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bizi 08-15-2012 10:28 PM

I am we go again.
WEll I have gained 40 pounds in 18 months. very sad about this.
I am trying to lose some of this weight but have not been able to focus. I was drinking really fattening beer 300 calories a pop, sometimes having 3. that is 900 calories extra a few times a wonder I gain all of this weight back.
So I have switched to ultra michelob light raspberry beer. and it only has 95 calories a beer.
I have started to watch my carbs and went grocery shopping tonight filled the freezer with meats and veggies.
I need to get back to the gym, it stinks paying and not going!
wish me luck!

karousel 08-18-2012 07:44 PM

Best of luck Bizi! Today I went shopping and filled the cart with a lot of fresh veggies and fruit. Tomorrow I start my new adventure. Two years ago I had a fall and have had so many medical problems and I'm in contant pain. I just need to work around the pain and exercise. But more important eat better and be consistent. I've been going to the gym but with my injuries I can't do the things I wanted to do when I joined. My weight has been yo-yoing for years now and it's time to knock it off and get serious!

bizi 08-19-2012 08:57 PM

I am so sorry that you suffer with pain issues.
I have no excuse for the weight gain just plain lazyness.
went out with a girl friend and had many margaritas....sigh was fun but fattening.
good luck with your journey.

bizi 09-30-2012 11:41 PM

WEll I have not had a drink in 19 days so it is time to start dieting to lose some of this weight. I went out and bought larger pants to wear, faded blue jeans seems like such a let down to buy bigger clothes, but I needed them. One pair of blue jeans.......I feel so fat my stomach hangs over the belt line....I look pregnant.....sigh

Rosie33 10-01-2012 04:01 AM

....for your journey to a healthier lifestyle!:smile:

I can relate to you both with weight and pain issues. I have tried every diet there is, and lost and gained many pounds over the years.

I have neuropathy which limits the way I can exercise. My daughter has convinced me the way to go is to cut down on sugar and anything made with white flour (simple carbohydrates). Instead to eat more fruit, veggies, and fish. She would always preach to me about my eating habits, and now I finally believe we are what we eat.

I used to drink lots of diet coke, and use a lot of artificial sweetners. I completely did away with the coke. I switched to Stevia sweetner, and only use a few a week. That has made a big difference in the bloating I had in my belly.

These past couple of weeks I've been researching on the internet about wheat intolerance, and am amazed at how much damage gluten is causing to so many people. It causes so many illnesses and chronic pain. For the past week I have cut way back on anything made with wheat to see if it helps with my pain issues and weight loss. I'm eating a lot healthier now but still have my 2 or 3 glasses of Merlot with dinner on the weekends. I have read that red wine is good for us in moderation, and I choose to believe it:ROTFLMAO:that's my story and I'm stickin' to it! :cool:

I am 73 and the computer boggles my mind. I have learned so much from these forums about getting healthier with a new way of life. I would love to keep in touch here on this forum to discuss our common goals and anything new we have discovered that helps. I love being part of this wonderful high tech world we live in.

Wishing you both a healthy and pain free day.:grouphug:

bizi 10-01-2012 09:14 AM

thank you rosie for you contribution to this thread. I am happy for you that you are learning to incorporate healthier eating habits. yes diet sodas are so bad for us, well actually all chemicals that are added to food can plaque us. try to stay away from the center isles of the grocery store...that is where the non food items are sold and tempt us so. I eat at a health food store monday thru friday so get a good lunch then. I weighed in this morning at 158 would like to be 135 by my cruise in feb. I started drinking herbal teas in the evenings to replace the alcohol and it seems to be satisfying enough. I am an oral person. I am surprised I never started smoking.
have a great day.quinoa is a great grain that cook with instead of cracked wheat. they use it tabouli at the cafe. delicious and high in protein.

Rosie33 10-01-2012 10:40 AM

Happy to be here......
Bizi, I agree chemicals that are added to processed foods are slowly killing us. I try to eat mostly whole foods. You're lucky you never smoked. My DH and I stopped about 10 years ago. It was the best thing we ever did. In my day it was the thing to do. It's seems so funny now to watch the old movies, and how everyone is smoking. :Sigh:

I went to visit my granddaughter yesterday. She just delivered our first "Great" grandchild, a beautiful little girl, Sophia Catherine. I was telling her how when I had my son (her dad) 53 years ago, my cousin brought me cigarettes instead of flowers or candy. In those days they even let us smoke in the labor room at the hospital. :eek:

I have cooked quinoa, and I like it. I was a great fan of bulgur but I will switch and try to stay away from wheat. I'm following a wheat free diet as much as I can.

Where are you going for your cruise? I've been on cruises, and they are soooo much fun. The food is unbelievable. You have time to shed some pounds...think positive. :hug:

karousel 10-01-2012 03:18 PM

I've been going to the gym inconsistently but have been doing strength training at home on a more consistent basis. I lost a few pounds and have been maintaining. I gave some serious thought to my family and our eating habits. I don't like them and am making changes that my DH and DD are not liking. We don't eat many processed foods, very few in fact, since I cook almost everything from scratch. I do allow myself one can of Diet Coke a day and know I shouldn't be drinking any. I have spurts where I want to drink it but then decide not to for a while and go without.

Rosie 33 congrats on your new great-GD! I hear you on the lost and gained a few pounds thing. I've been doing that since my teens! But when I gain the lost weight back I've been gaining more than I lost. So this time it's not about the weight, it's about how I feel. If I loose pounds, great. If not...not sure how I'll feel!

Bizi I'm still wearing my larger jeans that I bought a year or so ago. They're very loose on me but I'm not ready to get back into my old jeans so I'm stuck wearing these uncomfortable jeans. I bought the jeans to get me through until I lost the weight and could fit back into my old jeans. Hasn't happened yet. :mad:

ginnie 10-01-2012 03:59 PM

Hi Bizi
I gained 20 back out of the 60 I lost. doc. recommended glutton free diet. I'm not convinced yet, as dairy has alot of calorie, eggs have colesterol. Hard to find glutten free products. Whole food markets have more of this kind of product. One way or the other I will loose the weigh right along side you. Having home made chicken, greenbeans blanched first, then in a pan in olive oil Add. garlic pieces and red chilli pepers top with slivered almonds. These are really good. ginnie

bizi 10-04-2012 09:14 AM

I have been drinking peach herbal tea, it is good.hubby and I walked a quick walk around the neighbor hood last night wanted to get back to watch the debates, which I could only tolerate about half of, I don't know who to believe....
down 4 1/2 pounds but think I need to drink more water, slightly dehydrated.So I have not lost that much. in one week. I am almost 50 and am finding it really hard to diet.
I am going with my sisters to cozamel mexico, 4 day cruise out of new orleans.WE leave the day after mardi gras...will try to take it easy because I will have to drive to N.O.L.A. to pick my sis's up from the airport, we are spending the night before and doing bourbon street.

ginnie 10-04-2012 09:25 AM

Hi Bizi
I watched the debates too. Read this mag. called RollingStone, if you want a different, and maybe a clearer understanding of the candidates. I didn't like the debates, as nothing was clear. Keep going in the positive direction you are going in your life. ginnie (Aug. and Sept. issues can be found in the library too. )

bizi 10-04-2012 08:29 PM

thanks ginnie for your note. Hope you are doing alright!

bizi 10-09-2012 09:48 AM

155 this morning up a pound...I should only weigh myself once a week because this up then down business is so discouraging.
I bought some cinnamon flavored stevia that I am using in my coffee this morning instead of french vanilla creamer...It is good! so I can finally drink my coffee with some flavor to it and still be calorie free. yea! I picked it up from my health food store. I am getting used to the stevia sweetener.

bizi 10-14-2012 05:48 PM

WEll I am trying to cut back on the carbs, trying to not be obsessed with counting them just trying to be mindful. We went to a festival today. Had fried foods but not any rice or beans like I could have. a fried filet of catfish stuffed with crab and shrimp. Then I had a small crab cake with a seafood sauce on top of it, delicious! On the way back we stopped and I got a sugarfree fudge bar that was delicious.Drank a diet soda. Am having a very thinned crusted pizza for dinner only 500 calories total which is good for pizza. only 50 carbs. Like I said I am not following a strict diet per say but have to start really cutting back because I know that I over eat and this is why I have gained this weight back. We went to the art walk last night and I snacked on cheese and veggies. Still abstaining from alcohol today makes 33 days with out a drink. I started drinking decaffinated sugar free international coffees instant in the evenings and I like this.I post on an spark people group of people support group. It is called cutting down the booze, calories. So this is a perfect group to post on. they are very nice.
I am getting ready to start my period and I feel bloated on top of feeling like I look pregnant.
AT the art walk I spent the evening sucking in my gut, it wasn't too hard to do that. made me look better.

bizi 10-26-2012 08:34 AM

150 two days in a row....yea, finally the scale is moving. This is my 45th day of not drinking and I have lost 8 pounds in such time. I have been eating healthy lunches, having ground turkey with onions and butternut squash soup from the health food store. It is delicious! the ladies made us a special batch yesterday. Had to buy a quart for later! Later is tonight.

bizi 11-10-2012 10:43 AM

147 this morning and 60 days of not drinking, for the most part it has been easy. chewing gum helps.

Sparky10 11-11-2012 12:00 AM

Good for you, Bizi!

bizi 11-11-2012 08:18 PM

thank you!

bizi 11-18-2012 02:25 PM

145 this morning and 68 alcohol free days. WEnt out to breakfast this morning had 3 scrambled eggs with ham and cheese and spinach with a cup of fruit. delicious!

bizi 11-20-2012 09:43 AM

Managed to go out to dinner last night at the usual margarita for a dollar. jeff had a couple I drank water and had fahitas with out the tortillas and a salad instead of rice and beans brought some home so I did not over eat. very successful dinner out. Left overs for tomorrow! I stopped drinking teas at night because it was interferring my sleep getting up to go to the bath room. now if I really get an urge I will chew some gum.

Sparky10 11-20-2012 10:40 AM

Only way I could turn down a dollar margarita is to tell myself there's almost no alcohol in it and it would taste bleh. Usually you get what you pay for but sometimes there are surprises.

My breakfast (in front of me now!) is leftovers from IHOP yesterday. :)

bizi 11-21-2012 10:28 AM

I usually have 4 when we have gone in the past....that is alot of calories! so it was easy to turn them down. The frozen ones usually give me a freezer head ache if I drink them too quickly. So another reason not to drink them and the fact that I will remain alcohol free until new years eve!
thanks for reading and for you post. hope you enjoyed your IHOP. I love their swedish pancakes with lingonberrys, yummy!

bizi 12-09-2012 09:15 PM

I am going to get down the calender with my weigh ins and post here what I have lost. It has been slow but steady which is the best way to lose.

10-1=158....started low carb diet.
12-6=145 I have lost 13 pounds in 10 weeks while remaining alcohol free.
Tomorrow is 90 days.

Peter B 12-15-2012 10:59 PM

One day at a time
Seems you have adopted a good attitude. One day at a time, and no pressure.
From what I've understood, increasing protein and reducing carbs is the right path.
The more anything is refined or processed, in the food line, the worse it is for your health.
Alcohol is insidious, and a lot more of a weight gain cause than we realise or want to admit. Soft drinks are also especially bad, with sugared or chemicalled.

You may not miss it after a while.
I used to have a wine almost every day, then for some reason just stopped a few months ago.
I will have a glass now and then, but largely don't even think about it.

As long as your daily food regimen is one that feels comfortable and not deprivating, you should be able to stay on it.

bizi 12-16-2012 12:03 AM

I actually had a few drinks tonight. loved it!
moderation is the key.

bizi 01-14-2013 08:59 AM

Well since the holidays I have been drinking and eating freely, gained back about 5 pounds need to get back on the wagon.

razzle51 01-26-2013 05:11 AM

, do you take any medications .. some meds cause weight gain...

bizi 01-27-2013 08:43 PM

thank you razzle, the meds I take are weight is the over eating and drinking that is causing me to regain this weight that I lost.....
no stop in sight....until after my cruise.

bizi 03-20-2013 07:51 PM

I have regained all of my weight loss.
very depressing. I drank like a fish this past few months and this is why I gained the weight. The beers that I like are 300 calories and I could have 3 at night. an egg mcMuffin is 300 calories so that is like 3 egg mcmuffins a night, no wonder I gained the weight back.
wish me luck this go around.

ginnie 03-21-2013 12:08 AM

Hi bizi
More weight on my end too. Can't stay active enough with my neck. Makes me very unhappy. I do like sweets, and that is my down fall. As you said ONE day at a time. I think about you and follow the posts, even if I don't write all the time. Take care Bizi, ginnie

bizi 03-21-2013 08:45 PM

thank you ginnie,
I weighed 153.5 this morning. here we go
ate a lot of food tonight. hubby treated us out to a seafood dinner charbroiled oysters, crawfish stuffed baked potato, side of veggies. delicious!

ginnie 03-22-2013 08:23 AM

Hi bizi
I weigh the same as you. Not pleased either. I like to eat too much. Any room at the table for me? That meal sounded so GOOD!!!!! Makes me want breakfast right now. Keep on trucking Bizi, I need to loose it I reach for the cereal.... take care, I think about you all the time in my prayers. ginnie:hug:

bizi 03-25-2013 07:36 PM

you are so sweet dear ginnie! I think I am down one pound in 5 days.
one pound at a time.
one pound equals 4 sticks of butter!

ginnie 03-26-2013 07:18 AM

Hi bizi
I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday for my son. Of couse I slipped and ate a few. Not that good for the weight. When the weather is nice, I have been going out to do some yard work. Also joined the YMCA for classes in Tai chi, and of couse access to the work room and swimming pool. I am trying, but food is still a crutch for my depression etc.
Great you lost 1 pound. Now I have to try harder. Keep at it! ginnie:hug:

bizi 03-26-2013 09:11 AM

I went to the gym one time last week think I will try to go tonight.
I love chocolate cookies, never make them though, I don't bake anything except a casserole every blue moon.
hugs to you today dear ginnie

bizi 03-26-2013 11:11 PM

One week under my belt, have mostly been following a low carb diet eating healthy I think. I made it to the gym tonight! and did not eat a tuna salad before getting on the tread mill.
a friend of mine gave me her trick to cardio. She elevates the incline to 15% the highest it goes. She does alternating one minute walking with out holding on which is really hard to do and then one minute holding on. WOW that was hard to do and I was only going 3mph. I lasted about 12 minutes then lowered the incline and walked the rest at 3.5 mph for a total of 30 minutes. felt good , I sweat a little and was out of breath. She goes for a full 20 minutes at 3.6. but she has been doing this along time. so I think I did good for my first time.
I took a shower there....
Want to get back into the routine of going regularly.
Will make it a priority.

bizi 03-30-2013 12:03 PM

made it to the gym again thursday night did 14 minutes on the higher incline...that was so hard! and a good workout. Hopefully I will be able to increase my duration as I improve my overall cardio fitness. I weighed myself this morning 153. I think it is water weight from eating at a cajun buffet last night. hopefully the number will come back down with healthier eating over the next week. I was down to 151 for the past couple of days.
I drank non alcoholic champagne last night tasted so good. I miss my fattening blueberry beers. They just don't fit my goals these days to lose weight and have control over my drinking.

bizi 03-31-2013 11:26 PM

well I over ate and ended up drinking margaritas tonight for easter at our friends house. Out side of neuro talk I post at spark peoples web sight on one of their forums trying to cut down on the booze(calories) these are like minded people woman as far as I can tell, all with the same desire to cut back the drinking while trying to lose weight. So I join their challenge to be alcohol free for april while trying to eat healthy and trying to lose weight. I have done it before I can do it again.
Wish me luck.

Sparky10 04-01-2013 09:26 AM

Hey, Bizi! Good luck with the alcohol-free thing. You did it before!

Alcohol is indeed fattening. For me, I have just cut way down. If I quit for a month, then what? I would probably crave it and drink more, negating any good that was done. Instead of the wine box, I now buy a small bottle and go without for a while in between bottles.

By cutting down, it lasts for the long term. I don't miss it.

Letting loose with friends is allowed! It's going from one extreme to another that is hard on the body.

bizi 04-01-2013 05:45 PM

hi sparky, thanks for posting.
I am bipolar and one of my challenges is moderation. I am not a moderate person. This is my is either all or nothing black white....
I am either "on a diet" or I am gaining weight. I yo yo with my weight and have for ever! I wish I could do the maintain way of life , I just have not figured that out yet.

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