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OhKay 07-05-2019 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1277267)
I wrote her again and says she believes in magical thinking and is afraid of reality

LOL I love that... You are hilarious! :D

OhKay 07-05-2019 07:44 AM

It is okay to wait for the Linzess to work. You were cleaned out from the colonoscopy prep, so it would be a good time to wait for it to work because you wouldn't be backed up.

Drinking too much coffee without eating can make you nauseated, but I do it all the time anyway :o

I'm glad that you are enjoying reading, listening to your music, and patting the kitties. You would love Buddy... he will not leave me alone for a minute, and is constantly climbing all over me!

mymorgy 07-05-2019 07:50 AM

I definitely would love Buddy!

OhKay 07-05-2019 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1277272)
I definitely would love Buddy!

He can be exhausting though. It's hard to do things with him climbing all over me, or laying on my lap all the time.

Dmom3005 07-05-2019 08:27 PM

That would be my Angel also.


Dmom3005 07-05-2019 08:28 PM

And maybe

Stella doesn't know what IBS is.

Idiot Busy Syndrom.

mymorgy 07-06-2019 04:32 AM

Stella goes to Amma. I don't know if you have heard of her. I went once years ago and couldn't wait to get out of there. She seemed surrounded by evil body guards. Stella thinks she is a devine being and helps her. She has always gone after these people. I had asked her isn't God enough, I just wrote her that God only wants us to worship Him and not to commit idolatry. I am so angry at her.
I am so depressed. The antidepressant hasn't started working yet. My stomach is hurting. I ate too much yesterday. Yesterday I woke up and it was okay. I will make an appointment with the g.i. doctor on Monday. I don't know if it is related to constipation or a combination of things, I ordered from Amazon no salt vegetable soup.

mymorgy 07-06-2019 06:32 AM

I just got turmeric Curcumin for my lower pain. I hope it works. The antidepressant worked! I am so afraid how much money I spent this month.
I should ask the pdoc for something for my spending. I am out of control. I also have been having some cognitive difficulties. I took my medicine and instantly forgot if I took the antidepressant so I took another one. I am really having trouble with spelling

OhKay 07-06-2019 08:35 AM

With Buddy I have no doubt that I am dearly loved. When I was in the hospital, all the poor thing did was lay in bed all day. Corey felt really bad for him.

Stella sounds really hard to handle. You put up with a lot of crap from her. I would not be able to have the patience to listen to all that BS all the time.

I think that the gastroenterologist will be able to get to the bottom of things, and will be able to offer you some kind of relief for your symptoms (((HUGS)))

I hate it when I can't remember if I took my pills or not. I have pill cases, but I make way too many med mistakes, especially for the heavy meds I take :o

mymorgy 07-06-2019 09:30 AM

Poor Buddy! I just called up the pharmacy to see if I have refills for Aplenzin. I have three left but the f@#king a-hole doctor wrote for 30 each instead of 90. This way I have to pay 20 dollars each where I could have paid 20 for 90. I have been so irritable and angry for a while now.
stella just made it worse.I thought that after I had the colonoscopy with fine results and the new ac I would be in the greatest mood. What is wrong with me? My stomach is okay now since I went to the bathroom. I took more Phillips last night and Linesse this morning. I bought another top because it was a great price. I have four books on my bed which I started but can't figure out which one to continue reading. I am so f@#ked up.
I am so sorry your getting confused at times with your medication.
still listening to Josh Groban.

mymorgy 07-06-2019 12:32 PM

do you think I am depressed? I just feel like laying in my bed and reading and petting my cats. I have a big terrace but don't even feel like going out on that. I should be taking vitamin d since I am hardly outside. I thought the antidepressant was working. I am just so tired and sad. Everything is an effort.

OhKay 07-07-2019 08:12 AM

You can call your pdoc and ask him to send in an amended script for next time instead of paying the higher price...

I wish you would go see him so you can talk to him in person and discuss whether or not you are depressed and need another med. From what you have said in the past, he seems cautious, so I don't think he would put you on anything crazy :hug::hug::hug:

I'm so sorry that you aren't doing as well as you had hoped you would after the colonoscopy. I hope that there are better days to come (((HUGS)))

mymorgy 07-07-2019 09:18 AM

nothing else has worked. I have to pay 125 dollars to see him. for him to write a script costs 49 dollars unless it is at the appt. this is the closest antidepressant that has worked.I have tried I think all of them.
just bought two more tops

Mari 07-07-2019 02:36 PM


Vitamin D can help some people with depression.


mymorgy 07-07-2019 03:18 PM

thanks so much. I have it and forget to take it. I am not outdoors much at all.

mymorgy 07-08-2019 06:04 AM

i woke up with stomach ache and nausea. I didn't take phillips last night but took Linesse this morning. so far nothing has happened. I had oatmeal last night but I think I run into trouble taking fiber. I am depressed but haven't taken the antidepressant yet. Yesterday and the day before I was so hungry and ate too much.
Robert came over with his dog Danny yesterday. He fixed my blood pressure machines and set my new alarm clock. I gave Danny a package of hamburg and two bones. He is such a chewer. Yesterday when Robert and I weren't watching he started chewing his leash. Thank God Robert didn't see but Danny was chewing on a battery also and we both saw him chew on plastic.
The coffee is making me feel a little better. I keep on thinking that the pain is trapped gas. I try antacids but they don't work. If the Linesse doesn't work in a half an hour I will take some Phillips caplets or magnesium citrate.
He really liked the design of the clock so I asked him he wanted me to get him one.He thought and said no. later I was relieved. It cost me 20 dollars..Last time he came over I told him I would keep on supplying Danny with bones besides the hamburg.
The coffee is making me feel better now. The nausea is gone. I will call the doctor in the afternoon for an appointment. He probably will have a endoscopy and I will ask him for another laxative.
" There are a few types of fiber that you can consume with instant and pre-made types the most common. However, oatmeal can be quite bothersome for those who suffer from constipation, since this food is loaded with high amounts of fiber."
"One 6-month study in 63 people found that for people with chronic idiopathic constipation, a low-fiber or even a no-fiber diet drastically improved their symptoms. Removing the fiber basically cured them of the constipation (18Trusted Source)."
Just made another cup of coffee. It seems to help. I went a little.
2. Drink Coffee
Coffee lovers can rejoice that the bitter-tasting substances in their cup of Joe can actually stimulate the digestive tract and provide constipation relief. Drinking coffee can not only help you use the bathroom, but also pass softer, easier stools. While there are no large-scale studies on this subject, researchers believe drinking coffee can stimulate the movement of the colonic muscles and promote peristalsis — the coordinated contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscles that causes bowel movements — at a fast rate, according to, Boston’s NPR news station. Decaffeinated coffee can help bowels, but it won’t do so at the same rate as caffeinated coffee."
"You have vitamin C tablets at home. You got constipation suddenly and you want a quick relief. So, you can take whatever available at home that is safe and effective. Then you can take some of your high dose vitamin C tablets. You need up to 5000 mg for an effective relief."

OhKay 07-08-2019 09:21 AM

Don't bother asking the doctor for another laxative if you keep taking the Philips caps and magnesium citrate. You are not constipated if you are going to the bathroom every day. It is pointless for you to take the Linzess, or another prescription laxative, because you are not giving it an opportunity to work and keep taking OTC laxatives instead.

Linzess is an IBS med that is also supposed to "help calm pain-sensing nerves" in the intestines, but it may not work that way because you are taking so much OTC stuff... Your abdominal discomfort is probably not because you can't poop because you are pooping almost every day, Bobby.

For trapped gas, I take Gas-X after I eat and before I go to bed. It can help, but not once the gas is already in your intestines.

Mari 07-08-2019 09:53 AM


I wish things were easier for you.


mymorgy 07-08-2019 10:04 AM

I didn't take anything last night but relied on Linesse in the morning. Only a little happened. gasx doesn't help. I don't like taking six or even caplets to get results. I don't take that much magnesium citrate. I think it is a build up of gas over night and I feel so rotten when I wake up. I don't like the nausea and the bloating

mymorgy 07-08-2019 10:47 AM

okay. If i don't take anything I am definitely constipated.

Mari 07-08-2019 10:52 AM


This might sound nuts but sometimes I have to remind myself to
drink fluids.

When I get enough water, I do better.


Mari 07-08-2019 10:54 AM

Does movement help?

For example, when you go out to walk somewhere does that help?


mymorgy 07-08-2019 11:16 AM

I don't move much because of my stroke and lower back pain. I drink a lot of water. I have also been so exhausted. I turn a lot of pages lol and go to the bathroom to pee a lot.

Dmom3005 07-08-2019 12:21 PM


I can't remember do you take Iron? That is what I have learned
when I'm really exhausted I need to make sure I'm taking my iron.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

mymorgy 07-08-2019 12:31 PM

my cardiologist said I was a little anemic and I asked him if I should take iron. He said no but I will try it. Isn't iron more constipating?

mymorgy 07-08-2019 12:43 PM

I just bought some from amazon and it said non constipating. Thank you so much

Dmom3005 07-08-2019 01:46 PM


I just know that is I'm exhausted enough to need iron. Then the constipation is not worsesome for me. I need iron and get it.

i would also suggest you try bran cereal instead of oatmeal if you can
handle that. I like to use it with lots of milk to make it taste better.


mymorgy 07-08-2019 01:54 PM

I am sort of afraid. I still have only gone a tiny amount. I just took magnesium citrate. My stomach is still bothering me. My AC is comfortable.
Thank you again

Dmom3005 07-08-2019 08:59 PM


It sounds like it may be more a problem of the amount you are
eating than the constipation. So I don't know how to help you.

Maybe if you could go on a liquid or soft diet that would help.


mymorgy 07-09-2019 06:24 AM

I am thinking of drinking a lot of soup. I have been looking for no salt or low sodium salt. My friend has the same thing. She has had all sorts of tests and they haven't been able to help her. I will ask her more about what she is able to eat. Today I woke up with discomfort but not nausea. I gave up on Linesse and just using phillips caplets mostly. Only lately have I been eating a lot. I am just so nervous. The constipation has been going on for years but after I took Depakote I started experiencing all the discomfort and nausea which hasn't gone away. Because of stress I lost 18 pounds fast but the depakote made me gain about 7 pounds.

mymorgy 07-09-2019 07:56 AM

I bought more soup. I decided to postpone going to the g.i. doctor after speaking to my friend who has the same thing I have.I just can't take more stress. I am so glad I never had children and could have passed on my bipolar to them. too much suffering

mymorgy 07-09-2019 07:07 PM

just took a nap and woke up with a stomach ache. right now I can't take the stress of going through endoscopy. I had some bread before I took the nap.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Each person’s experience with IBS is very different, but many experience occasional stomach pain or abdominal pain.

In addition to stomach pain, you may also experience:


Mari 07-10-2019 04:23 AM


I wish you felt better.


mymorgy 07-10-2019 08:06 AM

I am so scared and terrified. I am just so stressed and alone. i am going to try to make an appointment with the g.i. doctor and arrange for an endoscopy.

OhKay 07-10-2019 08:11 AM

I'm sorry that you are so uncomfortable all the time. I know that you are worried, and frustrated (((HUGS)))

Here is a link to a page that has suggestions about things that can trigger IBS symptoms, and some things that you can eat that may be easier on your stomach:

IBS Triggers and Prevention: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Food to Avoid & Triggers

I think that it's a good idea that you postponed the upper endoscopy. You just had the colonoscopy, and that was very stressful for you (((HUGS)))

I'm so glad you have your AC.
What book are you reading now?

OhKay 07-10-2019 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1277455)
I am so scared and terrified. I am just so stressed and alone. i am going to try to make an appointment with the g.i. doctor and arrange for an endoscopy.

Please disregard what I said in my last post about the upper endoscopy... I'm sure you have already read it by now.

I'm sorry that you are so scared :hug::hug::hug:
What has triggered the feelings about wanting to have the test done so soon?

(((BIG HUGS))) to you

mymorgy 07-10-2019 09:37 AM

I am reading one by Patricia Oliver. I hope to finish it soon. I just ordered three more books by her. I have read so much about IBS. I don't know if I wrote that I am starting to drink more soup. also I am going to have more eggs. I haven't eaten red meat or chicken in a long time.Vegetables and salad don't appeal to me now. I am afraid of fruits. Zeynep has been taking a few kiwi a day and it helps her constipation big time. I have been feeling so rotten when I wake up. I also wonder if I have gastritis. I know how bad stress is. I tried calling the doctor this morning but I couldn't leave a voicemail. I will call this afternoon. I drink now a few cups of coffee a day with half and half.The coffee besides the phillips helps. I can't do without coffee. Antacids don't work. I wish I weren't so scared and stressed.I hope he can make me feel better. I have such a poor quality of life. The klonopin isn't working that great. I so anxious.
since I have been giving abby those low calorie fish treats she is very attentive.
oh i get no exercise and always so fatigued. that doesn't help.

mymorgy 07-10-2019 12:33 PM

i just bought coq10 with pqq. My friend Suri said it is giving her energy

mymorgy 07-10-2019 12:47 PM

I just made an appt to see Dr warman on 24th at 11. i have an appt at 10 something on the 22 with a cardiologist to see if she can get me repatha(sp)
the insurance company turned her down at first-for high cholesterol

bizi 07-10-2019 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1277154)
the ac came.. I am waiting for them to come up and install it


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1277160)
my apartment is so nice and cool!

i am so happy for you!!!!

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