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Nik-key 09-13-2008 02:21 PM

Wonder #136 -- a time to reminisce
I wonder if I can start my very first wonder thread…..

I wonder that I have been looking through old posts, what I found was
page after page of love, compassion and unconditional support.

I wonder if I could take a moment to thank each and every one of you here.
You helped me survive thus far, the unbearable loss of my Dad….
You are helping me with the impeding loss of my husband.
I find I am in need of your support still……………
and that I miss it greatly.

I wonder if I can say this community we have found here, the one many
of you have been a part of far longer than me…. Needs all of your wisdom
and loving hearts. Each one of us, plays a roll in what makes this forum
family unique and glorious.

I wonder if I can share that I come here almost every day. I come for support in
trying to survive my dad’s suicide… but I also come because I have come
to care greatly about all of you. One can not share as we have and not form
a bond. I come not only for support on this one topic…SOS….I come for
support on many aspects of my life… I think that is the ultimate compliment
to the success of a forum, that its members feel so loved, they share.

I come not only for support and to support on one subject - suicide.
How awful that would be if the only thing discussed here was that one tragic
thing. I don‘t think I could handle the pain. I come here for release from that
pain as well. I come because I know if and when I need to talk about my
dad…. You will all Be right here for me, as you always have been.

I come, hoping I can show you all, the same love, comfort and support …
You have given me.

I wonder if I have wondered too much.....

Hugs for everyone...:hug::hug:


Twinkletoes 09-13-2008 03:21 PM

I wonder if I can tell Nikki how much I agree with everything she said (and no, you didn't wonder too much, silly!)

I wonder if I can give Nikki special hugs for the loss of her dear father and the difficulties she and her dear husband face daily? :hug:

I wonder if I can tell Nikki thank you so much for the postie! :)

I wonder that my brother and SIL were spared the fiercest effects of Hurricane Ike at their home outside of Victoria?

I wonder about and pray for all my friends that frequent this room.

I wonder how Cheryl is doing in Wales? I wonder if she encountered flooding situations there?

I wonder that I am so sleepy and dizzy lately. I wonder why so many have had such great results by going on LDN (low dose naltrexone) for their MS, but despite the initial improved stamina, I haven't had any positive results to report.

I wonder that I feel like somewhat of a fraud coming here, b/c I really haven't been close to anyone who has committed suicide. My uncle chose to end his pain-filled life this way, but we were not close. My daughter's girlfriend next-door had a boyfriend call her on the phone from a motel in Vegas and tell her goodbye. My husband's boss's son was having marital problems and couldn't see a better way to address them.

I wonder that suicide has so many victims besides the one who is gone? I wonder how those closest to people who choose suicide ever come to terms with it and move on? I wonder how it must haunt them whenever they remember that person who is gone?

I wonder that Tamiloo thought she needed to send a thank-you card just because I phoned her one day? :rolleyes: I wonder how blessed she and Olhipie are to have found each other?

I wonder if I'll get my laundry done so I can go visit 3 of my cute grandkidlings in AZ this Tuesday?

I wonder if I'd better print off some address labels so I can send some posties to: Abby, Alffe, Cheryl, barb02 and barbo, bizi, BMW, Curious, Doody, Goofy, Junie, Nik-Key, nuhope, Shelley, Tamiloo & Wren.

I wonder if Addy wants to be on my postie list?

I wonder if you all know how special you are to me? I wonder that your posts continue to smile through your pain? I wonder if I can leave gentle embraces for the special people in this room? :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

Nik-key 09-13-2008 05:54 PM

I wonder how good it was to see DMack posting these last few days:hug:

I wonder at Twinks wonder.... I am not sure what makes you feel a "fraud"
your life, your families life has been effected by suicide. With all pain there
are degrees.... I for one am very thankful you post here. Your words and
comfort have meant a lot to me. Keep posting:hug:

I wonder how sad I was to read you aren't finding any relief on you
medication Twink.... keeping you in my thoughts.

I too wonder how Flygirl is and hope she is having a fantastic time!!

I wonder if I can tell Alffe I got her post card today. Thank you:hug:
And that yes, I have watched the 2007 video, and am already signed
up to view the 2008 one.

I wonder about those who have been and will be effected by Ike...
I had to shut off the news....

I wonder how the service was today, and how Vicky's family is
holding up :hug:

I wonder if I told you all my sister (who was very sick and couldn't
make it to my dad's service) is coming home for a visit from WA state
to see Lynn... and to visit dad's grave.

I wonder that my family is talking about having a small private service
so that she can find some closure. I wonder... If I can handle any

I wonder if everyone is having a nice weekend? And if I can leave
:hug: for everyone and go rescue dinner ....

Doody 09-13-2008 06:58 PM

I wonder if I can pop in and say that I hope Addy is feeling better and has let go of some of her anger.

I wonder at how shocked I was after Nik-key's sister posted and I went to look. I saw sweet Nikki's photo and nearly fell off my chair. She looks so much like my sweet sister whom we lost to breast cancer at Christmas time in '86. Anyway, it shocked me.

I wonder at how ((Tammiloo and Nik-key)) devote so much time to their husbands and how it simply amazes me that they do. I just hope that they take care of themselves as well. ((Tammi & Nik))

I wonder how proud I am of ((BMW sis)) for passing that math test. Way to go sweetie, I knew you could do it. I'm so glad that's over for you.

I wonder what my friend Batty will go home to in Texas. She thinks their home is okay. She's been on the east coast with her daughter who had knee surgery.

I wonder why ((Vic)) has been absent from my 'private' forum. Miss you there Vic! Glad I can see what's going on here with you.

I wonder if my dear friend ((Ms. Alffe)) and ((Mr. Alffe)) are having fun in Chicago this weekend.

I wonder how anxious I am that my grandson is having his tonsils and adenoid surgery on Oct. 9. Just don't wanna think about it, but...I understand from others it should really help his severe apnea.

I wonder that my kids have their 6th anniversary next weekend and I saved and splurged on a hotel in Des Moines for them. I will spend the night with my sweet grandson.

I wonder at how bad it makes me feel that Twink's medicine isn't working. Not fair for someone we love so much. ((Twink))

I wonder if ((Tamiloo)) knows I have my calendars marked for her surgery and still keeping her in my prayers.

I wonder how glad I am that ((Ms. Koala)) is feeling better.

I wonder at the amazing photos that Addy posted. Thanks Addy, they are awesome.

I wonder why my doc will only let me have 30 vicodin every 30 days. Come on now. People who abuse drugs make me so mad, it affects everyone else.

I wonder how excited I am that Lost will start again soon.

I wonder what I did to my hip. I've never had this kind of pain and it really hurts to walk...right at my hip joint. Just what I need...not.

I wonder that my HUA has been begging for people to foster or adopt because they have made so many rescues just recently and more to come. Huge puppymill busts in Nebraska.

I wonder if you know that Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa are top on the list of puppy mill states, Missouri being #1.

I wonder how nice it was to see Mr. Moose post in one of the recent wonder threads.

I wonder why the dreaded 'suicidal ideation' pops up uninvited so often sometimes.

I think I'll stop wondering now because I can never remember everyone's names.

Love to all in here.

tamiloo 09-13-2008 10:07 PM

I wonder if I can thank you Doody for marking your calender.

I wonder why I'm not able to go to sleep until it is almost light and only sleep maybe four hours...nervous...:confused:

I wonder about how happy a person can be when they are perfectly miserable...:Hum:

I wonder how wonderful this beautiful September day has been.

I wonder I could just hug you all to pieces...

I wonder why my wonderer feel a little empty...I guess I am content!:Head-Spin:

Nik-key 09-13-2008 11:37 PM

I wonder if I can thank doody for that fantastic wonder..
gave me the warm fuzzy's :D ((doody)):hug:

I wonder if I can tell her I circled oct 9th on my calendar and will be
thinking of your grandson... (please remind me though:)) I wonder how
sweet that was of you to get the kids a mini vacation like that...
wanna adopt me :D

I wonder if this sleeping pattern is something new for Tammy?
I hope you are able to get in a nap during the day.... us caregivers
need are rest... have to stay healthy for your hubby:)

I wonder how happy I was to hear Abbie got her car back...
but hmmm... did you say no headlights? I hope you are having
a wonderful weekend Abbie:hug:

I wonder to how happy I am for Angel friend BMW --- so proud
of you ... you go girl!!! :yahoo: :yahoo:

I wonder if I can share this with you.. a friend sent it to me last

And pssst...............

Spanish Moss 09-14-2008 10:02 AM

I wonder that I can't remember all the wonders I wonder when reading your wonders by the time I get to my wonder....

I wonder if that made any sense....

I wonder if Doody knows that GranDoody will be OK...and that we will keep him in our prayers...and you too.

I wonder at the amazing man I have married who, at his ripe "old age" is taking on the responsibility to be a father of 2 pre-shoolers. I wonder at that generosity and love. I wonder if he realizes how grateful I am for all he does...all he is...all he is becoming...

I wonder how excited I am to have our GrandMoisses (?!) here and to show them the cool things near us...the ocean...the birds...the sand...the fish....the trees....the crabs....etc. I wonder when they will come....

That gets me wondering lots of stuff but I think I will just wonder to myself about that...

I wonder how fun it was to visit some friends last talk and go for a walk in the full moon play Dominoes...and, of course, eat...

I wonder about some folks I haven't seen here for a while...NoHope, Wren, Reyn, BP, Lara, Alffe, Curious...please forgive me for not remembering more names that will come to me as soon as I sign off...which I need to now so I can study.

I wonder if I can leave my love and good wishes for a pain-free happy Sunday to all who visit here today...

Nik-key 09-14-2008 01:57 PM

ohhhhh that was the nicest wonder I have read in a long time Moss...your
wonder about your Grandmosses coming to stay with you. I wonder that
it doesn't surprise me at all that you and Moi would do this:hug:

I wonder where Moi has been this weekend? Causing mischief I am sure:p

I wonder about Wren and Nohope as well. I have a feeling Nohope has found
some hope in her life. From her last post, she sounded so happy! But, Wren
I do worry about you and I continue to hold you in my prayers:hug:

I wonder how Addy is today and if the tightness has eased knowing how
greatly everyone here cares:hug:

I wonder how BMW is doing this weekend. I wonder that I feel lonely without
her upbeat loving posts.....:hug: Hope you are having fun Angel friend!:hug:

I wonder if I can share I am a little down today.... the other forum (ALzheimer's)
I joined in July.... another member has lost their loved one. That makes 5 in just
2 months..... so heart breaking :( I wonder that I feel so inadequate trying
to find words of comfort for them...........

I wonder that I am blessed in that I learned young, to never take love for
granted. My mom lost her only sibling in an auto accident at only 20 years
old. (before I was born) We were taught to never ever, say something you
wish you could take back... to never forget to express your love... as
tomorrow... the chance may be gone. I wonder at the peace that has
brought me in my Dad's death. He knew how greatly I loved him.....

I wonder if I can let you all go while I dry my eyes....
((BIG HUGS)) :hug::hug:

Doody 09-14-2008 05:37 PM

I wonder if I can thank Ms. Moss for making me feel more comfortable about gdoody and his surgery. :hug:

I wonder what I'll have to do about Ducky leading me to yet another addictive Pogo game. :cool:

I wonder what will happen on BB10 tonight.

I wonder how things will go for sweet Sandy C and Jim. :hug:

I wonder where Megveg is and how she's doing.

I also wonder about Wren.

I wonder how much I enjoyed seeing BMW in her cop suit in a recent wonder.

I wonder at how special Nikki is.

I wonder that I finally found that picture of me and Cooper at Ms. Alffe's last summer. He's a special doggie. She sent me a postcard copy recently, and g-doody saw it and kept it. He likes it next to his bed. Poor postcard has lots of wear and tear on it.

Wow, I wonder that I've lost over 20 lbs since then. Guess pain is good for lack of appetite. :o

who moi 09-14-2008 06:21 PM

wonder if I can do a short wonder today...

wonder numero uno: to twink, what do you mean you are a fraud? LOL If you are, get outta here...*boot...however, you have been a wonderful friend to many...don't sell yourself short and keep on posting!!! :D

wonder numero deuce: to nik: Nik, your love has helped kicked this forum in the (_!_) along with Abbie's post. There are many that come here that NEED this forum...selfishly, I need it...I hated to see it "slept" like was as if Cinderella or was it sleeping beauty(who slept? I am not good with Hairy Tails...)

anyways, it was as if some beautiful lady from the Hairy Tails was sleeping and I couldn't wake her with my kiss...well, for one, it is cause I am ugly as sin and I have major garlic breath...and then, you add in that plate of raw onions I had at lunch a few days ago and I haven't brushed moi teeth yet, then, you add in that I haven't used any DEO cause I've heard that in the deep jungle of Brazil, they use Venus Flytraps to deoderize..

so I've been carrying around the Venus Flytrap plants thinking it catch my odors and that didn't help...and then...

HEY, *thumps head...

where was I at...

oh yeah, I was trying to kiss BadPUNweasel and she didn't wanted to wake up and chopped her hair off when I climbed half way...

OK, now I am really lost, be back to wonder later....

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