Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD and CRPS) Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (Complex Regional Pain Syndromes Type I) and Causalgia (Complex Regional Pain Syndromes Type II)(RSD and CRPS)

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Old 12-24-2008, 12:39 PM #11
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thank you
I was not sure if I did it right, I was not sure if you could see the pics,

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Old 12-25-2008, 12:55 AM #12
loretta loretta is offline
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loretta loretta is offline
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Hi Kelley and Welcome,

I'm so sorry about your car accident and RSD.I also have full body RSD 12 years now. Wasn't diagnosed for 4 years. Sounds like you are already being given trouble with insurance company from your car..The law in most states gives a times limitation to file a lawsuit within 2 years of the accident or 2 years from when you should have known about the injury. Attorney's usually don't like to go oup against fellow friend attorneys. In the case of my mothers death, we went to the largest city about 100 miles away. It doesn't sound like you have a lot of time to file, should you choose to do so. Do you know of a major accident attorney, or major medical malpractice. Insurance companies have deep pockets for expert witnesses etc. no get the best firm you can get.Ask around,do you know anyone in the business,hospital, court system, court reporter, etc. My daughter is a court reporter, but only in arizona.Most firms take a case they think they can win on a percentage basis. We won 100 percent on my mothers case. We had video depositions done before her death, which was before the trial.

RSD has lifelong consequences with major medical bills, loss of income, help within the home, etc.Do you have medical records of your good health before the accident? Keep taking p;ictures. My left hand is crippled.It's kind of like a claw. I've had about 150 pt treatments and equal amount of massage therapy. Both sholders frozen. But at least I have use of arms and part use of left hand. I still swim and stretch and try my best to keep moving and not lock up. It's a painful struggle.

Please don't give up and support groups are wonderful to give and receive encouragement. You can learn so much If you've never been in a legal batle, it is very emotionally consumming. You seen a friend with experience where you live. A bad lawyer, can be a very costly mistake. A good attorney can make all the difference, Get a good RSD Dr.Pain Management Dr. Neurologist, Orthopedic Dr. Should you choose to proceed with a lawsuit, I wouldn't put an announcement in the paper! smilel How far is a larger city? Make sure there are no conflict of interests.

Take care, will you be able to walk again? Loretta Jewell
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Old 12-25-2008, 02:48 AM #13
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Hello and thank you

WOW 12 years so sorry to hear that, and, I am sorry to hear about your Mom, I was hurt back in Nov of 05 and just found out about RSD July 2 of 2008,
yes I hope to keep walking, I am fighting like crazy to keep walking, now,
just hurts like WOW painful, this happen about the same time last year
I think its the winters, each year keeps getting worse, maybe that is be-cuz I am not being and have not had any treatment for RSD! see Medicare will not cover anything that is Auto, and Auto cut me off, and yes my health was good before this, did 19'000 mils on the road with-in a year before, I was hit, took a really long road trip, also had an MRI of my neck and back before that also, and it was good, after the crash, C4C5C6C7 H disk all to the right
was hit on the left side, my side, she ran a stop sign going 35 to 40 and I was going 50 mph, she was 100% at fault, I did win that, but again before I knew about RSD, I think my Lawyer that did that case, knew I had RSD, but being from Mi, and he is in NY where I was hit, easy money for him, got the max,
I just thought I needed surgery and get back to my life,
besides full body rsd, I have SS and DDD and Spoona something, it was not there before or right after the crash, but that showed up one and half year later
my spine is a mess, I kept telling everyone it was on fire, the same fire I had in my thumb, both hands, red and swollen, I could not wear anything, I was in lose PJ's all the time, HE KNEW THAT, I could not stand anything on my skin, and on and on, he knew all of this,
well I am not going to let no one do surgery on me now
but I really think my Lawyer knew I had RSD, so one day I took look at his web site and there it was, he won cases of RSD before, mine, and he knew about the burning pain, and my foot and everything, he seen me, not able to walk upright, he knew everything, and all the Dr's I was begging for help, this is not the same Lawyer I have now,
I did not know I had RSD, and I never hurd of it before, so I would not have known what it was, looking at his web site before,
but as far as getting a new lawyer now, to late, and no money in it, just trying to get my medical back so I can be treated for RSD by someone!

I am sure you all know what a mess RSD cases can be, and I am in mine, I did not know, there where Dr's out there that would lie about someone's health, for the Ins Co,
and I was really hurt so I did not have nothing to worry about, ya I bet you are LYAO about now, I never had a clam before, and like everyone that dose not have to deal with something like that, how and why would you worry about something like an IME, ? so yes I was shock at what he said, and the lies, Dr's take Oaths, and I was razed to trust them,
WRONG! sorry for going on and on, its late, and again I can not sleep,

Marry Christmas to all,
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Old 12-26-2008, 05:56 AM #14
loretta loretta is offline
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Hi Kelly,

It is inexcusable if your previous attorney knew about RSD and didn't recommend a good rsd Dr. so you could get help and include long term medical compensation in your car accident claim. The injustice is so very wrong.

When my toes started curling, my Dr. gave me exercises to do in warm water. I give credit for my mobility in both shoulders to p.t. and my home p.t. Bending your toes in warm bath water the opposite direction of the curling, helps.

Most states have a 2 year statue of limitations for lawsuits. It's not 2 years from the accident, but two years from your diagnosis. I'm wondering if you can receive any compensation from a new lawsuit, since you weren't diagnosed till July 2, 2008?

Yes, colder, damp weather makes it much worse on our rsd bodies. I wear socks and gloves to bed. There are also bed warming blankets. Just make sure not too warm.
What kind of symptoms do you have? seizures, blood pressure, spasms, jerks, jolts, short term memory loss. blisters, I have high blood pressure and take two different meds. anti-seizure med, sleeping pill, anti-anxiety med, pain med. Massage therapy is one of the most helpful benefits. keeping circulation moving. swimming in 86 degree water plus is so very good for you.

My husband is so very helpful, grocery shopping, vacuum, dust mopping. Our daughter is a huge help also. She and her husband have been wonderfull.

I love scented candles. music,talking to friends, writing cards, encouraging others to try and keep positive. We have friends over and my family take all the pressure off of me and we just make it easy. We live in arizona, so we have an outside firepit and it's cozy and warm for visiting.

Do you like to read? number paint? mustic? write cards, poems? I've found a lot of comfort in my cat-plus our daughter has a miniature pin. She is so loving too. Both the cat and the dog like to sleep with me, but at different times. smile

Where do you live? Warm climate is so much better than cold, damp climate. I have a grateful attitude now. It wasn't always that way-more like poor me. I missed 5 days a week in tennis, water skiing, snow skiing, running, swimming, hiking, working out. Now, I am just grateful I was able to do so much overy the years. especially traveling 3 trips to Europe, Hawaii, Cariabean, Mexico, Greek Islands,, I'm hoping to travel next fall-we'll see.
I can't work any more in our business, so we are cutting back like everyone else. This spring we have a couple of visitors. So very much looking forward to seeing them. Then in May another couple. They are so kind, cook for themselves and very easy. If I don't have a flare, I can help. they love to just swim and law around the pool.

Kelly, I would like to encourage you to go back thru the treads and read, read, read, Learn no much. It seems, you should be able to be compensated on your RSD since it was initiated by the car accident, but wasn't diagnosed till 08. Worth a try?

Have you had any lesions yet? They are very painful. Most of my blood pressure problems are on the high side, but once I passed out from low blood pressure. It is caused by the para sympathetic blood pressure-low. I was out for over an hour 60/40 Hospital 4 days.Three days ago, my pressure dropped to 98/58- was very tired/

Take precautions going to the dentist. That's why I say read, read, read,

We care about you very much, so let us know how you are and how we can help. Take care, Loretta Jewell
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Old 12-26-2008, 02:47 PM #15
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and hope everyone had a good and pain free safe Holiday

You ask what my symptoms are like most mine are full body spasms,are everyday, like if I over do it, PT sets them off and so dose being in a car, jerks, jolts its like I was just hit with a bolt of lighting, and my hold body jumps, jerks, they are new, and they happen just as I am relaxing short term memory loss that is a fun one, I can take my pills and just as I am done I really have to think if I took them, just about anything, from day to day,
I have the burning pain, feet and hands, feel that, but I do get the burning pain from my neck down my hole spine, to my shoulders,down my arms to the plums of my hands I can feel it, and on parts of my body from time to time, I now have very dry skin, and nails, I do change colors, I posted some pics you can see a red rash I get on my left arm, and from that I get like a gun shot feeling in that arm, that can last from 5 min to 30 or more, but that pain take's me down, then I get them in my sleep, that is if I get any, about 2 to 3 maybe 4 hrs a night,
my hole spine has something wrong with that, all from the auto crash, had an MRI right before I was hit, and that was all clear, so that is how we know when she hit me all my neck and back was from her, hitting me,
swollen limbs at times ,, I do not get that a lot, but its there, my hands and one arm and one foot, my feet and hands have more of my joints that are swollen, and now my toes are just hooks, they look more pale but then they can turn very red to dark looking,
my back is stuck, very stiff , I can not stand up right, bent over, can only walk a little at a time, I fall a lot, weakness and pain, and spasms and lose of muscle tone
can not lift my arms, at all when you put your arms out in fount of you I can only bring mine up to my belly button, then that's it, I can bend them in to my body and then bring them up to about the top of my head, witch is not easy to do, but I will take what I can get, its been worse, last year I could not even do that, had to have someone come in a help with showers, OMG
and then I now lost all hair under arms and most of my legs it is almost all gone,
I get the feeling of pins and needles, numbing pain, head hurts over heating,
sweating a lot, all over, yes I had my self check for all types of things like for MS /Parkinson look at my heart and blood work, all good,
my BP runs low also, in the 70s to the 60s, but there have been times it shot up there, in my Dr's office, and was made to stay till it came back down,
that was from pain,
there are times you can not touch me, and I been stuck in bad, or wake up from pain and crying,
my hands want to stay closed all the time, my hair on my head has grown like crazy, but its falling out now, I see a lot more everyday,
I have RSD of the face also, I had one really bad flair up, before I knew about RSD, just thought it was from stress, but it was RSD, the pain from that, was none stop for about 3 mouths, I really thought I was going to rip my face off, or lose my mind,
the cold will send me in to spasms and take my down as soon as the cold air hits me, grooved nails and lost one toe nail now,
my burning pain started 3 days after the crash, to my right thumb, and that was the worse pain I had ever felt, to the point I could not stop crying in frunt of everyone in the Dr's waiting room, and on my way there and back
cried like a baby,
I was told by my PT that I went full body so fast due to I had a spinal cord injury that no one knew about and very bad whiplash, all from Trauma
I stop wearing my jeans and things like that almost from the start,
it felt like when I ran my hand over part of my skin, it was being torn open,
I even look for blood, the tearing feeling of my skin was really freaky
I get the temperature changes can be ice cold to the touch and sweaty
witch I never was a sweater person before, hate to have anything on my body, lose soft PJ's only, that has been almost from the start, about 4 mouths after my crash, that started slow, then I could not wear anything tight on me at all,
I have wasting of the muscles I do not walk much, I live alone, and fall a lot so I stay down, most of my days and nights,
oh and lets not forget the good old depression and anxiety, I can cry at the drop of a pin, headache I take only Baclofen for my spasms
I did the warm pool PT LOVE IT,

As far as going back, to my old Lawyer, I am not sure, I do know he knew about what RSD is, he won cases of them, from his web site,
he could of saved me a lot of harm, and worries, if he would of said something like to a Dr, that knew what to look for,
I just think I was an out of St, and I was an easy win for him,
how often do you hear of an Auto Ins Co paying out the max without taking any depos from no one but myself and the lady that hit me, and that was it
and they paid out the max, after that, it was fast,
then I learned I have RSD

now my new Lawyer, just for my auto ins co, there is not much I can do about him, we are to far in to this, and there is no money in it, not a lot, and he took my case before RSD again,

I been from NY to NJ to Ohio at the CC to the U of M all for pain,
no one seen what was going on right in fount of them
CC wanted me to do there pain and PT program,
my Ins Co said no, this is before, RSD and I still have my Auto In,
I was also told I would need surgery on my neck, my Auto Ins co again said no, and so on, its been a game to them from the start, they did not believe me that I had TMJ my back tooth broke in the back up in the gum, they had to pull it about 4 weeks after I was in the crash, and my Auto Ins co, would not pay for that, my ins lady ask me if my head went thou any thing
I said not that I know, she ask me if there was any glass broken, well no
so she said if my head did not go thou anything, then I did not have TMJ
and they would and did not pay for that, she said I did not have TMJ but then why couldn't I open my mouth?
I also was 700 mils from anyone I knew, I was on my way from Mich to NJ
to start a new Nanny Job, only to be hit on my way there, and not knowing anyone, and my SUV was some place in NY, with everything I own in it
it took my Ins Co 10 days to send someone out there to look at it,
you would think I had been a bad client, but the truth is, I never laps and never had a claim never had a ticket, and was with them for 10 years,
and I paid for full cover,
there is a lot more to this, but to much to go in to, like my EX hubby is an Ins guy also, they called him, to find out about my pass, and he lied, and told them things, that I knew was coming from him, I have not seen or and the last time I talk with that man, was back in 1999,
and this was before I ever sign anything to give them the right to talk with anyone about me, so I feel HIPPA laws have been brake here,

so now I am going back to the same IME Dr, and I am sure he is not going to say, that there is something wrong with me, after he lied about it the 1st time last year, but then again, why are they sending me back to the same one, ?? kind of odd if you ask me,

well are you as mix up as I am yet?

thank you for taking the time to read this and for all your help,
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