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Dmom3005 08-14-2018 10:15 AM

Derrick's first day, and then the rest of life
Derrick starts back at Purdue today. I think I'm probably more nervous
for him than he is. I know he will do great.

I have been busy with case conferences and meeting with parents.

Just life as usual it seems.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 08-15-2018 12:52 AM

Good luck to Derrick. :):):)


OhKay 08-15-2018 08:15 AM

Life as usual sounds pretty good :hug:

I hope that things go well for Derrick, and he's happy with the new job :hug:

PurpleFoot721 08-15-2018 12:40 PM

I hope Derrick's first day of work went very well. Let us know how things went if you can.

Dmom3005 08-16-2018 10:21 AM

Oh gosh, heehee I thought I did.

I am forgetful with all my work things right now.

Derrick had a good day. He still doesn't know exactly what he is doing in the beginning. But that is fine. He has to get back to learning the things he
already knows.

He trained a new person on the things in the back which is what the kitchen is called I guess that he already knows on Tuesday. He always has Wednesdays off. So today is his second day.

He is all excited because starting next week he will ride the big bus home.
So he found out the girl he is training will be riding the same buses
he will. So he can ride with her if he just waits till she gets off. And that
is the plan. Unless he needs to be somewhere before she gets off.

So that is good. It was the one thing the training plan thought he
needed to change. To be more independent.
Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 08-20-2018 10:23 AM

Well I had a great time with Derrick on Saturday in town.
Other than I seem to have lost my Money somewhere.
But that is life it seems once in a while. It was more than
I wanted to admit to losing. But luckily he had money.

And when I went to leave he let me have $6.00 so I would
have some so I wasn't without any for Sunday.

Good thing because I came home to a message that I was
needed to go down and pick up the young lady that stays
with me sometimes. She is having a rough time. And so I
did she doesn't have a lot of money. But that is okay.
I just buy her pops usually, and she then buys most things
else unless I'm buying supper or something.

Anyway she is staying with me a while and then going back
on Tuesday night, and going to her program. Her birthday is
Wednesday and I think she will get a surprise. Her sister put
it out on Facebook and I think some friends and family will
send her cards. And Derrick and I will celebrate with her tomorrow.

I have to take him for an EEG tomorrow so it makes it nice.
I also told her I'd help her get some food for her week too.
SO that is what we will do. And try and save her some money.

I am then going to Kokomo this next weekend to help my sisters,
I was worried about what to do with her. But someone just texted
her that they can't do anything with her till the weekend. So that
made it really good for me going away.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 08-20-2018 01:00 PM

I'm glad that Derrick is doing well, and will be able to be a little more independent :)

It's so nice of you to take the girl in at times, and to help her out. You have such a kind heart :hug::hug::hug:

I'm hoping that things go well for you with your sisters this weekend.

bizi 08-20-2018 05:41 PM

donna, you have such a big heart!
I am glad she has you in her life.

Dmom3005 08-21-2018 06:48 PM

Thanks, ladies. At times I think I do pretty good keeping up
with her. Today was one of those days. She lost her noon
medicine in a store and got really upset. I kept telling her that
calling and going back was the only thing we could do. Which
we did. And that she did a good job trying to find it.

She just kept melting down. And was so upset. It was adderall
and an anxiety med she took prn. And of course that she needed
after she got so upset.

But she finally calmed down, and had a good birthday lunch with
Derrick and I. And then we took Derrick home. It was getting
late. So I then started home with her. Well I had forgotten tomorrow
is her birthday, I had planned to buy her a birthday cake. Not really
knowing if anyone would. So I pulled into Meijers, and she wasn't
to happy, but apologized for getting upset. I wouldn't tell her right
away why we were there. But then I said, well its something to do
with tomorrow, she says you mean my birthday, I said yes. So
she perked up. And was ready. SO then she was trying to guess.

I said, what do you usually get on your birthday. She says a cake
really excited. I said, well I thought since your mom can't buy one
I thought I'd do it. So she was excited, and helped me find her one.

She was then looking through them all, and finding what she wanted.
She got a Oreo one. And some fancy Cupcakes. ANd then we
got some treats for work tomorrow also.

She was really excited and happy.

So it was nice.


Only problem with the day in the end I lost my Mom's Mother ring.
So far I can't find it in my house. I'm pretty sure I had it at home so
hopefully I'll find it later.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 08-24-2018 05:47 AM

I really hope that you find that ring soon. It must have a lot of sentimental value :hug::hug::hug:

I'm so happy that that little girl has your support. It sounds like she needs it. You aren't just being kind, Donna. I'm sure that you are making a difference in her life :hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 08-24-2018 09:59 AM

Ugh, I'm having one of those weeks it seems.

First last Friday I messed up my phone that I've had for I'd say
25 years or so. My cell phone.
I then on Saturday bought a different one, but then it didn't work
right out here at my house. But it is nice online.
Got mine factory reset on Tuesday. And then i got things started
Then lost my mothers mothers ring somewhere i'm really hoping
and pretty sure in the house.
Wednesday or THursday I found a different ring I had lost before.
So it was weird.
Then THursday of all things I messed up my work email.
So now I'm waiting till someone in IT can figure out what I did
and fix it hopefully next week.

So now I am a mess, I am sure hoping that no one is looking
for me in the emails.

Ugh I am not doing anything else electronically now.

But that I can't destroy.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 08-24-2018 10:02 AM

Sometime, either tonight or tomorrow I'm headed to Kokomo
for the weekend and Monday.

I was having a rough time finding everything I needed. But
think I finally did. So that is good.

I called Derrick last night, made sure he handles the last things
he needs to. Not that I don't think he wont, but with the week
I've had don't want to leave it to chance.

I then need to straighten SSI out again, they are trying their
hardest to mess up his account and charge or over charge him.
But I'm going to wait till next week to work on that. I've had
enough mess this week.

So wish me luck with my friend the young lady, and Derrick

and his mess. Keeping Dan in line. And my husband Dale
sane if needed.

Will and Devin and Family are good. ANd if I'm not around its
because I just don't have internet or I'm busy at my mom's house.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-25-2018 12:01 AM

good luck at your moms house.
thanks for the update.

mymorgy 08-25-2018 09:37 AM

wishing you good luck!

OhKay 08-26-2018 12:56 PM

I’m so sorry about your frustrating week, Donna.
I hope that things go very easily for you in Kokomo. You need a break- not more BS. You have a lot on your plate :hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 08-27-2018 01:45 PM

At least I didn't create any more problems with electronics.

We did pretty good at my mom's house. I probably will in the
end take more things than I need home. But I like nic nacs.
And dolls and things. So I hate to see them go somewhere else.

I'm lucky that I didn't just keep taking them when no one wanted

We aren't completely done but that is okay, I got tired too. Just
like they did. We had a great time at dinner on Saturday.

And three of us went to my mom's church on Sunday, to support
my one sister that goes there. ANd the church really enjoyed seeing
us. Especially my 3 year old great niece.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 08-28-2018 03:43 PM

That sounds wonderful, Donna :hug:

Dmom3005 08-28-2018 06:39 PM

I got a really late start today. I was to go to my first day of PT for
lyphedema. But ugh, I just couldn't get going. But I Had to
cancel it because I just couldn't get going. So I rescheduled.

I rescheduled for next week.

I then went to a 504 meeting later in the day. And it went well.
Had dinner with my husband Dale.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-28-2018 09:07 PM

sorry that you had a difficult time getting going.

Dmom3005 08-29-2018 10:10 AM

Me too, I hated having to change my first time for PT for the lymphedema.
Spelling sorry. I can't start anything till I get it going.

I have had a busy week, not being able to email my parents is really
making me a mess. I have always been able to get to the need
to talk to them through email. WIth my work email down its not happening.

I am trying to figure out what else to do.

Just life some days.

I got three new cases today. Talked to one of the mom's probably
the easiest of the cases. And told her what to do.

But got no answers on the other two.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-29-2018 12:15 PM

sorry your computer problems, can dale help fix the problem?

Dmom3005 08-29-2018 06:24 PM

No this takes the work person. He called today by the time I found
out and called back he was on the road.

But he is set to call tomorrow afternoon. Its my stupid microsoft
outlook I messed up. And its my work computer so it needs to
be this guy that fixes it. Since its the work computer.

But that is okay, I just miss all my fun things for my

I need to figure out a new email after this. For some things.
It really shows me this.

And I know now I will be.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 08-30-2018 01:41 PM

ugh, I want off this rollercoaster I've seemed to create.

I went to lunch with a co-worker today. And proceeded
to lock my keys in my car. Ugh, so she brought me home.

But sometime tonight have to go back to Lafayette to
get my car. With the extra set of keys.

Oh the web I seem to have gotten into.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 08-30-2018 06:39 PM

Okay I am back with my car again. Yah, Dale didn't even yell about
having to help me. Wow, there was a time he would have.

I thanked him, he said you would have helped me so its okay.

He changes sometimes, nice change.

I have Layla again. And I'm taking her to work on getting into
a residential housing situation starting for tomorrow. Hoping
we can set up the next three times tomorrow in the next 10 days
or so. To meet the roommates and get her started. Then someone
will have to help her move.

Then the rest of the weekend, I'm hoping to spend a day with Derrick,
and probably they will go bowling. We will see.

Had to cancel my computer repair till tuesday, since I was dependent
on a ride home.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 09-01-2018 12:58 PM

I am pleased with the work I did yesterday. We worked on
getting my young friend Layla situated. She will really enjoy
this new situation when she gets in it. She really needs a
stable situation, and then a job she can enjoy. And hopefully
this will happen with this.

This is public knowledge just so you all know. I'm not breaking
any hippa or other things.

I just want to make sure you all realize this.
I wouldn't break any laws by sharing something that isn't public
knowledge in my area.
Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 09-01-2018 01:38 PM

I'm so glad that you have helped get her into a stable situation. I really hope that she feels safe, comfortable, and happy there :hug::hug::hug:

I think you were okay in regards to HIPPA without explanation, and I'm usually a stickler for that stuff. We don't know your last name, or hers, and at least I don't even know what city/town you live in. I didn't think she was a "client" of yours... it seems like you are just helping out a little girl in need in your personal time.

I hope you get to see Derrick this weekend! :)

bizi 09-01-2018 06:30 PM

well said kay.
You are so sweet to help her out.

Dmom3005 09-02-2018 01:32 PM

Yes, I'll see Derrick tomorrow. While Layla should be meeting her
new roommates. If the time doesn't work after all.

She is going bowling with Derrick. But hopefully this will work well.

Its hot around here, so going out the last couple days hasn't been
in the cards. Today the internet and phones aren't cooperating.

So its been fun, watching Dale try to fix them. Layla got upset,
went for a ride on her bike and home for a while to see if her's
works better. Which is fine. She was getting on my nerves
complaining about it.


Thanks I just didn't want anyone to think I was sharing something
I shouldn't, and she isn't a client is correct.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 09-04-2018 08:51 AM

It is better to err on the side of caution in regards to HIPPA. Sometimes people don't understand what is okay to share, and what is not, so even tho it wasn't necessary to post what you did, it was probably helpful to some people :hug:

You have been having so many tech problems lately!!!
I hope that Dale got everything straightened out quickly so Layla stopped trying your patience lol.

I hope the bowling and the roommate introductions worked out :hug:

Dmom3005 09-04-2018 03:25 PM

The roommate did not. But the technical for computer for the internet
did. So it was good.

This morning I even got my email back. Yah, I will not be playing with
it again I hope. Ugh, its not good to mess up that stuff.

THey messed up Derrick's hours for his provider this month. Technically,
she and the company. The stupid company is always messing things
up. And never seems to care. So now he doesn't have any hours technically
this month. Because they told his provider to use more hours than
he had. So of course she did.

I've had it completely now with this company, so we are waiting on the
pic list. I'm changing companies period. I'm done.

donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 09-04-2018 08:33 PM

Oh donna, I am sorry you have had troubles with the service providers, no you should not put up with that.

OhKay 09-06-2018 10:00 AM

I'm sorry that Layla's meeting with the roommate didn't go well. Will they keep her where she is supposed to go, and expect the placement to work itself out, or will they find her another place?

Good for you for saying enough is enough with Derrick's provider co. I hope he ends up with one that is vastly different for the better :hug:
You fight so hard for your children :hug:

Dmom3005 09-06-2018 03:51 PM

Oh Layla hasn't started to meet the new roommates, they went home to their parents for the long weekend. So we are just rescheduling it. She should meet them for the first time today. She was invited to go to the company celebration that the company has tonight. So the person that is her person is taking her.

She will have lots of fun. We are working on next week right now.

Well, now I get to start doing a medicine change for Derrick. I'm not
sure I'm going to like this. Its always scary when we change a med
when it looks like no seizures. But he is definitely having seizures in
his sleep. We just didn't know it.
We found out something interesting today, he and I. His vns will go off
on its own when he has a seizure to stop it. I never knew this. In all
the years he has had it no one has ever tried to explain it to us this way.
But one night he had two seizures or vns alerts, which is different than
just his vns going off. It was like a swipe, with at 2:30 and 5:30 am the
same night, his reading today happened. And we know he didn't swipe
his magnet.

Then we are looking into a different way to keep the magnet close to him, during the day. He was to wear it, but he never told us the main cook. Said no, he was afraid it would swipe by accident when he was prepping his food.
So he had him wearing it on his belt loop. Well the month of August somedays it went off 3 or more times in 15 or 20 minutes. During the day, when he was at work. Theres no way it would have done this like 30 or more times. Which is what I believe the girl said it had done. So we know it was
at least part of the time a problem. We believe or this is the thought that
he was walking by sterling silver and the magnet swipped. No real clue
so its back to drawing board.

So now its they are going to try a little thing around his waist, that is really
small that he can keep his magnet, and I'm suggesting tylenol. And when he gets his device for safety I'm going to maybe suggest it too. Then hopefully
this will work.

So he went from Dilintin to Lamictal, and when he was on before memory
problems happened so we are hoping not this time. But work is being told
just in case.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

P.S. I did my pt evaluation today, start therapy next week.

Mari 09-07-2018 02:07 AM


I hope that trying it on his waist works.

Good luck with your therapy.


Dmom3005 09-07-2018 09:53 AM

I sure hope so too. I have never had this kind of problem.
The magnet has never gone bezerk and really alerted to things.

If I hadn't known for sure he was at work at the time the one
3 day time it went off. I would have really been worried.
I probably should have had them run the thing off and double
checked all the dates. But I really believe it was a fluke.

Now if it keeps happening I will be looking into it more.
But the middle of the night ones we are positive it was his
own body doing it.

That is what is so scary. The girls said, do you were it to bed. He looked at them like are you crazy, and said no I don't.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 09-08-2018 11:04 AM

I'm so sorry that he's having seizures at night. I hope that the med change helps, and it goes smoothly :hug:

That is so weird about the magnet going whacky...

Dmom3005 09-11-2018 12:05 PM

Today was moving day for Layla, I have kept up with her all weekend.
She didn't want to come down here. So I just kept going down and
checking on her. She was doing pretty good.

I didn't have to help her pack, and do things. Her behavior therapist
and the company helped her move. Which is the way it should be.

Now I'll just go to the meeting on Thursday and help with making
sure things are good.

Now I believe the changes of medicine with Derrick are good.
We will see as time goes on.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 09-12-2018 01:43 PM

All of that sounds like good news to me, Donna :)

BTW, has Layla met her roommates yet?

Dmom3005 09-12-2018 07:19 PM

I would sure hope so. She moved in yesterday. It was
an emergency placement. Because of the situation
she was living in. SOmeone finally saw it and acted on it.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 09-20-2018 10:02 AM

Small update:

Derrick is still really happy with purdue. Its so nice to see him happy
in his job. So many never find the perfect happy job.

I'm doing good it seems. I just move along. I'm having trouble sleeping
but not sure why. But I just lay in bed and rest if not sleep till I finally
sleep which is different than usual. So its been okay.

Dan seems to be doing really good with his meds. Now if we could
just get that to work with money and get him to realize that he has
to save money to live with. Ugh, he is still living in one of our houses
with Dale most of the time. Meaning Dale is over there most of the
time. But if he is ever going to live on his own again. He will have
to pay rent, and utilities too. He has just never thought for some reason
its something he needs to do.

Not sure why or what he thinks will happen, or I should say other than
us or Kortni who will pay it. Because at some point that isn't going to
happen. I'm really concerned about this. Dale is to a degree because
he worries about retiring and trying to travel or something.

Which is another problem because I'm Derrick's rep payee and I have
to figure that out too. Because at this point I take him money every
week, but if we travel that would have to change.

But I digress I have time to figure that one out.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

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