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Old 04-28-2009, 06:24 PM #11
Janke Janke is offline
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Originally Posted by Kathi49 View Post
Congratulations Ordinary Girl! I am happy for you!


You seem very knowledgeable about all of this. So, I was wondering if you could help me out on a calculation. I am a retired Fed and know that the WEP will affect me for having been a CSRS employee. But I was only a CSRS employee for a short time; then turning into CSRS OFFSET right around 1986. and avoiding FERS altogether. But before I go further I just wanted to know if you could help with calculation. In any case, I paid into SS for many years. I tried using the WEP calculator on the SSA website but am not so sure it is accurate. Thanks! Oh, and I had read that the GPO and WEP might be eliminated but am certain that will take awhile if ever.

Sorry Ordinary Girl, I didn't mean to hijack your thread. I apologize for that. It is just that Janke has responded with so much good information.
I am a CSRS offset retired fed (SSA -SSI claims rep specialist) as well (guess I am out of the closet)

As an SSI specialist, I am more familiar with SSI than I am with my own retirement and I am not an expert. I would trust the OPM web site. But, I will tell you that there MIGHT be some kind of exception to WEP as a CSRS Offset retiree if you have more than 20 years covered by Social Security, according to what I have read. So you need to read more. Also, CSRS Offset employees are exempt from GPO which helped a friend of mine who retired from SSA at age 60 as a CSRS offset annuitant AND was a widow. No reduction in her widow's benefit because of her CSRS pension which would have applied if she were strictly a CSRS employee, not a CSRS offset. In my retirement package, I got an estimate of the reduction in my CSRS offset annuity based on the Social Security that was estimated I would get at age 62. It wasn't that much. Didn't you get one? Another CSRS offset guy I met said he was really surprised at how low his reduction in his CSRS pension was when he turned 62. His SS retirement was significantly larger than the reduction in his CSRS pension. Of course, it is all based on individual numbers, dates, amounts. CSRS offset may actually be a better deal than straight CSRS and is definitely more generous than Social Security. You can google and find lots of information, not just at opm website. And I think I will double check this too for myself.

I can't imagine a Congress that would choose to eliminate WEP and GPO and pay out more in Social Security that would hasten the insolvency projections, no more than they would change the "notch" issue that so many now 85 year olds thought was so unfair. AARP may make alot of noise about it, but I can't see it happening and don't think it is financially viable.

To most of the posters at this site, we are talking a different language, but I thought I'd try to answer her question. But DON'T TRUST ME. My information is strictly anecdotal and may not apply to Kathy49.
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Old 04-28-2009, 06:58 PM #12
Kathi49 Kathi49 is offline
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Thanks Janke,

I think I will start another thread on this tomorrow since it is a little late and I don't want to disrupt this thread.

Yes, CSRS Offset is definitely the better deal. But it does get convoluted doesn't it? Anyway, there is more to my story. Suffice to say I am not 49 (older than that lol...just an older username). Also, I took the "Early Out" (VERA/VSIP) in 2005. So, I will leave at this for now and start a different thread tomorrow. Thanks!
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Old 07-23-2009, 12:45 PM #13
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Originally Posted by babie_racer_in View Post
My sons backpay just came in one large sum. We didnt need a lawyer to get him appoved so I dont know how that will work other than the lawyer im sure will get alot of your backpay. Congrat tho.
Hi, you said your son's came in one lump sum. My dad's did too as I just found out but it was only for 2 months. I did not know he filed for disability. I filed 2 years ago. My dad recently filed and got it right away. If mine does not go to the appeals, I was told that I would get it in installments 3 to be exact the first being $2200. I don't think I will end up with much. Anyway, I heard that I would get the SSI in installments and it would be soon, but the SSDI would be in 60-90 days. Now, I see people having to wait many months to a year and that depresses me. I was told no longer than 90 days. So in other words they lied to me at SSA and my attorney did too. My attorney doesn't care because he will get his money first. Anyway, I am really down now after hearing the wait periods everyone went through. Also that most people's cases go to the appeals. So now my being approved will probably be unapproved.
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Old 07-24-2009, 11:02 PM #14
Hoosier_Daddy Hoosier_Daddy is offline
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Default backpay

I would hope you do not need this money right away. They told me on the phone it could take months to get mine. I won on June 24th. I was told my monthly benefits will start the second week in August however.
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Old 07-25-2009, 02:58 PM #15
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Originally Posted by Hoosier_Daddy View Post
I would hope you do not need this money right away. They told me on the phone it could take months to get mine. I won on June 24th. I was told my monthly benefits will start the second week in August however.

I kind of do because they are going to take my car away and I promised to pay with in 3 weeks or they will take it. I am behind 2 months. Been paying as I can. Thanks.
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Old 12-21-2009, 10:50 AM #16
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Default How to apply for my son

Hello all,

I'm currently receiving ssi and ssdi and I tried to put my son on my record so he could have benefits and ssa said I was already receiving the "family maximum"...My question is do I need to file a seperate application for ssi and a seperate one for ssdi since these are two different programs and perhaps I applied for him on only one of these?? I do know there's sometimes technicalities involved...

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Old 05-26-2012, 02:35 PM #17
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Default Really need some info


I am brand new to this site but it seems like the place to hopefully get some info. I am a twiced divorced 52 yr old childless woman who has barely ever worked due to several disabilities. I was born with serious bilateral hip dysplasia resulting in 6 major surgeries between 1988-2001. I also shattered my left ankle 28 yrs ago which is now bone on bone. The worst though is I have always had a serious bipolar, ADHD, PTSD and learning disability in math!!!! At least after taking the 4 hr neuro-psych test two yrs ago I was told I had a genius IQ!!!!!!!!!!! It has not served me one bit ever! Anyway, my work background is little, and sporadic. I never worked more than a month anywhere due to pain, and really social interactive skills in the workplace. I am an artist but have never made a living from it. I was married twice to very successful men who knowing my disabilities always supported me. In fact they were saints, and my insanity pretty much pushed them to the brink!!

In 2005 after my second divorce I for the first time in my life was forced to apply for social security disability. I had never been taken the neuro-psych test despite 26 years of therapist after therapist. Knowing how seriously depressed I'd get, and them be flying on a high not a one of them ever suggested it. I was diagnosed with bad clinical depression . . . Period. The antidepressants never worked fully, and they tried one after the other after the other. I never felt right, and in fact went way down often. So, I apply, and of course get turned down. I reapply this time with a lawyer...turned down. Apply again...turned down. On the next appeal I believe it was, there was a hearing before a judge planned. The only income they had to go on was a job arranging flowers in 1999 that lasted for a month. The pay was minimum wage. The lawyer thought it was a no brainier, and that we had surely won. When the "enveloped" finally arrived it was an "unfavorable" decision based on the fact that I had owned a horse on the farm I had lived on!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, the "therapist" they sent me to for psychiatric evaluation determined i was "quite sad"!! I was in fact dissacoiative, and suicidal that day, and I told him so in a mad panicked state! The plethora of medical records also seemed to have zero affect on this idiot of a judge. I got rid of my lawyer who neglected to present all the information, and found myself one of the best in the state. They appealed again, but this time presenting the in depth neuro-psych test results, and a lengthy report from my new psychologist. He is just amazing, and the first to diagnose me correctly. He was appaled at the way my entire case was handled as were my GP and orthopedists. I finally got on meds including a mood stabilizer, something for the ADHD and the expert therapy I'd needed since I was a child. When I was 3 1/2 my legs were wrenched into a tortuous one piece metal split brace for which I was confined to for two years. I just recently found out that they didn't change my condition one little bit except to leave me with a whopper of a PTSD of which I'm still struggling madly with. It could have helped to attribute my fear of a work environment. I felt like a defective freak my whole life. We're working on all that now so it's getting better. I also found out that antidepressants alone can actually make bipolar worse!!!!! They need to be used in low doses or not at all depending on the severity of the bipolar, and a mood stabalizer is what needs to be given!!! Idiots all around. My therapist stated that he was disgusted with the colleagues of his profession. He has been fighting for me to get my disability since he met me. So, getting back to the case . . . After my new lawyer appealed the judges ruling it went to the council review board. They denied to review it stating the new evidence was not significent enough to overturn the ruling!!!!!!!!!! I then went and applied for SSI which I did get, but none of my Dr.s accepted Medicaid. Believe it or not they believe in me so much that my GP, and therapist (of course) have been treating me for free. I have no savings at all so I scrape by every month. My lawyer then requested the review board to take another look at my case . . . Denied. The only recourse was a civil case in federal court. My lawyer did not initially want to take it as so many lose. I told him he was a *****, and fearful of his litigation skills!!!! There's nothing like challenging a mans ego!!!!!! He said if my therapist consented to testifying in court if absolutely, and he write an even more compelling report he would take it. He also said he knew my Dr. would never consent. WRONG!!!! So . . . About 10 months ago we presented our case in federal court, and guess what? It was remanded!!!!!!!!! Finally someone had the balls to slap them all and say "shame on you". We are now waiting for a date to go back before the initial judge to have the case reheard but he got spanked hard!

My question now is if we win, and do get retroactive funds going back to 2005 will they tax me on it, and will my hopefully appointed SSDI be affected by it? I also have enormous medical bills that have not been paid. I'm assuming they will be paid by SS without affecting my funds. I just don't understand how this works, and haven't been able to get specific info online. I live in Rhode Island in case that means anything.

Thank you ror reading my novel. Im very sorry for it. That kind of rambling is a huge trait of the bipolar personality!!!!!!!
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Old 05-26-2012, 05:14 PM #18
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There is a very big IF here. IF YOU GET A FAVORABLE DECISION AND IF THE ONSET DATE IS DETERMINED TO BE 2005. Neither one may happen.

But, if it did, SSA will not be withholding your income tax and will not be paying your outstanding medical bills. Depending upon your date of onset and date of entitlement, you may be entitled to retroactive Medicare and you may be able submit unpaid bills to Medicare for partial payment, if it is covered by Medicare.

What will also happen is that all the SSI you have been paid will be paid back from any SSDI due for the same months and your current SSI benefits will either be reduced or stopped.

And you should have started your own post.
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Old 05-27-2012, 02:08 AM #19
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More people will see your post if you start your own thread rather than joining one that hasn't been posted to in 2.5 years.

With the repeated mention of a spotty work history due to your disabilities and times you didn't work because of support from your ex's.....Do you have the significant work history required to get SSDI based on your benefit ? Or are you trying to get it based on issues that arose in your childhood ? If the SSA recognized a start date of 2005 for your disability, would that qualify you for SSDI ?


Gee, this looks like a great place to sit and have a picnic with my yummy bone !
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Old 06-09-2012, 01:40 PM #20
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Smile how do i opt out of medicare part b

I just got approved "fully favorable" for disability. I am 46 and under my husbands insurance, so I don't need part B right now and they will be taking $99 a month from my SSDI payment. I wrote SS office and sent in the notice to opt out. How long will this take and will they reimburse me for the money thet have taken? I got approved at end of May and the are charging me back since January this year. Also, how long before my back pay comes. I appreciate any and all responses. Thanks so much to you all. Jules
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