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Albertakewl 10-14-2015 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1177460)
D3 5000iu, Calcium 500MG, Fish Oil and a Once a Day.

B12 5000mcg here and there

What does the vitamins d3 do ? And fish oil? Is the fish oil mega 3

I take b12,magnesium, vitamin c, vit d and a prenatal .

ATX_Man 10-25-2015 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1177477)
What does the vitamins d3 do ? And fish oil? Is the fish oil mega 3

I take b12,magnesium, vitamin c, vit d and a prenatal .

Fish Oil is for antiinflamatory and the D3 has been shown to have a protective effect against MS (plus it is a good substitute for sun exposure, I work at home and not outside).

Trust me in my dark days I was freaking out and I was trying anything.

Albertakewl 10-25-2015 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1179768)
Fish Oil is for antiinflamatory and the D3 has been shown to have a protective effect against MS (plus it is a good substitute for sun exposure, I work at home and not outside).

Trust me in my dark days I was freaking out and I was trying anything.

Is for d and d3 different?

This is what I am trying , because I am bout ready probably to lose my mind. Lol.

I am taking 500 mg of megnsuim . Was taking a1000 a day. Taking vitamin d, vitamin b12, vitamin c, prenatal, and calcium . Should I try something else?

ATX_Man 10-26-2015 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1179769)
Is for d and d3 different?

This is what I am trying , because I am bout ready probably to lose my mind. Lol.

I am taking 500 mg of megnsuim . Was taking a1000 a day. Taking vitamin d, vitamin b12, vitamin c, prenatal, and calcium . Should I try something else?

D3 is the recommended form of Vitamin D as its closest to the natural form of Vit D. It should be in a gel cap and not a hard pill.

Albertakewl 10-27-2015 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1179810)
D3 is the recommended form of Vitamin D as its closest to the natural form of Vit D. It should be in a gel cap and not a hard pill.

Can I take vitamin d and d 3?

ATX_Man 10-27-2015 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1179990)
Can I take vitamin d and d 3?

I am sure you can but D3 is preferred.

Read the below:

WebMD - The Truth about Vitamin D

Mercola - Vitamin D Mistake

Dr Weill on Vit D

Albertakewl 10-27-2015 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1179995)
I am sure you can but D3 is preferred.

Read the below:

WebMD - The Truth about Vitamin D

Mercola - Vitamin D Mistake

Dr Weill on Vit D

Sweet thanks. I wonder if it would be wise to finish the vitamin d that I have. Then switch over to a vitamin d3 afterwards?

ATX_Man 10-27-2015 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1180009)
Sweet thanks. I wonder if it would be wise to finish the vitamin d that I have. Then switch over to a vitamin d3 afterwards?

Go ahead and finish your D, it's not like they are carcinogenic or will harm you.

It's more that the other type might be more beneficial.

Albertakewl 10-28-2015 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1180067)
Go ahead and finish your D, it's not like they are carcinogenic or will harm you.

It's more that the other type might be more beneficial.

I sure thank you for your help. I will switch over once I am done this bottle.

I wonder. Is it all better on liquid?

ATX_Man 10-28-2015 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1180209)
I sure thank you for your help. I will switch over once I am done this bottle.

I wonder. Is it all better on liquid?

The gel caps are liquid so a straight liquid would probably be the same.

Albertakewl 10-28-2015 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1180210)
The gel caps are liquid so a straight liquid would probably be the same.

Oh that's what I mean. The liquid caps. Compared to all hard pill?

ATX_Man 10-28-2015 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1180220)
Oh that's what I mean. The liquid caps. Compared to all hard pill?

D3 should only be in a liquid/gel cap form.

Albertakewl 10-29-2015 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1180226)
D3 should only be in a liquid/gel cap form.

What brand is better ?

ATX_Man 10-29-2015 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1180350)
What brand is better ?

Who knows.

It's all unregulated so you might be getting water in a gelcap.

I would go with a large brand like Naturesmade or look online to see if you can find any testing.

Albertakewl 11-01-2015 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1180458)
Who knows.

It's all unregulated so you might be getting water in a gelcap.

I would go with a large brand like Naturesmade or look online to see if you can find any testing.

I will take a look at both drug store and Wal-Mart. Did you get yours online ?

madisongrrl 11-01-2015 07:40 PM

If you are trying to assess which Vitamin D to buy, I recommend checking the labdoor website first. They do testing of various supplements and give away tons of this information for free.

Albertakewl 11-05-2015 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by madisongrrl (Post 1181036)
If you are trying to assess which Vitamin D to buy, I recommend checking the labdoor website first. They do testing of various supplements and give away tons of this information for free.

I'll look into that. Thank you.

MC709 09-18-2016 09:58 AM

Rabies vaccine issues
Hello. I am here and using my cell phone so I am not sure I'm posting correctly.

I recently received the rabies treatment and have been experiencing the same issues ATX_Man described in 2013.

ATX_Man, are you still on this forum? How are you doing and do you have any advice?

Any others who have recently experienced the side effects of the rabies vaccine?

loominator 12-23-2016 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by MC709 (Post 1224111)
Hello. I am here and using my cell phone so I am not sure I'm posting correctly.

I recently received the rabies treatment and have been experiencing the same issues ATX_Man described in 2013.

ATX_Man, are you still on this forum? How are you doing and do you have any advice?

Any others who have recently experienced the side effects of the rabies vaccine?

Hi There -

I haven't been around here for a while, but I am here to say that like ATX_Man says, I believe you, and we (everyone else having rxns to rabies vaccines in this thread) will all get better.

I am just over 2 yrs post rabies vax(see my way earlier posts in this thread for symptoms - too many to post again! but neuropathy was def one of them) and I am ~85-95% better on most days. I really went from many many awful debilitating symptoms in the first months (unfortunately, yes, months - ~ 6-8 months for the worst to go away really) to just a mild tingling and numbness that comes and goes when it pleases in my left leg below my knee.

I went through the gamut of MRI's and a few different nueros - and they basically all agreed that my immune system was overreacting to the vaccine.

Ultimately, to dampen the symptoms, a few temporary prescriptions on gabapentin and then amitriptyline helped on my worst days to control the buzzing, numbing, tingling feeling i would have for days on end. I eventually was able to manage without the RX drugs after a few months. Honestly, on nights and weekends that were really bad, having a few drinks seriously seemed to help calm my overacting nerves(obv i don't condone drinking and driving or being buzzed at work or anything! Oh, and if alcohol isn't good to you, then obv don't drink). For over the counter treatment - try vitamins - people listed a slew of them in this thread. I tried changing my diet, too, and it seemed to help. Meditate, pray, whatever you do to find Zen - do that, too. Your psychii and stress affect this stupid reaction, too, you'll find.

Once my issues were limited to mainly my left leg after about a year post vax, I had an ultrasound on my peroneal nerve in my leg about a year ago (~ 1 yr post vax) and the neurologist noted that it was still inflamed. His theory is that the vaccine causes a lengthy neurological response to different nerves in our body- and while nothing (thankfully) shows up on MRI in terms of MS or ALS - our body's nerves swell in different places for different people who have this reaction (optic nerves, sciatic nerves, all the way down to the tips of your toes and fingers for some people). He is very optimistic that the last of my nerve issues will go away over time as the rest have, too. But honestly, even if this little twinge sticks around for the rest of my days, it is nothing compared the the dark months.

The real thing, for me at least, was managing the stress and, let's face it, the depression that sets in when your world gets turned upside down by this out of nowhere, temporary disability. IT SUCKS. no other words to describe it really. Managing the stress, pain, and depression is key. Confide in family, friends, or even therapists if you need to in order to get through this. I believe, that like ATX_man, myself, and others in this thread, that we will all get better. Stay strong everyone - and I hope everyone is doing better today than yesterday.

Albertakewl 01-07-2017 08:28 PM


I agree, I am just over 2 years, ill say I am better then I was when this first happened, I still have random different symptoms. But I think I am getting better slowly.

I think a lot of us have gotten a bit better, I am taking pregablin for the symptoms, but mostly it helps with my anxiety. I find if I keep busy and keep the stress down it helps. I find my biggest symptom down is my left leg and foot. My twitching is down considerably. Other then that, doing not bad.

I also noticed some symptoms will last up to a year and then disappear. I remember this time my leg hurt for 8 months straight. Then it randomly went away.

I hope more have gotten better. Keep your heads up. It's a long journey that we have a hard time with.

Mwolf 03-23-2017 12:24 PM

small fiber neuropathy

I was wondering if anyone on here has had a similar experience to mine. I was overvaccinated for rabies, receiving a set when I worked for a vet and then more when I worked for a lab. I also was paranoid and though I exposed myself to the virus and got some more post exposure shots.

My first symptom was a numbness or dead feeling in my left foot, which was only really noticeable after activity. This was the only symptom I had for about 8 years along with urinary urgency and an occasional needle in the foot feeling. Exercise makes things worse. Now I have burning sensations over the body at times, fogginess in the head, and trouble swallowing. Exercise always makes symptoms worse. I was almost symptom free for about 4 months and then I had to shovel out from a storm and have been horrible since, developing this swallowing trouble.

I fear what the future brings, especially since I can't be active. Has anyone found anything to help symptoms? I am wondering if it is an autoimmune reaction if the parasites that help Crohns disease patients would help, but of course it is not approved here.

Any advice or updates on disease progress would be appreciated.

jmjones108 04-13-2017 04:36 PM

Please Help
I know this Thread has been dead for quite some time now but am looking for some hope. I am having the tingling and burning pain after the vaccine. Can you all provide an update to let me know how you are doing. Also I am 2 months into this and wondering when you started to see improvement.
Thank You

jmjones108 04-13-2017 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1233104)

I agree, I am just over 2 years, ill say I am better then I was when this first happened, I still have random different symptoms. But I think I am getting better slowly.

I think a lot of us have gotten a bit better, I am taking pregablin for the symptoms, but mostly it helps with my anxiety. I find if I keep busy and keep the stress down it helps. I find my biggest symptom down is my left leg and foot. My twitching is down considerably. Other then that, doing not bad.

I also noticed some symptoms will last up to a year and then disappear. I remember this time my leg hurt for 8 months straight. Then it randomly went away.

I hope more have gotten better. Keep your heads up. It's a long journey that we have a hard time with.

Are you still doing good?

Kuch 04-22-2017 12:32 PM

I had my 4 shots completed 2 days back, since 2 days, obsolutely no sleep. Anyone has similar symptoms please post. Not sure when i will be able to sleep. Thinking of going to uc to get sleeping aid. Also i had random pins and needles all over body but that was a day after 3rd shot lasted a day. After 4th shot on my right hand, stiffness and cold feeling in hand all the way from injection site. Cold feeling went away but now weakness in right hand from elbow to fingers. Anyone please help

Kuch 04-29-2017 04:12 PM

Its been a while that this thread been bumped, but did anybody had thier natural sleep taken away? I have problem falling asleep after 4th shot. Please help. I use to fall asleep naturally whether it be random nap in afternoon after heavy lunch or after too much driving. Thank you

Batbite24 06-25-2017 07:54 PM

Here goes:
First I'd like to thank all who have posted their experiences with rabies vaccine. Your candor has helped me a great deal. I have waited to post until some time passed after my bite and vaccinations. I was bitten on my right hand by a bat Dec. 24, 2016. Didn't catch the bat, so had to have the post exposure prophylaxis. I have allergies, multi chemical sensitivity actually. After the second rabies vaccine injection, I had an allergic reaction. I was able to complete the series by taking my antihistamine medication a half an hour before the last two injections. My treatment was human rabies immune globulin and Imovax. A few days after completing the series I was drifting off to sleep in the recliner when I noticed a needles & pins sensation in the bottom of my right foot, then the right foot began to flutter uncontrollably like a humming bird. Very upsetting. In the following days and weeks I developed muscle jerks as I drifted off to sleep, legs, shoulders, across upper back, urinary urgency, parasthesia (the "socks" syndrome: feet and half way up calves) insomnia, auditory hallucinations X2 ("heard" my cell phone ringing when I knew it was not) leg pain, shooting pains in my arms and hands, anxiety attacks, deep depression, brain fog, extremely painful flares of the osteoarthritis in my knees, extreme fatigue. I've also had a couple of days where it seemed I was producing more saliva than usual. My regular M.D. right away said all of this was out of her expertise and said I needed to consult an infectious disease doctor. He was thorough and reassuring, but when I told him of the auditory hallucinations, he sent me to a neurologist. I was anticipating the worst; invasive scans or the "It's all in your head, you're fine." thing. When I handed the neurologist my notes, she read them and said, "This is pretty much classic for a vaccine adverse reaction." She did the usual neuro check; reflexes, sensory sticking with a wooden stick on the extremities, push/pull strength test, fingertip to fingertip to nose, etc. and ordered some blood work which all came back fine. At the 6 week check up with her, the symptoms were still waxing and waning (no more auditory hallucinations, thank goodness.) She told me this all could remit and flare for a year or more, but I'd eventually be fine. This month I finally had about eleven extremely good days in a row, and then two nights ago as I was drifting off to sleep it all hit with a fury again...5 hours of muscle jerks, urinary urgency, whole body vibrating, heart racing and pounding. Very, very discouraging. Since that night I've been fine again, but for me the awful thought of vaccine failure and rabies scares the heck out of me. I know chances of that are slim to none, but in the throes of all those ugly's so hard. The insomnia, parasthesia and auditory hallucinations have not recurred since very early on in this fiasco. The arthritis flare is very, very slowly subsiding. My husband was sleeping in the same room when I got bit, so he had the vaccine series also. Thank goodness his only reactions were a temporary stiffness in his shoulders, and a period of increased fatigue. He's fine, thank goodness. What I've been through has taken a toll on both of us, we're senior citizens. I can't imagine trying to maintain a career with all of this going on.

Batbite24 06-25-2017 08:51 PM

Mwolf, if you are still checking in on this forum, I'd be interested to hear how you are faring. Your situation with multiple rounds of vaccine is unique. Very unsettling to hear that it all exploded on you 8 years later. Hope you have found some help and improvement.

Batbite24 07-10-2017 06:52 PM

O.K. I'm done with the infectious disease Doc. After I last posted about my 5 hours of seizure like activity, I then had 15 really good days again, and then two nights in a row of muscle jerks, urinary urgency, and progressively tightening muscles, and my body shaking, no, literally vibrating for 3 and 4 hours. I contacted the infectious disease Doc regarding this, and the answer was either Valium or Xanax to deal with my "anxiety". I don't feel anxious until all of this crap suddenly happens as I'm drifting off to sleep. (Have you ever wished your Doc could spend just one half hour in your body when it's going haywire?) I've got a call in to the neurologist, we'll see what she has to say. From my lay person's research this is seizure activity, (nocturnal siezures) not anxiety. The neurologist tested for restless legs syndrome and autoimmune disease...both negative. If the neurologist can only suggest that I gork myself with tranquilizers, I'll have no option but to take ATXman's advice and just keep my head down and soldier forward until this nightmare (hopefully) runs its course. Very frustrating.

Batbite24 07-10-2017 06:58 PM

On a positive note, after 3 months my "arthritis flare" disappeared as suddenly as it came on. That leaves me wondering if what I had was actually due to inflamed nerves and a partial paralysis of my legs. The pain is all but gone and my pelvis, hips and knees are moving freely, which they haven't done since mid March.

Batbite24 07-11-2017 07:50 AM

The neurologist called back. I'm scheduled for an EEG this afternoon.

Batbite24 07-13-2017 07:07 PM

EEG came back normal.

Batbite24 07-15-2017 02:48 PM

Continued updates
Even though this thread seems to be quite inactive, I'll keep posting for awhile yet. Truly, my experience would have been far worse without this forum. We took the dog for her annual vet check yesterday, and had some interesting conversation with the veterinarian. She and her entire staff do take the pre-exposure prophylaxis rabies vaccine. She has known people who have had serious adverse reactions to the post exposure prophylaxis. When I asked how they fared in the long run, she said they all got better, but that it took a long, long time. As for my situation, I'm very glad my EEG was normal. The severity of the sleep siezure activity has lessened over the last week, although not completely gone. I've been trying to be more careful with my sleep TV or computer after supper, and about an hour of quiet time in a dimly lit room before bed. Don't know if that's what's helping, or if it's just simply the waxing and waning of the post vaccination symptoms. Over all I'm feeling physically, psychologically and emotionally stronger. It's good not to be in the grips of the fear, anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue, pain, and brain fog that characterized the first few months of this saga. (Now 6 1/2 months out from bite, about 5 1/2 months out from completing vaccine series.)

Batbite24 07-25-2017 05:09 PM

Still having muscle jerks and body vibrating as I fall asleep, maybe every 10 days or so. It's really awful. Today a bit more concerned because after last night I have a slight headache and a low grade temp. of 99.4 F, and again I'm anxious over this (terrified actually) but then I do tend to be an easily upset, sensitive person. I know ATXman's last generous post was 2.5 years out from his vaccination, but it would sure be good to hear from him again regarding how he's doing and that he's still alive.

trippin2 07-26-2017 04:32 PM

Post rabies vaccine reaction 3 months later

Originally Posted by Batbite24 (Post 1247861)
Still having muscle jerks and body vibrating as I fall asleep, maybe every 10 days or so. It's really awful. Today a bit more concerned because after last night I have a slight headache and a low grade temp. of 99.4 F, and again I'm anxious over this (terrified actually) but then I do tend to be an easily upset, sensitive person. I know ATXman's last generous post was 2.5 years out from his vaccination, but it would sure be good to hear from him again regarding how he's doing and that he's still alive.

I too have suffered for over 3 months with post rabies reaction.

Batbite24 07-27-2017 08:10 AM

Welcome, Trippin2, (to what thankfully is a small exclusive group of people.) Hope that reading this forum has been helpful to you. The mild headache and fever turned out to be nothing, but after almost 7 months of bizarre post vaccination symptoms it is difficult not to be a bit paranoid and hyper aware of any little health glitch. The siezures seem to be lessening in duration and intensity. Every time something happens, I hope that it's some kind of healing crisis and that this nightmare will be over. Patience.....patience.

help1980 08-03-2017 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Batbite24 (Post 1247952)
Welcome, Trippin2, (to what thankfully is a small exclusive group of people.) Hope that reading this forum has been helpful to you. The mild headache and fever turned out to be nothing, but after almost 7 months of bizarre post vaccination symptoms it is difficult not to be a bit paranoid and hyper aware of any little health glitch. The siezures seem to be lessening in duration and intensity. Every time something happens, I hope that it's some kind of healing crisis and that this nightmare will be over. Patience.....patience.

7 months? 2 years and 2 EEGs later i still havent recovered..before this happened i was a 35 year old in the prime of my youth and i had never fallen sick for like 20 i cant walk properly, i cant lift anything, my muscles twitch randomly all over my body (including face)....i have lost muscle tone on all 4 limbs...i slur at times...i make typing mistakes and man the tinnitus is unbearable

Batbite24 08-03-2017 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by help1980 (Post 1248382)
7 months? 2 years and 2 EEGs later i still havent recovered..before this happened i was a 35 year old in the prime of my youth and i had never fallen sick for like 20 i cant walk properly, i cant lift anything, my muscles twitch randomly all over my body (including face)....i have lost muscle tone on all 4 limbs...i slur at times...i make typing mistakes and man the tinnitus is unbearable

Help1980, so sorry to read that you are still having so much trouble. So, what do the doctors tell you about this mess? I didn't get any kind of commentary from the neurologist after the normal EEG, just a call from the office staff telling me the EEG was normal. The last thing the neurologist actually said to me was, "You really need to calm down, you will live." It seems at a certain point we've all been written off as over stressed. I've had 20 good days in a row as of today (I consider it a good day when all that happens is the muscle jerks as I fall asleep.) Still tire easily and don't have a lot of endurance. My gait has normalized, but there's still quite a bit of pain from the knees down with any kind of weight bearing.

trippin2 08-04-2017 12:26 AM

Did you see where Alex had ALS ( Lou Gehrigs) from the vaccine?! I am scared to death this is what I have. I have numb tongue trouble swallowing weak muscles and pain help

Batbite24 08-06-2017 07:36 PM

Just returned from our daughter's wedding in another state. An emotion charged event (good emotion!) Didn't know how I would cope with travel, stress, physical taxation, etc. Managed through the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, wedding ceremony (managed my duties with the unity candle without setting anything or anyone on fire) and danced the night away at the reception on my herky-jerky vaccine damaged knees and legs, determined to celebrate the good in life. Left the reception at 11:30 P.M., in bed by 1:00 A.M., 2:30 A.M. awakened by stiffening muscles and siezure activity. This problem does seem to be aggravated by stress and over exhertion. Not fun, but here I sit, O.K. for the moment, and I wouldn't give up a moment of the weekend for anything.

Batbite24 08-06-2017 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by trippin2 (Post 1248416)
Did you see where Alex had ALS ( Lou Gehrigs) from the vaccine?! I am scared to death this is what I have. I have numb tongue trouble swallowing weak muscles and pain help

trippin2, have you been seen by a neurologist? All of us have different physiologies and therefore may be affected differently by the vaccine. The fear is truly awful. If I seem to bruise a bit easily I wonder if the vaccine has affected my bone marrow...might it be leukemia? If my legs seem a bit puffy from fluid retention I wonder if the vaccine has affected my kidneys. Fortunately I can look back on my most recent blood work and be somewhat reassured. Even though I've expressed some frustration with my neurologist, she did do blood work to rule out autoimmune disease and restless legs syndrome. Both came back negative. Even though we may be frustrated with the medical world at times, the hard evidence of such tests is valuable. Rabies is a neurological disease. Rabies vaccine is neurologically modulated, therefore we have neurological symptoms. It could be that many of our symptoms could be from random inflammation of various nerves. The report of ALS, and the report of symptoms making a dramatic return after 8 years are both very unsettling (and frightening) but each of us need to keep questioning and advocating and pressing for answers. Nobody on this forum can give medical advice, but ATXman's suggestions of good solid nutrition, extra vitamin D3, and adequate rest and careful exercise all bear merit. I also think B complex vitamins are very important. All of us will probably recover at different rates, and to different degrees. No doubt, this stinks, but it beats actually getting rabies. Hoping the best for you, and all of us.

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