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eva5667faliure 01-12-2014 09:39 AM

to those that understand
the the pain and joy children bring
i we all are creation from the ALMIGHTY

may i be the starting force
to make my children understand

thank you for you kindness

ger715 01-12-2014 09:11 PM

Unfortunately, it is a difficult task to make them understand; especially once they have become adults.

Corissa is a work in progress. Maybe easing up on the negatives might help. Prayers are with you; especially during this heartbreaking time.


eva5667faliure 01-12-2014 09:39 PM

as she is witness to all
she certainly has been so open with me
the negativity is there not by my choice
as ii was promised my monies in return
on a promised date i am for once never forgetting
we are not in a position to wait for things
to happen
unfortunately i do not have the physical
capabilities to move but if i must i will
make the best of what is left
my baby girl Corissa
hold on as she holds me
she has found her place
and is much happier
thank you for your care and insight
with much in my heart for you

ger715 01-12-2014 10:46 PM

Corissa will make you proud. She is a very caring young lady. You are passing on this quality to her beautifully. As difficult as it may be, in spite of your pain, hopefully she will see there are happy times as well.


eva5667faliure 01-13-2014 08:10 AM

needed to reschedule my appointment
a horrible night for sure
my arms knees feet hands back neck head
unable to void #2 without help
the nausea has got me today
i need to refill meds
Corissa stays home today
as i have no clue what to expect
as anything goes with Christine
or anyone else for that matter
she too feels badly
we will try and feel better
thank you for the concerns

eva5667faliure 01-13-2014 02:34 PM

helping and gone
well my daughter allowed
my policy to lapse
and now terminated
it was for them
as it only works
after i DIE
this from my eldest
to be clear
upon death

christine being difficult now telling me
she won't give me my key back till
she just hung up on me

Mark56 01-13-2014 03:38 PM

For You
This invokes a power far greater than mine.

eva5667faliure 01-13-2014 11:02 PM

i hoped i did not hear...
dad calls to speak with Eva
Sunday daddy had changed plans
and could not pick up Eva
so he is talking to me and
Christine calling when she sleeps
the next thing i hear i'll

give custody
to you i want her with you
i was stunned
pretended i did not hear him
and continued to say
kindly remind her of the key
he said tomorrow evening
hanging on
till then
what do ya think
a good night sleep

have such a horrible throb
in knees and hip it wakes me up
my app. changed
we will see how
to just throw it out
like that?

eva5667faliure 01-14-2014 11:57 AM

and my doctor says.....
poor fella had not much to say

mother call to talk to baby

my son writes me a prospect buyer
for car wants yes or no answer
then as i get my message to him
about break line has a temporary fix
all else hasn't gone yet
and like i wrote my mechanic was
being kind and telling me time to let it go
less than 70,000 original
is only needed for 6 months
told him book is $2,500.00
that is what i said
he says this person has taxes
are here and can only give me
$1,000.00 down and rest in installments
person has no problem signing
an agreement if i like the installments
should i do it or am i nuts
i will save for a smaller version
with a loan from only parent
i never in my life owed anything
the truth of the matter
i need something that could be reliable
this i have yet to still
call my mechanic
what would you do

at the end he types love

i'm like to myself is he nuts

i hesitated

he types again

Love You

he will

get to me on his break

eva5667faliure 01-16-2014 10:28 PM

Father watch over my children
same hospital i was at today
calling me in her puppy voice
no call from my son eldest one
either knowing the baby needs their
but life moves on for them
still with no return of any
returns of my monies

my brief talk with Christine
you are not taking care of business
like meetings or work letting
her sugar flux to many times
an not have her meds for her

speak of the wise child of mine
they are keeping her to check
if she suffered a stroke
they will do a MRI of her brain
a localized area
so she was told
asked me to kiss my granddaughter
and tell her "I love her"
told her she is always told that
she will call in the morning
i also told her was she completely
honest including the way she eats
we shall see
i can only pray
watch over her

eva5667faliure 01-17-2014 09:07 AM

Mother Mary

Sweet Mother
thank you for your son
whoever people
believe or not
Warren Batty sis
Sherle Mclane
believes in her heart
and believes in beings
ions so advanced
are our makers
i will go this far
in her assessment
Jesus did walk this earth
was crucified
ascended into heaven
to sit at the right hand
of our father
maybe this be her belief
she has a belief
of a Higher Power
our ancestors

the idea of your motherly Love
must have shown off your face
every suckle at your breast
nurturing him showing her
angelic face of unconditional
the kind of love
we all as children should
have felt
Joseph fathering
showing him how to have fun
as a little boy
Sweet Mother Mary
the woman their input
as wife mother
to OUR blessed brother
to be on your knees using
rocks as wash board
i have had many times
would have been a time
i would have liked to be
around for
i thank you for that

i slept all night through
woke at the time Corissa
kissed me
see you later mom
recognized immediately
that my knee left was
not in pain
cortisone shot
took it like the good
meylogram and the discogram
two test i will never forget the pain
as my head needed to be beheaded
nothing compared to natural childbirth
having four children
take it from some one who knows
i am a good patient

Sleep how refreshing
don't want to forget my
blessing i had help
for the first time i recognize
i do not have the strength
as i did having my last child
induced she was comfy in mommy
went 42 weeks with Corissa after
15 years how my body iis failing me
i had abundance of breast milk for
all my babies
Corissa would drink so quickly
milk would come from her nose
i had to sit up for about 3 minuets
for many 30 months is not looked upon
as a good thing
i was so happy to talk to the mammo tech
having her 1st child
i hope i left her thinking
i asked before just rambling on
i do have manners
at times i rambling on here

for the most part it was a difficult
job getting help was at an 8 most time
fasting for blood work
i was hurting
i would not have been able to
do what i thought i could
here i will close
and say

thank you for birthing OUR brother
who sit at the right hand of our
blessed i am
bless my children with
common sense
angels protect them

eva5667faliure 01-17-2014 10:51 PM

Oh what a fool I am
Money the root of all evil
My eldest TRULEY surprised me
it was to have been a written agreement
Now I was told this evening I can
take them to court
A I let Sara buy her computer with a 1,3500
balance and the 600.00 for her storage
And now I can take them to court
It's my own fault
policy expired
Too late
All for what
And they were not raised
with what I have taught them
silly thing is it will hurt
Out of sight out of mind

ger715 01-17-2014 11:26 PM


So sorry you are having to deal with all of this. Sometimes, I think "plastic" is too often the root of all evil.

Love & Prayers,


Mark56 01-18-2014 10:55 AM

Praying on this
Yup. I am.

Being taken advantage by anyone, let alone your own children is incredibly hard. I am concerned for you and the endurance through this hard time, Eva. May you have strength, the ability to pay it away AGAIN, and then Double Strength to remember in a "tough love way" that word NO should requests come again to GIVE money You Do Not Have.

There is a limit, you know?
And that limit is not the limit on your charge card.
It is the limit by which you may be taken advantage.
Be strong.
Love and hugs,
:hug: :grouphug:

eva5667faliure 01-18-2014 03:09 PM

you just never know
because of her diabetes
her weight
turns out the heart med that were
given to her for the diabetes
and not have the medicine to take
her heart has gotten dependent on
she is feeling numbness
and middle
were the sign of heart
she is a candidate
to suffer a stroke
if she does not take
care of herself
and how sorry she is
she really understands
as in the last 3 days
she knew something was not right
only if you really pay attention
i am off of the med one of my doctors
had me on Lexapro took me to
very dark places i do need
to get to a cardiologist
and the induced stress test
was the last cardiologist
as per clearance
i left the cardiologist
due to staff
he was the one to put me on
blood pressure meds and anxiety
med xanx
then surgery
hell i sure am an induced addict
as my body troubles are happening
who do i trust
i do need my pressure meds
especially now
but to be so in tune with my body
i taught my children well
may they not incur any more physically ill
my eldest epileptic
my boy bi-polar, just diagnosis atrial fibrillation
my third child diabetic and now a candidate for a stroke
my last child kidney surgery age 1 year old
known since 3 1/2 months
and lastly mom
who is still rock of this family
spare Eva my granddaughter
let there be healthy choices
and have healthy life
meds can be helpful in one area and harming
some other organ
operative word here can
but always heed to the warnings
a lesson indeed

eva5667faliure 01-19-2014 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mark56 (Post 1044356)
Yup. I am.

Being taken advantage by anyone, let alone your own children is incredibly hard. I am concerned for you and the endurance through this hard time, Eva. May you have strength, the ability to pay it away AGAIN, and then Double Strength to remember in a "tough love way" that word NO should requests come again to GIVE money You Do Not Have.

There is a limit, you know?
And that limit is not the limit on your charge card.
It is the limit by which you may be taken advantage.
Be strong.
Love and hugs,
:hug: :grouphug:

my dear concerned friend
to date my fico score is surprisingly great
3 reports also good to excellent
not that plastic is the way to go
i mange to meet my obligation
my policy i take loans on is the
hardship as all given by the GUILTY
competently my fault
i will own up to that
i will be responsible for my own emotional
having many who care and understand
it is something i must not let happen
to have projects in my home
that will take much of my time and TLC
having a nice zen feel
all who come feel good
it is the best i can do for myself
i enjoy decorating
i know how to shop and save
but to say NO
i also understand NO has to mean NO
i must follow through
you input taken as Gerry is also
having some similar situations
and all others of keeping me lifted
when needed most

eva5667faliure 01-24-2014 02:49 PM

and their on the way
my daughter is misbehaving
not taking care of herself
does not realize how she
could not be here possibly
if she keeps eating anything
she wants
i have to back off
i have to back down
i have to take care of me
as i am the rock
that all keep coming to
build me up sweet Jesus
make me strong as they check
up on Eva
and court on Monday
to much
it's just to much

eva5667faliure 01-27-2014 09:05 PM

it isn't the innocent that's nuts
to many corrupted persons
evil doers
money money
root of all evil
idiots allowed to become

now we will see how insurance companies
will behave with all the changes
sadly i do NOT trust anyone
to many screw up in my case
and after care the most important
part after any surgery
is the most important part of getting better
tending to our helpless needs
having to go to the bathroom
checking if everything is kosher
like my hematoma
something that would have been
a visual to my after care nurses
no one bothered to look at the back of my neck
but i would hear as they checked the drain as it
was empty nada nothing

only when doc comes strolling in and
sees clearly the lump of spinal fluid
that collected on the site of incision
drained me several times
released me only for it to swell
i was balling crying of excruciating
called told him i took pictures
asked why did i do that
had me come to the hospital er
he drained and drain and drained
and drained it was incredibly unbelievably
stupid of him to think i am a idiot

and here i am maimed
from a doctor who took an oath
and the aftercare nurses the same
and i am here maimed

may his hands not work to do this to anyone

eva5667faliure 01-28-2014 08:12 AM

just read what i wrote

in the end it should have read

may the hands not work the wrong way
as in my case my drain was put in by him
it failed to do the job

that just did come out
as i know none was intentional

a tough rough night with my neck back
and my right knee kept waking up
this bloody knee
things are working there way down and
bottom of feet on upward
i a frighten at the progression
my finger tips to the elbow
to look at my hands and feet
it is so evident to the eye
no blood flow
circulation is not right
they are a yellowish color
under the nails all white
as it should be pink
still have a month to see new spine doc
ready for him
till then
it is one moment at a time

i also noticed since off one of my meds
that took me took me to very dark places
and feeling lonely has been lifted

please pay close attention to the meds
you are given to take

thank you for letting me share

eva5667faliure 01-30-2014 02:31 AM

another night woken
this really sucks
the throb in my knee
has a heartbeat of its
doc says
come in and we will
do the right knee
car is gone
break line needs replacing
something i cannot afford
now loosing the little
independence i had
this really sucks
less pain

eva5667faliure 01-30-2014 02:44 AM

monster pain
it is getting
really hurts
will call doc
this is without my
car it sucks

eva5667faliure 02-08-2014 11:18 PM

i am so angry
i am so bloody angry
i don't know where to put it
i am dying
it is finally happening
it will be slow and painful with my luck
never in a million years
did i ever think
what ever happened for the chance to love
the thought of it sickens me
my infected neck second surgery
everything just progressed quickly
i' dying
go figure

PamelaJune 02-09-2014 12:50 AM

Oh Eva

Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1049877)
i am so bloody angry
i don't know where to put it
i am dying
it is finally happening
it will be slow and painful with my luck
never in a million years
did i ever think
what ever happened for the chance to love
the thought of it sickens me
my infected neck second surgery
everything just progressed quickly
i' dying
go figure

Eva, I'm just so overwhelmed for you. I pray for you, pray however long or short your time is left in this life, that you find companionship, peace and above all happiness. This life has dealt you cards of the hardest order. It's not fair, not fair at all. :hug::hug::hug:

Mark56 02-09-2014 06:23 PM

Well, and PRAYING....this news is off the scope. I do what I am capable of doing, and that is just loving and hugging and praying in hope. Hope for what? Hope. Through Hope I am able to focus on the present awful thing and take tiny steps into that unknown future. Thus, I Hope.


Pray. :hug:

eva5667faliure 02-10-2014 10:52 AM

today oncologist
funny thing
my sister has a friend
her name is Linda
was diagnosed with
ductal carcinoma
my fear when i found out
was the upsetting
and it wasn't the removal
of both my breasts
i was worried that because
it found it's way into my blood
as i know we need healthy blood
feeding our body
"healthy oxygenated blood"
the fact is it is found upon
this MRI ordered by my pain
specialist who is sending me
to "his guy"
Chief of his group
Dr. Marc Arginteanu,M.D., F.A.C.S

it is just by fluke that i get report jut before my oncologist
oh Dear God i pray the findings
are a fluke also
i have many questions i need to ask my
my dear friend from my surgeons office
became friends
called her this morning explained some things to her
she will call tonight on word or reaction
when he received package of hardware i used
to promote bone fusion
the device is called a "bone simulator"
i am trying to keep my turd together
until i see the doctor today at 1:30
i viewed the disc
i can see the hemagioma (spelling incorrect)
to tired to get paperwork
and i see the three vertebrates i bet are the ones
in question
they look like the have been chipped away
by "pac man" a little joke ha ha
i asked God for a miracle
it is a big one but nothing is big
all i was told to do is ask

when i tried to kill myself as a young teenager
i ran to my box room
bed and dresser with mirror
closet when made that clothes hung
opposite of how we do it know
point eva
took my Bible
said to God
show me
closed my eyes
pointer finger to point
opened book
it was
Psalms 6
verse 6
read all of Psalm
and knew there is a God
a long time ago
as i grew older and older
i became more in tune with the signs
that God the Father does show me
exactly what is meant for only me
as i speak in confidence only to him
and i have received confirmation
i am being listened to
so i will be on pins and needles
going to try my specialist in about an hour
he ordered the test

i thank everyone who understands my
eagerness over the weekend
needed my kids close to me
will bring update and then
return and explain what the oncologist
has to say
in Jesus i trust

Hannabananna 02-10-2014 12:48 PM

Dear Eva,
I am gob smacked...just praying for you

eva5667faliure 02-10-2014 08:52 PM

oncologist report
oh how happy?
lets wait till orthosurgeon
sees disk
and his findings
said the radiologist reading
and their impression is not to be
worked up about
that he goes by his blood work
so that is what i'll do
even though it says i have
bone infection and bone cancer
this it says
Mark i will ride your train for a while
if you don't mind
i see the new surgeon on the 24th
i am a blankly blank ****** off
this is my body my life we are
messing with
i had enough crap happen the night
i woke up to get ready for work
and my life changed from that night
to date
i don't know what to believe anymore
something is not right this is for sure
and i am scared
how could the radiologist make such
a horrible finding or term
my oncologist said lets wait for
the blood work and what the doctor
has to say
and then in the mean time
he seen the implants
and said the surgeon needs to fix
the left balloon it has migrated further
since he seen it
i told him
i did that already
he said they were fine
i said
that's what i said
what the **ck
can't anything go right
when it comes to me

moosey2me 02-10-2014 11:11 PM

Keep the Faith
:hug::hug:We all will be praying for you..Keep your heart and head on God..He knows what you can bare..:hug:

Mark56 02-11-2014 12:30 AM

Prayin and Prayin
You, Eva, are held up high so the stars are clearly visible to you in all ways,
and prayer bathes you in the ever present hope for brightness tomorrow
and that test results will be better in outcome.

Prayin mightily,
M56 :hug:

eva5667faliure 02-11-2014 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by moosey2me (Post 1050266)
:hug::hug:We all will be praying for you..Keep your heart and head on God..He knows what you can bare..:hug:

Amen i will
thank you for the support and care

eva5667faliure 02-11-2014 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Mark56 (Post 1050277)
You, Eva, are held up high so the stars are clearly visible to you in all ways,
and prayer bathes you in the ever present hope for brightness tomorrow
and that test results will be better in outcome.

Prayin mightily,
M56 :hug:

I'm riding your train for a bit
friend hope you don't mind

ger715 02-12-2014 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1050248)
oh how happy?
lets wait till orthosurgeon
sees disk
and his findings
said the radiologist reading
and their impression is not to be
worked up about
that he goes by his blood work
so that is what i'll do
even though it says i have
bone infection and bone cancer
this it says
Mark i will ride your train for a while
if you don't mind
i see the new surgeon on the 24th
i am a blankly blank ****** off
this is my body my life we are
messing with
i had enough crap happen the night
i woke up to get ready for work
and my life changed from that night
to date
i don't know what to believe anymore
something is not right this is for sure
and i am scared
how could the radiologist make such
a horrible finding or term
my oncologist said lets wait for
the blood work and what the doctor
has to say
and then in the mean time
he seen the implants
and said the surgeon needs to fix
the left balloon it has migrated further
since he seen it
i told him
i did that already
he said they were fine
i said
that's what i said
what the **ck
can't anything go right
when it comes to me

From what you write, if I understand correctly, it seems like you were told not to get worked up about about the reading of the Radiologist because the doctor goes by the blood work for complete diagnosis.

Does this mean that the doctor is unsure, at this time, you have bone cancer? Do you know when he will have the results for a diagnosis?

Praying Bone Cancer is Not the diagnosis.


eva5667faliure 02-13-2014 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1050641)
From what you write, if I understand correctly, it seems like you were told not to get worked up about about the reading of the Radiologist because the doctor goes by the blood work for complete diagnosis.

Does this mean that the doctor is unsure, at this time, you have bone cancer? Do you know when he will have the results for a diagnosis?

Praying Bone Cancer is Not the diagnosis.


dear Gerry

i was told by the oncologist
lets wait till you go to the
orthosurgeon and what he would
like to do the oncologist wants
to know
and that's all i know
he is the guy
i'll let you know
as soon as he hears
your concern felt

eva5667faliure 03-16-2014 04:08 PM

jeez Louise
am i ******* upset
the first time i hear from my daughter
that is
and how devious in the rooms
i get a call from Corissa's father
"Luis", hence "Louise"

after asking him to lend me $1,000.00
after being declined
where as he had no problem
borrowing $4,000.00 from monies
that was not mine to begin with
and took him what seemed to be
a promise to be paid back ASAP
"because it was promised back as so"
never happened
it was like pulling teeth

so here goes
Yevette is the woman who "Louise"
told i was selling my car as it cost to much
to fix the brake and
told her exactly how i kept it
letting it go to a mother of 6
and mechanic told me time to let go
so i did reluctantly and the price was
doable with return and help from Eva

a great meeting
i go to the bathroom with her
not been there since last Spring
Yevette not a word that i was
topic of conversation
how did i find out (a week to late)
i come home after walking in
i tell Corissa Yevette WAS THERE
it reminded Corissa her father
told i know your mother reported me to
the IRS
now stupid i'm not
honest i am
and he did tell her how well i took
care of her
and i sold it in honest
after all
one i't not me to lie
two i have a brain

what could the possible heads up to him
i am the moron
i would think
mother to guessed wrong again
what could the possible motive be
i am beyond myself
and he couldn't lend me zero
not to mention fail her
but now it seems pointless
unless i enforce original order
with then Judge Maureen Secluzzio (spelling)
any how i got to see many
as far back as my seventeen years old
we shall see
i called Yevette
with no return to my two messages
i want to know how i became topic of
just ******* amazing
told her why didn't you talk about
not to mention
told me he has people watching her
my ***
I've been on the phone
with her counselor and vice principal
he has done nothing but harm
no help ever
like beating a dead horse
just have to wait and see

done so done

eva5667faliure 03-16-2014 09:57 PM

it would be such a wonderful thing
maybe have a great dream i might remember
stop thinking how people of the world really are
so why is there so much hate

no question in my mind
no return phone call
from either of them
jeez i would have never
have done such a nasty
move like that
what could she have gained from it
do another sister wrong
he has the heads up
i pray they get him
and get him good
do i have resentments
you bet i do
do i pray i not harbor these feelings
now to be up against manipulation
with a wad of cash laying in a pot
so my child tells me
would let his wife beat his
children and think he did nothing
it wasn't him as if it were her job
to throw things

is it wrong of me to
to make him do the
what he should
to have things his way
because he flashes hi
ticketed items such as the
phone something i take away from
her and it feels as if i took her world
well when you have a child
who i raised not hitting
but talking and talking and talking
and getting the phoning home that
Corissa is not passing as she is cutting
class too many times and hangs out in
the lunch room socializing with the wrong
person Elizabeth
something i must call Pat her vice principle
now lets see what daddy has to dish out
as i just borrowed for necessity
Corissa not being afraid
to stand up to her father
because he assured me he was
going to have his little friends
watch over her a make sure she
is where she has to be
that never happened
and if i have to come to
school and deal with it
than so be it
my being in contact with
the school teachers
not getting anywhere
there are way too many
students 1,400 and more
how can i make her do what i
know she can
with this social media crap
it is constant
and i take the phone away
only then
she sneaks the computer
or my iPod
it's wrong
it wasn't suppose to happen
this way
i was going to teach her responsibility
doing good in school
chores to be done
get an allowance and she
could pay for her own phone
a very important lesson i am
now competing with
and it's wrong among other things
yeah i'm upset

there are evil people in the world
and i always am giving people
the benefit of the doubt

eva5667faliure 03-17-2014 03:22 PM

she is late
why oh why
do i
you heard right
i am going to be selfish
where do i get pain from and why
she has no clue
and what should i do
what about repairing
what is broken
i have no say so
i don't think so
where is she
it would hurt so if she
choose to be as her father
oh how it would hurt
she is an hour late
what am i to do

eva5667faliure 03-17-2014 05:23 PM

still not home
no call
not a word from her girlfriend
i have to stand my ground
this hurts so badly
this hurts so heavily on my shoulder
i lost her to what
a young girl i don't know
could be at his place
that would just
kill me
but i must stand my ground
i cannot cave
dear Father take this pain away
she has done this before
no more pain
no more pain

eva5667faliure 03-18-2014 07:17 AM

my baby girl
is home
got home at 8:00
used a strangers phone
to call home
was at the park
a place you don't
want to be alone

let me not loose her to the streets
today's world not an easy place
especially when not prepared
does she not want to go to school
i mean i can't be there to make her
go to class
please don't let her be a high school dropout
social media she does not have a face book
truly socializing in school
with the wrong crowd already
as per her vice principal
cannot get her motivated
i have to be cursed
what are the chances
four children 4 independent
children suffering in one way or the other
i made no reason for my child to behave
disrespectfully she is already way to ahead
she needs to pull back
she needs to find a purpose
i have open communication
she does not have to fear me
and yes i raised her without hitting
not the same with my three older
children did and that did not solve

don't get it
my daughter watches me with the baby
sees how close she is with me
at times in awe at the way she behaves
it is natural for me to rear a child
it works but with all of my children
it happened all in the same manner
it's like their right of way
and let me just crap on my mom
i don't have to call her and let her
know where i am

it doesn't work that way
she knows the stuff
i can understand her freshman year
new town new school doesn't know
anyone trying to find her way

but fail again
help she will get
i promised her this
she fell when she was out alone
twisted her ankle
will wrap it
need to get some important
business bills need to go out
Corissa is staying home her foot
and ankle swollen
i will be speaking with her
see into another school
i don't know
one step at a time

ger715 03-19-2014 10:24 PM

Dearest Eva,

Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1057866)
my baby girl
is home
got home at 8:00
used a strangers phone
to call home
was at the park
a place you don't
want to be alone

let me not loose her to the streets
today's world not an easy place
especially when not prepared
does she not want to go to school
i mean i can't be there to make her
go to class
please don't let her be a high school dropout
social media she does not have a face book
truly socializing in school
with the wrong crowd already
as per her vice principal
cannot get her motivated
i have to be cursed
what are the chances
four children 4 independent
children suffering in one way or the other
i made no reason for my child to behave
disrespectfully she is already way to ahead
she needs to pull back
she needs to find a purpose
i have open communication
she does not have to fear me
and yes i raised her without hitting
not the same with my three older
children did and that did not solve

don't get it
my daughter watches me with the baby
sees how close she is with me
at times in awe at the way she behaves
it is natural for me to rear a child
it works but with all of my children
it happened all in the same manner
it's like their right of way
and let me just crap on my mom
i don't have to call her and let her
know where i am

it doesn't work that way
she knows the stuff
i can understand her freshman year
new town new school doesn't know
anyone trying to find her way

but fail again
help she will get
i promised her this
she fell when she was out alone
twisted her ankle
will wrap it
need to get some important
business bills need to go out
Corissa is staying home her foot
and ankle swollen
i will be speaking with her
see into another school
i don't know
one step at a time


I spoke with Corissa a couple of times for a few short minutes. (She thank me for being friends with her mother.) I could feel she is "special". Please let her know how I so want her to be happy; but with pride and strength. Strength she will need not to fall in with those that will not be good for her. She knows who they are. She has her whole future before her. Difficult as it may seem to her now; she has the choice. I pray the choice will lead her to pride in all things.


eva5667faliure 03-20-2014 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1058187)

I spoke with Corissa a couple of times for a few short minutes. (She thank me for being friends with her mother.) I could feel she is "special". Please let her know how I so want her to be happy; but with pride and strength. Strength she will need not to fall in with those that will not be good for her. She knows who they are. She has her whole future before her. Difficult as it may seem to her now; she has the choice. I pray the choice will lead her to pride in all things.


dear Gerry

i certainly will
she did not call again
came home at 5:00
no phone call
was with her girlfriend
at the library
point i told her please
for the love of God
let me know where you are
or better yet ask can i
if you know i may need
for her to do something
send her dressed in uniform
as she has been singled out
no 0 zero support
as the one time she went
to his house when the phone
and uniform were the issue
in the beginning of last
he bought her skinny jeans
and did not see what was wrong
with that
fought me all the way
opposite everything she is
required in school
and then the cutting class
to hang with the wrong influenced
easily people pleases
helping her be her own person
that she must follow school rules
i did not make them
even if i like most of the system
she wants to dress out of uniform
bamm put in TLC i get a call
i am told what she is wearing
she is yet to carry her $200.00
back pack a place for everything
never used it
i have met her more than half way
and enough is enough
time to buckle down
not that easy
do not want to loose her to money
this is what he bribes my daughter
she watches his wife beat the two girls
with shoes DYFS interjected as school
put the blame on the wife
who can't speak a word of English
not okay

he did not raise the oldest one
his sister-in-law did and married his
best friend
anyhow all affiliated with the same
12 step program i have maintained my
home group meeting ever since i started
23 years ago
and it works if you work it
not get caught up in the gossip
that goes on and i find tat i become
topic of conversation
as a woman he tells about my
car comes to my house
asks me at one point
"can i ask you a question"
said sure
"does Luis take care of his child
i said, "not only isn't he a father to her
take her to school as i couldn't when
i became ill
but lied in court when i filed for child support
to this day he hasn't complied
lied about his income
i never pressed the issue
figured i did it with three
i can do this again
never factored in getting ill
so the answer to your question is no"
but that's okay
i reported him to the IRS
no ill feeling about it

well this witch
gave him the heads up
and told him
and tells Corissa
we know the same people
i know she reported me
Corissa says
you know your a lair
and a cheat i seen what you
and what you claim
i'm not stupid dad
this he did not like
that's quite alright
he messed with the wrong women
my daughter Saraeve is who i
speak of there were she had to call
i was mortified
this blankin witch gave him the heads up

and i thank you for your courage
it takes courage i tell her
to be your own person
not to let anyone steal her desires
her thunder
how important she learn and absolutely
to have fun
always have fun
she was always known for her beautiful
it is beautiful as she is
she morphed into a b e a u t i f u l f l o w e r
she isn't my baby girl anymore
a hickey on her neck
and i ask was this public display
not to mention
it's not okay

pull back
put it on the back burner for now

for now
we will see
be assured i'll tell her
thank you for your concern
open to anything

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