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doydie 02-13-2007 11:39 PM

Calling all reality show addicts again
How have your shows been going this week? The first week of Survivor was kind of weird. Reminded me to much of The Apprentice. It takes me several weeks to even remember any of the contestants names and place them with a face. I didn't get to watch much of Grease Sunday. Then of course American Idol is in full swing with the Hollywood auditions this week. In the past they have devoted more time to those auditions. It was just a whirlwind tonight. I wish they would have cut out some of the bad auditions in the past weeks so we could have seen the really good things tonight. So tomorrow we find out the final 24 and then the fun begins!!!! It was interesting some of the hopefuls from the city auditions were some of the first to go tonight. I almost forgot The Apprentice. I think the challenges so far have been pretty lame for the intelligent people that they have as candidates. I think Amazing Race all star starts Sunday! I wish they would stop putting Amber and Rob on. How many chances do they want to give that couple a chance to win a million dollar?

In case you are wondering if I do have a life outside of my reality shows, I do. I'm going to visit my grand daughters this weekend!!!!! I tried to find the Fisher Price digital camera for Christmas and finally had to order it from Fisher Price and pay full price. It came in this week just in time for me to personally deliver it. That poor little 5 year old was having a hard time understanding Grandmas' IOU she got under the Christmas tree.

Chris 02-14-2007 08:22 PM

Hello Doydie,
We forgot that American Idol was on last night. For some reason we thought it was just on Wednesday evenings from last week on.

We just finished watching the evening news, and saw parts of Indiana, Ohio, and Chicago (where we just were last weekend) completely snowed in. Do you have electric? I hope you are faring well under the nasty conditions they are experiencing in the midwest.

Be safe and warm,

doydie 02-14-2007 11:52 PM

Thanks for asking about us. We are pretty good down here in southern Indiana. Other parts haven't fared so well though. At least we aren't like areas of New York! BRRRRRR.

My short term memory problems don't let me remember all the good singers on AI. After they get going for a couple of episodes I will remember names, faces and voices and have some favorites. One ting they did do tonight was to show a lot of the final solo auditions right before they had the contestants go up the elevator to meet the judges. I kind of missed that in the Hollywood auditions. So now it's Survivor tomorrow night and Amazing Race starts Sunday night.

I'm having my own reality this weekend, going to see the grand kids!!!!!!!!!! I'll take them any day over my reality shows. Well, as long as I can tape the shows.

Chris 02-15-2007 09:23 PM

Have fun with your lovely family. I'm glad the snow isn't horrific. AI was super last night. We don't watch any of the others. We're watching Grey's Anatomy right now. We're off to Philadelphia and southern NJ tomorrow if the weather holds up. Oh-all this SNOW!

Keep warm,

doydie 02-16-2007 12:28 AM

Well I guess all you Survivor fans have watched the show by now. I feel so sorry for Ravu. Still no fire, water, etc. But they do need to get off their butts and start doing something! I would do so much for their morale. Maybe with Sylvia there they can build some kind of shelter. Of course you don't have to have an architect to build a shelter. None of the other seasons have had one and they all manged.

doydie 02-17-2007 11:28 PM

My own reality show got cancelled this weekend. Snow was to heavy for us to drive. I am all bummed out:( I want some chocolate so bad and I am trying to watch my calories and cholesterol so I didn't get any comfort food. My husband is off in two weeks so we will try again. My granddaughter says for me not to worry, that two weeks isn't that far away. She is right but she won't change much in those two weeks but the tree month old sure will, especially since it has been a month since we have seen her.

doydie 02-19-2007 12:17 AM

Well tonight Amazing Race all stars premiered. As usual Rob and Amber were very strong competitors and came into the pit stop first. Of course this is just the first episode. I was kind of disappointed in the couple from Kentucky. In last seasons show, I thought they had good integrity. But I thought I heard them say that they would do anything to win.

I'm not into The Apprentice this year as I have been before. I think the quality of the applicants isn't as high and I don't like the whole tent city thing. But since I am addicted to it, I will finish it.

Jmak 02-19-2007 12:56 AM

AHHH! I missed it!!! I was out to dinner with my husband. My parents babysat for us and it was our late Valentine's Day dinner. I hope they replay it! AAHHH!

doydie 02-23-2007 02:18 AM

OK, we had results show on American idol. I pretty much agree on the girls voted off. I'm not sure about the guys. I thought surely the East Indian origin guy would go first.

Then we had Survivor. From the promos, it looked like Gary would have a medical emergency and have to leave. From previews from next week, he still doesn't feel good at all. The reward challenge was weird. They usually try to do some kind of challenge that involves customs of where they are. Slipping on a wet tarp and playing basketball just doesnt seem like a local custom. Poor Ravu tribe. From both challenges tonight it seemed like they were trying to create challenges that would allow the team to eat. A couple of guys did get to eat some weird things though. I was proud of Michelle to finally get fire going.

doydie 02-27-2007 12:30 AM

Well we had Amazing Race again and again 'amazing' Rob and Amber checked in first. I don't know how they keep on doing it. After the major delay at the airport that put them back in one of the last two places, they again manage to get ahead of everyone.

Then tomorrow night starts the American Idol week. Three nights of Simon Cowell! I don't know what you all think of this mess with Anatollo Barbaro or whatever the spelling is. I'm still not convinced that the pictures are fake. If they aren't she has no business being anyone's idol!

I'm getting pretty tired of the haves and have nots in Survivor. I hope CBC has something up their sleeve to change things around. They usually do!

For some reason The Apprentice wasn't on Sunday night. I hear there is some boxing match on TV coming up soon and according to whoever wins, Donal Trump will have his own hair cut. That I've got to see.

I hope I will be able to continue my own reality life this weekend and go to Lexington to see the babies!!!!!!! Then if everything goes right, I've got the oldest, she's 5 1/2, for a week a little later.

doydie 03-01-2007 12:23 AM

Well the two nights of competition is now over for American Idol. I think the women have the most talent so far, and I think it's limited to the African American group of ladies. Some of the other ladies have talent but the others far outshine them. Of the men, I think Sundance is the best. We'll see tomorrow night who is ousted.

As far as the photo scandal that Antonella is in, I think the judges may have purposefully judged her a little low tonight because they know that the show can't legally kick her off, only the voting public can. But Antonella was a little sassy with them and she should have been on her very best behaviour. That's just my opinion!

doydie 03-02-2007 02:22 AM

Well I have now finished my reality shows for the week. None of them turned out like I had hoped. Well, The Apprentice wasn't even on so I guess I shouldn't judge that one. I really can't say any of the ones voted off AI tonight deserved it but the ones that did are still in it. I can never remember the guys name. He's the young one with the shoulder length curly hair, definitely a hit with the 13 and below group. And then Antonella. What can I say. Both of them are still in!!!!!!!

Now Survivor. CBS tried to provide a reward challenge that would provide food for the poor Ravu tribe. I guess they are to weak to give a decent challenge. So the 'Haves' got a king size bed and some fish. But the immunity challenge was the shocker. Moto won it but then had to make a choice of giving up their luxury accommodations or got to Tribal council and vote off a member. This was after losing Gary to illness. They couldn't give up their luxuries so now the game is on. The snake is out of the bag. Finally there will be some backstabbing and the team will lose its cohesiveness. At least Ravu will be able to see the immunity symbol at their camp for a couple of days. maybe it will give them the confidence to get their act together. Of course Rocky is going to have to cool his temper a little bit. Now the team will be equal in number and Moto can't sit out their weaker members.

Hey, i know I'm not the only one watching these shows!!!!!!! Come on guys, give me some discussion here. Don't let me talk to myself and make me think I'm just a little 'titched in the head".

doydie 03-05-2007 02:21 AM

Well I don't know how much sense I will make tonight since I go into this little hibernation when I get home from the grand kids. I hadn't seen the baby in about a month and the can sure grow in the time. She is about 14 weeks old now. She has a very pleasant personality, likes to smile and make her early little talking sounds. Really they are just sounds but she is forming language and knowing that those sounds communicate with her family. But it is with her Grandpa that she really gets going. He can just start talking to her and she starts up and she is laughing, talking, smiling and just generally enjoying his undivided attention. I was still glad that when she was fussy at church today and mommy and her mommies milk wasn't available yet, that I go walk around with her and be gently swaying and patting her back and bottom and it isn't long before she is out. So Grandma still has the touch!!!!!!! For the first time, big sister realized that little one was taking away her time from her grandparents . It really didn't matter that Grndma wasn't paying any attention but it sure did that I had the baby.

So we will enjoy next week when it's just the two of us. Her Mommy's B'day is in April so we will have to make some simple present. A couple of years ago when I did this, I went all out for this week and neither one of us enjoyed it. She was to young to appreciate what I was doing and it made me to tired. So I think we are just going to make a special picture frame and put the two girls picture in it. I can tell that the year in Kindergarten has given her some habits that she didn't have before. She is exerting herself a little more. But that's all part of growing up and learning your boundaries and we'll deal with it.

The older sister was petite when she was 3 months old and Ellie isn't. She has got several rolls on her chin and legs and belly but she is very healthy. Plus it was my birthday and they all enjoyed making me a cake. They have no extra money at all so their love was all I wanted. I am enrolled in Texas Roadhouse email program and they sent me a coupon for a free appetizer so we went there today and since the email said happy birthday on it, they brought out a huge bowl of ice cream with chocolate and caramel syrup and several spoon. So that made it special.

As for my reality shows. I missed them all but I read on the websites. It wasn't the same as watching the programs but at least I know who was eliminated. I was kind of rooting for the farming Kentucky couple because they are just plain down home people and I'm from Indiana. But they were eliminated. The website has a feature that you can watch them in the elimination villa that they have to stay in until the race is over. I think they live in luxury there.

Well. my sleeping pills are taking effect and I do not hold myself for responsibility for what I say. So goodnight. Tomorrow night is Prison break. it's not a reality show but I still love it!

doydie 03-07-2007 12:05 AM

Well we had the disastrous men's night tonight. The judges said that they thought only 4 of them deserved to go through to the final 12. I'm not even sure if I could say 4 of them deserved it. But we will see what the fan clubs were able to do for them. I guess I really shouldn't say since I haven't voted for any them during the whole season and probably won't. I just watch and don't vote!

doydie 03-08-2007 12:03 AM

Well we had the women tonight, didn't do as well as I expected. I don't know about anyone else but our local Fox affiliate has 2 basketball games on before the results show. So the show won't be on until at least 11 PM!!!!!

doydie 03-09-2007 12:49 AM

Well tonight we had two reality shows, one a shocker, the other not.

The shocker first. American idol. I didn't expect Sundance to get voted off at all and I did expect Sundaya, or however it's spelled, to leave. As Simon so tactfully said, "did someone forget to turn up the volume?". The poor guy sounds like he is auditioning for a high school musical. Yes, he has a voice but I'm afraid his audience will mainly be the teeny boppers. But I guess that's quite a large audience. The girls didn't surprise me at all. I'm glad Antonella got voted off. She was not at all what young teenagers should have as someone to look up to.

Now to Survivor. The 'haves' continue to dominate with a capital D. NCAA games are on next week then Survivor is back on the next week. The teams break up and someone draws a team name to go to the Moto camp. I hope it's not mainly the 'haves' again. Ravu sure needs half a chance to play the game evenly.

OK, one more thing. It seems like I am talking to mmyself here. Does anyone really care for my reviews of the reality shows, or does anyone els want to participate?. My next shows will be on Sunday with Apprentice LA and the Amazing Race all stars.

Oh, another one of my own reality shows!!!!!!!! I get my 5 year old grandaughter all next week while her Mom is in Chicago. She is taking the baby 'cause she is breast feeding. I don't have the stuff to do that and besides that, I don't think I can handle two of them. Wish me luck!!!!

Curious 03-09-2007 02:27 AM

keep posting doydie!

your reviews are great.:D

i watch amercian idol family tradition now. i wasn't too shocked that sanjaya made it. there a web site that is all for voting the worst. they had been working hard at keeping antonella. boy am i also glad she is gone. i do think sanjaya will get voted off soon. not a strong singer.

have fun with your granddaughter. my little grandmokey is also 5. he is a joy. we are raising him, so i don't get the luxery of spoiling him and sending him home. i spoil him anyways. :p

Judy2 03-09-2007 06:45 PM

Keep posting doydie! I always read your "reviews" even if I don't feel well enough to answer. I agree, it was surprising that Sundance didn't make it to the finals on AI. Also in my opinion, Sabrina should be there instead of Haley. But it seems they all have their fan bases who vote based on popularity and not necessarily singing ability.

Have fun with your grandbaby this weekend. I'm seeing three of mine Saturday evening -- with their parents!! Instant "mood picker-upper"!

doydie 03-09-2007 10:17 PM

Thanks for the support. It does give me something to do. Well it also keeps me from finishing my sister's birthday present that was last September!!!!! I also enjoy reading and occasionally posting on the Survivor message bourds. Right now they are getting rather nasty about how 'boring' Survivor is.

Curious 03-10-2007 01:03 AM

i'm bad...i only watch the last couple of weeks of survivor. just to see who wins. :p

we normally only watch about an hour of tv per day. but we make an exception during american idol season.

so you keep posting i know what is going on. :D :hug:

kingrex 03-10-2007 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by doydie (Post 78001)
Well tonight we had two reality shows, one a shocker, the other not.

The shocker first. American idol. I didn't expect Sundance to get voted off at all and I did expect Sundaya, or however it's spelled, to leave. As Simon so tactfully said, "did someone forget to turn up the volume?". The poor guy sounds like he is auditioning for a high school musical. Yes, he has a voice but I'm afraid his audience will mainly be the teeny boppers. But I guess that's quite a large audience. The girls didn't surprise me at all. I'm glad Antonella got voted off. She was not at all what young teenagers should have as someone to look up to.

Now to Survivor. The 'haves' continue to dominate with a capital D. NCAA games are on next week then Survivor is back on the next week. The teams break up and someone draws a team name to go to the Moto camp. I hope it's not mainly the 'haves' again. Ravu sure needs half a chance to play the game evenly.

OK, one more thing. It seems like I am talking to mmyself here. Does anyone really care for my reviews of the reality shows, or does anyone els want to participate?. My next shows will be on Sunday with Apprentice LA and the Amazing Race all stars.

Oh, another one of my own reality shows!!!!!!!! I get my 5 year old grandaughter all next week while her Mom is in Chicago. She is taking the baby 'cause she is breast feeding. I don't have the stuff to do that and besides that, I don't think I can handle two of them. Wish me luck!!!!

I agree that Sundance should not have been voted off...but then, America inexplicably made the extremely mediocre Tyler Hicks the American Idol, so nobody is safe.

Two things...first, it's Sanjaya - twice you have referred to him as either "the East Indian origin guy" or "Sundaya, or however it's spelled". That's not showing a whole lot of respect for his heritage, which, incidentally, he shares with a billion or so others. Then, there's Antonella - I saw "the pictures", and I think we all know that teenage kids in groups like to fool around in front of the camera. Those were harmless photos, made in fun with a lot of laughter. As for the "other" photos - the really lewd ones - those were not Antonella...they were made with a girl who resembled her, and with very bad intentions. Antonella is like a million other girls, but being thrust into the limelight obviously has its risks. I don't think whether or not anyone thinks she is an appropriate "role model" has anything to do with a contestant's standing on Idol. As Simon has repeatedly said, it's a singing competition, and I think Antonella should have been voted off, too, but only because she is not as strong as most of her competition.

Again, there's no telling what America will do. Taylor might have had the worst voice (if any) of all, yet people seemed to "like" him. The same dodos voted Sanjaya in and Sundance out. On the girls' side, I thought Haley should definitely have left, not Sabrina, whose voice was far, far better. In any case, is there any doubt that Melinda Doolittle is in another class than the rest of the contestants? She could (and probably should) be recording right now. I also think Jordin is really good - she's only 17! - and she's gorgeous, too.

So, that's some of what I think. :)

doydie 03-11-2007 12:22 AM

Kingrex, I agree with you about Melinda. I think she will go far. I love the look on her face as the judges are giving her compliments. It's definitely her time to be in the front and not a back up singer. But American Idol has its share of surprises, as you said. And yes, I always forget how to spell Sanjaya. maybe I need to give him a nickname. Any ideas? Sometimes my spelling gets a little off whacked because I do all my computer time at night and I have already taken my sleeping pill!

doydie 03-11-2007 11:35 PM

Tonight we had Apprentice LA. I haven't kept up with it as much as I have in seasons past because sometimes there is another show on and I just turn over on commercials to watch it then read the episode hx on the website. There are some explosive characters on this year!!! The challenge was to create a halftime show for a professional soccer game to promote GNC products. So one team has an obstacle course showing different body systems, heart, bone etc, and then GNC comes in, fortifies you and you soar through the coarse. The other team has a boxing match where poor old plain Joe can't compete until he is fortified with GNC and he wins. Well for one, I don't think having a boxing show at a soccer match was right. The obstacle course team won the challenge and got to go play golf with the Donald himself and get a new set of golf clubs. The other team had a huge fight in the boardroom and Surya was fired. maybe he should have fortified himself with GNC vitamins before he went in. Word on the message board is that none of the candidates this year are of the same caliber as before.

Oh, I forgot Amazing Race!!!!! Amber and Rob maybe a formidable team to beat but like a lot of other reality show fans, I am not an Amber and Rob fan. They already won their $1,000,000 so why should they have a chance for another one. I think they took second place in the last Amazing Race and got a nice purse for that. So I was kind of glad they came in last place tonight and were eliminated. I'm sure there was a lot of celebration at the pit stop overnight place. I wish they had more time in each place to enjoy the culture, cities, and just everything.

Oh, this is a free one. Donald Trump and some other millionaire exec has signed a contract with these wrestlers. Which ever wrestler wins, the exec has to cut his (exec) hair. I can't imagine Donal Trump allowing anyone to cut his hair. He must have a lot of confidence in his wrestler or have the fight fixed.

Jmak 03-13-2007 08:07 PM

I always enjoy reading your posts. I usually have to tivo the shows and it's hard to keep up. For some reason AI seems a little boring to me this time.

I was very surprised Rob and Amber were last on the Amazing Race. hey were at least interesting. Charla and Mirna are really unlikeable this time arouns and that Eric guy is really rude to his girlfriend. At least Rob and Amber were respectful of each other. I had really liked John Vito and Jill and was sad that they left so early.

Anyway, I am frustrated with Survivor this time because it is so unbalanced. The "have not" tribe can't win and will be out one by one even after the merge. Doesn't Dancing with the Stars start next week? I think the contestants will be great entertainment this time around.

doydie 03-15-2007 09:14 AM

Sorry I've been off the board this week. Having the granddaughter around does take a lot of time. Well I really don't have to have her on my lap as much as I do But I like it! With her baby sister breast feeding, older sister doesn't get as much lap time at home as she used to. Besides that, she's nice and warm!!! I haven't watched 'dancing with the stars' this year. I don't think I watched it last year either. I did watch 'skating with the stars'. Is it kind of like "So you think you can dance?" where they have to learn all those routines that they normally would not have done?

I am surprised that Sanjaya is still in American Idol but like I told my husband, he sure does have the 'teeny bop-per' vote. And from reading on the American Idol website, he still has the vote of a lot of the older generation also. Maybe it's because he always sings things that are safe. I can't remember the guys name that was voted off last night but I wished he would have stayed a little longer. He used to be a pack up singer like Melinda and I would have liked to see his potential as a solo artist. But like he said, he did forget his lines and that is a 'cardinal sin" in music. But he wasn't the only one. I just think it was first night jitters. I like Ryan's hair this year ands it's nice to see a host in a suit and tie. I'm just a little old fashioned that way.

Well my granddaughter wants me to help her draw a picture. I know I don't have to but that's what Grandmas do. Plus she hasn't done any of her homework this week.

Cherie 03-15-2007 04:17 PM

We missed Survivor last week because we were on a cruise and the Ship's TV did not feature the show. Finally home. Will try to bring up last week's episode on the computer before watching tonight.

doydie 03-18-2007 10:50 PM

I don't think any of us have mentioned anything about the 'Grease, you're the one that I want". I watched the auditions because there weren't any other reality shows on but I have hardly watched any of the actual competition. But now that the NCAA games are on. Amazing Race is on late because of the games so I have a couple of the shows. I can't say I'm real impressed with it. But it will end either next week or the week after. Any body else want to chime in on it?

Another good Amazing race tonight. The two cousins team really irritate me, don't know why. They have fairly volatile tampers. Also I think some of the teams try to make fun and pick on the homosexual couples. You can tell that they dearly love each other and have a pretty stiff spine when it comes to criticism. It sure is different without Rob and Amber.

I guess I would say my favorite team is the African American couple because of what they did in the previous race they were in. Joyce had beautiful hair which she and her husband were so proud of. But they came to a challenge that they could have refused to do, but she shaved her hair for the team. It just made her all the more beautiful. And the way he looked at her with such love could make anyone cry.

doydie 03-21-2007 12:43 AM

I almost went top bed before commenting on American Idol. One of my favorite theme weeks, British Invasion. You can tell my age, huh!!!!!!! In my opinion, some of them switched spaces. I didn't particularly like Lakisha. I think she should have done a more soulful song. Although most people didn't like Phil, I really did. And I may be one of the few that liked Sanjaya's song. It was totally British invasion. Word on the message board was that he screamed it out. Well I liked it. And you could tell that the youngsters in the audience did to. That young girl that they brought up on stage may never hash those clothes! Over on, it looks like he is safe. But they do specify on that site that they register only phone votes and not the ones from text messaging.

Melinda is the one for me. Only problem with her is that I would hate to see stardom change her. I caught a little of American Idol Rewind the other night and it was amazing to see what Kelly Clarkson looked like compared to what she is today. She has been compared to Britney Spears. And not in a complimentary way.

It will be interesting to see who is voted off tomorrow night. Tomorrows vote is an important one because only the final 10 get to go on the tour.

Don't forget, Survivor is on tomorrow night and not Thursday!!!!!!!!

Although I have not watched Dancing with the Stars, let's bring some discussion of it in here!

Curious 03-21-2007 12:55 AM

i'm right there with you on your review doydie. add that haley did a great job.

i would have also like to have seen lakisha either have added some flirtiness to that song or done the one lulu wanted her to.

now blake...he was my fave for the night. i got a kick out of his performance. could be that grandmonkey was dancing right along imatating him. :p

the end was cute with that girl. forgot her name already.:o she will never forget this night. hehehe...yep...that t-shirt and gonna ever see soap and water.

grandmonkey and watched some of dancing with the stars. he liked the skater. ohno? his partner is only 18. boy can she dance. my only dislike of the show...the stupid comments from the bergeron guy. oy....sorry...but making stupid jokes about 2 left heather mills...:rolleyes: tacky.

doydie 03-21-2007 11:33 PM

I can't believe it! I forgot to watch the AI results show!!!!!!!! What is happening to me. But I caught it on the Internet that Stephanie was voted out. She was supposed to be one the 'divas' of the season. I think I am one of the few that actually enjoyed Sanjaya last night. Kind of amazing about the young girl that was caught on tape. Apparently she had been able to get tickets to Are you smarter than a 5th grader and rehearsal tickets for AI. They saw her crying so much at rehearsal that the producers asked them to stay for the show. That's how she got all the singers signatures on her shirt.

Well Survivor is finally taking off. They redrew tribes and camps tonight. They had an all guy team, was in the Ravu camp. The guys were able to catch a really good fish meal and they still lost the immunity challenge. Ravu is destined to loose no matter who is on the team. Lisi was sent to Exile island even though she told Jeff that she wouldn't have minded to go home. She will join the all male team and then let the fun begin. I can not see her and Rocky getting along at all!!!!!! Rocky was really using Anthony as his little 'slave'. Get our water, fix the fire, etc. Lisi will not do that.

I went over to the ABC web site to look at Dancing with the stars. Billy Ray Cyrus doesn't look a thing like he used to do when he was filming Doc. And Anton Ono, he has grown up to. If he can master the moves, he will do well.

doydie 03-23-2007 11:43 PM

Well tonight I will talk about one of my favorite 'reality' shows. Professional figure skating!!!!!!!!! It is just one of the most beautiful art forms ever. The World championships are on right now in Tokyo and you couldn't find a more beautiful and art filled place to skate in. Last night was the men and ice dancing and tonight was the finish of the ice dancing and then the women started. We did have a bronze in ice dancing. Belbin and Agosto are just such a sexy pair. Tanith Belbin is dating Ivan Lysocheck (sp?)..

Figure skating in America hasn't been at the same level of competition since Michelle Kwan and Sasha Cowen rival. Our young stars are good but the rest of the world has been catching up while our young stars are getting into the field. So after the short dance, we have one in 4th and one in 6th. Sadly, the most artistic skater had problems and is in 18th. So tomorrow night we finish up. I don't even think we have anyone in the pairs competition. Am I right??? Then I think the big gala exhibition is on Sunday. That's always a favorite also. For one thing, they show some of the junior champions.

Curious 03-24-2007 01:13 AM

doydie...did you know that stephanie didn't sign as a farewell? strange huh?

hehehe...shall i mention i had a dorthy hamill haircut in high school?:o :D

doydie 03-24-2007 12:20 PM

Over on the AI message boards they said that the reason she didn't sing one was because they two guest singers that night. If you remember the week before they had Diana Ross and she sang at the results show. So last week they had Peter and Lulu from the 'British invasion' and they both sang at the result show. To bad for Stephanie (:

I think this next show is supposed to be the 90's. That's a broad range if I ever saw one!!!!! I can see everyone of the contestants finding something in that range to fit their style but I can't help but wonder what Sanjaya will pick to keep him in. Did I mention that I am a fan of his? Not a big one but I think he deserves some support.

kingrex 03-24-2007 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by doydie (Post 82559)
Figure skating in America hasn't been at the same level of competition since Michelle Kwan and Sasha Cowen rival.

It's Cohen. Not a very common name in Southern Indiana, I suppose. ;)

ewizabeth 03-24-2007 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 82585)
hehehe...shall i mention i had a dorthy hamill haircut in high school?:o :D

I would have, except that my hair was always fine and wispy. I wish I had Dorothy's hair. :winky:

doydie 03-24-2007 10:41 PM

Sorry Kingrex. I do all my computer work at night after my last TV show and I have already taken my nighty night pill! I do do a spell check but sometimes I miss some spelling.

doydie 03-25-2007 11:08 PM

Another episode of Amazing Race and Apprentice LA checked off.

I wish they could have more time in the amazing locations they send them to. Like the couple that came in 2nd. They stopped for some juice and probbaly a little local culture and lost out not only the first place finsh and start but the prize. Of course the two girls didn't know what it was. We will proably see those two boats on E Bay. I'm glad Joyce and her husband are still in. They really got my respect when she had to shave her hair in the season they were in. Now to the race for the last place finishers. I'm sure the married couple were nice, but I didn't like the way they treated the gay couple. I may be wrong and it is another couple that always treated those two guys with disrespect. So I'm glad they are gone.

Apprentice LA. I wish the tasks were a little more involved. I'm sure it takes leadership, and creativity to accomplish them but the past seasons were a little more exciting. I felt sorry for the girls when thre other team would take their customers away from them ands actually make a sale. But like Trump says, that's what business is all about. Trump reallly liked Angela and it was hard for him to fire her.

I am going down to see the grand babies Monday and Tuesday. So, sadly I will be missing Prison Break and American Idol (: I'll read on Prison Break's web site about it but I'll count on someone here to tell me all about how AI went.

doydie 03-28-2007 01:31 AM

I missed AI tonight!!!!!!! I was visiting with the grand babies in Lexington. My brother live close to Cincinnatti on the Ky side and his sone is one of the major cooks at thh Tumbleweed there so we ejoyed going there for him to cook for us.

I went to the AI message board and got a recap of what when on but the just have the song, what they wore and what the judges comments were. I did go to ' and it gives you a pretty good idea of who is in the bottom three.

I also missed Prison break last night but they alwyas have a good review of the show.

My night night pills are sure working so I had better let them!

Curious 03-28-2007 08:00 AM

this is what you missed....:eek:

Attachment 963

doydie 03-28-2007 09:31 PM

Thanks for the pic. I might have to take some Maalox now! I watched the results show tonight and they sowed him, and then Ryan walked out in a Mohawk!!!!! He threw it to Simon. Now that I would have liked to see.

I continue to be amzed that Sanjaya is still in, although I do like him. But I also liked Chris a lot better. Ususally the singer who is voted off trys to keep an upbeat look on their face, But you could really tell that Chris weas heartbroken.

Still very tired tonight so this is short.

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