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Cchines 03-30-2020 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pryjmak (Post 1285116)
Hi Cchines, Batbite has been a great comfort to me after reading her story and how far she has come. I am so sorry you have been dealing with adverse side effects from the vaccine. I have posted my story a few weeks back. Now 4 months post last shot, I still have muscle aches, neuropathic pains from head to toe. Ongoing diarrhea. The anxiety has calmed down a bit.

But I too have THROAT ISSUES since 12/2019. Throat feels swollen/dryish and overall just bothersome. Started with a dry cough and seen by PCP who simply said it was a virus, to f/u only if I developed a fever...which I never did. To make it worse, the anxiety medications I was put on have listed side effect of (dry mouth) and these made my throat 10 x worse. I now have to control anxiety without meds.

I checked online concerning throat and anxiety can cause muscles to tense and this can cause the feeling of throat thickening. I plan on going to a doctor once the Covid-19 is no longer a threat. If you are on anxiety medications, this may be making the throat worse.

I use throat lozenges and biotene spray to keep throat moist, along with lots of water, ice chips also help. Theraworx is like magic to control muscle aches. If you follow up with a doctor on the throat, please keep us posted on the outcome. I have noticed improvement in my side effects and keeping a positive attitude has helped a great deal. Keep the Faith.

It’s been almost 2 weeks since my last shot and my throat goes dry off and on, it also feels like there something stuck in it. So I feel your pain. The worst of it is gone helpfully. I haven’t had a bad flare in a week now, just a little weakness and some muscle pain now and then. Looks like the worst is over. The anxiety has decreased severely too!! Thank goodness for this forum and everyone’s experience, it has truly got me through. I’ll keep checking on this site weekly just to keep everyone updated and to give others comfort if they find themselves in the same situation. Thanks everyone!!

Tobius 04-11-2020 10:55 PM

Tuming in for Hope
Hi all how'av y'all been holdin. I hope its good :). Dont give up guys. Ive had a flare up a few days ago but I'm doing fine no biggie. And I am here to remind yall we can and we will make it. God bless.

Unbitten 04-12-2020 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Tobius (Post 1285481)
Hi all how'av y'all been holdin. I hope its good :). Dont give up guys. Ive had a flare up a few days ago but I'm doing fine no biggie. And I am here to remind yall we can and we will make it. God bless.

I've stumbled on this group two weeks ago when I was in the midst of the worst time of my life. My case was weird one. One day while playing cricket, a dog entered the field and took away the tennis ball we were playing with. I retrieved the ball and played with it. I washed my hand but only with water from a bottle, not very thoroughly. And then up on fixing the rubber grip on a bat and was at it for more than an hour and I happened to skin the palm of my right hand. A little patch of about 8mm dia. It didn't bleed. And I forgot about for three weeks until I was reading about corona virus and remembered about rabies. Thus began the spiral of my googling about it, doubting of my chances to very rapidly believing that the end is nigh. Enter anxiety. I have a little baby girl who just began walking. Oh how I wept thinking of how stupid I was for not washing my hands properly and for not getting vaccinated soon enough. I met a few doctors who totally brushed off my worries. But fuelled by anxiety, symptoms began showing. Lightly numbed right thumb and index finger which twitched a couple of times. Tightened throat. Seeing my plight, a doctor friend of mine in consultation with an MD suggested I get the vaccine anyway. I got the first one when there was heightened numbness in the right palm, cold feeling as well. I then stumbled upon this group and read most of the stories and my fear vanished. As of now, it's been a week since the last shot. Various locations in the body have been experiencing some very mild twitches, coldness etc. I'm sure there will be more to come. Once in a while doubt creeps leading to anxiety. Thanks to Batbite and others, Im coping up!

Batbite24 04-13-2020 01:15 PM

Thank you for sharing your experience, and may everything go well for you post vaccine. We all have a soft heart for stray and loose animals, but it is so important to remember that it doesn't take a bite, just a lick and broken skin. Thanks for the reminder.

Cchines 04-16-2020 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Unbitten (Post 1285517)
I've stumbled on this group two weeks ago when I was in the midst of the worst time of my life. My case was weird one. One day while playing cricket, a dog entered the field and took away the tennis ball we were playing with. I retrieved the ball and played with it. I washed my hand but only with water from a bottle, not very thoroughly. And then up on fixing the rubber grip on a bat and was at it for more than an hour and I happened to skin the palm of my right hand. A little patch of about 8mm dia. It didn't bleed. And I forgot about for three weeks until I was reading about corona virus and remembered about rabies. Thus began the spiral of my googling about it, doubting of my chances to very rapidly believing that the end is nigh. Enter anxiety. I have a little baby girl who just began walking. Oh how I wept thinking of how stupid I was for not washing my hands properly and for not getting vaccinated soon enough. I met a few doctors who totally brushed off my worries. But fuelled by anxiety, symptoms began showing. Lightly numbed right thumb and index finger which twitched a couple of times. Tightened throat. Seeing my plight, a doctor friend of mine in consultation with an MD suggested I get the vaccine anyway. I got the first one when there was heightened numbness in the right palm, cold feeling as well. I then stumbled upon this group and read most of the stories and my fear vanished. As of now, it's been a week since the last shot. Various locations in the body have been experiencing some very mild twitches, coldness etc. I'm sure there will be more to come. Once in a while doubt creeps leading to anxiety. Thanks to Batbite and others, Im coping up!

After my first shot my right arm and leg started tingling for a couple of hours and when that stopped my right thigh felt extremely weak. Then the next day my right jaw felt tight and numb then I got a headache. I also had urinary urgency too. The symptoms will come and go but it does get better. I still flare ups that involve fast heartbeat and an anxiety feeling, or muscle weakness but it’s not as intense as it was when I first got the shots. I haven’t had a really bad flare in about a week now. Still don’t feel normal but much better overall. It will get better, hang in there!

Unbitten 04-23-2020 07:19 AM

Nice to read that you are doing good. My case seems scary as of now. I have had mild loss of sensitivity on my limbs to a varying degree. There was occasional pins and needles and a constant worry that my limbs were weakening. I'm a 32 yr male of lean build. Muscles are just about minimum. A week after the last shot I noticed that I don't really 'feel' my muscles. I can control them and found no motor changes. And day before yesterday I found out that I'm not sweating enough. I live in Chennai and I used to sweat profusely. Now my arms and legs hardly do. My head and trunk seem to be doing better. I checked by standing in the afternoon sun for a while. I'm utterly scared. With no hospitals open and the lock out for covid19 I have no means of of getting tested. I consulted a neurologist online who suggested anxiety meds for 2 weeks. Came here hoping to find some answers.

Cchines 04-23-2020 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Unbitten (Post 1285768)
Nice to read that you are doing good. My case seems scary as of now. I have had mild loss of sensitivity on my limbs to a varying degree. There was occasional pins and needles and a constant worry that my limbs were weakening. I'm a 32 yr male of lean build. Muscles are just about minimum. A week after the last shot I noticed that I don't really 'feel' my muscles. I can control them and found no motor changes. And day before yesterday I found out that I'm not sweating enough. I live in Chennai and I used to sweat profusely. Now my arms and legs hardly do. My head and trunk seem to be doing better. I checked by standing in the afternoon sun for a while. I'm utterly scared. With no hospitals open and the lock out for covid19 I have no means of of getting tested. I consulted a neurologist online who suggested anxiety meds for 2 weeks. Came here hoping to find some answers.

Hi unbitten! It will get better. I’ve noticed that my sympathetic system gets out of wack sometimes; irregular heartbeat, fast heart rate at weird times but it’s not as intense now as it was 4 weeks ago. If the symptoms tend to come and go then you should be fine. Lots of us on here experiences perceived weakness and not real weakness to the point where you can’t grasp something or stand. I notice that my flares are worse at night and that makes sense because cortisol levels drop at night and a lot of the symptoms are caused by inflammation and cortisol suppressed inflammation. Anyway try to take it one day at time. It will probably get worse before it gets better but it will get better. Your flares will decrease as time goes on. It’s not all in your head and it’s not just anxiety.

LakynBerringer90 04-26-2020 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by loominator (Post 1104592)
I received the first two rounds of RabAvert rabies vaccine (immunoglobbulin plus initial vaccine and then the 2nd vaccine a couple days later) for bat exposure. There was a bat in the house in our daughters' room when my wife woke up in the middle of the night and found a bat flying around their room. The county health department was notified by our landlord, and they in turn called us and insisted that everyone in the home get the rabies vaccine since we couldn't confirm how long the bat was in our house and no one witnessed it entering. NOTE TO GOOGLE SEARCHERS - IF THERE IS A BAT IN THE HOUSE (OR YOU ARE EXPOSED/BITTEN BY A POTENTIALLY RABID ANIMAL) CATCH IT AND HAVE IT TESTED FOR RABIES!!! It could save you lots of pain.

Anyhow, about 2 hours after the 2nd shot I began to feel pins and needles, numbness, and tingling in the arm where the shot was administered and it spread to my left foot and put my brain into a deep fog. I finally went to bed around 2 AM and felt somewhat better besides the pesky light tingling in my left foot in the AM. But symptoms would creep in each day since then. I received the 2nd shot on Aug 8th, so about 2 1/2 months ago, and I have been on a roller coaster ride of side effects ever since then. Luckily, perhaps even by the grace of God, neither of my two daughters nor my wife have experienced any of these symptoms and I wish it to stay that way.

My left foot/leg and left hand/arm are most affected it seems - although it does not discriminate since at times both legs and both arms are tingling/pins/needles and even occasionally go a bit numb. But most of the time it is my left leg/foot and my left hand/forearm that flare up. It comes and goes all throughout the day - and recently it went away for about a week. Then, about a month ago, during the week of not much tingling/pins/numbness, my eyes would feel sore and I would get headaches multiple times a day. Now all symptoms come on daily at vary degrees of strength. For example, I awoke in the middle of the night a few times with both arms numb and tingly and my heart would race and beat irregularly. Today, I awoke to tingling and pins in both my feet and the foggy mind that tns spoke of in the first post. I make it to work just about every day as I have a desk job, but there have been days where I cannot put 2 and 2 together and my body feels like it is falling apart and I have had to stay home twice now in the last 2 months and I fear it will be more.

I feel my condition peaked around week 4-6 - but it is hard to tell if things have gotten worse, esp since there was a week of almost symptom-less days in between. If anything, I am about the same, maybe a bit worse than weeks 4-6. I have a laundry list of symptoms, but I'll list them all in order of what bothers me most currently:

Tingling/Numbness/Pins&Needles in feet/hands/legs/arms(60-80% of the time - different limbs one day to the next) - brought on a limp in my left leg since it is most affected so far
foggines in thought(70%)
fatigue/just plain slow at doing things (60-70%)
headaches(50% of the time)
eye pain/discomfort (behind eyes mostly)(50%)
facial numbness (cheeks, rarely lips)(25%)
muscle/joint pain - mostly knees, sometimes forearms and wrists (20%)
heartbeat skips (10%)
neck pain (10%)

Tns and ATX both spoke of having somewhat similar symptoms and now poor SaraBee's daughter, but I am very curious about all symptoms others have had and the time table of when they came/went and when they began to feel better.

Thanks everyone for making and adding to this post. These posts and other sites are all I have right now. I have a nuero appointment this week, but who knows what that will lead to.

Hello has anyone had a good outcome? I've received my second shot today and I've been in a panic all day. Headache diarrhea now my legs feel numb and slight prickly feeling in my right hand and foot. Plus it feels like my foot may fall asleep but it's kinda in limbo.... can anyone talk to be tell me what to do? Went back to the er 2 hours after the 2nd shot with racing heart and a general warm feeling all over my body and I was itchy but no hives. Thinking about not getting the other 2. I came in contact with a coyote pup. I was holding it in a thorn patch so idk if it scratched me or not. They are doing the rabies vaccines as a safety measure.... please someone help scared

LakynBerringer90 04-26-2020 08:01 PM

Hello I'm not even sure if I'm doing this right but I'll give it a try.
3 days ago I may or may not have been scratched by a coyote pup my own stupid fault but anyways i have 2 young kids at home and after I help the darn thing I started freaking out. I help the pup in a thorn patch so I have no clue of it scratched me or not. My friend who was with me Insists it did not and it was just cut up by the thorn bushes but either way the pup laid on my arms that were cut open. The doctors say that if it cleaned itself before I picked it up I could be at risk and it's best to continue with the series. I had my second one today 4 26 2020 an hour after I had a racing heartbeat and I felt very warm no temp but felt very warm. I went back to the er I was told to expect side effects every vaccine has them well I then developed diarrhea I have crohns so I'm use to that well I started to have a feeling of numbness in my right foot and hand and now I have a prickly feeling too.... I'm freaking out and wondering if I should even get the other 2 vaccines.... this has be scared to death... advise please because idk what the heck to do

Batbite24 04-27-2020 07:44 AM

Hello LakynBerringer 90, glad you found us on this site, sorry for your current experiences. As Unbitten recently reminded us, broken skin and animal saliva = rabies risk. As unpleasant as your symptoms are, I'd follow the doctors advice and finish the series. Your Crohns complicates things for sure. Ask your doctors about the option of taking an antihistamine before your next injections, it is what got me through the series with my allergy problems. My heart goes out to each and every one who experiences these neurological side effects. It's hard. An awful choice between the side effects and rabies. I had a "mantra" of sorts going through 2 1/2 years of neurological hell, "Rabies is a death sentence." And there is so much to live for. This past March (2020) marked three years since I was hit with the worst of my symptoms, and I am fine, doing very well. The decision is yours, but I'd advise listening to your doctors.

LakynBerringer90 04-27-2020 10:02 AM

Thank you for getting back to me. My PCP advised me to go threw with the last 2. I talked to her for a good 30 minutes today. She said if I do end up with GBS it's not a death sentence. The rabies on the other hand is. She said most people who had GBS have normal lives like 95 percent plus. I got an anxiety med too. It's just scares me I have an 8 year old and a 2 year old and I dont want them to be without a mother. I have never had a reaction to any vaccine before like this. I have got the flu vaccine for mang many years and nothing. I'm just so scared I go back for the 3rd one on the 30th. Plus i was told a week ago my crohns is attacking my vision just very stressed at the moment.... i want to live life is so beautiful. I love my kids they drive me crazy at times and I've said to myself I wish I could go back and change having kids but I dont mean it and I'm so terrified I may leave them without a mother or I may end up paralyzed... God help me is all I can say.... drinking my usual 1 gallon of water a day taking my normal vitamins.... and praying....

LakynBerringer90 04-27-2020 10:34 AM

I just feel like I'm waiting to die from all of this... like it's going to have a very bad outcome...

Batbite24 04-27-2020 12:39 PM

Wish I could give you a big hug. I have no idea how Crohns would factor in to this. Vaccines do mess with the immune system. Does your Dr. Know you drink a gallon of water a day? Do you watch your electrolytes? That's an awful lot of water. Please keep us posted here. I know the fear is an awful thing to deal with. I'll be keeping you and your family in prayer. I personally know two people who came through GBS and are now doing fine. One has just a small residual facial paralysis, and the other went on to have three healthy children (one set of twins!)

LakynBerringer90 04-27-2020 02:12 PM

I go for my 3rd on the 30th. I will definitely write back. Like I said I talked to my PCP she told me to continue them unless with the next one stuff gets worse with my side effects but she said after the 3rd one i might be good? But she cant guarantee that like any doctor would say. She said after the first injection she had people quit. I want to try to continue i just hope these symptoms dont last. I want to be there for my kids. God do I love them. I have drank that much water for so long now. It helps me I feel. I had a blood clot behind my placenta with my son so I drank and drank and drank to try to get my body to absorb it and miraculously it did. Thank the good Lord. Have you heard of anyone having symptoms like this batbite24 and them being fine after the series was done?

Batbite24 04-27-2020 02:58 PM

Yes, me. With each injection I felt spacey, hot, flushed face, really weird sensation in the palms of my hands...tingling, and for some reason like I had large steel spikes through my palms, prickling in the soles of my feet, left hand warm, right hand like ice, racing heart, sweaty palms. No headache, no diarrhea. After the second shot when the nurse nurse saw my red face, she too, was concerned about an allergic reaction. That's when my MD suggested the antihistamine, and the infectious disease Doctor concurred. I took a dose 30-40 minutes before receiving the next two shots. It also helped with anxiety. I don't think any two human beings are genetically identical, really, and we all react differently. As I said in previous posts, my husband had the series too, and other than some fatigue short term, he was fine. I was quite the mess for 2+ years, which is just what my neurologist predicted when I ended up consulting one and having EEG tests, etc. From the various posts, you can tell it took people varying lengths of times to recover if they had adverse reactions. There's just no way to accurately call it as to what will happen.

LakynBerringer90 04-27-2020 05:12 PM

My husband is going for a walk to see if he can find any of the pups out. He said he hates seeing me like this. Can you tell me a little about your experience with this? My pages wont load right batbite24

I'm sorry if I'm nagging or being annoying I just cant believe how scared I am.....

LakynBerringer90 04-27-2020 05:14 PM

I had diarrhea and an awful headache after. Within the first 2 hours. I got told by the one ER doctor that I'm not going to have any type of reactions to this series of shots until after the last one and he said if its going go to be bad it's going to be bad.... that scared the hell out of me.... still does

LakynBerringer90 04-27-2020 07:16 PM

Batbite24 does trippin2 ever chat anymore? We would be about the same age. I'm a 29 year old female from PA. Just wondered. I have no one to talk to about my problems. Everyone tells me I'm crazy or oh be quiet you will be fine. I know my anxiety ays a terrible roll. As soon as I set down my mind wonders and way overthink .... I have the tingling and pins and needles feelings in my feet and fingers but my anxiety is making it all so much worse

LakynBerringer90 04-28-2020 04:28 AM

Batbite24 when the people you knew had GBS did their legs feel very heavy? I woke up at 330 with my husband and I had to get up at 430 so I just stayed awake. I felt fine when I woke up laying in bed no tingling no pins and needles but then idk I thought what is going on and I've been having a panic attack I think. It's now 530am.... idk I'm trying to be positive but its wearing off I'm thinking about getting the 3rd vaccine and stopping. This is absolutely terrible. I dont want to die....

Batbite24 04-28-2020 09:07 AM

No, it wasn't a matter of "heaviness" in the legs. It was very rapid total paralysis spreading from the feet to the head. Both literally fell down on their faces unable to stand and were brought to the ER just in time to be intubated. I don't think anyone on this forum had GBS as a complication from the rabies vaccine. One of the cases, my husband's cousin, had received the Swine Flu vaccine back in the day, the other was a young lady from our church about five years ago, and I have no idea whether her case was vaccine related or not. Pray, keep in touch with your doctor for making decisions, and let us know how you are doing please.

Re-reading your last post reminds me of some of my journal entries when I was going through it. Deep in the wee hours of the morning, sitting at the dining room table writing because I just didn't know what else to do. Insomnia and anxiety were definitely experienced by many of us.

LakynBerringer90 04-28-2020 10:19 AM

At the PCP now they are going to decide what to doom very scared. My legs feel so heavy I can barely walk I'm trying to tell my mind to just move and it's getting hard

LakynBerringer90 04-28-2020 11:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
How long after the vaccine did the GBS cause paralysis? I just sat with them they think I am having a reaction. They want me to get the 3rd one and if I have more of a reaction then I can not get the 4th. She said if GBS is going to set in then it will be within 4 weeks from the first vaccine. She also said they typically see more GBS with infection weather it be viral or bacterial. They want to keep monitoring me. I told them I have a terrible ringing in my ears too. I don't know if it's just from the stress or what. I feel so stressed it's not even funny. My body just feels so drained because of my thoughts.... when I di the call on Friday if everything is the same or worse what should I tell them? I have never been three this before.... idk... when i held the coyote pup it didnt scratch me it kinda just hung out there I had 2 thorn scratches and a few small ones on my hand the pup laid against them but I just looked at the picture that was taken by my friend and it doesnt even look like the pup touched them.... I'm putting myself threw hell and in the picture it doesnt even look like the pup touched any of the scratches..... idk I'm having a very hard time with all of this..... I included a picture stupid truly am....

Unbitten 04-28-2020 01:14 PM

Hi, I've been through a similar path very recently and I think our anxiety does play a role is making things worse. True, our symptoms are scary, but be assured that nothing adverse will happen to you. It may be a long road to normalcy but I believe, we'll be normal in due time. Fight your fear. Indulge yourself in your family so much that you won't be reminded of anything related to the vaccine and its notorious behavior. I too had heaviness in my limbs at times. Not sure if it was weakness though. Whenever u are in doubt, stand on your toes. Even if you can for a moment you are fine. Pins and needles came and went for me. I was sacred, very much, at each and every turn. Now, I began trying to get through my day as normally as I can and I started to believe I'll be alright. I give my regards to Batbite for the support she gives to everyone here.

Pryjmak 04-28-2020 01:38 PM

Hi Lakynerringer90. I am one of the many on this site who have had the vaccine and one of the unlucky ones who also had an adverse reaction. I had my series of shots back in November 2019 and while I didn't have the side effects you and Batbite have experienced ( I had muscle spasms/aches both legs and dizziness) after each shot. My exposure was a friendly fluffy white cat with big blue eyes, and in reaching out my hand to direct her to a food bowl (believed she may have been a lost stray kitty) felt a quick scratch to the back of my hand. I did wash it off/ f/u with my PCP and she didn't feel I needed the vaccine as it was (a scratch and therefore 'low risk'.. The more I thought about it, I got so scared, since I hadn't actually seen the strike, what if it had been her fangs? So I decided to get the vaccine. Fast forward, within 2 wks after shots were done my side effects worsened ...diarrhea, muscle aches legs and arms, sharp stabbing nerve pains from head to toe at intermittent times as well as ice pick head pains. The worst part is the anxiety and depression. Now 5 months out I've noticed lessening of symptoms. As Batbite said, everyone who goes through this has a different timeline on how long it lasts. You are very young and I pray and hope that once all the shots are done, you will recover quickly. And the biggest thing here is to stop blaming yourself, going over and over what you should or shouldn't have done. Believe me, in the beginning I did that many times. Keep us posted on your recovery.

Batbite24 04-28-2020 02:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Cute coyote pup! I can see why you wanted to help the little guy out! Don't blame or come down on yourself. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say. We have an American Indian Dog and people often ask, "part coyote?" Definitely not, all domesticated Pre Columbian domesticated dog lines from a Sioux breeder. Back on topic, as you can see you have found a supportive community. We can comfort and encourage, but we all know there is only one way....forward, one foot in front of the other one day at a time. I think we've all found that the more time passes, the anxiety slowly ebbs too. Hang in there and we'll be watching for your updates. If you and your doctors decide to cut the course short, ask if they think doing an antibody titer at some point will tell if you have mounted enough of an immune response. That may go a long way to peace of mind.

LakynBerringer90 04-28-2020 04:02 PM

I'm going to the ER a bigger one. I cant take this anymore I feel I'm having a mental breakdown. The base of my skull hurts so bad my neck hurts I'm having terrible muscle spasms the ringing in my ears is worse than before I'm terrified.... I really am....

Batbite24 04-28-2020 04:19 PM

Prayers. Hope to hear from you soon. Did you get immune globulin along with the rabies vaccine?

Cchines 04-29-2020 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by LakynBerringer90 (Post 1285886)
Hello I'm not even sure if I'm doing this right but I'll give it a try.
3 days ago I may or may not have been scratched by a coyote pup my own stupid fault but anyways i have 2 young kids at home and after I help the darn thing I started freaking out. I help the pup in a thorn patch so I have no clue of it scratched me or not. My friend who was with me Insists it did not and it was just cut up by the thorn bushes but either way the pup laid on my arms that were cut open. The doctors say that if it cleaned itself before I picked it up I could be at risk and it's best to continue with the series. I had my second one today 4 26 2020 an hour after I had a racing heartbeat and I felt very warm no temp but felt very warm. I went back to the er I was told to expect side effects every vaccine has them well I then developed diarrhea I have crohns so I'm use to that well I started to have a feeling of numbness in my right foot and hand and now I have a prickly feeling too.... I'm freaking out and wondering if I should even get the other 2 vaccines.... this has be scared to death... advise please because idk what the heck to do

I had some of the same exact symptoms, the heart racing feeling warm, diarrhea. Even had a low grade fever with chills and nausea. If they gave you the imovax vaccine there are many side effects to it. It doesn’t list the irregular heartbeat as one but I’m sure it does something to activate the sympathetic system and gives anxiety/panic attack symptoms. I would also have a generalized feeling of all over body weakness that scared the crap out of me. Along with the anxiety symptoms it can cause you to be super scared. My last shot was March 17 and I have had about 4 major flares that made me question whether I was gonna live or die. The side effects have calmed down significantly. My last flare was about a week ago. I would continue with the shots and ask your dr to give an anti anxiety med because that helped me get through the toughest symptoms. My worse flare up happened a week after my last shot I had diarrhea, nausea, low grade fever, chills, heartbeat irregular, generalized weakness and overall fatigue with shortness of breath that made me feel like my chest was caving in; extremely scary! BuT a month later everything is much better. Hang in there the side effects don’t last and they will decrease with time. Some on here have said that it 2-4 months for the symptoms to decrease.

LakynBerringer90 04-29-2020 06:26 AM

It's just seems like everything I do is taking more concentration.... I've never felt like this before in my life. The ringing in my ears I dont like..... its scares me..... I feel like something bad is going to happen I know I keep saying that but I'm scared..... I was told by the er doctor to keep drinking 1 gallon of water a day as by my PCP. The er doctor listened to me yesterday he said he knew I wasnt crazy he said I need to get the 3rd injection. And then titters and not get the 4th at all. He said there is a .1 percent chance of people ending up with neurological problems and he said I happened to get them.... but he said I'm alive right now so he doesnt feel I'm going to die or become paralyzed.... he said vaccines are not dangerous in the sense that they can save people he said on this hand rabies is 100 percent fatal. I'm not sleeping to well even with the concoction they put in my IV I did come home... if after the 3rd vaccine I feel like this again I will go back and say I want testing done.... well feel like this still or worse.... I just hate my life at this point I dont want to live like this .....

Cchines 04-29-2020 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by LakynBerringer90 (Post 1285947)
It's just seems like everything I do is taking more concentration.... I've never felt like this before in my life. The ringing in my ears I dont like..... its scares me..... I feel like something bad is going to happen I know I keep saying that but I'm scared..... I was told by the er doctor to keep drinking 1 gallon of water a day as by my PCP. The er doctor listened to me yesterday he said he knew I wasnt crazy he said I need to get the 3rd injection. And then titters and not get the 4th at all. He said there is a .1 percent chance of people ending up with neurological problems and he said I happened to get them.... but he said I'm alive right now so he doesnt feel I'm going to die or become paralyzed.... he said vaccines are not dangerous in the sense that they can save people he said on this hand rabies is 100 percent fatal. I'm not sleeping to well even with the concoction they put in my IV I did come home... if after the 3rd vaccine I feel like this again I will go back and say I want testing done.... well feel like this still or worse.... I just hate my life at this point I dont want to live like this .....

You are definitely not crazy!! I think it all depends on your immune system and seeing as you have an autoimmune disease already your immune system is in overdrive. I like you wished the month of March never happened, but it did. By April everything was much better.

Allena 05-03-2020 04:50 AM

Hi, i am new here and very happy i found this forum. All of the info are very helpful for me.

I have completed the 4-shot a month ago. I noticed some weird pain only after the 2nd shot but still managed to have the shot completed.

After 1 day of the 2nd shot, i happened to feel sharp shooting pain around my right wrist at night (the 2nd shot was on the right upper arm) then it started getting worse by spreading up to my elbow and towards my upper arm and sometimes upper chest area.
I can also feel the sharp pain at bitten finger (on the right hand).

What is weird is the pain always get worse at night time where i have to wake up every night.

Just wonder anyone experience the sharp pain here?

Thanks for those who are very caring here, the forum really made my anxiety gone.

Batbite24 05-03-2020 03:53 PM

Hello Allena, yes, I along with some others had shooting pain. Mine was also at night, waking me up. Glad the forum has been useful for you, and thank you for posting.

Unbitten 05-03-2020 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by eliLAKE (Post 1281783)
hi I was vaccinated with 5 doses of verorab vaccine in august. since then my life is literally in ruins. I have a throat neck, a stiff neck, brain fog, headache, joint pain, hand and a shoulder that burn me incredibly. I have erythems in my armpit. it was all after vaccination. I've never had such problems before. I already think I am not getting rabies and not dying. I have unreal depression. Have you encountered anything similar?

Hi eliLake! How are you doing now? Is your body temperature regulation improved. I have a similar problem. Today morning I woke up to find my body temperature 96.2F

Allena 05-04-2020 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Batbite24 (Post 1286071)
Hello Allena, yes, I along with some others had shooting pain. Mine was also at night, waking me up. Glad the forum has been useful for you, and thank you for posting.

Hi Batbite
How is your condition these days? Thanks for being such supportive so far. I pray for you and others who still suffering.

Batbite24 05-05-2020 07:20 AM

Allena, I am doing very well these days. I sleep well and have no residual neurological effects from the PEP. I am very, very thankful and do continue to pray for anyone who has an experience with rabies/rabies treatment.

Allena 05-05-2020 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Batbite24 (Post 1286100)
Allena, I am doing very well these days. I sleep well and have no residual neurological effects from the PEP. I am very, very thankful and do continue to pray for anyone who has an experience with rabies/rabies treatment.

I am very happy for you.
Last night it hit me hard again. I felt stiff and sharp pain around the bitten finger and palm area. I wish it is gone away from my life in no time!
Cheers to everyone

Allena 05-06-2020 12:47 PM

I suddenly started feeling like I am dying. This kind of thing has gone for awhile until i happened to get a few more weird pain at some part of my body. Just now, it happened at my lower back for a minute.
I never had sound sleep for a while now. I miss those old time.
I totally hate that it affects the mental health too!

taehyung 05-07-2020 06:08 AM

hi everyone! I got scratched deeply by my cat last february 16 and received PEP. He also did try to bite me, there were small wounds and I wasn't sure so I pointed them to the female doctor who was on duty in the ER. I was going to give him chicken and he went for my hand.

FI completed 5 shots plus ERIG (on day3 because at that time i felt like I was categorized wrongly by the male doctor) even if I told the doctors I completed a series of 4shots from Oct-Nov 2016.. Now I feel like I was over vaccinated. Should have known better.

Anyway just as May started, probably the 3rd day or so, I felt the back of my left hand felt like it was burning. And now its the 7th of May my left wrist feels like it is burning. :(

My anxiety is not helping. Plus my parents thinks my cats are a nuisance because of what happened so I can't easily open up to them. Good thing I came across this thread. Hope someone who had the same symptoms can help!

taehyung 05-07-2020 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Allena (Post 1286121)
I suddenly started feeling like I am dying. This kind of thing has gone for awhile until i happened to get a few more weird pain at some part of my body. Just now, it happened at my lower back for a minute.
I never had sound sleep for a while now. I miss those old time.
I totally hate that it affects the mental health too!

honestly same. one minute I would be just positive and then anxiety starts kicking back in. :(

ARose 05-07-2020 11:00 AM

Guys, I haven’t posted or been on in several months as things have been quite positive for my wife’s symptoms.

To refresh memories for the newcomers, my wife had received the PostExposure and 2 rounds of rabies vaccine in OCT 2019 and within 24 hours had severe twitches, nerves pain and paresthesias ( pins and needles) they waxed and waned for about 3-4 months. We did all the tests with best neurologists in town (HOUSTON mind you so we have the best healthcare available) we did physical exams, EMG, deep panel bloodwork, MRI of brain and spine.

Ultimately everything was negative and no signs of Neuro issues according to the data or consensus from the doctors. Over the last 3 months or so, she really turned the corner physically due to primarily holistic methods. A strict schedule of natural whole food vitamins, mostly vegetarian diet, and activity 5 days a week, Pilates, strength, waking or running all benefiting her twitches and nerve pain drastically almost eliminating them down about 85-90% in comparison. With the symptoms dropping then the anxiety and stress levels also dissipated. When this began she had vivid acute pain and twitches about every 2-5 seconds and it decreased tremendously in volume and frequency to maybe every 5 minutes or longer to the point of her barely noticing anything at all.

All of a sudden on Monday 5/5/2020 a tad bit of regression. Her left calf and shin area tightened up drastically, exhibited some heightened muscle twitches and pain all over again. Unfortunately this has led to some physiological regression as well as we are having a level of defeat once again that this is more than the “ adverse reaction” doctors are telling us and possibly a neuro issue such as MMN or CIPD that has been discussed on this forum prior. We’ve made a follow up EMG appointment with neuro in a couple weeks as this has been a 9-10 month situation thus far.

I am holding our hope that it was just a flare up as her calf has seemed to calm down already since Monday but the anxiety and stress fallout is apparently. I’ve done a quick scan through this thread with some interesting questions below with the hope that you all can help me answer. I am simply trying to find a baseline of where we fall according to your data and results. Please help wherever possible, desperate for answers and info.

Thank you all!

Bacc posted leg twitches on 11-11-19...update? How long have the twitches been going on for?

Batbite post 3/25-found to be MTHFR compound heterozygous, mast cell activation syndrome..... have you considered genetic testing? Anything else you can tell us about your situation and data/tests?

Unbitten April 12-reported twitches-I would like to find out for how long and where your twitches are?

Lakyn-post 4/28-terrible muscle spasms 29 yo female after 2nd shot like me! What’s your story, what have you done to overcome this. What are your Doctors telling you?

Fee free to private message if you prefer.

All the best

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