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Dmom3005 09-20-2018 10:06 AM

oops, I forgot to say Derrick and I are going to Kokomo
to work on mom's house again this weekend.

It seems my sister's think one more weekend is enough.
I don't but I know they are getting tired of doing this.
And I can't get there enough. But that is life.

Anyway, Dale is supposed to come and help take some things
for us. But its supposed to rain all weekend. So that might
have to wait.

We are definitely at least Derrick and I doing some christmas
stuff, because he is taking some of the big things. NOt sure
where he will put it. But it will help.

He loves to decorate and she has a big christmas scene or two.
Thankfully my one sister said she wants the church. So that means
only one is still available for him. The village the bigger of the two.

Then the christmas things that needs sorted, like the ornaments
and other things that she has collected over the years. Wow, I was
just looking and I'm not sure we all of us together have enough room.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

mymorgy 09-20-2018 11:26 AM

you have a lot on your plate and trouble sleeping makes it so much worse.

OhKay 09-21-2018 08:59 AM

I hope that all goes well in Kokomo this weekend. I'm sure that Dale and Derrick will be a lot of help :hug:

Dmom3005 09-21-2018 10:04 AM

They will.

My head isn't helping already. Its wanting to start being
an pain. So we will start the trip tomorrow.

But that is okay. I cancelled my therapy today, just can't
handle an headache and driving.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 09-22-2018 08:26 AM

I hope that your headache gets better so that you can deal with all the crap at your mom's house this weekend :hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 09-23-2018 05:07 PM

Yes, it did get better.

My sister's and I did pretty good. I guess one of my sister's
kept asking Derrick yesterday before Dale got there with the
truck why I brought him. He finally told her so he could help
with the lifting, since I can't.

She should really know that because I can't lift and its obvious
when they are lifting and I'm not. I hate them having to
do that kind of work and me just watch.

Anyway he then said, but the other sister said she really appreciated
it. My 3rd sister wasn't there. We knew she might not be.
She was out of town.

We technically got lots done. Much of the christmas stuff.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 09-24-2018 08:35 AM

I feel really bad when I can't contribute to things, too. But I guess that's something we just have to accept sometimes :hug::hug::hug:

I'm glad that you got a lot done with the guys' help :)

Dmom3005 09-24-2018 09:25 AM


I know what will happen if I do the lifting. My arms if not even my
legs will let me know. So I do what I can and don't over do it.

I've learned that I need this therapy to work so I feel lots better.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 09-24-2018 10:26 AM

I used a p.t. that came to the apartment. It was wonderful!

Dmom3005 09-24-2018 01:23 PM


I'm glad you could use one at the apartment. I can't because
I am not home most of the time.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 09-24-2018 03:13 PM

that is too bad. when I went to places I didn't get much out of them. they mostly gave me tasks to do by myself like ride the bike and write the alphabet and didn't show me how to walk properly etc

Dmom3005 09-24-2018 05:26 PM

Yes, some of the people aren't good. But I've worked to make sure
I usually see the same girl or two.

This time I had to see a different main therapist because of my need.
But the assistant I see lots of the time is one I see lots of the time.
She is really good. The therapist is too.

And they listen when I say the things sent home to do to help strengthen
or help me with my problems are bothering my body. They either tell
me to discontinue or to cut down. I had already cut down on the one
that I felt was causing my problems, but she changed my need completely
and nixed both of the therapy band exercises. And the new ones are
working much better for my need and for the problem with my stiff
neck also. And its not even part of the therapy.

But it can cause problems with not getting rid of the liquid in my arms.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 09-24-2018 06:28 PM

yes you have to be home bound in order to

receive home health, I think that is a rule.

Dmom3005 09-25-2018 10:20 AM

Right I had home health PT, and OT when I had my accident with
my leg.

I really missed going to my Therapist then though. I really enjoy

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 09-26-2018 09:14 AM

I’m so happy you enjoy the PT, they are adjusting your exercises based on your needs, and it has/is helping you :hug:

I enjoyed my pool PT, and it helped me a lot.

bizi 09-26-2018 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1268107)
I’m so happy you enjoy the PT, they are adjusting your exercises based on your needs, and it has/is helping you :hug:

I enjoyed my pool PT, and it helped me a lot.

I am glad that the pool PT is helping you. YAY!

Dmom3005 09-27-2018 09:27 AM

Its been a long week so far.

Today, we have an workshop scheduled and are going to look at
doing webinar's in person for the bullying workshop. Weird as
that sounds.

Tomorrow I have an case conference in the morning, then
pt in the afternoon.

Kortni and Harmony moved into an smaller apartment. And I'm thinking
Dan is getting a little more depressed thinking of that. He goes back
to the doctor for refills today. And not sure what he will do tomorrow.
But then Kortni and Harmony will be here on Saturday so he can see
her. Ugh, I hate all this. I just wish they could have gotten back together.
But Dan needs to stay calmed down and things.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 09-30-2018 10:28 AM

It sounds like you will be a busy lady :hug:

Have you been able to find Dan work yet? That may help. It sounds like he is BPI like me... When I was working, I had an outlet for my energy, but when I stopped working, my BP got so much worse. If he had something to do to occupy himself, at least part-time, maybe he could calm down a little?
But at the same time, I understand it's hard to find a job if you can't calm down first...

I hope everything works out well for him soon, Donna :hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 09-30-2018 10:25 PM

We own rental houses. That my husband wants to sell as much as

As of right now, 2 or 3 are empty and we can start working on them.
Dan is going to help him with this.

So that will keep them both busy. Dan also helps once every two
weeks on Sunday to mow the farm and our houses around here.

So he is busy that day. He has gotten good at mowing. And this
is great. The hubby really needs his help. They and my brother-in-law
and his son go mow the farm.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 10-01-2018 01:37 PM

I'm so glad that he has some work to occupy himself. I hope that in time, it will help stabilize him more :hug:

Dmom3005 10-02-2018 02:54 PM

I've had a rough day yesterday. But I feel better somewhat today.

It took a bit of time. But I think I do better tomorrow and as the days go on.

I had an great conference for one of my parents today.


Mari 10-02-2018 11:02 PM

I hope that you have easier days, Donna.


OhKay 10-03-2018 07:03 AM

I'm sorry you had a bad day. I hope that you don't have many more :hug::hug::hug:

You have such a positive attitude, and that can only help :hug:

Dmom3005 10-03-2018 12:38 PM

Okay, I'm having an interesting day. Waiting is the game today.
I've been working to get Derrick an new company. Thought we
had it going on. Now they are still waiting to see.

I'm tired of doing all this waiting to see. We need a better program
on this stuff in Indiana.

I've gotten 4 new names this morning, that are taking in our area.
So If I have to start over I will.

Its a mess again.


OhKay 10-04-2018 07:22 AM

I'm sorry things aren't working out- yet again. Just more headaches for you both :hug::hug::hug:

I wish you luck that things work out with the least amount of leg work possible :hug:

Dmom3005 10-04-2018 09:30 AM

Thanks Kay.

I guess my son is now (Dan) on facebook telling strangers things he
doesn't need to. Sounds like he is a little maniac on facebook.

I haven't seen it or him. Only because he was smart enough not
to friend me. Seems Dale was helping him get I'm guessing pictures
of Kortni and Harmony off last night. I'm glad he could help him.

It wasn't safe to have their pictures on with I guess its 2000 friends,
that sounds like he doesn't know most of them.

He is also not sleeping at night. But sleeping during the day. I picked
his meds up the other day. And a new one for sleeping at night
is in there. I'm not sure but I think I need to give it to Dale for him
to watch him take for a while. Just so we know he doesn't overtake it
because its not working or something.

Life, has hit for him again. But its mainly the same as when he had
access to facebook before. He just will not be careful.
Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 10-04-2018 09:31 AM

I'm just waiting on word as to what is going on with Derrick and
the new providers. Or if I need to start looking again.

Just life with me lately it seems. I am just chilling right now.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 10-04-2018 09:45 AM

Sorry, just realized I didn't say anything about the third group.
And today is a very special Day for Grandson Will. Its his
12th birthday pre-teen grandson. Wow,

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 10-05-2018 02:29 AM

Happy 12th Birthday to Will.


mymorgy 10-05-2018 08:04 AM

Happy happy birthday!

bizi 10-05-2018 10:43 AM

Wow, can't believe will is 12!!!!!

OhKay 10-05-2018 11:48 AM

Happy Birthday Will!! :):):)

Social media can be activating...

It sounds like Dan is manic ((or possibly seriously hypo) right now. Just because he is sleeping does not mean he isn't manic. He probably needs a med tweak. Would he go to his pdoc willingly?

You always have so much on your plate, Donna :hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 10-05-2018 12:58 PM

He was just there last Thursday. THis is new so I'm not sure
what to think. Hopefully we will get it under control.
Or he will be going back for sure.

He sees his therapist on Monday. So that will help too.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 10-06-2018 01:12 PM

Going to a pdoc and/or therapist is only effective if a patient is truthful about the symptoms that they are experiencing. I know that because I've been down that road. You can speak to his pdoc about any concerns, but his pdoc can not speak to you :hug:

Dmom3005 10-09-2018 09:51 AM

I seem to have caught Derrick's cold or mess.

But we also cleaned up around my house over the weekend.
And Monday.

Its really messy with dust and things. So hoping that is part
of the problem.

Derrick will be tired tonight. They are working without any
of the cooks he really knows today. They all went to an
funeral of an cook who has been there for 40+ years.

He knew her too. And it really hit home for me she was
just 59 years old. An year younger than me.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 10-09-2018 03:33 PM

That's so sad about the cook... 59 is too young :hug:
I'm sorry that her death has made you think about your own mortality :hug::hug::hug:

I hope that Derrick has a good night despite cooking without his regular crew.

Dmom3005 10-09-2018 07:29 PM

Derrick had an great day. He got there and learned the other Courts sent
help. Which was what I had told him I was guessing would happen.

I guess they had gotten ready for the worst outcome. So he didn't have
to help with dish. They sent someone from one of the halls to do that.

He was if you ask me one of two they had thought could handle it.
He now learns when he gets home that he has an plumber coming
tomorrow his day off. THere is an leak somewhere that is raining
down to the apartment below.

My friend that comes over to help him, got word from the landlord.
So he is not happy he has to get up early. But he will live.

OhKay 10-10-2018 08:45 AM

Im so glad that things went well for him! :)

Dmom3005 10-11-2018 09:34 AM

Man I had to cancel on a parent for an case conference this morning.
I hate having to do that. But this cold or what ever really had ahold
of me during the night and this morning. I just couldn't get out
of bed. It just wasn't in the cards.

I also cancelled on my parent that I was meeting this afternoon, which
I will reschedule sometime next week I hope.

Its just what it takes someday.

I honestly finally feel better when I got up this morning. But that
first few hours along with last night was an dozy. I think I might
have been sweating a fever. But can't tell I tossed all my old thermometer.
They were dirty or other things. But it wasn't bad if I was so just life.

I had bought a better cough medicine and that is what has been helping more I'm pretty sure. Or just it got its worst and is now putting me back in the living. Which I'm glad for.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 10-11-2018 01:59 PM

Hope you feel better!

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