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Batbite24 05-07-2020 05:12 PM

ARose, thank you for the thorough and informative update. Glad your wife is doing better. With the MTHFR, it was discovered via genetic testing. It was specific to just the MTHFR, I have not had my entire genome tested. As to the mast cell activation, I highly recommend a book by Dr. Lawrence Afrin, "Never Bet Against Occam." Just before the COVID pandemic, I had received a referral to a doctor in our area who specializes in mast cell activation syndromes/disorders. No chance to follow up with that. I am currently doing very well. Your wife's experience with left leg issues sounds similar to what happened to me three months out from finishing the series. Sudden left leg pain and tightness and what I can only describe as a partial paralysis sensation from the left pelvis on down. I just could not move properly and without great pain. Completely resolved.

Allena 05-09-2020 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by taehyung (Post 1286144)
honestly same. one minute I would be just positive and then anxiety starts kicking back in. :(

I hope you are doing a bit better now.
My finger and wrist has stopped hurting, but I still feel weird pain this and there over my body and in my head.
I sometimes also feel burning sensation on my arms, but it was quick one.
Some days, the fear that it would develop to serious case or I would be sent to hospital pop in my mind, but I try my best to calm down. i think that It has been over 1 month already, so it could not possible become an intensive and urgent situation.

I think copping with anxiety is more important, and those side effects will eventually disappear just give our body time.
I now engage meditation in my daily life. I have been doing 15 min meditation/day more than a week, and I feel a lot stronger.

Please try stay calm. You will go through it.

Unbitten 05-24-2020 03:13 PM

A worried mind
Hello everyone, hope you are faring better than I am. I don't seem to be getting better. Only new symptoms everyday. A racing heart that also slows down scaringly low in the nights. Muscles that don't ache. A low body temperature even when awake 97-. Water retention. An incident when I almost fainted due to hypotension... I hope that the list ends. And dealing all this alone is taking a huge toll on me. Finally going to see a neurologist tomorrow. Hoping for some answers.

Pryjmak 05-25-2020 07:47 AM

Hi sorry to hear of your story and unresolved post vaccine side effects. I think my side effects peaked at 3-4 months out. Initially just had mild muscle aches/dizziness but new symptoms started within weeks, nerve pains, ice pick headache pains, thick feeling throat. Of course, extreme Anxiety, panic and depression was part of this journey at the beginning, but has now died down. Had a major panic attack and went to the ER and they took my temp which was 96.7, they had no concern over this.

I did see a Neurologist at 2 months post vaccine. But I went in armed with information I had found on the computer about post vaccine problems. I also did a complete written 'TIMELINE' of the events, my side effects after each shot and ongoing issues. At my initial visit, I handed them a copy of everything so they had it for my record. If I hadn't of done that, I doubt my doc would have had any clue as to what was causing my issues. Physical exam and blood work were normal. Also keeping my composure and not showing any of my anxiety at the visit, he concurred that I most likely have irritation of nerves/muscles from the vaccine. That it could take time to resolve on it's own.

Anyway, best of luck with your Neuro exam...praying all comes out good for you. Don't like to give advise, so just letting you know how I handled my appt with my Neuro given there is so little medical information on our issues.

Keep us updated.

Unbitten 05-25-2020 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Pryjmak (Post 1286602)
Hi sorry to hear of your story and unresolved post vaccine side effects. I think my side effects peaked at 3-4 months out. Initially just had mild muscle aches/dizziness but new symptoms started within weeks, nerve pains, ice pick headache pains, thick feeling throat. Of course, extreme Anxiety, panic and depression was part of this journey at the beginning, but has now died down. Had a major panic attack and went to the ER and they took my temp which was 96.7, they had no concern over this.

I did see a Neurologist at 2 months post vaccine. But I went in armed with information I had found on the computer about post vaccine problems. I also did a complete written 'TIMELINE' of the events, my side effects after each shot and ongoing issues. At my initial visit, I handed them a copy of everything so they had it for my record. If I hadn't of done that, I doubt my doc would have had any clue as to what was causing my issues. Physical exam and blood work were normal. Also keeping my composure and not showing any of my anxiety at the visit, he concurred that I most likely have irritation of nerves/muscles from the vaccine. That it could take time to resolve on it's own.

Anyway, best of luck with your Neuro exam...praying all comes out good for you. Don't like to give advise, so just letting you know how I handled my appt with my Neuro given there is so little medical information on our issues.

Keep us updated.

The neurologist ordered a nerve conduction test and it's results showed normal. He told me not to obsess over every small detail about my body and prescribed some anxiety meds. He told me to stop worrying and things will fall in place. I intend to do that for now and wait!

Felis Biteus 06-06-2020 11:48 AM

First off, I just wanted to say "thank you" to everyone who has contributed to this thread. Obviously my curiosity about reactions to the rabies vaccine brought me here, and there is some comfort in knowing that, sadly, others have experienced similar things.

I sustained a very minor bite by a friendly neighborhood cat that I had seen and interacted with a few times. I think it's either an indoor/outdoor cat or maybe recently abandoned. The night of the bite it laid down on my foot and gave me what I would call a "love bite" just above my ankle. That startled me, so I jerked my leg away and the skin was slightly broken in two spots. No puncture, no subsequent infection, all good, right? Well, I only saw the cat once more after that, the next day. I never considered rabies, but got nervous after talking to some friends, and failing to track down the animal or an owner after trying for a few days. Multiple searches for "rabies symptoms" and "rabies incubation period" likely did not help.

Talked to my PCP who recommended I call the county health dept. Since the cat hadn't been seen for a few days they recommended I start rabies treatment while animal control set up a trap. Went in that day for the HRIG, rabies vaccine day 0 and a tetanus shot. The HRIG was way more painful than the actual injury. Not a lot of space down there around the ankle, but they got all of the HRIG in.

Received the day 3 vaccine this past week and day 7 is early next week.

The day I started the treatment was pretty rough, as was the day after. Headache, tiredness, etc. Probably due to stress and lack of sleep as well.

I've had calf twitches (in both calves actually) on and off all week, some numbness on the outside of the leg where the bite occurred and pins & needles type feeling in my foot. The area of the actual bite hasn't really bothered me, and it's healed now. Of course the first things my mind went to were A) I waited too long and B) the vaccine has failed. It's probably too soon to really know either of those things so hopefully what I'm currently experiencing is all I get. The alternative is, uh, not great, haha.

Again, thank you to all who have posted, and be safe out there!

Batbite24 06-08-2020 10:21 AM

Glad you found us. Hope things go well for you and that what is posted here has been helpful and reassuring.

Felis Biteus 06-13-2020 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Batbite24 (Post 1286851)
Glad you found us. Hope things go well for you and that what is posted here has been helpful and reassuring.

Thank you for the warm welcome, Batbite. The detailed posts by you and others have really helped me keep some of my symptoms in perspective.

For anyone who may come across this thread in the future, here are some interesting links I've found (you'll probably have to C&P since I can't post links yet).
**administrative edits per NeuroTalk Guidelines**

That second link describes the case of an Australian man who had neurological symptoms following each one of his vaccine injections. For him, they lasted anywhere from 60 minutes to 3 days.

I think some people are just predisposed to nerve and neurological reactions to this vaccine. The vaccine is trying to protect your central nervous system so it makes sense that it could cause symptoms to varying degrees.

For me, I'm predisposed to sciatica. My back hasn't bothered me during this vaccine course, but that predisposition could point to a likelihood of other nerve involvement. My HRIG injection was close to the saphenous nerve so it could very well be inflamed. My three vaccine shots in the deltoid seem to "reignite" that HRIG injection site, and that lasts for a few days. I'm curious to see how I feel after this last vaccine shot when I can go more than a week between shots.

Neuro_member 06-18-2020 01:45 PM

Muscle weakness in left leg
Hi everyone, first time posting here. I received the rabies vaccines well over a year ago, in March 2019. Soon after the side effects started. I have had 3 EMGs, a brain MRI without ink, and various blood tests done. All symptoms have come and gone, except for left leg weakness which has been persistent. Also an EMG/NCT showed slowed nerve conduction at left peroneal nerve in July, though it climbed back to normal levels by September, when I repeated the NCT.
The MRI came back clear, and the blood test only showed a very low level of vitamin D.

In September I let go of testing and stopped with doctor visits, assuming that the remaining symptoms will resolve with time.

But now, since a few weeks I feel like the muscles in my left leg are getting weaker and weaker. Also my left knee is making this popping sound when stretching. I have some mild twitching that comes and goes as well, and I have gotten used to it by now.

I was quite hopeful until now that these symptoms would go away, but I am starting to get really worried again, as it seems like it could be an early sign of MS. I read that it can take years for MS to develop into a state that can be diagnosed.

I am very tired of dealing with this, and really do not want to start again with hospital visits as it is so draining, and most of the doctors brush it off as nothing.

Did anyone experience muscle wasting/ weakness as well? If so, can you please let me know what your experience was and if it went away?

Thank you.

Pryjmak 06-21-2020 07:34 AM

Hi Neuro Member.....Sorry to hear you have also had issues with the rabies vaccine. Since no one has responded to your post, thought I would do so. I am only 7 months post last vaccine shot. One of my many side effects has been muscle aches both legs from buttocks to ankles since the initial shots began. At times my legs feel very weak. What I have learned from this site, is that everyone has a different timeline for symptoms to completely resolve. While I have improved with some symptoms, the muscle aches continue. There is one person under the name 'Batbite24' that documented her vaccine issues on this site, from her exposure in late 2016. Her first post goes back to early 2017 and she has many updates in this site. She posted having issues similar to yours, leg weakness and paralysis. Her most recent posts indicate a full recovery. So I would recommend you at least view her posts to get an idea of her timeline for recovery. I know that my muscle issues are directly related to the vaccine and may take many more months to resolve fully. I hope this info will help you and pray you and everyone else in the throws of an adverse vaccine reaction have complete and full recovery.

Neuro_member 06-29-2020 01:02 PM

Thank you Pryjmak for responding. I have read all of BatBites posts and it is comforting to read that someone else has gone through this as well and has recovered well. I hope your symptoms will resolve soon as well.

I got in touch with my neurophysiologist and he recommended to repeat the EMG and Nerve Conduction Test, to compare the results with last year´s results.

I am starting to get really worried again to the point that I cannot focus on work, and am fearing ALS/ MS. The eye floaters since a year, this atrophying feeling in my left thigh, the random muscle jerks in both legs and arms.... and doctors that can´t seem to make a diagnosis based on these symptoms. I am scared that this will progress to something more debilitating, and that I need to take action but I don´t know what.

I have started working out daily to prevent the muscles weakening further.
Did anyone consider removing amalgam fillings? My teeth have been quite painful these last few weeks as well, and am thinking that it could be related to these fillings and the mercury it contains. Does not really help with these toxic neurological symptoms.

SavedbyJesus 07-23-2020 06:05 AM

Eye Lid
Since my vaccine I have had problems opening my left eye in the morning Im 1 year 2 months in since my vaccine and I've had all the other symptoms. I have good days and bad days.

caroline2 07-23-2020 01:20 PM

Oh that is terrible. I do no vaccines unless life or death possible issue. A good friend is going thru 3 weeks now of side effects from shingles vaccine. Best wishes to you.

Mr. Dh 07-29-2020 12:01 PM

Rabies Vaccine
About 25 days ago, I was back from work when I saw a small dog play with pice of bottle, he looks not stray, I gave him food and water and he played with me catch my right hand causing small nib because I pull it fast, I washed it and clean it with detol, two days after my friend suggest to get vaccination so I did, next day after first shot I had numbness in the last two fingers on my right hand I ignor it then after third shot I had nausea also I took some medisen and ignor it, but after forth shot I have experiance back pain all over my back like a prickle, I have become paranoid so I observed the dog he looks the same, I think that is the vaccine side effect on me!!

Kitt 07-30-2020 08:04 AM

Welcome Mr. Dh. :Wave-Hello: Sounds like it could be. Hope you get answers.


Mr. Dh 07-30-2020 12:24 PM

Thanks Kitt

I hope that, it is weird pain, every where muscles and joint, all over my back and sides, I thought could be qolon!! But it is not, I observe the dog every day out side in the neighborhood to make sure he is look ok eat and drink and he is normal for about 28 days now, some times I tell my self yes it is vaccine side effect, but when my back pain kick again I get crazy scared, I have read the symptom of rabies is back pain and I talk to myself yes this is it, I even write goodbye letters to my wife and children, anxiety is killing me I can not eat some times cause of nausea, I took diclofenac injection today for back pain,

Could you tell me what should I do with this horible times, I wish if I have more time to do things for my family.

Thank you all, god bless you.

Kitt 07-30-2020 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Dh (Post 1287994)
Thanks Kitt

I hope that, it is weird pain, every where muscles and joint, all over my back and sides, I thought could be qolon!! But it is not, I observe the dog every day out side in the neighborhood to make sure he is look ok eat and drink and he is normal for about 28 days now, some times I tell my self yes it is vaccine side effect, but when my back pain kick again I get crazy scared, I have read the symptom of rabies is back pain and I talk to myself yes this is it, I even write goodbye letters to my wife and children, anxiety is killing me I can not eat some times cause of nausea, I took diclofenac injection today for back pain,

Could you tell me what should I do with this horible times, I wish if I have more time to do things for my family.

Thank you all, god bless you.

I don't know what to tell you. Funny how this came on after you had shots for rabies. Hopefully someone can give you more information. Take care.


battyinthemountains 08-06-2020 12:16 PM

After 4th shot
Hi everyone. On 6/30 I woke up with some unknown bite marks, but thought perhaps it was a large spider bite... fast forward to 4th of July we had a bat in our house before bed, I didn’t think much of it as we live in the rural mountains. Then on July 14 & 15 I noticed bats (one each day) roosting on our fireplace. I have small children and on July 17 began our rabies vaccines (RabaVert) with RIG. Since beginning the shots we have had 5 more bats... We bought our house last September and the inspection made no mention of the colony residing there. We have come to find we have a maternity colony residing in much of our house, hundreds of them. It’s literally been a nightmare... we now have a company excluding them from our home in hopes that they will move on.
My kids seem to have held up relatively fine during these shots. My 8 month old has been a trooper, my 4 year old had some stomach issues after shot two, pain after all 4, but holding up well. My 10 year old had some tingling and stomach issues after each, but it has began to subside.
As for me, I’m not sure if I’m a bundle of nerves (my big fear is that we didn’t get the shots quickly enough) or experiencing some neuro side effects.
After each shot I felt near immediate tingling and often upset stomach. After shot two I had a major panic attack, after shot three I began experiencing vertigo when I laid down, which has since subsided at 3 days after shot 4. Currently my lingering effects are fingers/arm/feet tingle often, I’ve had a tingling head and tongue, frequent headaches, lump in the throat, body aches, on and off chest tightness. I get that a lot of these are common side effects and possible anxiety, but wanted to add to the conversation as I hope to update as they (hopefully) dissipate.
Thank you for listening and thank you for all of the updates many of you have provided throughout the years. It’s helped keep me hopeful.

Kitt 08-06-2020 12:57 PM

Welcome battyinthemountains. :Wave-Hello:


Pryjmak 08-09-2020 01:20 PM

Hi Battyinthemountains....OMG what a very scary situation with all the bats you have been dealing with. You made the right move to find this site and read about all of us who have gone through turmoil post rabies vaccine. Some much worse than what I have had to deal with. We all initially went through a panic stage and anxiety as well, and our immediate thought process that 'we didn't get the vaccine on time'. And doctors have little to no knowledge of our predicament or how to manage it. When the 'normal side effects occur' we all expected them to resolve within days of the last shot. I like you, had vertigo/light headedness, body aches/mainly leg muscle spasms that progressed to shots of nerve pains from head to toe and a funny/thick throat issue. I am now 9 months post the last injection and while some of the side effects have improved, I con't dealing with mostly buttocks to ankles muscle pain, ice pick head pain and throat issues. I keep reminding myself, it may take over a year or more to have all these disappear. I pray for your full recovery sooner rather than later and that the bat issues in your home also disappears and you and your family go on like before this event even happened. (recommend you read all of Batibite's postings as she too suspected being bitten by a bat) Take care and good luck.

burninghead 08-11-2020 10:54 AM

Hi Battyinthemountains,

Oh my gosh your story just hit a chord with me. I feel so badly for you that there is a bat problem in your home. That is a nightmare. On the positive note, you are all vaccinated thank God!! With that kind of exposure never second guess your choice to vaccinate. I am glad your little ones are doing well and I hope they can eliminate the bats from your home quickly. Can you get the health department involved to move things quickly?

I found a strange bite on my wrist and ended up going through rig and the series of shots. They made me feel pretty lousy. The Rig was the worst, each shot caused lethargy and a terrible headache. But as you know, there are really no other options then to just wait and see if you get sick. Not a risk I was willing to take. I finished the shots just fine, but in the process of them I came down with a virus my son brought home. Sore throat and sick for a week. I thought I was getting rabies. But it passed.

I have something possibly going on with the nerves in my mouth that caused bad tooth pain. Seemed to coincide with the shots it happened a month later. I often wonder if it's residual effect of the shots I will never know. It was a rough decision to get the shots but I did not want to risk it.

Just be good to yourself, follow a good diet and allow your body to recover. Hopefully this will all be a distant memory for you all very soon.

battyinthemountains 08-11-2020 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by burninghead (Post 1288266)
Hi Battyinthemountains,

Oh my gosh your story just hit a chord with me. I feel so badly for you that there is a bat problem in your home. That is a nightmare. On the positive note, you are all vaccinated thank God!! With that kind of exposure never second guess your choice to vaccinate. I am glad your little ones are doing well and I hope they can eliminate the bats from your home quickly. Can you get the health department involved to move things quickly?

I found a strange bite on my wrist and ended up going through rig and the series of shots. They made me feel pretty lousy. The Rig was the worst, each shot caused lethargy and a terrible headache. But as you know, there are really no other options then to just wait and see if you get sick. Not a risk I was willing to take. I finished the shots just fine, but in the process of them I came down with a virus my son brought home. Sore throat and sick for a week. I thought I was getting rabies. But it passed.

I have something possibly going on with the nerves in my mouth that caused bad tooth pain. Seemed to coincide with the shots it happened a month later. I often wonder if it's residual effect of the shots I will never know. It was a rough decision to get the shots but I did not want to risk it.

Just be good to yourself, follow a good diet and allow your body to recover. Hopefully this will all be a distant memory for you all very soon.

Thank you. We were lucky enough to have a friends rental property to stay at during the whole bay exclusion process, so we haven’t had to deal with the bats for a couple of weeks.
I know getting the vaccine was the best for us, but hope that someday I’ll feel normal again.

battyinthemountains 08-14-2020 11:15 AM

Me again... two week from 4th shot
I wanted to check in as I am two weeks out from the 4th shot of RabaVert. Last night I finally got some good rest, most nights I cannot sleep though the night without having fear of the bats re-entering our house (even though it's now closed off and as far as I know all bats have been excluded). My kids are also afraid of going into their rooms so now they sleep in our room. It's hard to see them go through this fear too.
I also get the jerky movements (myoclonus) when drifting off or trying to relax, but I don't let it bother me since I see it can be common for some of us after these shots.
As for other lingering effects... My body hurts. Back ache, arms ache, feet ache. My left foot especially. My tingling has not subsided, but is mostly in my left hand/arm. My right collarbone has ached since the final shot and sometimes it's hard to catch my breath. I still get the lump in the throat, but it's more when I'm in panic mode. I still have daily headaches that remind me of a dull hangover headache.

As of now I have to believe we caught this in time. A scary statistic I read is that 15% of bats being tested in my state are testing positive for rabies, which is up from a typical 1.5-8% depending on who you speak to.

I have also spoke to 3 doctors since the shots (two Epidemiologists and a local ER doctor), a family member who is a ER nurse, and our family pediatrician and they all say that at this point after the shots you can feel confident that you're in the clear. Failure rate of full course of vaccine in North America continues to be at 0. That has helped immensely.

Thanks for reading.

battyinthemountains 08-14-2020 12:12 PM

One more...
I also wanted to say that I got the HRIG 4 weeks ago and within the past week the left glute injection area has began feeling painful. Not sure why after all this time, but there is that too.

Ratatat 08-15-2020 09:09 PM

Post exposure rabies vaccine
I received my full rabies series 1.5 years ago. Had another bat exposure (woke up to it in our bedroom) and had to get my booster. Waited a full month to get it because my Dr recommended getting my titers checked first. Had no reaction to the original series. Anyway... It's been 23 days since my first booster shot. Initially had the normal pain at the site. After the second booster my feet started tingling. Now almost 2/3 weeks later I have constant on and off headaches, lightheadness, upper thigh pain and so many muscle twitches. I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant now or what but it's put a series hamper on my ability to be in the moment. I feel not only myself but my family is suffering due to me being preoccupied feeling awful on and off all day. Hoping this all goes away soon!!

Kitt 08-16-2020 10:58 AM

Welcome Ratatat. :welcome_sign:


battyinthemountains 08-16-2020 01:00 PM

So sorry you’re going through this. I hope these symptoms subside for you soon. You’ve got this!

Ratatat 08-16-2020 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kitt (Post 1288388)
Welcome Ratatat. :welcome_sign:


Thank you!

Ratatat 08-16-2020 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by battyinthemountains (Post 1288397)
So sorry you’re going through this. I hope these symptoms subside for you soon. You’ve got this!

Thanks batty in the mountains!

battyinthemountains 08-21-2020 11:25 AM

Weekly Update
Hi everyone! I am 3 weeks past my final shot.

As of now my main issues are pain in my left glute near my HRIG injection site, mostly noticeable when sitting or laying down. Central lower back pain, between the shoulder pain, everything is pretty much the same (pins and needles/ numbness, achy joints) I've resorted to taking pain reliever, something I'm not a huge fan of. I will say that my headaches have subsided and my sore throat/lump in throat seems very connected to anxiety, I'm OK and don't notice it unless I have too much time concentrating on swallowing my spit.

I had a couple of days where I could keep some of my anxiety under control, but then it comes back. Some days the thought of vaccine failure consumes me. It's a horrible cycle and I cannot wait to be out of it.

I would love to see a Dr about this, but after reading and rereading this thread I don't know if it'll do any good. Also I live in a very small very rural area and Dr care is sparse, no-one accepting new patients during COVID and they certainly aren't returning calls to be put on a waitlist. If this back pain continues past this week I may seek an Urgent Care or ER. One things for certain, I'm glad my kids have care.

Speaking of my kids... my baby seems to be doing well, no adverse reactions that I have noticed, my 4 year old is too busy to notice any side effects, and my 10 year old often complains of numbness in the legs, but is still on the go!

Well, that's it for this week. I hope to update here weekly while things are flaring.

I hope you're all well and enjoy your weekend.

Pryjmak 08-22-2020 02:08 PM

Hi again Battyinthemountains - Sometimes a trip to a neurologist can help alleviate the fears..even though the one I went to was not familiar with adverse side effects of this vaccine. At least he did some physical testing that was negative for anything serious. I went to him with a detailed timeline of my issues from the vaccine. So that helped. Now 9 months post last shot I am dealing with the ongoing side effects but of course, the fear of having rabies is long gone. Keep positive, and keep telling yourself 'this too shall pass'. Take one day at a time, find ways to alleviate the symptoms and you will be just fine. Over the counter meds like Ibuprofen helps with muscle aches and I purchased heating pads to help with nerve pains. Look online for your specific side effects to get more info on how to help control them. Thanks for your too are helping persons who will be going through the same thing we have. Giving people hope that all will be okay and they are not alone. Have a wonderful weekend.

battyinthemountains 08-24-2020 05:53 PM

Found a DR
Just a quick update...

Last night my 4 year old said her thigh hurt, it got me worried so today I got on the ball and got my kids appointments set (well child, but just something to get a paper trail). I also inquired into a different doctor a town away and they take my insurance. I will be seen next week for a general appointment to get established and I will be able to express some concerns as my local health department told me that these tingles/nubness/pains are not from the vaccine. :confused:

It's times like these I miss living in the city where access to healthcare is more readily available.

I had a thought today that perhaps some of these pains could be an allergic reaction? I haven't tried any allergy meds, but figured it wouldn't hurt.

Hope you are all well.

battyinthemountains 09-01-2020 09:52 PM

An update
Since my last post I have been doing somewhat better. I spoke to a doctor via telemedicine and was diagnosed with GERD, today I saw a real in person doctor and will begin SSRI meds tomorrow to curb my anxiety because he doesn’t believe I have GERD. He confirmed anxiety could be causing most of these symptoms I have. My reflexes and all vitals are fine and will report back when I get test results from labs.

As of now feeling optimistic and hopeful that I’ll feel normal again soon. Thanks for following along.

clouds z 09-02-2020 10:10 AM

ill read later

gn94 09-13-2020 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Batbite24 (Post 1283037)
Glad you found us, and thank you for posting your experience. It is all helpful to this community. No experience with jaw pain. Hope yours is not related to the bat bite/rabies vaccine. I think we all will live with the shadow of "what if" after this. Yes I sure hope all the immune globulin donors were way to know for sure.

Hi Batbite,
I have been following your story. I may have a MTHFR mutation and got the rabies vaccine. After getting the rabies vaccine I noticed that my joints starting subluxing, especially my shoulders. What did you do to heal? Do you think it was the rabies vaccine that hurt you?

gn94 09-14-2020 01:23 PM

Anyone else’s joints starting subluxing after the rabies the vaccine?
My shoulder joints pop out of place. It is weird. My doctor suspects I may have EDS, but I never experienced this problem until after I had the rabies vaccine?
Any tips? Any tests to check to see if the vaccine is affecting my collagen?

battyinthemountains 09-15-2020 07:19 PM

Nearing 90 days post first exposure...
I finally got in to get my labs done, told the lady my bat story and got the results this afternoon. Everything normal, no numbers were shared, but told everything is normal.

Yesterday I had itching at the bite site and literally stayed up all night trying to calm myself as I am nearing 90 days post bite (still not sure my bites were from a bat, but given the circumstances it's assumed). This led to numbness in my forearms/hands/elbow. Then an increase of muscle spasms. It was a scary night for me. This morning I realized I was taking down the drapery yesterday and may have upset a bug to get a bite of some sort. No intense itching today, has to be a good sign, but feeling tired & achy today... hoping it's just from staying up all night.

That said the last two bats were found on 8/21 and 8/22 in the basement. My husband insists they were dead. We haven't seen one since inside since. They were found on the floor which means they could very likely be sick. It is my understanding you are OK with exposures 3 months after completing your vaccine schedule, then you get boosters from that point.

I have yet to start the SSRI mainly because we had a couple of outdoor BBQ's with neighbors and wanted to be able to have a couple of drinks without worrying about bothersome side effects. After last nights episode I may begin this week.

I hope this finds you all healthy and enjoying what's left of summer.

battyinthemountains 09-18-2020 11:04 PM

It’s back.
Yesterday I was talked into a flu shot and today my legs have been twitching like crazy and well as numbness in my left shoulder, face, and hands.

I’ve continued to have muscle spasms/twitches since beginning the vaccine, but this evening has been the twitchiest I’ve been.

I have a full body heating pad and used that this evening and it seems to have made things worse.

Currently I’m taking magnesium, D3, vitamin C, Zinc, and a basic probiotic/fiber...

Is there something I’m missing?

battyinthemountains 09-20-2020 06:08 PM

Thank you
I just wanted to come back and say thank you again to everyone who has updated through the years. The past few days I’ve been very scary (on and off whole body numbness and tingling, muscle spasms, lump in throat is back), but reading through and reminding myself I’m not alone has really helped.
Thank you all.

Bee1216 09-21-2020 01:44 PM

quick question on this vaccine
Has anyone here gotten the rabies vaccine without a confirmed bat or animal sighting here? Or everyone either had bites or a bat in the house? I felt something on my head in my neighborhood with bats. No idea if it was one but it was dark/dusk and i don't know what it was. Was considering getting the rabies vaccine for peace of mind to stop my anxiety but sounds like it may open up more problems and worries? ( although not as scary as rabies) this mystery event was already about 11 days ago.. I am leaning towards NOT doing it but just curious.

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