage, picked up the butts on the ground, watered the flowers, helped with breakfast and on and on and on and I am not even tired!!

I think the Tysabri is starting to work it's magic!!

Snoopy 07-01-2007 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 119157)
My feet and legs hurt so bad that I can hardly walk and vicodin is just taking the edge off enough so I can at last get some sleep. I don't think I've been this bad in a very long time. It hurts to walk. This is new. Not something I have experienced before and I don't know how to handle it.

This is burning pain, not the tinglies and prickles that I have had before. Last night laying in bed, my feet were also buzzing so bad I kept looking at them wondering what was going on (like I was going to see something :eek: )

I do know what your experiencing, that's part of what my exacerbation are like. Have you ever tried Baclofen? When my legs and feet get like that the Baclofen was a life saver for me.....of course your doctor may have a better idea.

The buzzing/vibrations are aren't they....NOT.

I'm betting the amount of time you were out in the heat had alot to do with it.....heat can trigger a full blown exacerbation in many of us.

Do you know if this will affect your participation in the Tovaxin Trial?

Not sure if you care for hugs but too bad:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I added a few just to see if I could tick you off:p

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-01-2007 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Snoopy (Post 119195)
I do know what your experiencing, that's part of what my exacerbation are like. Have you ever tried Baclofen? When my legs and feet get like that the Baclofen was a life saver for me.....of course your doctor may have a better idea.

The buzzing/vibrations are aren't they....NOT.

I'm betting the amount of time you were out in the heat had alot to do with it.....heat can trigger a full blown exacerbation in many of us.

Do you know if this will affect your participation in the Tovaxin Trial?

Not sure if you care for hugs but too bad:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I added a few just to see if I could tick you off:p

Thanks LA. I can't take Baclofen. I've had the buzzing before so it's not new, but the burning sensation is. Heat has always bothered me, but not like this time. It usually goes away once I get my core temp down so that's why I know this is a "for real" exacerbation.

As for effecting the trial? I can do steroids once during the year long trial. So, I guess I will find out what the doc says next week. If the symptoms can be treated and I don't have any new or enhancing lesions, I guess we can just let it play itself out. I don't want to do steroids. I am not doing well on them at this point anymore. I am getting an MRI on Tuesday.

Tick me off? Nevah! Not you. Thanks and back at ya :hug: :hug: :hug:

AfterMyNap 07-01-2007 05:38 PM

Well, I'm about to rant. I've been in a mood the last few days with my personal, digital armageddon, and trying to make a lot of plans come together. Now this! (I'm a little hormonal today also)

I am so angry right now! It rarely happens, but I got so angry today, it actually made me cry. I was watching the show about bariatric surgery candidates and there was a woman featured who felt so sorry for herself, complained about how she couldn't do this, and couldn't do that, and how unfair it is, etc. etc. etc. The more I listened to her, the more furious I got. Before anyone jumps down my throat, yes, I do know what it is like to be morbidly obese, yes, I do know how hard it is to live like that, and yes, I do know how hard it is to lose the weight. Yes, I have done it, without surgery.

All of her whining infuriated me beyond belief! How dare she sit there and claim that she is powerless when I have NO OPTION for control of this disease, NO WAY to fix it, NO ONE who can undo what it has done to me, and NO HOPE of it changing me back to who I once was!?!!! I hate the weakness in her spirit and I hate how angry I am! How dare they want me to pity them?!? She is eating upwards of 6,000 calories PER DAY (that she admits)!

I think I need another nap.

This should prove conclusively that I am a way bigger beotch that some of you may have suspected.

Snoopy 07-01-2007 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 119264)
This should prove conclusively that I am a way bigger beotch that some of you may have suspected.

Nope, still don't think your a beotch.

I have a hard time with self pity for any reason, mine or someone elses. I believe very strongly in making the best of what life deals you. Some things you can change and some things you can't but you do the best you can regardless.

Both my children are ADD and I have always told them not to use the ADD as an excuse for what you can't do or things you have trouble doing.

As far as the show you watched. I'm overwieght, have struggled with my weight for most of my life but in the end it's my choice to eat unhealthy or not.

What I have found to be true most of the time.....those that "wallow" in self pity are stuck. It could be depression over whatever is going on. It can also be that they are "stuck" in a cycle that you could even find in more than one family member.

Self-pity is also a way of thinking and until a person changes the way they think it will continue.

DM 07-01-2007 06:37 PM

I am doing fair today.. I hurt,, it's just b/c we camped since Thurs and I sat too long in one spot. Plus, today was a really hard day for me...
(I am not complaining) BUT, it was probably the last day I would ever be in my Mom's home.

My sis and I finished packing her things, and then I told my Sis to go home. I wanted to scrub her floors myself and just be there for a while alone.

It was soooo hard to say Good bye to everything that once was....

I felt my Mom there w/me, but the only thing wrong was.... I didn't get that physical hug when I walked out and locked the door for the last time...

I turned to look back at her home just hoping that I would see her in the doorway waving... Like I said, a very hard day.....

AfterMyNap 07-01-2007 06:50 PM

That is hard, dm. But, I'm pretty sure I saw Mom waving at you, and I think she said, "See you later, kiddo. I'll hit you in the head one of these days!"

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-01-2007 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by daisymay (Post 119283)
I am doing fair today.. I hurt,, it's just b/c we camped since Thurs and I sat too long in one spot. Plus, today was a really hard day for me...
(I am not complaining) BUT, it was probably the last day I would ever be in my Mom's home.

My sis and I finished packing her things, and then I told my Sis to go home. I wanted to scrub her floors myself and just be there for a while alone.

It was soooo hard to say Good bye to everything that once was....

I felt my Mom there w/me, but the only thing wrong was.... I didn't get that physical hug when I walked out and locked the door for the last time...

I turned to look back at her home just hoping that I would see her in the doorway waving... Like I said, a very hard day.....

You know DM, I know exactly how you feel. And she's waving, you can feel it in your heart. I am not going to sugar coat this stuff cuz the next few days (probably more) are gonna be hard. I know it. Been there done that with my dad. My heart broke when he died. I didn't have to do what you are doing tho, packing up the house, saying goodbye to the physical stuff, but just the same, I had to say goodbye to him and damn it hurts. And it's gonna hurt.

You and your mom were close. And she will always be there DM. But you've got a lot of good friends who are going to be here to help you through this, but you are strong. And you have a whole lot of memories to keep her alive in your heart and mind. Hang on to that.

She was a special lady, just like you. :hug: Here's a hug for you DM. Go hug Denny and have a rum and coke for me! You can have one for you too!


tovaxin_lab_rat 07-01-2007 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 119287)
That is hard, dm. But, I'm pretty sure I saw Mom waving at you, and I think she said, "See you later, kiddo. I'll hit you in the head one of these days!"

If she doesn't, you and I will...k?

I saw some Toad Hollow wine at Albertsons yesterday...:rolleyes:

azoyizes 07-01-2007 06:56 PM

Sally, I'm sorry you feel so down. Remember that we are all here for you, kiddo.

Cindy, I keep meaning to get those furniture mover things. I know they would help a lot, but I can never remember to buy them.

Mary Ann, I am so very sorry about your mom. You will get through this. :hug: My mom died five years ago, and I still miss her like crazy.

SallyC 07-01-2007 07:21 PM

Oh Cheryl, I am so sorry that this exacerbation has it's grips around you..:mad: IT STINKS!! I hope that a dose of steroids will do the trick and stop this nasty thing.

Remember, Tovaxon doesn't promise NO exacerbations, just fewer and it certainly has lived up to that promise.....providing you are on the real thing, that is.

Maryann, my heart hurts for you. Your story reminded me of when I went through the same thing, after my Mother passed, some years back. It was sooooo hard.:( ...:hug:

Cindy, I don't know if you are a Beotch, but I wear my badge of beotchness, proudly. One thing I never whine about, is my weight is of my doing.

Thanks, everyone for your kind thoughts for me. I saw my Grandkids today and now, I'm better than fine. :D Sorry for the whine. :circlelove:

Snoopy 07-01-2007 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 119298)
One thing I never whine about, is my weight is of my doing.

Ummm, Sally, if your avatar is really you:eek: ......I wish I had your weight problem which looks to be.....NONE:D

Maryann.....:hug: My grandfather is everything to me, he was the one who walked me down the isle 26 years ago. When he died two years later it was the most difficult thing to deal with.....I still miss him with all my heart.

SallyC 07-01-2007 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Snoopy (Post 119306)
Ummm, Sally, if your avatar is really you:eek: ......I wish I had your weight problem which looks to be.....NONE:D

Well, LeeAnn, that picture was taken in 2002 and I was 35 lbs lighter, then. After my DH died in 2004, I needed a lot of comfort food to get me through.:D

Chris 07-01-2007 08:03 PM

Hello you lovely people,
Daisy May: I'm so sorry you had a hard day. Your Mum sounds like she was a very special lady who raised a very special daughter. You don't know me, but you've been in my thoughts and prayers for the past few weeks. God bless you. We've all lost loved ones, and we don't ever forget them. They are forever etched in our hearts.

Cindy: You are more than entitled to a rant. I too go mad when I have pregnant patients look at me when they are 7 mos.pregnant and tell me, "they can't do it anymore" because "if I only knew how heavy their legs were, I would probably want to die". I want to cry when women tell me this and it seems to be a favourite line amongst women who are in the last tri-mester of pregancy. *If they only knew*:o

Sally: I'm so glad your grandchildren were over today. They always seem to cheer you up and bring a smile to yourself. Remember, we're all here for you; today, tomorrow, and forever!

Cheryl: I'm sorry you're feeling so terribly. Thank you for doing what you did from all of us. I hope you are able to get some rest, and this exacerbation is short-lived.

On a brighter note. Did anyone watch the concert for Diana today? It was quite awesome I thought. It's hard for me to believe that she would have been 46 today. I was a little girl the day she and Charles were married, but I remember it like it was yesterday. Excellent concert.:)

God rest her soul.:(

doydie 07-01-2007 10:35 PM

I have been with my son in law now almost constantly for two days now. I never knew that just being around a person could absolutely wear you out. This guy is so hyper and sometimes no sense of sensibility that it exhauts me just to try to deal with him. I am deeply grateful that he did my pantry for me and so grateful that when my daughter got off work at 6 that she joined us! But he and my daughter are 27 year olds in 10 year olds minds and bodies. They want to go on vacation with us and I now know that I couldn't put up with them more than 4 hours on the road.

DM 07-02-2007 07:56 AM

Another day!! No humidity so far and a crisp beautiful day.
DH is off this week, so we are going to run a couple of errands.

Cin: Panera called me and said they like your "jammies"...:D
Thanks for the pep talk... It helped ALOT. And, I must admit, it made me think... *ouch, my brain hurts now* You are a good friend....

Cheryl: TY for looking out for your lil TH bud... I miss you and Cin..... I'll have a rum/DIET coke in your honor....we are camping this next wkend...
I am doing better, just being selfish.... I am thinking of you and praying your flare is short lived...

Leeane: Your G'pa sounds like a special man...I'll bet your Gramps and my Mom are cloud surfing and flipping coins to see who's gonna keep an eye on us today..... thanks....:hug:

Hey Doydie! Send that SIL over, my pantry is a mess!!! :eek:

Chris: you are so kind... I have felt your prayers. Here, you don't even know me, but I know how special you are, just by your posts. You are really special.

Thanks Sal... with all you have on your mind, you are still in my corner... That is soooooo sweet.... I continue to pray for Jim...

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-02-2007 09:40 AM

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I don't really want to do steroids as they just don't agree with me anymore. I will wait to see what the doc has to say tomorrow. I fly to Porltand tomorrow.

DM, you are not selfish. You do not have one ounce of selfishness in that tiny little body of yours! LOL! Enjoy your camping and I knew it was DIET coke...doesn't eveyone? :p

DM 07-02-2007 04:53 PM

Good luck tomorrow Cheryl!!! I will be thinking of you.


tovaxin_lab_rat 07-02-2007 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by daisymay (Post 119562)
Good luck tomorrow Cheryl!!! I will be thinking of you.


Thanks DM! It's going to be a long, drawn out week this time due to the holiday in the middle of the week!

AfterMyNap 07-02-2007 05:38 PM

I am back in my glass house and all is again right with my digital world! Praise the Lord! One more day of Panera Bread commuting and I was going to go postal.

I simply cannot believe how intensely dependent I am on the internet! Everything from banking to Rx to my lessons in Russian. Sheesh, it's good to be wasting countless hours surfing again.:) Can't wait for morning when I DON'T bother getting dressed to have my ritual coffee cybertawk.

Flygirl has promised me that she will take advantage of the expeditious wheelchair sherpas at the airport. I'm holding you to it, so when you hear, "Delta Passenger Flygirl, you have a phonecall, please pick up a white courtesy phone", you'll know enough to put the wheelchair assistant on the line to prove to me that you did it.

MSacorn 07-02-2007 06:07 PM

AMN (or amen as I kept reading it as for a while)

Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 119569)
I am back in my glass house and all is again right with my digital world! Praise the Lord! One more day of Panera Bread commuting and I was going to go postal.

I simply cannot believe how intensely dependent I am on the internet! Everything from banking to Rx to my lessons in Russian. Sheesh, it's good to be wasting countless hours surfing again.:) Can't wait for morning when I DON'T bother getting dressed to have my ritual coffee cybertawk.

(arms raised high) Hal-leh-lu-yah! Surfing is much more enjoyable in jammies. What a beautiful morning you have to look forward too. Enjoy:D

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-02-2007 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 119569)
I am back in my glass house and all is again right with my digital world! Praise the Lord! One more day of Panera Bread commuting and I was going to go postal.

I simply cannot believe how intensely dependent I am on the internet! Everything from banking to Rx to my lessons in Russian. Sheesh, it's good to be wasting countless hours surfing again.:) Can't wait for morning when I DON'T bother getting dressed to have my ritual coffee cybertawk.

Flygirl has promised me that she will take advantage of the expeditious wheelchair sherpas at the airport. I'm holding you to it, so when you hear, "Delta Passenger Flygirl, you have a phonecall, please pick up a white courtesy phone", you'll know enough to put the wheelchair assistant on the line to prove to me that you did it.

Ha ha ha - you are one funny lady. I am flying SWA. Their sherpas don't sherp so well! Sherpa DH will be sherping me to the gate in the morning courtesy of retired airline employee status and I will be sherping myself to the train at the other end. Friend will be sherping me at the other end. Picking up rental car after doc appts.

Is that enough sherping for you?

Glad you have your lifeline re-attached! I was getting skeered you were going to commit homicide on several customer service reps (that is the new oxymoron these days, isn't it?). ;)

DM 07-02-2007 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 119568)
Thanks DM! It's going to be a long, drawn out week this time due to the holiday in the middle of the week!

I wish I could go w/you for support!!! Feel better my friend! :Good-Luck: :Trapeze 2:

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-02-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by daisymay (Post 119585)
I wish I could go w/you for support!!! Feel better my friend! :Good-Luck: :Trapeze 2:

We'd have a lot of fun! :D

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